Curriculum Vitae di Bruno Ruscello, PhD
Professore Associato presso l'Università San Raffaele Roma (SSD MEDF-01/B-Metodi e didattiche delle attività sportive).
Professore in convenzione di Teoria e Tecnica degli Sport di Squadra I e di Match Analysis, nel corso di Laurea Triennale in Scienze Motorie - (L22), presso l’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia.
Dottore di Ricerca in Scienze dello Sport (PhD), conseguito presso la Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia dell’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”.
Dottore di Ricerca in Ingegneria Industriale, conseguito presso l’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”.
Si occupa di Ricerca Scientifica nel campo della Match - Performance Analysis dei Giochi Sportivi, di Teoria e Metodologia dell'Allenamento Sportivo, di Biomeccanica e Misure In Ambito Sportivo, di Metodologia della Ricerca e Statistica.
Docente Nazionale presso la Scuola Centrale dello Sport del CONI di Roma.
Revisore (Reviewer) per varie riviste scientifiche internazionali (Impact Factor > 1).
Autore di pubblicazioni scientifiche di livello nazionale e internazionale (H index 12).
Project Manager Olimpico presso FIDESM
già Direttore Tecnicodelle Squadre Nazionali di Hockey (dal 2004-2015).
già Project Manager delle Squadre Nazionali e Direttore della Commissione Studi della Federazione Italiana Hockey (2013-2014).
Responsabile Tecnico Nazionale dei Centri di Avviamento allo Sport di Hockey(1987-2000).
Responsabile Tecnico del Settore Allenatori(1993-94).
Allenatore delle Squadre Nazionali Maschili Assoluta(1999), ed Under 21 e Under 18 dal 1993 al 1999.
Direttore Tecnico del Settore Squadre Nazionali Giovanili(2000-2003).
Allenatore di Club di Hockey di massima divisione nazionale (Serie A)
Ha partecipato, in qualità di Tecnico Federale (Preparatore Fisico/Allenatore/Direttore Tecnico, Project Manager) a diverse manifestazioni di Livello Europeo e Mondiale, fra cui: vari Campionati Europei, World League I e World League II, Olympic Qualifier, World Cup Qualifier, Giochi Olimpici 2024; etc.
Diplomato presso l’Istituto Superiore di Educazione Fisica di Roma, il 22 luglio 1981 con 110/110 e lode;
Diplomato al corso di specializzazione biennale in tecnica e pratica sportiva dell'Hockey su Prato, organizzato presso il CONI - Scuola dello Sport e dall’I.S.E.F. di L'Aquila, il 18 giugno 1984 con 70/70 e lode;
Diplomato al corso di Specializzazione biennale Polivalente per l'Insegnamento ad Alunni Portatori di Handicap, il 26/05/1992 con 30/30;
Laureato in Scienze Motorie (V.O.) presso la Facoltà di Medicina dell’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, il 04/10/2002 con 110/110 e lode;
European Master Degree in Preventive and Adapted Physical Activity (equipollente alla Laurea Specialistica in Attività Motorie Preventive ed Adattate) conseguita presso la Deutsche Sporthochschule, di Colonia, (Germania), l’Università “Foro Italico” di Roma, (Italia), la Syddansk Universitet di Odense, Danimarca e l’Universitat Wien di Vienna (Austria),il 15 Febbraio 2005 con 110/110 e lode;
Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze dello Sport (XXI ciclo) conseguito presso l’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, il 26/03/2009, con la tesi “Match Analysis in Team Sports”, consultabile al sito
Ha conseguito il Diploma in Statistica per la Ricerca Sperimentale organizzato presso il Policlinico “Tor Vergata” di Roma nel gennaio 2014.
Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Industriale conseguito presso l’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Facoltà di Ingegneria.
ha conseguito il titolo di Allenatore di 4° livello Europeo, dopo corso di specializzazione biennale, organizzato dal CONI - Scuola dello Sport, il 16 aprile 2003.
Autore di oltre 80 pubblicazioni nazionali/internazionali. Recenti (1-19)
Palma di Bronzo al Merito Tecnico 2007 – (CONI)
Palma di Argento al Merito Tecnico 2015 – (CONI)
1. Ruscello B, Esposito M, Siligato G, Lunetta L, Marcelli L, Pantanella L, et al. Gender differences in instep soccer kicking biomechanics, investigated through a 3D human motion tracker system. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2020;60(8):1072-80.
2. Ascenzi G, Ruscello B, Filetti C, Bonanno D, Di Salvo V, Nunez FJ, et al. Bilateral Deficit and Bilateral Performance: Relationship with Sprinting and Change of Direction in Elite Youth Soccer Players. Sports. 2020;8(6).
3. Bellia A, Ruscello B, Bolognino R, Briotti G, Gabrielli PR, Silvestri A, et al. Whole-body Electromyostimulation plus Caloric Restriction in Metabolic Syndrome. International journal of sports medicine. 2020.
4. Ruscello B, Esposito M, Fusco C, Ceccarelli C, Pomponi S, Filetti C, et al. Acute effects of two different initial heart rates on testing the repeated sprint ability in elite women soccer players. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2020;60(4):527-35.
5. D'Ottavio S, Briotti G, Rosazza C, Partipilo F, Silvestri A, Calabrese C, et al. Effects of Two Modalities of Whole-body Electrostimulation Programs and Resistance Circuit Training on Strength and Power. International journal of sports medicine. 2019;40(13):831-41.
6. Filetti C, Ruscello B, Ascenzi G, Di Mascio M, D'Ottavio S. Physical performance metrics in elite soccer: do power and acceleration metrics provide insight into positional demands and match-related fatigue in the 4-3-3 system? The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2019;59(10):1640-50.
7. Micarelli A, Viziano A, Lanzillotta A, Ruscello B, D'Ottavio S, Alessandrini M. Visual dependency and postural control on swing performance in golf players. European journal of sport science. 2019;19(7):922-30.
8. Ruscello B, Esposito M, Partipilo F, Di Cicco D, Filetti C, Pantanella L, et al. Exercise-to-rest ratios in repeated sprint ability training in women's soccer. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2018;58(12):1790-9.
9. Filetti C, Ruscello B, D'Ottavio S, Fanelli V. A Study of Relationships among Technical, Tactical, Physical Parameters and Final Outcomes in Elite Soccer Matches as Analyzed by a Semiautomatic Video Tracking System. Perceptual and motor skills. 2017;124(3):601-20.
10. Ruscello B, Mitrotta F, Dring MB, Partipilo F, D'Ottavio S. Performance analysis in field hockey goalkeeping during penalty corners: a case study. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2016;56(11):1324-30.
11. Ruscello B, Iannelli S, Partipilo F, Esposito M, Pantanella L, Dring MB, et al. Physical and physiological demands in women pole dance: a single case study. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2017;57(4):496 - 503.
12. Annino G, Ruscello B, Lebone P, Palazzo F, Lombardo M, Padua E, et al. Acute effects of static and dynamic stretching on jump performance after 15 min of reconditioning shooting phase in basketball players. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2017;57(4):330-7.
13. Ruscello B, Partipilo F, Pantanella L, Esposito M, D'Ottavio S. The optimal exercise to rest ratios in repeated sprint ability training in youth soccer players. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2016;56(12):1465-75.
14. Padulo J, Chamari K, Chaabene H, Ruscello B, Maurino L, Sylos Labini P, et al. The effects of one-week training camp on motor skills in Karate kids. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2014;54(6):715-24.
15. Ruscello B, D'Ottavio S, Padua E, Tonelli C, Pantanella L. The influence of music on exercise in a group of sedentary elderly women: an important tool to help the elderly to stay active. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2014;54(4):536-44.
16. Ruscello B, Briotti G, Tozzo N, Partipilo F, Taraborelli M, Zeppetella A, et al. Acute effects of two different initial heart rates on testing the Repeated Sprint Ability in young soccer players. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2015;55(10):1082-90.
17. Granatelli G, Gabbett TJ, Briotti G, Padulo J, Buglione A, D'Ottavio S, et al. Match analysis and temporal patterns of fatigue in rugby sevens. Journal of strength and conditioning research. 2014;28(3):728-34.
18. Padulo J, Granatelli G, Ruscello B, D'Ottavio S. The place kick in rugby. The Journal of sports medicine and physical fitness. 2013;53(3):224-31.
19. Ruscello B, Tozzo N, Briotti G, Padua E, Ponzetti F, D'Ottavio S. Influence of the number of trials and the exercise to rest ratio in repeated sprint ability, with changes of direction and orientation. Journal of strength and conditioning research. 2013;27(7):1904-19.
20. Cei A, Ruscello B, Sepio D (2019). Summer camp for children with ASD and parents perception of changes in psycho-social skills . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, vol. 49, ISSN: 0047-0767, doi: 10.7352/IJSP .2018.49.000
Bruno Ruscello, Ph.D.Resume
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Information
Nationality: Italian
Current Professional Status and Work Experience
Researcher and lecturer at the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, Italy, since 2008 ( and at the Faculty of Sports and Motor Sciences, “San Raffaele” University of Rome (, since 2012.
Professor of Team Sports Theory, Techniques and Didactics; professor of Principles of Match Analysis (basic module – Bachelor’s Degree) and Match Analysis (advanced module – Master’s Degree in Sport Sciences).Professor of applied Biomechanics in Sports (Master’s Degree in Sport Sciences) at the “Tor Vergata” University of Rome. Professor of Statistics (applied statistics in sports) at the “San Raffaele” University of Rome. Referee for many international journal of Sport Sciences (impact factor >1). Currently (2020) publishing scientific paper on the field of Biomechanics, Match Analysis and Exercise Physiology.
Former Senior Coach of the National Men’s Field Hockey Team and Technical Director of all the National Teams of the Italian Field Hockey Federation (2004 to 2011), Project Manager of the Italian Field Hockey National Teams (2013-2014) and the Director of the Centre for the Research and Studies of the Italian Field Hockey Federation. Appointed as the Technical Director and Team Manager of the National Men's Field Hockey team (2014-2015).
Participated as an Assistant Coach/Coach/Technical Director/Team Manager in many international major Hockey events, such as:
European Senior Championships, (Trophy, Challenge), men and women, 1999, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013.
FIH World League I 2014
FIH World League II 2015
European Junior and Youth Championships (Trophy, Challenge), boys and girls, 1998-2014
Preliminary World Cup 1996, 2005, 2010
Indoor World Cup2007 (Wien, Austria)
Olympic Qualifiers 2008 (Victoria, Canada) and, 2012 (New Delhi, India).
Challenge Trophy (Catania, 2003, Cape Town 2009, Vienna 2011).
World Boys under 18 Tournament – Rawalpindi (Pak, 1995).
World Students’ Games (Universiade – Sheffield 1991).
Currently involved as Expert Trainer with the Italian Handball Federation in the Performance Area of the National Teams (Performance Analysis and Fitness Conditioning).
Currently involved as Expert Researcher with the LUISS SportLab at the LUISS University of Rome.
Personal skills and competences
Primary Language: Italian
Other languages: English(Excellent Understanding, Writing and Speaking levels); French and Spanish (Basic levels)
Computer skills and competences
European Computer Driving Licence
Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Web site designer (FrontPage, DreamWeaver, etc.)
Statistics (SPSS)
Match Analysis’ software expert (NAC, Kinovea, DartFish, LongoMatch, GPS device such as SpiElite, K-Sport, etc.)
Education and Training
Academic Degrees
2020 – Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Industrial Engineering, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, Italy.
2009 –Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sports Sciences.
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, Italy.
2005 –European Master’s Degree in Preventive and Adapted Physical Activity (Top Grade).
Deutsche Sporthochschule, Koln, Germany; University “Foro Italico” of Rome, Italy; Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Denmark; Universitat Wien, Wien, Austria.
2002 –Degree in Motor Sciences (Top Grade).
School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, “Tor Vergata” University of Rome, Italy.
1981 – Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education (Top Grade)
“Foro Italico” University of Rome, Italy.
Post-Graduate Studies
1992 –Postgraduatedegree in Special Pedagogy (Top Grade)
Ministry of Education, University and Research, Education and Science Department, University of Rome, Italy.
1984 – Postgraduatedegree in Theory and Techniques of Field Hockey (Top Grade)
Faculty of Motor Science, University of L’Aquila, Italy; Italian Olympic Committee (CONI), Rome, Italy.
Recent Scientific Publications
Ascenzi G., Ruscello B., Filetti C., Bonanno D., Di Salvo V., Nunez, FJ., Mendez-Villanueva, A., Suarez-Arrones, L. Bilateral Deficit and Bilateral Performance: The Relationship with Sprinting and Change of Direction in Elite Youth Soccer Players. SPORTS-Basel. Accepted 27/05/2020
Ruscello, B., Esposito M., Siligato G., Lunetta, L., Marcelli, L., Pantanella, L., Gabrielli P., D’Ottavio, S. Gender differences in instep soccer kicking biomechanics, investigated through a 3D human motion tracker system. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. Accepted 05/05/2020
Bellia, A., Ruscello, B., Bolognino, R., Briotti, G., Gabrielli, P., Silvestri, A., Ambruoso, F., Lombardo, M., Bernardini, A., Lauro, D., Calabrese, C., D’Ottavio, S. Whole-Body Electromyostimulation plus Caloric Restriction in Metabolic Syndrome. International Journal of Sports Medicine. Accepted 21/04/2020
Ruscello, B., Esposito, M., Fusco, C., Ceccarelli, C., Pomponi, S., Filetti, C., . . . D'Ottavio, S. (2020). Acute effects of two different initial heart rates on testing the repeated sprint ability in elite women's soccer players. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. doi:10.23736/S0022-4707.19.10311-8
D'Ottavio, S., Briotti, G., Rosazza, C., Partipilo, F., Silvestri, A., Calabrese, C., . . . Ruscello, B. (2019). Effects of Two Modalities of Whole-body Electrostimulation Programs and Resistance Circuit Training on Strength and Power. Int J Sports Med, 40(13), 831-841. doi:10.1055/a-0982-3311
Filetti, C., Ruscello, B., Ascenzi, G., Di Mascio, M., & D'Ottavio, S. (2019). Physical performance metrics in elite soccer: do power and acceleration metrics provide insight into positional demands and match-related fatigue in the 4-3-3 system? J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 59(10), 1640-1650. doi:10.23736/S0022-4707.19.09772-X
CEI A, RUSCELLO B, SEPIO D (2019). Summer camp for children with ASD and parents perception of changes in psycho-social skills . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, vol. 49, ISSN: 0047-0767, doi: 10.7352/IJSP .2018.49.000
Micarelli A, Viziano A, Lanzillotta A, Ruscello B, D'ottavio S & Alessandrini M (2019). Visual dependency and postural control on swing performance in golf players. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCES, ISSN: 1536-7290, doi: 10.1080/17461391.2019.1571635.
Ruscello B, Esposito M, Pantanella L, Partipilo F, Lunetta L, D’Ottavio S (2018). Biomechanics and Physiology in top level Pole Dancers. A case study. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL HEALTH AND SPORTS MEDICINE, vol. 1, p. 01-15
Ruscello B, Esposito M, Partipilo F, Filetti C, Pantanella L, D'Ottavio S (2018). Exercise to rest ratios in RSA training in women’s soccer . THE JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS, vol. 58, p. 1790-1799, ISSN: 1827-1928, doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.17.07741-6
Filetti C, RuscelloB, D'Ottavio S, Fanelli V. A Study of Relationships among Technical, Tactical, Physical Parameters and Final Outcomes in Elite Soccer Matches as Analyzed by a Semiautomatic Video Tracking System. Percept Mot Skills. 2017 Jun;124(3):601-620. doi: 10.1177/0031512517692904. Epub 2017 Jan 1.
RuscelloB, Partipilo F, Pantanella L, Esposito M, D'Ottavio S. (in stampa, acc. 2015). The optimal exercise to rest ratios in repeated sprint ability training, in youth soccer players.. THE JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS, ISSN: 1827-1928
Annino G, RuscelloB, Lebone P, Palazzo F, Lombardo M, Padua E, Verdecchia L, Tancredi V, Iellamo F (2017). Acute effects of static and dynamic stretching on jump performance after 15 min of reconditioning shooting phase in basketball players . THE JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS, vol. 57, p. 330-337, ISSN: 1827-1928, doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.16.06143-0
CEI A, FRANCESCHI P, ROSCI M, SEPIO D, RUSCELLOB (2017). Motor and psychosocial development in children with ASD through soccer. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, vol. 48, p. 13-35, ISSN: 0047-0767, doi: 10.7352/IJSP 2017.48.013
RuscelloB, Iannelli S, Partipilo F, Esposito M, Pantanella L, Dring MB, D'Ottavio S (2017). Physical and physiological demands in women pole dance: a single case study. JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS, vol. 57, p. 496-503, ISSN: 0022-4707, doi: 10.23736/S0022-4707.16.06081-3
CEI A, FRANCESCHI P, ROSCI M, SEPIO D, RUSCELLOB (2016). Lo sviluppo motorio e psicosociale in bambini con disabilità intellettive attraverso il calcio. MOVIMENTO, vol. 32, p. 1-21, ISSN: 0393-9405
Carbonaro G, Cei A, RuscelloB, Quagliarotti C (2016). Motivazione e tipologia di carriera sportiva in un gruppo di master di atletica leggera. ATLETICASTUDI, vol. 3-4, p. 28-40, ISSN: 0390-6671
D'Ottavio S, Lunetta, L, Angioi M, RuscelloB, Buglione A (2016). Energy Expenditure in Professional DanceSport. JOURNAL OF DANCE MEDICINE & SCIENCE, vol. 20, p. 168-173, ISSN: 1089-313X, doi:
Filetti C, D’Ottavio S, RuscelloB, Manzi V, Moalla W (2016). Relationships Between High Intensity Running and Outcome of Technical-Tactical Skills in Professional Soccer Players During Match Play. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS SCIENCE, vol. 4, p. 1-9, ISSN: 2330-8540, doi: doi: 10.11648/j.ajss.20160401.11
RUSCELLOB, Mitrotta F, Dring M.B., Partipilo F, D’Ottavio S - Performance analysis in field hockey goalkeeping during penalty corners: a case study - J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2016 accepted Sept 6th . [Epub ahead of print]
RUSCELLOB., Iannelli S, Partipilo F, Esposito M, Pantanella L, Dring MB, D'Ottavio S. Physical and physiological demands in women pole dance: a single case study.J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2016 Feb 3. [Epub ahead of print]
D’Ottavio S, Partipilo F, RUSCELLOB., Briotti G (2015). L’influenza del grado di abilità tecnica sulla prestazione fisica di resistenza nei giovani calciatori. SCIENZA & SPORT, vol. 26; p. 30-37, ISSN: 2039-0726
RUSCELLOB, BriottiG, TozzoN, PartipiloF, TaraborelliM, ZeppetellaA, PaduloJ, D'ottavioS ACUTE EFFECTS OF TWO DIFFERENT INITIAL HEART RATES ON TESTING THE REPEATED SPRINT ABILITY IN YOUNG SOCCER PLAYERS. J Sports Med Phys Fitness (2014 Jul 7. [Epub ahead of print])
D'Ottavio S, Montanari G, Partipilo F, Briotti G, RUSCELLOB. (2014). Rebound Disk. L' ALLENATORE; p. 37-43
RUSCELLOB, D'OttavioS, PaduaE, TonelliC, PantanellaL THE INFLUENCE OF MUSIC ON EXERCISE IN A GROUP OF SEDENTARY ELDERLY WOMEN J Sports Med Phys Fitness (in press, 2014)
Padulo, J., Chamari, K., Chaabene, H., Ruscello, B., Maurino, L., Sylos Labini, P., et al. (2014). The effects of one-week training camp on motor skills in Karate kids. J Sports Med Phys Fitness, 54(6), 715-724. doi: R40Y9999N00A140092 [pii]
Granatelli G, Gabbett T, Briotti G, Padulo J, Buglione A, D’Ottavio S, RUSCELLOB. Match Analysis and Temporal Patterns of Fatigue in Rugby Sevens. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, ISSN: 1533-4287, doi: DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31829d23c3 Volume 3, 2014.
Paolinelli M, D'Ottavio S, Pantanella L, RUSCELLOB. (2013). Small Sided Games: gioco test per la valutazione di abilità tecnico-tattiche in giovani calciatori. ELAV JOURNAL, vol. 21; p. 23-41- 6
Buglione A, RUSCELLOB., Milia R, Migliaccio G, Granatelli G, D’Ottavio S (2013). Physical and Physiological demands of elite and sub-elite Field Hockey players . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS IN SPORT, vol. 13; p. 872-884, ISSN: 1474-8185
Tozzo N, Briotti G, Roticiani S, RUSCELLOB., D’Ottavio S (2013). INTERVAL TRAINING VS SMALL-SIDE-GAMES. SDS. SCUOLA DELLO SPORT, vol. 99, ISSN: 1125-1891
Padulo J, Granatelli G, RUSCELLOB., D'Ottavio S (2013). THE PLACE KICK IN RUGBY . THE JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS, vol. 53; p. 224-231, ISSN: 1827-1928
RUSCELLOB., Tozzo N, Briotti G, Padua E, Ponzetti F, D'Ottavio S J Strength Cond Res. 2013 Jul, 27(7):1904-19. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3182736adf. (2013). INFLUENCE OF THE NUMBER OF TRIALS AND THE EXERCISE TO REST RATIO IN REPEATED SPRINT ABILITY, WITH CHANGES OF DIRECTION AND ORIENTATION. JOURNAL OF STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING RESEARCH, vol. 27; p. 1904-1919, ISSN: 1064-8011, doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3182736adf
RUSCELLOB., Milia R, D'Ottavio S, Buglione A (2012). Richieste Fisiologiche e Metaboliche in giocatori di Hockey di livello nazionale ed internazionali. ELAV JOURNAL, vol. 19; p. 16-22
Granatelli G, RUSCELLOB., D’Ottavio S (2012). Rugby Sevens: a scientific road map to Rio 2016. SPORT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH, vol. 8; p. 33-33, ISSN: 1824-7490 Padua E, Panzarino M, L
RUSCELLOB., Pantanella L, Iaccarino G, D'Ottavio S (2012). Una informazione ecologica ed efficace. SDS. SCUOLA DELLO SPORT, vol. 93; p. 19-28, ISSN: 1125-1891
Granatelli G, RUSCELLOB., D’Ottavio S (2012). Rugby Sevens: a scientific road map to Rio 2016. SPORT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH, vol. 8; p. 33-33, ISSN: 1824-7490
Padua E, Panzarino M, Lebone P, Manno R, D'Ottavio S, Melchiorri G, Lombardo M, Bellia A, RUSCELLOB., Tancredi V, Annino G (2012). Effects of an intensive week training program on elderly people. SPORT SCIENCES FOR HEALTH, vol. 8; p. 16-17, ISSN: 1824-7490
Granatelli G, Briotti G, Padulo J, RUSCELLOB., D’Ottavio S (2011). Monitoring of body loading for rugby players during training session based on “small sided games” method. . In: Book of Abstracts of the 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science in Liverpool, United Kingdom from 6-9 July 2011. Edited by Cable, N. T., George, K. Liverpool (UK), 6/8 July 2011
Granatelli G, Briotti G, RUSCELLOB., Padulo J, D’Ottavio S (2011). Time-motion analysis in rugby sevens. Book of Abstracts of the 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science in Liverpool, United Kingdom from 6-9 July 2011. Edited by Cable, N. T., George, K. Liverpool (United Kingdom)., 07/07/2011
Padulo J, Annino G, Migliaccio GM, Granatelli G, RUSCELLOB., Degortes N, D’Ottavio S, Tihanyi J (2011). Kinematics of running at different slopes and speeds. . In: Book of Abstracts of the 16th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science in Liverpool, United Kingdom from 6-9 July 2011. Edited by Cable, N. T.,- 7 - George, K. Liverpool (UK), 6/8 July 2011Cable, N. T., George, K.
Granatelli G, RUSCELLOB., Di Mario R, Buglione A, Pighetti B, D’Ottavio S (2011). Blood lactate, heart rate and perceived exertion during a training session based on small-sided games in professional rugby players. . THE JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS, vol. 51, ISSN: 1827-1928
D'Ottavio S, Marzella M, RUSCELLOB. (2011). Giovani calciatori: test per valutare l'apprendimento (seconda parte). L' ALLENATORE, vol. 06
D'Ottavio S, Marzella M, RUSCELLOB. (2011). Giovani calciatori: test per valutare 43 l'apprendimento (prima parte). L' ALLENATORE, vol. 5
Bonsignore D, RUSCELLOB. (2009). L’hockey su prato e la sua traumatologia . In: Cazzetta A. Allenamento Sportivo, Traumi e recupero funzionale. p. . 387-390, PERUGIA: Calzetti-Mariucci, ISBN/ISSN: 978-88-6028-200-2
Russo L, RUSCELLOB., Ciuffarella A (2009). La Match Analysis nei Giochi Sportivi. ELAV JOURNAL, vol. 6; p. 36-39
Ciuffarella A, RUSCELLOB. (2008). La Match Analisi Quanti-Qualitativa nel Calcio . SDS. SCUOLA DELLO SPORT, vol. 77; p. 39-46, ISSN: 1125-1891
RUSCELLOB., Iaccarino G, Sacripanti A (2008). Match Analysis in Field Hockey. Information and training. The winning duet. In: Atti del Convegno Verona Ghirada Team Sport Conference. Ponzano Veneto, 7-8 giugno 2008, ROMA: Società Stampa Sportiva, vol. 3, p. 12-13
RUSCELLOB., Iaccarino G, Sacripanti A (2008). Match Analysis in Field Hockey. Information and training. The winning duet. In: Atti del Convegno Verona-Ghirada Team Sport Conference. Ponzano Veneto, 7-8- giugno 2008, ROMA: Società Stampa Sportiva, vol. 3, p. 12-13
Camomilla V, Cherubini D, Sacripanti A, RUSCELLOB. (2008). A 3D kinematics analysis of the field hockey- 8 - pushing while in a stationary position”. In: Atti del Convegno Verona-Ghirada Team Sport Conference. Ponzano Veneto, 7-8 giugno 2008, ROMA: Società Stampa Sportiva, vol. 3, p. 24-24
RUSCELLOB., Iaccarino G, Sacripanti A (2008). Match Analysis in Field Hockey. Information and Training. The winning duet. COACHING & SPORT SCIENCE JOURNAL, vol. 3; p. 12-13, ISSN: 1590-7880
RUSCELLOB. (2008). La Match Analisi negli Sport di Combattimento. ATHLON, vol. 3; p. 62-67
Bonsignore D. e Ruscello B.; “L’Hockey su Prato”; Medicina dello Sport; Volume 59, n. 2, Giugno 2006; pp. 277-282
Carbonaro G. e Ruscello B “Atletica leggera, sviluppo motorio e valutazione nell’insegnamento scolastico”;.; Atletica Studi; n. 2/ 2006 pp.45-54;
Coauthor SPORT una lettera alla volta - con un contributo di Papa Francesco di Corsolini L, Di Caro P, Pagliara F, Repetto D, Ruscello B, Bergoglio JM (2018). Catania: Malcor D', ISBN: 978-88-97909-44-6
Coauthor BIOMECCANICA di L. RUSSO et al. – (2019). Giacomo Catalani Editore – Arezzo – ISBN 978-88-99277-25-3
Coauthor “IL CALCIOSOCIALE – LE LINEE GUIDA” (2019) D’Ottavio, Esposito, Lombardo, Pantanella, Ruscello, Valente, Vallati – UniversItalia – Roma – ISBN: 978-88-3293-252-2
Coauthor “SOCIALSOCCER – THE GUIDELINES” (2019) D’Ottavio, Esposito, Lombardo, Pantanella, Ruscello, Valente, Vallati – UniversItalia – Roma – ISBN: 978-88-3293-253-9
Coauthor “PHYSICAL, TECHNICAL AND PSYCHOSOCIAL EFFECTS OF SOCIAL SOCCER ON YOUNG SOCCER PLAYERS, INVOLVED IN THE “CROSS” EUROPEAN ERASMUS+ PROJECT” (2019) Ruscello, Esposito, Lombardo, Pantanella, Pellegrini, Tarantino, Valente, D’Ottavio. UniversItalia – Roma – ISBN: 978-88-3293-288-1
Coauthor D'Ottavio S, Cei A, Esposito M, Foti C, Lombardo A, Pantanella L, Ruscello B, Sepio D, Sgroi M, Tranquilli C (2016). L'ALLENAMENTO DELLA DANZA SPORTIVA. In: L'ALLENAMENTO DELLA DANZA SPORTIVA - cap. 7 La valutazione del movimento umano. La cura del talento sportivo. p. 144-163, Perugia:Calzetti-Mariucci Editori, ISBN: 978-88-6028-495-2
Coauthor of the book "Technical Guide for Hockey”, CONI, Rome, 1989;
Coauthor of the book "Technical Guide for Hockey”, CONI, Rome, 2006;
Coauthor of the book "Hockey for All", Gremese Editore ,Rome, 1994.
Coauthor of the book "The Model for the Development of Hockey in Italy " by Horst Wein, volume 2 and 3, Società Stampa Sportiva, Rome 1989, 1992;
Coauthor of the book " Learning Football" by Horst Wein (Ed. Meditrerranee , Rome, 1997) ;
Coauthor, in collaboration with Domenico Bonsignore, MD of "Field Hockey specific trauma" published in the book " Sports Training , Trauma and functional recovery " (2009) by Cazzetta A, Calzetti - Ed Mariucci , Rome , p. 387-390
Additional information
Sports Awards
Bronze Palmfor Technical Merits in 2007 (by the Italian Olympic Committee - CONI)
Silver Palmfor Technical Merits in 2014 (by the Italian Olympic Committee - CONI)
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