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Christian H. Schunck, Ph.D.



*29/06/1976                      Hagen, Germania


06/1996                               Diploma di scuola superiore (“Abitur”); Hildegardis-Schule, Hagen, Germania;


03/2003                               Masters (Diplom) “con lode” in Fisica; Università di Heidelberg, Germania;


06/2008                               Ph.D. in Fisica; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA;


08/2008-06/2009            Consulente; The Boston Consulting Group GmbH, Monaco di Baviera, Germania;


07/2009-06/2015            Senior Researcher; Nestor Scarl - Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”;


03/2010-06/2016              Professore a Contratto; Sistemi di Agenti, Corso di laurea magistrale in Informatica; Facolta’ di Scienze MM.FF.NN e Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Impresa ‘Mario Lucertini’ Università degli Studi di Roma ‘’Tor Vergata’’;

02/2010-10/2016              Chief Technology Officer; Konvax Corporation, Cambridge, MA, USA;

09/2012-06/2015              Senior Researcher; Fondazione Universitarià INUIT “Tor Vergata”;

12/2013                                Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Bando 2012 (DD n. 222/2012; Professore Associato per l'area disciplinare 02/B1)

02/2016-10/2016              Senior Researcher; Fondazione Universitarià INUIT “Tor Vergata”;

Da 10/2016                          Ricercatore; Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Impresa ‘Mario Lucertini’ Università degli Studi di Roma ‘’Tor Vergata’’;


Partecipazione a progetti di ricerca

·         PICASO (“A Personalised Integrated Care Approach for Service Organisations and Care Models for Patients with Multi-Morbidity and Chronic Conditions”), H2020 grant agreement no 689209.

·         SSEDIC: Scoping the Single Digital European Identity Community. EC ICT PSP Call 4; Work package Leader (2010-2013)


Christian H. Schunck, Ph.D.


*29/06/1976                      in Hagen, Germany

06/1996                                High school degree (“Abitur”), Hildegardis-Schule, Hagen, Germany;

03/2003                                Masters (Diplom) with honors in Physics; University of Heidelberg, Germany;

06/2008                                Ph.D. in Physics; Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA;

08/2008-06/2009              Consultant; The Boston Consulting Group GmbH, Munich, Germany;

07/2009-06/2015              Senior Researcher; Nestor Scarl - Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”;

03/2010-06/2016              Contract Professor; Multi-Agent Aystems, Corso di laurea magistrale in Informatica; Faculty of Science and Department of Business Engineering ‘Mario Lucertini’, University of Rome ‘’Tor Vergata’’;

02/2010-10/2016              Chief Technology Officer; Konvax Corporation, Cambridge, MA, USA;

09/2012-06/2015              Senior Researcher; INUIT Foundation “Tor Vergata”;

12/2013                                Habilitation as Associate Professor– (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale, Bando 2012, DD n. 222/2012 per l'area disciplinare 02/B1)

02/2016-10/2016              Senior Researcher; INUIT Foundation “Tor Vergata”;

Da 10/2016                          Assistant Professor (Ricercatore); Department of Business Engineering ‘Mario Lucertini’, University of Rome ‘’Tor Vergata’’;


Participation in funded Research Projects

·         PICASO (“A Personalised Integrated Care Approach for Service Organisations and Care Models for Patients with Multi-Morbidity and Chronic Conditions”), funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 689209.. Workpackage Leader (since 2016)

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