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Inserire qui il curriculum


Donatella Cesaroni

Associate Professor (Zoology and Evolutionary Biology)

Department  of Biology,University of Rome Tor Vergata, Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133 Roma, Italy



Scientific activity

Main fields of research of DC are: evolutionary biology and microevolution (population genetic structure, geographical variation of biological characters, molecular divergence and animal phylogeny, hybridization and introgression between species), biodiversity (development of biodiversity databases, DNA barcoding of populations in animal species, citizen science), taxonomy in Lepidoptera (butterflies).

DC’s scientific interest is mostly directed towards the study of microevolutionary processes in natural populations of several terrestrial and aquatic organisms and of biodiversity, chiefly at the gene level. The aim of the studies is the understanding the role played by evolutionary factors such as selection, genetic drifts and gene flow in speciation and adaptation both to natural environments and artificial situations manipulated by human beings. Recent researches have been focused on the genetic structure of populations analysed at different geographic scales and by different molecular tools. Different molecular markers and other character sets are used to improve empirical estimation of evolutionary parameters such as selective values, gene flow, and rates of cladogenetic events.

Other relevant studies included comparative analyses of geographic variation in molecular and morphological characters also performed to elucidate patterns of natural hybridization in several organisms, and analysis of the genetic structure of organisms used in aquaculture to characterize genetic biodiversity in natural populations.

Present research activity is also in the fields of biodiversity monitoring, conservation and landscape genetics, especially focused on the development of biodiversity databases at different geographical scales to be used in interoperable networks.

DC was actively involved in CSMON-Life (Citizen Science MONitoring), one of the first Italian projects which focuses on using a citizen science approach on biodiversity. The project was funded by the European Commission under the LIFE+ programme, in order to stimulate the participation of the citizens, involving them in the study, management and conservation of biodiversity, hence creating an active collaboration between citizens, scientific community and institutions

DC was a member of the Tor Vergata University team, in the core group of partners, of the framework project “Sistema Ambiente 2010” (2010 Environment System), supported by the Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea Protection (MATTM), which promotes the planning and establishing of the National Network of Biodiversity (NNB) in Italy. In this context, DC also assembled the "DNA Barcode Database of Italian Nature 2000 animal species" accessible on the NNB portal (

Research Projects

PRIN2017(MIUR) - DC is participant  in the project "Genomic susceptibility to extinction: a whole-genome approach to study and protect endangered Italian endemics",  Principal Investigator G.Bertorelle (University of Ferrara), Research Unit  G.Bertorelle

LIFE+ 2013 (LIFE13 ENV/IT/000842) (European Commission) - DC is the Project Manager for the Research Unit "Tor Vergata University", project title "CSMON-LIFE-Monitoring Biodiversity by a citizen science approach for solving environmental problems"

PRIN2009 (MIUR): DC came after Prof.V.Sbordoni as Project Manager for the Research Unit "Tor Vergata University", project title " Comparative phylogeography of butterfies from Apennines addressed to the development of descriptive and predictive bioclimatic models", general project manager P.Brandmayr (University of Calabria)

PRIN2007 (MIUR)- DC was the Project Manager for the Research Unit "Tor Vergata University", project title "DNA barcoding, molecular taxonomy, and soil environmental sampling: ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) as a case study", general project manager M.Casiraghi (Milano Bicocca University)

DC was also involved in many other scientific projects on Evolutionary and Population genetics, Biogeography and Biodiversity supported by the National Research Council (CNR), the Ministry for Education and Research (MIUR), and others.

Educational Management

2014-2019: Coordinator of the Master Degree (Laurea Magistrale) in Evolutionary Biology, Ecology and applied Anthropology at the University of Rome Tor Vergata

2006-2012: Vice President of the Council for Bachelor's Degree in Biological Sciences of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Rome Tor Vergata


30 selected papers:

Martellos, S., Pittao, E., CESARONI, D., Mereu, A., Petruzzella, D., Pinzari, M., Sbordoni, V., Tallone, G., Attorre, F. (2021) Volunteers recruitment, retention, and performance during the CSMON-LIFE (Citizen Science MONitoring) project and 3 years of follow-up. Sustainability2021, 13(19), 11110.

De Felici, S., Mazzei, P., Sbordoni, V., & CESARONI, D. (2021). Scientists by chance: reliability of non-structured primary biodiversity data. Insights from Italian Forums of Natural Sciences. Biogeographia – The Journal of Integrative Biogeography, 36.

Marta S., Brunetti M., Ficetola G.F., Stoch F., Amori G., CESARONI D., Sbordoni V., Provenzale A. 2019. ClimCKmap: a spatially, temporally and climatically explicit distribution database for the Italian fauna. Sci Data6, 195 (2019)

Marta, S, Lacasella, F, CESARONI, D, Sbordoni, V. 2019. Effects of Holocene climate changes on alpine ecosystems: Nonequilibrium dynamics drive insect species richness on alpine islands. J Biogeogr, 46: 2248– 2259.

Sbordoni, V.,  Allegrucci, G., Calcagni, M., CESARONI, D. 2018. DNA barcoding and species delimitation in two species groups of Delias (Lepidoptera, Pieridae) from South East Asia and the Sino-Himalayan zone. pp. 591-601. In: Hartmann, M., M.V.L.Barclay & J.Weipert: Biodiversität und Naturausstattung im Himalaya VI (Biodiversity and natural heritage of the HimalayaVI), Naturkundemuseums Erfurt e.V.,  Erfurt, Germany. 628pp. ISBN 9783000595769

Pinzari, M., Santonico, M., Pennazza, G., Martinelli, E., Capuano, R.M., Paolesse, R., Di Rao, M., D'Amico, A., CESARONI, D., Sbordoni, V.,Di Natale, C. 2018. Chemically mediated species recognition in two sympatric Grayling butterflies: Hipparchia fagi and Hipparchia hermione (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae). PLoS ONE13(6): e0199997.

Sbordoni, V., CESARONI, D., Coutsis, J., Bozano G.C. 2018. Guide to the butterfly of the Paleartic region. Satyrinae part V. Tribe Satyrini. Genera Satyrus, Minois, Hipparchia. Omnes Artes, Milano. ISBN 9788887989229

CESARONI, D., De Felici, S., Riccarducci, G., Ciambotta, M., Ventura, A., Bianchi, E., Sbordoni, V. 2017. DNA Barcodes of the animal species occurring in Italy under the European “Habitats Directive” (92/43/EEC): a reference library for the Italian National Biodiversity Network. Biogeographia, 32 (2017):5-23.

Marta, S., Lacasella, F., Gratton, P., CESARONI, D. and Sbordoni, V. 2016. Deciphering range dynamics: effects of niche stability areas and post-glacial colonization on alpine species distribution. J.Biogeogr. 43: 2186–2198.

Gratton, P., Trucchi, E., Trasatti, A., Riccarducci, G., Marta, S., Allegrucci, G., CESARONI, D. and Sbordoni, V. 2016. Testing classical species properties with contemporary data: how 'bad species' in the brassy ringlets (Erebia tyndarus complex, Lepidoptera) turned good. Syst.Biol. 65(2): 292-303.

Allegrucci, G., Sbordoni, V. and CESARONI, D. 2015. Is radon emission in caves causing deletions in satellite DNA sequences of cave-dwelling crickets? PLoS ONE10(3): e0122456.

Sbordoni V, Allegrucci G, CESARONI D. 2012. Population structure. In: W.B.White & D.C.Culver(Eds). Encyclopedia of Caves, 2nd Edition. p. 608-618, Elsevier Inc.,

Martellos, S., Attorre, F., De Felici, S., CESARONI, D., Sbordoni, V., Blasi, C. and Nimis, P.L. 2011.Plant sciences and the Italian National Biodiversity Network. Plant Biosystems: 145 (4): 758-761 10.1080/11263504.2011.620342

Todisco ,V., P.Gratton, D.CESARONI and V.Sbordoni. 2010. Phylogeography of Parnassius apollo: hints on taxonomy and conservation of a vulnerable glacial butterfly invader. Biol. J. Linnean Soc., 101: 169–183.

Deodati, T., D.CESARONI and V. Sbordoni. 2009. Molecular phylogeny, classification, and biogeographic origin of Callerebia and other related Sino-Himalayan genera (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) In Hartmann, M. (ed.) Biodiversity and natural heritage of the Himalaya III. p475-482.

Sbordoni, V., G.Allegrucci and D.CESARONI. 2000. Population genetic structure, speciation and evolutionary rates in cave dwelling organisms. Chapter 24, pp. 453-477 In: H.Wilkens, D.C.Culver & W.F.Humphreys (Ed.s), "Subterranean Ecosystems", Ecosystems of the World 30. 2000 Elsevier, Amsterdam

Villani, F., A.Sansotta, M.Cherubini, D.CESARONI and V.Sbordoni. 1999. Genetic structure of natural populations of Castanea sativa in Turkey: evidence of a hybrid zone. J. Evol. Biol. 12: 233-244.

CESARONI D., F.Venanzetti, G.Allegrucci and V.Sbordoni, 1997. Mitochondrial DNA length variation and heteroplasmy in natural populations of the European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax. Mol. Biol. Evol., 14: 560-568.

CESARONI, D., P.Matarazzo, G.Allegrucci and V.Sbordoni. 1997. Comparing pattern of geographic variation in cave crickets by combining geostatistic methods and Mantel tests. J.Biogeogr., 24: 419-431

CESARONI, D., M.Lucarelli, P.Allori, F.Russo and V.Sbordoni. 1994. Patterns of evolution and multidimensional systematics in graylings (Lepidoptera: Hipparchia). Biol.J.Linn.Soc., 52: 101- 119.

Venanzetti, F., F.Cecconi, M.Giorgi, D.CESARONI, V.Sbordoni and P.Mariottini. 1994. Cloning and characterization of the European seabass, Dicentrarchus labrax, mitochondrial genome. Curr. Genet., 26:139-145.

Venanzetti, F., D.CESARONI, P.Mariottini and V.Sbordoni. 1993. Molecular phylogenies in Dolichopoda cave crickets and mtDNA rate calibration. Mol. Phylogenetics Evol., 2: 275-280.

CESARONI, D., G.Allegrucci and V.Sbordoni. 1992. A narrow hybrid zone between two crayfish species from a Mexican cave. J. Evol. Biol. 5: 643-659.

Allegrucci, G., F.Baldari, D.CESARONI, R.S.Thorpe and V.Sbordoni. 1992. Morphometric analysis of interspecific and microgeographic variation of crayfish from a Mexican cave. Biol. J. Linn. Soc.47: 455-468.

Allegrucci, G., A.Caccone, D.CESARONI and V.Sbordoni. 1992. Evolutionary divergence in Dolichopoda cave crickets: a comparison of single copy DNA hybridization data with allozymes and morphometric distances. J. Evol. Biol., 5: 121- 148.

Sbordoni, V., G.Allegrucci and D.CESARONI. 1991. A multidimensional approach to the evolution and systematics of Dolichopoda cave crickets, p. 171-199. In: G.M.Hewitt et al. (eds.), “Molecular techniques in taxonomy”, NATO ASI Series, Vol. H 57. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. 420pp

CESARONI, D., G.Allegrucci, M.C.Angelici, T.Racheli and V.Sbordoni. 1989. Allozymic and morphometric analysis of populations in the Zygaena purpuralis complex (Lepidoptera, Zygaenidae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 36:271-280

Allegrucci, G., D.CESARONI and V.Sbordoni. 1987. Adaptation and speciation of Dolichopoda cave crickets (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae) geographic variation of morphometric indices and allozyme frequencies. Biol. J. Linn. Soc., 31: 151-160.

CESARONI, D., G.Allegrucci, A.Caccone, M.Cobolli Sbordoni, E.De Matthaeis, M.Di Rao and V.Sbordoni. 1981. Genetic variability and divergence between populations and species of Nesticus cave spiders. Genetica, 56: 81-92.

Sbordoni, V., G.Allegrucci, A.Caccone, D.CESARONI, M.Cobolli Sbordoni and E.De Matthaeis. 1981.Genetic variability and divergence in cave populations of Troglophilus cavicola and T.andreinii (Orthoptera, Rhaphidophoridae). Evolution, 35: 226-233.

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