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Anna Di Ciaccio è professore ordinario presso l’Università di Roma Tor Vergata. La sua attività di ricerca nel campo della fisica delle alte energie si è svolta principalmente attraverso la partecipazione a esperimenti presso macchine acceleratrici al CERN di Ginevra per lo studio delle collisioni protone-protone a 63 GeV (esperimento R807 all'ISR), protone-antiprotone a 630 GeV (esperimento UA1), pione-nucleone a 26 GeV nel centro di massa all’SPS (esperimento WA92)e protone-protone a 7, 8 TeV all’LHC (esperimento ATLAS).

Nell’ambito della sua attività di ricerca ha svolto periodi all’estero presso le seguenti istituzioni straniere: Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA), Harvard University (USA), Oak Ridge Laboratory (USA), CERN (Svizzera), Albert-Ludwigs University (Germania).

Fin dal 1990 si è interessata alla sperimentazione all’Large Hadron Collider del CERN, partecipando ai gruppi di lavoro dell'Ente Europeo per i Futuri Acceleratori (ECFA), e in seguito al programma di ricerca e sviluppo per i rivelatori a muoni all’ LHC, chiamato RD5, di cui è stata responsabile per il gruppo dell’Università di Roma Tor Vergata. Ha contribuito allo sviluppo del rivelatore RPC e alla realizzazione di un sistema di camere per il trigger a muoni ad alta risoluzione temporale per l’esperimento ATLAS. Dal 1992 è membro della Collaborazione ATLAS, e dal 2005 è responsabile del gruppo locale presso l’Università di Roma Tor Vergata. Insieme al suo gruppo di ricerca è stata impegnata nell’analisi dei dati di vari canali di fisica: misure di precisione del MS, studio del Bosone di Higgs in 4 leptoni, ricerca di particelle esotiche. Dal 2013 è responsabile nazionale dell’esperimento ATLAS. E’ stata presidente dello Speaker Committee di ATLAS, attualmente è membro del Pubblication Committee  e dell’ Advisory Board  del CB di ATLAS. Ha partecipato al progetto AIDA nell’ambito del programma europeo FP7 ed è coinvolta nel progetto AIDA2020, finanziato su fondi europei Horizon2020.

Insegna corsi alla Laurea magistrale e al Dottorato in Fisica all’Università di Roma Tor Vergata. E’ stata relatrice (anche su invito) di relazioni a conferenze internazionali. E’ autrice di circa 480 pubblicazioni.

Principali incarichi accademici:

Principali incarichi nell ‘Istituto Nazionale  di Fisica Nucleare e Miur:

·       Responsabile locale dell’esperimento RD5  dal 1990 al 1993.

·       Presidente del comitato utenti della facility BTF ai Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati 

Finanziamenti per attività di ricerca












Professional steps:

Anna Di Ciaccio has been involved in research in experimental particle physics since 1980, when she got the Laurea in Physics at the University of Roma "La Sapienza" with the maximum score with laudem. From 1981 till 1983 she was research associate at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA. In 1984 she got a permanent research associate position at the Physics Department of the University of Roma "Tor Vergata". In 1984 and 1985 she was invited at the Physics Department of the Harvard University in Cambridge (USA) and in the Oak-Ridge American Laboratory to set-up a Montecarlo program to simulate the hadron particle interactions (in particular neutrons) with matter with the aim of optimizing the resolution of an Uranium/TMP calorimeter for the UA1 experiment at CERN. From 1987 till the end of 1988 she was at the CERN Laboratory in Geneva with a two-year fellowship.  In 1994 she won an “Alexander von Humboldt” fellowship for a research program at the “Albert Ludwig’ University of Freiburg in Germany. In 1999 she won a national competition for a position of associate professor and in November of the same year she was employed as associate professor at the Physics Department of the University of Roma "Tor Vergata".  In 2008 she applied to a competition to become full professor and in 2010 she got the qualification to full professor. She is presently full professor in physics at the University of Roma Tor Vergata

Research  activity :

She has participated in several experiments on accelerators at CERN to study proton-proton collisions at 63 GeV (experiment R807 at the ISR), proton-antiproton collisions at 540 and 630 GeV (UA1 at the ppbar Collider, experiment that has discovered the W and Z particles and for which the spokesperson, prof. C.Rubbia, got the Nobel Prize in 1984) and pion-nucleon interactions at 26 GeV in the center of mass (WA92 at the SPS proto-sincrotron) to search for beauty particles. Since 1989 she has been interested in studying the physics accessible at the future Large Hadron Collider (LHC), contributing first to the working groups promoted by ECFA, the European Commitee for Future Accelerators, and then to a specific LHC program of Research and Development, RD5, to study the problematic of the muon detection. In this experiment, in which she was the group leader for the University of Roma "Tor Vergata", she was responsible for the hadronic punchtrough physics studies and contributed to the evolution of the Resistive Plate Chamber technique (RPC), now widely spread in many high-energy physics experiments. In 1992 she become a member of the ATLAS international Collaboration at the LHC Collider. She was responsible for various tests on the RPC prototypes for the R&D activity to assess their performance for the application as fast muon trigger detector in the ATLAS experiment. She was responsible for the INFN of the assembly at CERN of the 1016 RPC chambers that have been built for the ATLAS experiment and later on to the commissioning in the experimental hall. Since the start of data-taking with LHC in 2009 she is involved in the data analysis of several physics topics from Standard Model  (SM) measurements to searches of New Physics beyond SM.

Since 2005 she is the group leader of the ATLAS research group in the University of Roma Tor Vergata.

In March 2011 she has been elected National Contact Physicist of the Italian groups in the ATLAS Collaborations (13 research groups).

She has collaborated  to the SuperB experiment, on a project of a diamond detectors to be used as a radiation monitor.

She is participating to the European Project, Aida, financed by the European Community, in the framework of the FT7 programme.

She is author of more than 350 publications with referee for a corresponding Hirsch factor of 47  (ISI Web of Knowledge) with more than 6500 total citations and an average of 25.8 citations/article.

She appears in the list of the Top Italian Scientists made by VIA Accademy ( that classify Italian scientistson the base of their  h-index.


Membership in International Scientific Committee

From 1996 till 1998:  member of the Advisory Group of the Collaboration Board of ATLAS.

From 2000  to 2007 : member of the ACCU-CERN Committee.

From 2007 to 2010: member of the ATLAS Speakers Committee, and co-chair of the committee in 2008 and 2009.

From 2005- :member of  the ATLAS muon Institute Board and ATLAS Collaboration Board.

From 2008- :member of the Advisory Board of the LNF Spring School "Bruno Touschek"

From 2012 she is the chair of the Frascati-BTF users Committee .

Membership in National Scientific Committee

From 2000 till 2006 she was the representative in the INFN–CSN1 (Commissione Scientifica Nazionale 1) for the sezione INFN Roma "Tor Vergata". She is presently INFN referee for two CERN experiments. From 2000 to 2004 she was a member of the Advisory Board of the Physics Department of Roma Tor Vergata University. Since 2009 she is the Erasmus delegate for the Physics Department.

Teaching experience:

She is teaching to undergraduate and graduate physics students courses related to: Laboratory Course in Nuclear and Subuclear Physics, Experimental Technique in Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics and Advanced Particle Physics.

She is a member of the Doctorate Committee Board in Physics. She has supervised several Master thesis and doctorate thesis.

She has been on several Ph.D. defense committees in Europe.

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