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1. Personal data Born in Rome (Italy), on December 21, 1966, Italian national; married to Lucia Brancucci since December 15, 2001. Private address: Via Treviso 15, 00161 -- Rome, Italy Associate Professor (in Theoretical Physics, Mathematical Methods and Modelling) since November 1st, 2014 at Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata, Physics Dept. Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, I-00133 Roma, Italia Tel. +39-06-72594568. E-mail: Italy's National Scientific Habilitation as Full Professor (in sector A2/02) since Jan. 2014. Languages: Italian (mother tongue), English, French, German Academic degrees 1985 - 1991: "Laurea in Fisica", i.e. degree in Physics, with final marks 110/110 "cum laude", at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy. Diplome thesis on "Four fermion operators in lattice QCD with nearest--neighbours improved action" supervisor: Prof. G.C. Rossi. 1992 -- 1995: Ph.D. degree in Theoretical Physics (three years Ph.D. course) at University of Rome Tor Vergata. Ph.D. thesis on "Determination of the strong coupling constant in lattice QCD and the extrapolation to the continuum limit of the non-perturbative beta-function" supervisor: Prof. R. Petronzio. Stages June 26 - August 31, 1990: "summer student" at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Activity: general education in Particle Physics and research training within a research group (WA92 Collaboration) Supervisors: Prof. Douglas~R.O.~Morrison and Dr. Federico~Antinori. July 28 - September 29, 1997: Les Houches summer school on "Probing the Standard Model of Particle Interactions". 2. Research positions June 1995 - May 1996: I.N.F.N. post-doc fellowship in Theoretical Physics, at INFN/Rome2; supervisor: prof. R. Petronzio. August 1996 - July 1997: post-doc fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, research activity at DESY--Hamburg, Theory Division; supervisor: prof. M. Luescher. October 1997 - September 1999: post-doc position at the "Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik" in Munich (Germany), Theory Group. October 1999 - September 2001: post-doc position at the Univ. of Milano Bicocca, Physics Department, Milano, Italy. March 2001 - August 2001: Scientific Associate at CERN, Theory Division, on leave from Univ. Milano Bicocca. October 2001 - February 2002: Collaboration contracts with the University of Milano Bicocca, Physics Department, Milano, Italy, for activities related to the APE supercomputer project. February 2002 - August 2005}: Four-year post-doc position at INFN/Milano. September 2005 - October 2014: staff researcher in Theoretical Physics at Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata, Physics Department, Rome, Italy. 3. Teaching and educational activities Acad. year 1999-2000: Cycle of lectures (12 hours) on "Advanced Theoretical Physics - Introduction to lattice gauge theories" for PhD students of the Universities of Milano, Milano-Bicocca, and Insubria. Training and education of a PhD student (dr. Michele Della Morte: 1999-2001), 5 master students and several diplome students both in Milano Bicocca and in Rome who carried out research work in Lattice Field Theory. Supervision of the research activity of two postdoc fellows at INFN-Roma Tor Vergata: Gregorio Herdoiza (2005-07, activity on Twisted Mass Lattice QCD) and David Palao Pomares (2010-12). Together with G.C. Rossi, cosupervision of the research actvity of Petros Dimopoulos, postdoc researcher at Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata and Centro Fermi - Roma for about 10 years. Acad. year 2004-2005: lectures (6 hours) on "Computational complexity and Lattice QCD" for PhD students of the Univ. of Milano Bicocca. Acad. year 2007-2008: lectures (8 hours) on "QCD and Collider Physics" for master and PhD students of the Univ. Rome Tor Vergata (introductory lectures to advanced seminars organised by INFN/Rome Tor Vergata). Acad. year 2011-12: course "Mathematical Methods for Physics" (64 hours) for master students in "Physics for Instrumentation and Technology" at the Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata. Acad. years from 2005-06 to 2012-13: exercises and tutoring (~50 hours per year) in the course "Mathematical Methods of Physics" for undergraduate students in Physics at the Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata. Acad. years from 2013-14 to 2018-19: course "Mathematical Methods for Physics" (~80 hours per year) for undergraduate students in Physics at the Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata. Acad. year 2009-10: course "Elementary particles phenomenology" (48 hours), for master students of the Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata; and module of 16 hours for the same course in acad. year 2018-19. 4. Research activity Lattice field theory, Monte Carlo simulations of lattice QCD and applications to problems of elementary Particle Physics, with special focus on Flavour Physics. Main results are sketched below. Fermionic regularizations for lattice QCD: I introduced and developed the formulation known as "twisted mass lattice QCD". With a 90 degree angle of "chiral twist" between the Wilson term and the soft quark mass terms in the Lagrangian this formulation allows to evaluate (by means of simulations whose numerical stability is well controlled by the quark mass) all physical quantities with sistematically reduced lattice artifacts. I contributed to the foundation of the "European Twisted Mass Collaboration" (, one of the world-level leader groups in the study of QCD in non-perturbative regime and hadron flavour physics and participated in several supercomputing projects at national (Italy, Germany, France) and EU (PRACE calls) level. Simulation algorithms for lattice QCD with two or four dynamical flavours: I developed and optimized the "Polynomial Hybrid Monte Carlo" algorithm. I studied the phase structure of Wilson lattice QCD. Optimization of non-perturbative renormalization methods that are necessary to obtain from experimental data both first principle determinations of some basic Standar Model (SM) parameters, such as quarkmasses or CKM matrix elements, and constraints on beyond-SM models. By means of numerical simulations of lattice QCD I worked at: - the computation of hadron masses, the QCD Lambda-parameter, the mass of u, d, s, c and b quarks, the leptonic decay constants of pions, kaons, D- and B-mesons; - the computation of some low energy constants of the effective chiral Lagrangian for QCD and the study of the pion form factor - the computation of several matrix elements of the effective weak Hamiltonian, e.g. the ones that control the K0-antiK0 oscillations within the SM and its extensions. In the last few years I got interested in two new research lines. On one hand, within ETMC and the RM123 group, I contributed to the inclusion in lattice computations of leading isospin breaking effects due to electromagnetic corrections and up-down mass difference. These effects, althogh small (at the percent level), are crucial in certain hadronic observables that are already very precisely computed in order to carry out indirect searches of new physics. On the other hand I am also working together with collaborators in Rome and abroad at the formulation and the numerical check via lattice simulations of a new non-perturbative mechanism for dynamical and "natural" generation of elementary particle masses. The origin of the mass of elementary fermions and weak gauge bosons and their relation with the electroweak scale represent one of the key problems left open in particle physics by the big phenomenological success of the SM together with lack of evidence for supersymmetric partners: hence radically new ideas seem necessary to attack this problem on the basys of dynamics and symmetry ("naturalness") principles. My research activity has been presented in several seminars, among which 3 plenary talks in conferences, and a number of invited talks in international workshops (see below). I am coauthor of 123 publications, among which 60 papers on indexed journals with anonymous referees and further 19 paper on indexed journals with peer reviewing, implying - h-index= 36 and about 4940 citations on the Google Scholar (see my personal profile) Database (one [seven] papers with 500+ [150+] cites) - h-index= 39 and more than 5300 citations on the INSPIRE-HEP Database (two [eleven] papers with 400+ [100+] cites) - h-index= 29 and about 2400 citations on the ISI Web of Science Database - h-index= 28 and about 2400 citations on the Scopus Database. I was inserted in the list "Top Italian Scientists", see 5. Talks Plenary talks in conferences May 2002: "Congresso di Fisica Teorica" - Cortona (AR, Italy); title : QCD couplings, hadron matrix elements and the issue of lattice fermions. June 2002: XX International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, MIT - Cambridge (Boston, Massachusetts USA); title: Wilson fermions with chirally twisted mass. June2004: XXII International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory, Fermilab - Batavia (Illinois, USA); title: Lattice twisted mass QCD. Invited talks April 1997: Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik, Munich (Germany) title: A Polynomial Hybrid Monte Carlo Algorithm. July 1998: SCRI - Univ. of Florida, Tallahassee (Florida, USA); title: Description and properties of the PHMC algorithm for dynamical fermions. December 1998: Univ. of Milano, Milano (Italy); title: Non-perturbative renormalization in Lattice QCD. December 1998: Univ. of Parma, Parma (Italy); title: Description and properties of the PHMC algorithm for dynamical fermions. July 1999: Summer Institute on Numerical Simulations of Field Theories Gran Sasso National Laboratories, Assergi (AQ, Italy); title: A local formulation of lattice QCD without unphysical fermion zero modes. July 1999: Univ. of Milano, Milano (Italy); title:A local formulation of lattice QCD without unphysical fermion zero modes. September 1999: Lab. DESY-Zeuthen, Zeuthen (Berlin, Germany); title: Lattice QCD without unphysical fermion zero modes. April 2000: Workshop on ``Current theoretical problems in lattice field theory'', Ringberg (Bayern, Germany); title: Non-perturbative scaling tests of twisted mass QCD with Wilson fermions. May 2000: Univ. of Roma Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy); title: Lattice twisted mass QCD with Wilson quarks. September 2000: UKQCD Collaboration meeting, Univ. of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (Scotland, UK); title: Lattice twisted mass QCD with Wilson quarks. March 2001: Joint Training Course of EU IHP Network on "Hadron phenomenology from lattice QCD", Wuppertal (Germany); title: Twisted mass QCD. July 2001: International Europhysics Conference on HEP, Eotvos University - Budapest (Hungary); title: A lattice approach to QCD in the chiral regime. October 2001: Univ. of Parma, Parma (Italy); title: Lattice QCD at small quark masses. June 2003: Univ. of Bern, Physics Dept., Bern (Switzerland); title: Chirally improving Wilson fermions. September 2003: CERN, Theory Division; title: Chirally improving Wilson fermions. November 2003: Lab. DESY-Zeuthen, Zeuthen (Berlin, Germany); title: Chirally improving Wilson fermions. January 2004: Lab. DESY-Hamburg, Hamburg (Germany); Chirally improving Wilson fermions. May 2004: CPT-Marseille and Ecole Politechnique-Palaiseau (France); title: Four fermion operators in twisted mass lattice QCD. June 2007: LAL-Orsay, National Meeting of the GDR ``Physique subatomique et calculs sur reseau'' of the CNRS - France; "review talk" (2 hours): Lattice QCD with chirally twisted Wilson fermions. May 2008: ECT*-Trento (Italia), workshop ``Perspectives and challenges for full QCD lattice calculations''; title: Renormalization constants in N_f=2 MtmLQCD. September 2012: GGI workshop "New Frontiers in Lattice Gauge Theory"; title: Kaon mixing beyond the SM from $N_f=2$ tmQCD May 2013: CP3-Origins & Univ. of South-Denmark, title: Flavour Physics from unquenched Lattice QCD. January 2014: INFN National Lab. of Frascati, theory group; title: A non-perturbative mechanism for elementary particle mass generation. May 2014: University of RomaTre - Rome, title: A non-perturbative mechanism for elementary particle mass generation. December 2014: CP3-Origins & Univ. of South-Denmark & ETMC meeting, title: A non-perturbative mechanism for elementary particle mass. Ottobre 2015: 7th Bethe Workshop in Bad Honnef (Bonn), title: Elementary particle masses - hierarchy and naturalness from non-perturbative dynamics. April 2016: ETH and University of Zurich, title: Mass hierarchy and naturalness from TeV scale strong dynamics.