• Informazioni personali. Liverani Carlangelo. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8683-4871 Nato il 30-06-1956 a Bologna, Italia. Italiano. Url: http://www.mat.uniroma2.it/~liverani • Educazione.
• Selected Papers
(Italy); National Commission for Scientific & Technological Research (FONDECYT, Santiago, Chile); Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada); Royal Society (London, England); OTKA (Hungary); Chalmers University of Technology, (Sweden); University of Bristol (England); Bryn Mawr College (Penn- sylvania, U.S.A.); Michigan State University (Michigan, U.S.A.); Queen Mary Lon- don University (London, England); University of Maryland (MD, USA); Universite de la Mediterranee (Marseille, France); University of Massachusetts Amherst, (Massachusetts, U.S.A.); University of Houston, (Houston, U.S.A.); University of Padua (Italy); TATA Institute of Fundamental Research (India); The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel); University of Stony Brook (USA); Leverhulme Trust (UK).
Deterministic walks in random environment; C. Liverani, R. Aimino Annals of Probability, Volume 48, Number 5 (2020), 2212-2257.
Parabolic dynamics and Anisotropic Banach spaces; P. Giulietti, C. Liverani Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 21, no. 9, 2793–2858 (2019).
Limit Theorems for Fast-slow partially hyperbolic systems; J. de Simoi, C. Liverani Inventiones Mathematicae, 213, 3, 811–1016 (2018).
Exponential Decay of Correlations for Finite Horizon Sinai Billiard Flows; V. Baladi, M. Demers, C. Liverani Inventiones Mathematicae, 211, 1, pp. 39–177 (2018).
Statistical properties of mostly contracting fast-slow partially hyperbolic systems; J. de Simoi, C. Liverani Inventiones Mathematicae, 206, 1, (2016) 147–227.
Anosov Flows and Dynamical Zeta Functions; P. Giulietti, C. Liverani, M. Pollicott Annals of Mathematics, 178, 2 (2013) 687–773. G 110. AMS 35.
Toward the Fourier law for a weakly interacting anharmonic crystal; C. Liverani, S. Olla Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 25 (2012) 555–583.
Energy transfer in a fast-slow Hamiltonian system; D. Dolgopyat, C. Liverani Communications in Mathematical Physics, 308, 1, 201–225 (2011).
On contact Anosov flows.; C. Liverani Ann. of Math. 159 (2004), no. 3, 1275–1312.
Decay of correlations; C. Liverani Ann. of Math. 142 (1995), no. 2, 239–301.
Pubblicazioni totali indicizzate da AMS: 78. Citazioni totali: Google Scholar 5440, indice-h 37; AMS 2349, indice-h 26. L'elenco completo dei miei articoli, preprint e alcune letture esegetiche è disponibile su http://www.mat.uniroma2.it/~liverani/pubb.html.
• Presentazioni Inviti degli ultimi 5 anni (il totale è approssimativamente di 14 all'anno):
• Informazioni personali. Liverani Carlangelo. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8683-4871 Nato il 30-06-1956 a Bologna, Italia. Italiano. Url: http://www.mat.uniroma2.it/~liverani • Educazione.
• Informazioni personali. Liverani Carlangelo. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8683-4871 Nato il 30-06-1956 a Bologna, Italia. Italiano. Url: http://www.mat.uniroma2.it/~liverani • Educazione.
Personal Information. Liverani Carlangelo. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8683-4871 Born 30-06-1956 in Bologna, Italy. Italian. Url: http://www.mat.uniroma2.it/ ?liverani
Education. – B.A. in Physics, cum laude, Universita? di Bologna, 1980 (Advisor: G. Turchetti). – Ph.D. in Mathematics, Rutgers University, 1988 (Advisor: J.L. Lebowitz).
Current Position. Full Professor, University of Rome Tor Vergata (since 2001).
Previous Positions.
– Associate Prof., University of Rome Tor Vergata (1999-2001).
– Ricercatore, University of Rome Tor Vergata (1988-1999).
– Postdoc, University of New York at Stony Brook, USA (1992).
– Postdoc, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona (1989).
– One month visiting positions: Universite Paris Dauphine (2018); Universite Lille (2017); Centre Interfacultaire Bernoulli, Ecole Polytenique Federale de Lausanne (2013); Uni- versite Paris Dauphine (2010); Ecole Normale Superiore, Paris (2008); Universite Paris Dauphine (2008); CIRM, Marseille (2007); Penn State University (2007); Universite Paris Dauphine (2006); Universite Paris XIII (2006); University of Maryland (2006); Universite Paris VII (2004); Courant Institute (2001).
– Longer visiting positions: CARMIN senior position, joint IHP–IHES, Paris (2017), six months. Fields Institute, Toronto (2010), four months. CNRS Researcher, France (2005), three months. IHES, Paris (2001), six months.
Fellowships and Awards.
– Elected member of the Italian National Acvademy (Accademia dei Lincei) (2021).
– Elected member of the Academia Europaea (2020).
– 2019 International Prize Cataldo Agostinelli ed Angiola Gili Agostinelli for Mechanics
or Mathematical Physics assigned by the Italian National Academy.
– PI of Regular and stochastic behaviour in dynamical systems, PRIN 2017S35EHN
(Italian Project of National Relevance), 2019-2021 (527,740 euro).
– Local coordinator Teorie geometriche e analitiche dei sistemi Hamiltoniani in dimensioni
finite e infinite, PRIN 2010JJ4KPA_009 (Italian Project of National Relevance), 2013-2016. (80,595 euro)
– PI of Macroscopic Laws and Dynamical Systems (MALADY, ERC AdG 246953), 2010-2015. http://maladyerc.wordpress.com. (1,372,720.00 euro).
– PI of Dynamical Systems and applications, PRIN 2007B3RBEY (Italian Project of National Relevance), 2007-2009, (109,129 euro).
– Co-PI of GDRE Grefi-Mefi (Groupement de Recherche Europe?en), 2005-2008, (about 150,000 euro).
– PI of Interacting Dynamical Systems, INDAM Grant, 2003, (9000 euro).
Editorial Board membership. Memberships in Editorial Boards of International Journals
– Communications in Mathematical Physics (2015–2023; Associate Editor); – Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems (2000–2023; Board member);
Memberships in Editorial Boards of National Journals
– Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue applicazioni (since 2016; Governing Editorial Board member);
– Bollettino Unione Matematica Italiana (since 2013; Editorial Committee member);
Past Memberships in Editorial Boards
– Nonlinearity (2002–2014 Associate Editor. 2015–2019; Co-Editor in Chief); – Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems (2014–2019; Associate Editor); – Journal of Statistical Physics (2013-2018; Board member); – Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems (2003-2015; Associate Editor). – Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal (2002–2010; Associate Editor)
Supervision of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. 7 Ph.D. students: M. Giampieri (2005– Roma Tor Vergata), M. Discendenti (2010–Roma Tre), P. Giulietti (2010– Roma La Sapienza), R. Castorrini (2020–GSSI L’Aquila), N. Kiamari (2020–Roma Tre), S. Jain (2024–Roma Tor Vergata), G Canestrari (current–Roma Tor Vergata).
9 Postdocs: R. Aimino, O. Butterley, B. Carvhalo, J. De Simoi, P. Eslami, I. Morris, C. Poquet, M. Stenlund, D. Terhesiu, D. Volk. Also, I had important interactions with other 4 PhD and 2 Postdocs although I was not their official advisor.
Teaching Activities. Since 1990 I taught an average of 160 hours per year in algebra, analysis, geometry, mechanics and dynamical systems. In addition, I taught several Ph.D. courses and at least 15 summer schools.
Organization of scientific meetings (main events of the last 10 years).
The International Congress of Mathematicians 2022 (virtual). Core member of the Dynamics Panel.
Co-organizer of the Dynamical Systems session of the 20th International Congress on Mathematical Physics (ICMP), Geneva 2021.
Organizer with W. Bahsoun, V. Baladi and M. Demers: Dynamics, Transfer Operators, and Spectra. Semester at the Bernoulli Center, EPFL, Lausanne, 01/2021–06/2021.
Organizer with A. Sorrentino and O. Butterley: Regular and stochastic behaviour in dynamical systems. Rome, Italy 12/02/2020–14/02/2020.
Organizer with F. Bracci, A. Celletti, A. Sorrentino: Dynamical Systems: from geometry to mechanics, Rome, February 5-8, 2019.
Organizer with Giovanni Forni: Analytical Methods in classical and quantum systems. Centro De Giorgi, Pisa, 27 June-2 July 2016.
Organizer with P. Balint, H. Bruin, I. Melbourne, D. Terhesiu: Mixing Flows and Averaging Methods, ESI, Wien, April to May 2016.
Organizer, with I. Melbourne, G. Pavliotis, S. Olla: Moyennisation et homognenisationdans les systemes deterministes et stochastiques. Marseille, CIRM, 11-15 May 2015.
Organizer, with Stefano Olla and Lai-Sang Young: Workshop on the Fourier Law and Related Topics April 4-8, 2011. Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada.
Institutional responsibilities
Member of the Brin Prize selection Committee (2018-2023).
Since 2021: Director of the Ph.D. Program of my Department.
Member of the Scientific Council of the Center for Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (2010–present). http://cmtp.uniroma2.it.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the GNMF. The GNFM represents all the Italian Mathematical Physicists. (2009-20012). http://www.altamatematica.it/gnfm/.
Italian coordinator of the Grefi-Mefi GDRE, 2005-2008 (more than 300 people involved between Italy and France). http://www.altamatematica.it/it/node/127.
Since 2005: director of the INDAM research unit at Tor Vergata.
Member of the Steering Committee of the European Science Foundation Program Probabilistic methods in Non-Hyperbolic Dynamics (PRODYN) (1998-2002).
Reviewing activities
– Reviewer for the following Institutions: European Research Council (Europe); Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France); Australian Research Council (Australia); FWF Austrian Science Fund (Vienna, Austria); Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’ Universita? e della Ricerca (Italy); National Commission for Scientific & Technological Research (FONDECYT, Santiago, Chile); Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canada); Royal Society (London, England); OTKA (Hungary); Chalmers University of Technology, (Sweden); University of Bristol (England); Bryn Mawr College (Penn- sylvania, U.S.A.); Michigan State University (Michigan, U.S.A.); Queen Mary Lon- don University (London, England); University of Maryland (MD, USA); Universite de la Mediterranee (Marseille, France); University of Massachusetts Amherst, (Massachusetts, U.S.A.); University of Houston, (Houston, U.S.A.); University of Padua (Italy); TATA Institute of Fundamental Research (India); The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel); University of Stony Brook (USA); Leverhulme Trust (UK).
• Selected Papers
Deterministic walks in random environment; C. Liverani, R. Aimino Annals of Probability, Volume 48, Number 5 (2020), 2212-2257.
Parabolic dynamics and Anisotropic Banach spaces; P. Giulietti, C. Liverani Journal of the European Mathematical Society, 21, no. 9, 2793–2858 (2019).
Limit Theorems for Fast-slow partially hyperbolic systems; J. de Simoi, C. Liverani Inventiones Mathematicae, 213, 3, 811–1016 (2018).
Exponential Decay of Correlations for Finite Horizon Sinai Billiard Flows; V. Baladi, M. Demers, C. Liverani Inventiones Mathematicae, 211, 1, pp. 39–177 (2018).
Statistical properties of mostly contracting fast-slow partially hyperbolic systems; J. de Simoi, C. Liverani Inventiones Mathematicae, 206, 1, (2016) 147–227.
Anosov Flows and Dynamical Zeta Functions; P. Giulietti, C. Liverani, M. Pollicott Annals of Mathematics, 178, 2 (2013) 687–773. G 110. AMS 35.
Toward the Fourier law for a weakly interacting anharmonic crystal; C. Liverani, S. Olla Journal of the American Mathematical Society, 25 (2012) 555–583.
Energy transfer in a fast-slow Hamiltonian system; D. Dolgopyat, C. Liverani Communications in Mathematical Physics, 308, 1, 201–225 (2011).
On contact Anosov flows.; C. Liverani Ann. of Math. 159 (2004), no. 3, 1275–1312.
Decay of correlations; C. Liverani Ann. of Math. 142 (1995), no. 2, 239–301.
Total publications indexed by AMS: 78. Total citations: Google Scholar 5440, h-index 37; AMS 2349, h-index 26. The full list of my papers, preprints and some expository lectures is available at http://www.mat.uniroma2.it/ ?liverani/pubb.html.
• Invited presentations Highlights of the last 5 years (the total is roughly 14 per year):
– 2019 Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and dynamical systems, Mark Kac Seminar,
Utrecht, Holland, 3 May. – Proba?619, International Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Physics. Invited speaker. Moscow, Russia (24-28 June).
– 2018 International Congress of Mathematicians 2018. Rio de Janeiro. Invited speaker, Section 9: Dynamical Systems and O. D. E. and Section 11: Mathematical Physics. – Colloquium. SISSA, Trieste, (12 March)
– 2017 Chernov Memorial Lectures. First of the biannual lecture series (each consisting of three lectures by the same speaker) instituted by Michael Brin (prominent Dynamical Systems expert and father of Yuri Brin, Google co-founder) in memory of Nikolai Chernov.
– Colloquium. Nice, France (2 May). – Colloquium. Jussieu, Paris, France (20 April). – Colloquium. Lille, France (27 February).
– 2016 1st Joint Meeting Brazil - Italy in Mathematics. Plenary speaker, Rio de Janeiro.
– 2015 XX Congresso dell’Unione Matematica Italiana. Plenary speaker, Siena.
– XVIII International Congress on Mathematical Physics. Invited speaker in Section: Dynamical systems, Santiago de Chile (Declined due to serious family reasons).