Massimo PAPA
luogo e data di nascita: Roma 18 maggio 1963
Posizione attuale:
Professore ordinario di Diritto Musulmano e dei Paesi Islamici, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università di Roma Tor vergata.
Altri incarichi
• Direttore del Centro Interdisciplinare di Studi sul Mondo Islamico “Francesco Castro”, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
• Vice Presidente dell’Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino, Roma
• Vice Direttore del Dipartimento di Storia e Teoria del Diritto, Università di Roma Tor Vergata
• Coordinatore del dottorato di ricerca in “Sistema giuridico romanistico e unificazione del diritto”, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”
• Direttore di HELDA - High Education Legal Disciplines for Afghanistan, corso di Alta Formazione per magistrate e avvocati afgani finanziato dal Ministero degli Esteri italiano (2010-2011). Università per Stranieri di Perugia e Università di Roma Tor Vergata.
• Componente del Consiglio della School of Global Studies – Tor Vergata World University (TVWU).
• Componente del Consiglio del Master in “Human Rights and Humanitarian Law”, Università di Bologna.
• Consulente legale del Ministero degli esteri italiano per le questioni relative ai Paesi islamici e all’applicazione del diritto musulmano.
• Co-direttore dell’International Master on “African Studies” in cooperazione con l’Università di Bologna, l’Università di Falun Dalarna (Svezia) e l’Università di Toku (Finlandia).
• 1999 - “Codice Marittimo della Gamahiriyya libica”, Introduzione, Traduzione e note, Roma, Istituto per l’Oriente.
• 1999 - “Il contratto e l’autonomia negoziale delle parti: dai principi della shari‘a alle codificazioni contemporanee”, Roma e America, n. 1, 1999, pp. 277-297
• 1999 – “la grande Carta Verde dei Diritti dell’uomo nella Giamahiriyya libica”, in Per una convergenza mediterranea sui diritti dell’uomo, vol. II, Orientamenti critici e ricostruttivi, a cura di P. Ungari e M. Modica, Roma, LUISS Centro di ricerca e di studio sui diritti dell’uomo, 1999, pp. 55-69
• 2000 - “David Santillana Avvocato a Londra: l’approccio di un giurista continentale al Common Law”, Numero monografico (1/2000) Quaderni di Diritto Musulmano e dei paesi islamici, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, pp. 149-166.
• 2000 - “Il diritto musulmano e il Codice delle Obbligazioni e Contratti tunisino”, Numero monografico (1/2000) Quaderni di Diritto Musulmano e dei paesi islamici, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, pp. 117-148.
• 2000 - “Vecchie e nuove figure contrattuali in Tunisia: dal COC ai codici di Commercio”, Numero monografico (1/2000) Quaderni di Diritto Musulmano e dei paesi islamici, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, pp. 167-193.
• 2003 - “L’evoluzione della Codificazione civile nei paesi arabi. Il caso dell’Egitto”, in: G. Gozzi (a cura di), Le prospettive europee di apertura all’Europa Orientale e ai paesi del Mediterraneo, Ravenna, Longo, 2003, p. 149-162.
• 2003 - “I principi generali del diritto nelle codificazioni civili dei paesi arabi mediterranei". In: V. Colombo, G. Gozzi (a cura di), Tradizioni culturali, sistemi giuridici e diritti umani nell’area del Mediterraneo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2003, p. 289-316,
• 2004 - “I sistemi giudiziari nei paesi arabi”, Daimon, Annuario di Diritto Comparato delle Religioni, pp. 157-184.
• 2004 - “The Horn of Africa between History, Law and Politics. Proceedings of the International Conference. Rome, 12-14 December 2002 ” co-Editor del Volume (con I. Taddia e T. Negash), North East African Studies.
• 2004 - L’arbitrato commerciale nei paesi arabi, Bologna, Bonomo,2004, pp. 320.
• 2004 – “L’evoluzione storica del costituzionalismo nei paesi arabi tra Islam e modernità”, in Islam, democrazia, diritti, Islam, democracy, Rights, CCSDD, Lecture Series, Bologna, Libreria Bonomo, pp. 7-24
• 2005 - “Il diritto penale dell’Europa e la presenza delle comunità islamiche” in: Il diritto penale nella prospettiva europea. Quali politiche criminali per quale Europa? Atti del convegno organizzato dall’Associazione Franco Bricola, Bologna 28 febb-1 e 2 marzo 2002, a cura di S. Canestrari – L. Foffani, Milano, Giuffrè, pp. 63-95
• 2006 - “Quale diritto musulmano per l’Afghanistan del terzo millennio?”, Daimon, Annuario di Diritto Comparato delle Religioni, pp. 199-234
• 2006 - Afghanistan: tradizione giuridica e ricostruzione dell’ordinamento tra ?ar?‘a, consuetudini e diritto statale, Torino, Giappichelli, pp. 389.
• 2007 - “Introduzione” a Persone, Famiglia, Diritti. Le recenti riforme del diritto di famiglia nei paesi dell’Africa mediterranea, a cura di R. Aluffi Beck-Peccoz, Torino, Giappichelli, pp. 1-12.
• 2007 - La shar?‘a oggi, voce dell’Enciclopedia Treccani, Libro dell’anno 2007, pp. 24.
• 2008 - “Il ruolo del diritto islamico oggi: il paradigma dell’Afghanistan”, in: Pisi P., Scarcia Amoretti B. (a cura di), Religione e politica. Mito, Autorità, Diritto, Roma: La Sapienza Orientale, p. 377-415
• 2008 - “Paesi musulmani”, in: Diurni A., Percorsi mondiali di diritto privato e comparato, Milano: Giuffrè, p. 217-262
• 2009 - “Diritto islamico e modernità nell’era digitale”, in: Le religioni e il mondo moderno. III. Islam, a cura di R. Tottoli, Torino, Einaudi, pp. 345-374
• 2010 - “Francesco Castro e l’integrazione dei musulmani in Italia”, in: Identità religiosa e integrazione dei musulmani in Italia e in Europa, a cura di R. Aluffi Beck-Peccoz, Torino, 2010, pp. 1-9.
• 2010 - “La ricostruzione dell’ordinamento giudiziario in Afghanistan: nuove ingegnerie giuridiche e la rule of law”, in: Atti dell’ AIDC (Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato), Roma, 2010, pp. 25.
• 2010 - “La modernità in Iran e nei Paesi musulmani”, in: La modernità. Atti del forum internazionale, 10 e 11 maggio 2010, Bologna, Bologna, Proctor, p. 309-323.
• 2011 - “La legge sullo statuto personale degli sciiti d’Afghanistan. Prime riflessioni”, in: Il Libro e la Bilancia. Studi in memoria di Francesco Castro, Napoli, ESI, 2011, pp. 911-928.
• 2011 - Curatore (con G.M. Piccinelli e D. Scolart) de: Il Libro e la Bilancia. Studi in memoria di Francesco Castro, Napoli, 2011, 2 voll, pp. 1142.
• 2012 – “Lost in transplantation: la misurazione dello stato di diritto in Afghanistan”, Annuario di diritto comparato e di studi legislativi, p. 195-238
• 2013 – “The role of Islam in the Federal Somali Constitution of 2012: some preliminary remarks”, in: Taddia I. – Berge L. (eds), Themes in Modern African History and Culture. Festschrift for Tekeste Negash, Padova, Edizioni, pp. 301-307
Prof. Massimo Papa
University of Tunis “Bourguiba”, School of International Languages
Degree in Arabic
Italian Institute of Middle and Far East of Foreign Affairs Ministry
Degree in Arabic Language and Islamic Culture
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
PhD in Islamic and Comparative Law
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Master degree in Private Comparative Law
Present Position
Full Professor of Shari‘a and Islamic Legal Systems at University of Rome Tor Vergata
Full Professor of Comparative Law, Faculty of Law at University of Rome Tor Vergata
Associate Professor of Comparative Law in Global Studies, faculty of Economics at University of Rome Tor Vergata
Professional experiences in western Countries
Independent Expert, Legal advisor for Islamic Law section for “Istituto per l’Oriente Carlo Alfonso Nallino” from 1991 to 1998
Advice given in the field of Legal Researches, in the years programmes and the annual work plans submitted by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and CNR
Lawyer in Rome from 1991 to 2015
Expert in Private and International Law and Laws of Arab Countries
Visiting Professor of Islamic Law from June to August 2008 at University of California Santa Barbara
Religious pluralism in Italy, Islamic Law in the light of Italian Jurisprudence
Consultant and Legal adviser from 2008 to 2010 at “Section Islamic Countries” of IDLO
Rule of Law Programs for Afghanistan and Informal justice in Yemen
Scientific Director from 2010 to 2011 of MAE- DGSC at University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
HELDA – higher education in legal disciplines for Afghanistan
Legal advisor in 2011 of MAE – DGAP/ Afghanistan office
Scientific expert-working group chaired by Ministry Checchia/Bombardiere
Professional experiences in/with Islamic Countries
Name and brief description of the project
December 2010
UNODC – IDLO Strengthening Justice system – Harmonization of Legal system – Customary rules and justice at district level
January 2008-February 2009
IDLO (International Development Law Organization) Consultant for Rule of Law Programs for Afghanistan
February–October 2009
Start-up –Projecting –Management Training Course for Afghan Judges and Prosecutors in cooperation with DGCS – Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
August-September 2007
Start up with Scientific Cooperation between Bologna University and Isfahan University. Cycle of conference at Beheshti University in Teheran on Human Rights.
June 2006
Visiting Professor at University Gar Yunes Benghazi
June 2004 –February 2005
UNDP Justice program. Law curricula development Specialist. Assessment of Legal Education in Afghanistan. Development, draft of new Curricula of Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. Coordination in establishing of a new Law Library. Harmonization of Afghan Law Education System with International standards and adoption of credit system. Visiting professors Programs. University International Cooperation. Development of Didactic and Research capacities.
December 2003 – February 2004
Expert and Legal adviser to European Commission for drafting a contribution Agreement between UNDP and EC on “Access to Justice at District Level”. Assessment of access to justice in the villages and countryside paying attention to disadvantaged groups (minors, women, minorities). Studying of specific training programs. Reconciliation of informal and formal mechanisms in administrating justice at district level.
Project manager. Design and co-ordination of a codification project of the Libyan national law on tourism. Harmonization of Libyan rules with International standards. Drafting of the work plan and establishment of the calendar. Formulation and implementation of a methodology to ensure the scientific quality of the publications. Recruitment and training of local staff. Organisation of Summer Schools for public officers. Management of the research team and supervision of the scientific committee. Planning of the tasks (collection, recording, analysis, processing of legal documentation) and control of the results to reach the production of a comprehensive and updated codification of the Libyan law. Benghazi and Sirte Universities, Libyan Government. A first attempt to set up a legal data base on private Libyan Law. Translation from Arabic into Italian of the Maritime Code of Libya.
Saudi Arabia
October 2001
Mission in Saudi Arabian Universities of Ryadh and Jedda. Cycle of Seminars with Saudi Scholars and Judges on various topics (The role of shari‘a in Institutional Building). Analysis of the Saudi judicial system. Final Report.
July 2001
Assessment mission on the activities of Eritrean Studies Association, operating in Eritrea to study the democratic transition and promote human rights relating to Muslim women’s personal status. Analysis and evaluation of objectives, strategies, constraints, difficulties and results linked to these activities. Title of the paper presented at the International Conference held in Asmara (19-26 July) : “Islamic Law in Eritrea: an hypothesis of Codification”. Asmara University.
October 2000
Co-ordinator of Bologna University Mission in Egyptian Universities (Cairo) in order to establish a mutual scientific cooperation. Planning and technical co-ordination of the activities of the Bologna Mission. Frequent meetings with national administrative and Academic Personalities, Religious and Legal Authorities, Member States. Drafting of the reports of the Mission. Study of Egyptian Family Law.
April 2000
International Conference held in Tunis on “Access to Justice. Comparative Experiences” organized by Tunisian Ministry of Justice and University of Tunis III. Program of Studies and Research on Tunisian Legal Reforms in Family Law. Analysis of other Arab Cases.
August-September 1999
Head of the Delegation of Rome “Tor Vergata” University at Damascus University. Reports of the Mission. Meetings with Syrian Scholars to discuss a Common project of Research on “The Circulation of Civil Codes in Middle Eastern Countries”. Collect of Legal Documents. Customary Laws. Researches at Syrian Archives.
Saudi Arabia
June 1999
Short Mobility Term at Ryadh University to collect documents on Islamic Banking System. Stage at Faysal Foundation. Arbitration Law and Conciliation (sulh). The Shari ‘a as the source of Law. Lecturer on various topics on Islamic Law.
April-July 1998
Researches at St. Joseph University, Beirut. Studies on “Public Order in Lebanese Legal System”. Arbitration Law.
November-December 1997
Mission at Tunis III University, Faculté de Droit et Sciences Politiqués, to study « The Tunisian Model of Code des Obligations et Contrats : the comparative approach », a joint Project research between University of Rome Tor Vergata, University of Turin and Tunis III.
March 1997
Team Leader of the Mixt Research Group on the topic “The training of the lawyer and the training of the Judge. Arab Countries”.
June-September 1996
Research on “Shari‘a and European Laws in Arab Legal Systems”. Final Paper. The interpretation to be given to the law. Drafting of observation reports. Centre d’Etude et des Rechérches de l’Université de Tunis III.
August-September 1995
A study of Customary Laws among Jordan tribes. Relation with Islamic Solutions. Alternative Disputes Resolution. Conciliation and Arbitration among nomads in South Jordan. University of Amman.
Lecturer at Tunis III University on “Comparative Law in Arab and Islamic Countries”. The Role of Islamic Tradition. Tunisia between Islamic Tradition and Modernity. A case Study.
May 1994
Fes University. Stage. Research on the 1993 Reforms of Morocco Personal Statute Law (Mudawwana al-ahwal al-shakhsiyya). Translation of legal texts from Arabic into Italian. Collection and analysis of Jurisprudence on Family Law.
January -
March 1992
Research Stage at Ministry of Justice, Sana‘a. Monitoring of the political process of unification with Y.D.R. Study on the New Yemen Civil Code. Customary Laws among North Tribes and in Hadramawt.
June -
September 1989
Intensive Courses of Arabic Language at Bourguiba School. Lecturer at Tunis III University.
Membership of Professional Bodies
Director of Centro Interdisciplinare di Studi sul Mondo Islamico, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Vice President of “Istituto per l’Oriente C. A. Nallino”, Rome, Italy
Former President and Member of the Board of Directors of the Centro Interdipartimentale di Scienze dell’Islam dell’Università degli Studi di Bologna.
Director of HELDA High Education Legal Disciplines for Afghanistan, advanced Training Course for Afghan Judges and Prosecutors, financed by Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2010-2011). University of Perugia Stranieri and Rome Tor Vergata.
Member of the Board of School of Development Innovation and Change (SDIC) of Bologna University.
Member of the Board of School of Global Studies – Tor Vergata World University (TVWU).
Member of the Board of Master in “Human Rights and Humanitarian Law”, Bologna University.
Legal Adviser to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Islamic Law issues.
Associate to the training programmes by Supreme Council of Judges (Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura), for Italian judges concerning Islamic Family Law.
Co-director of the International Master on “African Studies” in cooperation with Bologna University, Falun Dalarna University (Sweden) and Toku University (Finland).
Professor of Islamic Law at University of Rome LUISS Guido Carli – Master of Science in Economy and Institution of Islamic Countries
Professor of Islamic Law and Islamic Legal Systems at University of Milan Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Master of Arts in Middle Eastern Studies
List of Publications
1998 - “Il Codice Marittimo della Libia”, Introduzione, Traduzione e note, Roma, 1998.
1999 - “Il contratto e l’autonomia negoziale delle parti: dai principi della shari‘a alle codificazioni contemporanee”, Roma e America, n. 1(1999).
2000 - “David Santillana Avvocato a Londra: l’approccio di un giurista continentale al Common Law”, Numero monografico (1/2000) Quaderni di Diritto Musulmano e dei paesi islamici, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, pp. 149-166.
2000 - “Il diritto musulmano e il Codice delle Obbligazioni e Contratti tunisino”, Numero monografico (1/2000) Quaderni di Diritto Musulmano e dei paesi islamici, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, pp. 117-148.
2000 - “Vecchie e nuove figure contrattuali in Tunisia: dal COC ai codici di Commercio”, Numero monografico (1/2000) Quaderni di Diritto Musulmano e dei paesi islamici, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, pp. 167-193.
2002 - “La Codificazione civile nei paesi arabi. Il caso dell’Egitto.”, in Atti del Convegno Internazionale “Verso l’integrazione Euro-mediterranea”, Ravenna.
2002 - “Le Comunità islamiche e il diritto penale dell’ Europa” in Atti del Convegno “Verso un nuovo diritto penale europeo”, Bologna.
2003 - “L’evoluzione della Codificazione civile nei paesi arabi. Il caso dell’Egitto”, in: G. Gozzi (a cura di), Le prospettive europee di apertura all’Europa Orientale e ai paesi del Mediterraneo, Ravenna, Longo, p. 149-162.
2003 - “I principi generali del diritto nelle codificazioni civili dei paesi arabi mediterranei". In: V. Colombo, G. Gozzi (a cura di), Tradizioni culturali, sistemi giuridici e diritti umani nell’area del Mediterraneo, Bologna, Il Mulino, p. 289-316,
2004 - “I sistemi giudiziari nei paesi arabi”, Daimon, Annuario di Diritto Comparato delle Religioni, pp. 157-184.
2004 - “The Horn of Africa between History, Law and Politics. Proceedings of the International Conference. Rome, 12-14 December 2002” co-Editor del Volume (con I. Taddia e T. Negash), North East African Studies.
2004- L’arbitrato commerciale nei paesi arabi, Bologna, Bonomo, pp. 320.
2005 - “Il diritto penale dell’Europa e la presenza delle comunità islamiche”. In: Atti del Convegno “Il diritto penale nella prospettiva europea. Quali politiche criminali per quale Europa?”. Milano, 28 febbraio - 2 marzo 2002, Milano, p. 63-95
2006 - “Quale diritto musulmano per l’Afghanistan del terzo millennio?”, Daimon, Annuario di Diritto Comparato delle Religioni, pp. 199-234
2006- Afghanistan: tradizione giuridica e ricostruzione dell’ordinamento tra ?ar?‘a, consuetudini e diritto statale, Torino, Giappichelli, pp. 389.
2007 - “Introduzione” a Persone, Famiglia, Diritti. Le recenti riforme del diritto di famiglia nei paesi dell’Africa mediterranea, a cura di R. Aluffi Beck-Peccoz, Torino, pp. 1-12.
2007 - La shar?‘a oggi, voce dell’Enciclopedia Treccani, Libro dell’anno 2007, pp. 24.
2008 - “Il ruolo del diritto islamico oggi: il paradigma dell’Afghanistan”, in: Pisi P., Scarcia Amoretti B. (a cura di), Religione e politica. Mito, Autorità, Diritto, Roma: La Sapienza Orientale, p. 377-415
2008 - “Paesi musulmani”, in: DIURNI A. Percorsi mondiali di diritto privato e comparato, Milano: Giuffrè, p. 217-262
2009 - “Diritto islamico e modernità nell’era digitale”, in: Le religioni e il mondo moderno. III. Islam, a cura di R. Tottoli, Torino, Einaudi, pp. 345-374
2010 - “Francesco Castro e l’integrazione dei musulmani in Italia”, in: Identità religiosa e integrazione dei musulmani in Italia e in Europa, a cura di R. Aluffi Beck-Peccoz, Torino, pp. 1-9.
2010 - “La ricostruzione dell’ordinamento giudiziario in Afghanistan: nuove ingegnerie giuridiche e la rule of law”, in: Atti dell’ AIDC (Associazione Italiana di Diritto Comparato), Roma, pp. 25.
2011 - “La legge sullo statuto personale degli sciiti d’Afghanistan. Prime riflessioni”, in: Il Libro e la Bilancia. Studi in memoria di Francesco Castro, Napoli, ESI, pp. 911-928.
2011 - Curatore (con G.M. Piccinelli e D. Scolart) de: Il Libro e la Bilancia. Studi in memoria di Francesco Castro, Napoli, 2 voll, pp. 1142.
2012, “Lost in transplantation: la misurazione dello stato di diritto in Afghanistan”, Annuario di diritto comparato e di studi legislativi, p. 195-238
2013, “The role of Islam in the Federal Somali Constitution of 2012: some preliminary remarks”, in Taddia I - Berge L. (eds), Themes in Modern African History and Culture. Festschrift for Tekeste Negash, edizioni, pp. 301-307.
2013, « La "traduction" de Adbel 'Aziz Fahmy entre droit romain et droit musulman », in Regles et textes juridiques romaines traduits en arabe par 'Abd al-'Aziz Fahmi Basha, p. XIII-XXI, Paris, ISPROM/PUBLISUD
2014, con L. Ascanio, Shari'a, Bologna, Il Mulino.
2014, “L’influenza del modello italiano in Libano, Afghanistan e Libia”, in S. Lanni, P. Sirena (a cura di), Il modello giuridico – scientifico e legislativo – italiano fuori dell’Europa. Atti del II Congresso nazionale della SIRD. Siena, 20-21-22 settembre. Cultura giuridica e rapporti civili, Napoli, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, p. 19-36.
2015, “Introduzione al codice civile iraniano”, in Codice civile iraniano. Traduzione italiana a cura di Raffaele Mauriello, Eurilink ed., Roma
List of Seminars and Lectures
Among the others:
Seminar “The Central Asian Islam. Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan. Which pattern?” 12-14 March 2000, Bologna University.
International Conference in Asmara (Eritrea) (19-26 July 2001), Eritrean Studies Association, lecture on “Islamic Law in Eritrea: an hypothesis of codification”.
20-28 October 2001, Jeddah University, Saudi Arabia Cycle of Seminars with Saudi Scholars and Judges on the topics : The role of shari‘a in Institutional Building. The 1992 Nizam Asasi.
Seminar “The Role of Shari‘a in International Transactions” (10-13 December 2001), School of Development, Innovation and Change, Bologna University.
Seminar “Afghanistan: a mosaic of ethnic varieties, legal traditions and conflicts”, Rome, University.
Lecture on “New models of Family in E.U.: Muslim families and mixed marriages”, Venice, University Cà Foscari, 19 January 2002.
Lecture “Islamic Communities and Criminal Law in Europe”, Bologna, 28 February 2002.
Workshop “Islamic Family Law”, University of Salerno, 15-16 March, 2002.
Cycle of Seminar on “Islam and Human Rights: minorities, and women’s rights” University of Palermo, Faculty of Law, 21-23 April 2002.
Lecture and Opening remarks at International Conference held in Bologna (Jhons Hopkins University) on “Constitutional Reforms in North Africa”, 3-4 May 2002.
Chairman of the International Seminar on “To Understand Islam in Africa”, Bologna Faculty of Political Sciences and Centro Interdipartimentale di Scienze dell’Islam, 29 May 2002.
Seminar on “Islamic Family Laws”, Palermo, Consiglio dell’Ordine degli Avvocati, Unione Giuriste d’Italia, 1-2 giugno, 2002.
Lecture “General Principles in the Codifications of Arab Countries”, Ravenna , 13-14 October 2002.
International Conference in Cairo University “The role of Comparative Science in training the new lawyer”, 29 October 2002.
Chairman and Discussant, Law Session, at the International Conference “The Horn of Africa between History, Law and Politics”, Rome, 12-14 December 2002
International Seminar at Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, “Rebuilding Afghanistan Legal System”, Rome, 5 December 2002.
International Conference on “Rebuilding Afghanistan Judiciary”, Rome, Ministero Affari Esteri, 19 Dicembre, 2002.
International Conference on “The Justice in Monotheistic Religions”, Siena, 2-3 April, 2003, lectures on “Justice in Islam” and “Judiciary systems in Arab Countries”.
Seminar “Legal pluralism in Iraq among tradition and modernization”, 13 May 2003, University of Bologna.
Lecture “The methodology of Comparative Law. The Islamic Countries” at PhD Comparative Law Seminars, Milan University, 6 October 2003.
Seminar “The Penal Codes in Islamic Countries”, Trento, Faculty of Law, 9 October 2003.
Seminar: “Afghan Legal Tradition”, University of Florence, Faculty of Law, March 2005.
Seminar “Customary Law vs shari‘a law in Afghanistan”, University of Rome, Faculty of Law, May 2005.
Lecture: “Afghan Family Law, Human Rights and the new Constitution”, Bologna, Master in “Diritti Umani e Intervento umanitario”, Faculty of Political Sciences, September 2005.
Lecture: “ Global Law and access to justice in Afghanistan”, Rome, Istituto per l’Oriente, November 2005.
Seminar “Comparative Law and post-conflict situations”, University of Naples, Faculty of Oriental Political Sciences, March 2006.
International Conference “Recent Reforms in Arab Family Laws”, University of Turin, Faculty of Law, Lecture “Legal Education and Human Rights in some Arab Countries”, 26 May 2006.
Seminar on “The rule of Law, Legal pluralism and legal tradition: reforming justice system in Afghanistan”, University of Bologna, 19 September 2006.
Lecture “Shii Law in Afghanistan and in Iran: a comparative perspective”, Rome, University La Sapienza, May 2007.
International symposium on International Judiciary Cooperation in the Mediterranean Area, Caserta, Second University of Naples, “The justice cooperation in Afghanistan. A case study”, 13-16 November 2007.
Seminar for PhD Students “Omosexuality in Islam: between the Law of God and the law of the men”, Florence, December 10th 2007.
Conference on “Religious Identity and integration of Muslims in Italy and in Europe”. General Remarks and Introduction, Rome, 22.5.2008
Conference “Rebuilding the Rule of Law in Afghanistan: challenges and perspectives” – 21 February 2009, Rome Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Conference “Pluralism, Secularism, Human Rights and Islam”, with Prof. Abdullahi al-Naim, Summer School ASSET, Marcianum,Venice 6-10 September 2010.
Conference European foundation for democracy, Islam and democracy. Afghanistan. Rome Tor Vergata University, May 18th 2011
Conference on Constitutional Comparative Law in Iraq and in Italy, Rome Tor Vergata University, March 31th with H.E. Saywan Sabir Mustafa Barzani. Delegation of 32 Iraqi Judges.
Conference “Legal pluralism in Ethiopia” with Prof. T. Negash, University of Rome Tor Vergata, April 21th 2010.
ISISC: International Conference on sharia and post-conflict justice, Siracusa, 27-30 may 2011 chired by Prof. C. Bassiouni.
Rome, Tor Vergata University Conference Islam and democracy in Iran, 31.5.2011, with Prof. Shameli Abbas Ali.
Conference “Islamic Ethics and teaching at University”, with Prof. Abbas ali Shameli, Rome Tor Vergata University, April 13th 2012.
Seminar on “The Constitutional Law of Iran: the theory of velayat-e- Faqih”, April 4th 2013, with Prof. Abbas Ali Shameli.
Seminar at Rome Tor Vergata University “ Islamic Laws of Contracts. Bank and Finance” April 23th 2013 with Dr. V. Cattelan.
International seminar on “Religious minorities in Islam” with Prof. Dott. Ali Rambod and “Council for disputes Resolution in the Iranian Constitution” with prof. Khalid Ghaedi, Rome Tor Vergata University, November 26th 2013.
Conference on “The new Egyptian Constitution” with Dr. A. Aziz Shady, January 15th 2014, Rome Tor Vergata University.
Seminar with Prof. M. Martinez Almira, on “Conciliation as ADR in the Islamic Countries”, May 28th 2014, Rome University Tor Vergata.
Conference “Law and Religion” November 13th 2014, with Prof. S. Mohammad Kazem Tabatabai, Prof. M. Taqi Sobhani Nia, Rome Tor Vergata University.
Bologna University March 3rd 2015 “Islamic Law in the Horn of Africa” with Prof. T. Negash and Irma Taddia.
Among last conferences abroad:
Seminar on “Islamic Community Justice” organized by Norvegian Refugee Council, Kabul 19 July 2004.
Lecture “Islamic Law: alternative dispute resolution” Kabul, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, 3 August, 2004.
Lecture on “Women’s political rights in Islamic Law and Islamic tradition” organized by the Friedrich Herbert Stitf., Kabul 26-27 September 2004.
Seminar on “Legal Education in post-conflict situations: the Afghan case” Dalarna University, Sweden, 19-20 April 2005.
Lecture on “Islam and Children’s Rights”, Barcelona University Abat Oliva, 20-21 September 2005
Conference on “Islamic Law in Africa: Women’s and Children Rights”, Dalarna University, Falun, Sweden, 26-30 September 2005.
International Conference “Asserting the Rule of Law in Afghanistan”, lecture on “Access to justice in Afghanistan. The path covered and the way ahead”, organized by the Italian Government such as side event to the International Conference on Afghanistan, London, 30-31 January, 2006.
Isfahan University : “The legal status of Muslim Communities in Italy”, September 2nd 2007
Beheshti University, Teheran, “Human Rights in Western and Islamic perspective”, September, 8th 2007
Beheshti University, Teheran, “Family Islamic Laws vis à vis European Legal Systems”, September 10th 2007
University of ACalifornia - Santa Barbara, “North Africa Legal Systems : patterns and uniformity of laws”, Seminars, 16- 18 July 2008.
University of Dalarna, Falun, “African days, “Islamic Law in Africa: past and present”, 23 September, 2010.
Brasil, Sao Paulo Univesity, 26 March 2012 Conference on Ethical values and contracts in Islamic Legal Systems, with Prof. Calixto Salomao filo.
Argentina, Buenos Aires University, March 28 Conference “Good faith in Islamic Law”
Brasil, Brasilia, International Conference organized by AGU 22 October 2013, Arab Constitutions and Arab Springs.
Brasil Rio e Belo Horizonte, 3–7 November 2014, cycle of seminars on Islamic Family Laws; Criminal Laws in Islam. Universidade Catolica de Minas Gerais, November 4th , “Peace and holy war in Islamic Law”.
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