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Personal data:

Place and date of birth: Rome, 08/02/1973.

Professional address: Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Dipartimento di Matematica, Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133 Roma (Italy). Tel. +390672594686

Spoken languages: italian, english (Cambridge Proficiency Exam), french (excellent).



-Degree in Mathematics, 14/7/1995 (Sapienza University, Rome), 110/110 cum laude.

-PH.D in Mathematics, 3/3/2000 (Sapienza University, Rome).


Academic positions:

2016- Full Professor (University Rome Tor Vergata) 2005- 2016: Associate Professor (University Rome Tor Vergata) 1999-2005: Researcher (Ricercatore Universitario) (University Rome Tor Vergata).


Visiting positions (since 2010):

-Invited Professor at Université Paris Dauphine, 1 month (2023).

-Invited Professor at Université Paris XIII, 15 days (2022) -Invited Professor at Université Paris Dauphine, 2 months (2015). -Invited Professor at Université Paris Diderot , 1 month (2015). -Invited Professor at Université Paris XIII, 1 month (2015) -Invited Professor at Labex CIMI, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse), 1 month (2014) -Invited Professor at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), 1 month (2012) -Visiting Fellow at BCAM (Bilbao), 1 month (2011) -Invited Professor at Université Paris Dauphine, 2 months (2011)




-Prize “Fichera” 2018 (given by Unione Matematica Italiana), for the article Weak solutions to Fokker-Planck equations and mean field games, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 216 (2015). -Prize “Carlo Miranda” 2002 for young researchers in Mathematical Analysis.


Plenary speaker in international conferences(last five years):


-Workshop on PDEs, Madrid (Spain), 2023

-Optimal transport and Applications, Edinburgh (UK), 2023

-Mean field games in Economics, Luiss Univ. (Rome), 2023

-Advances in Optimal transport, Pisa (Italy), 2022

-Waves and nonlinear phenomena, Trondheim (Norvegia) 2022

-Inverse Problems and Control for PDEs and the Hamilton-Jacobi equations, CIRM Marseille (Francia) 2022

-Mostly Maximum principle, Cortona (Italy) 2022

-Mean field games, Montreal (Canada) 2021

-Advances in Mean field games, Chicago (USA) 2021

-Singular problems associated to Quasilinear equations, Shanghai Tech/Masaryk Univ. 2020.

-Mean field games: recent progress, Chicago (USA) 2020

- Singular problems, blow-up and regimes with peaking in nonlinear PDEs, Moscow (Russia), 2019

-New trends in Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Shanghai (China) 2019

-First Norwegian Meeting on PDE, Trondheim (Norway) 2019

-Mean field games and related topics, CIRM Trento (Italy) 2019

-Microlocal and numerical Analysis, Kinetic equations and Control, Madrid (Spain) 2018

Invited seminars or conferences given in several universities or research institutions (more than 20 different countries). Includes: Rutgers University (New York), Technische Universitat Berlin, ETH Zurich, Université Paris VI, Universite Paris Dauphine, Ecole Polytechnique (Paris), Universidad Autonoma Madrid, Waseda University (Tokyo), University of Tokyo, Technion Haifa (Israel).

Invited series of lectures in Academic or Research Institutions:

- Courses on Mean field games at Kaust University (Saudi Arabia, 2018), Chicago University (USA, 2017)

 ETH Zurich (Swiss, 2016).

-Invited by “Fondation Science Mathematique de Paris” and “Chaire Finance & Developpment Durable” to give a 20h course at Inst. Henri Poincaré (2015).


Editorial activity:

Member of the Editorial Board of the reviews:

-Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Springer ed., Netherlands

-Mathematical Control and related fields, AIMS ed., USA

-Ann. Henri Lebesgue (ENS Rennes and Henri Lebesgue Center), France


Editor (with P. Cardaliaguet) of the Springer Volume: Mean Field Games, CIME Course (Cetraro 2019).


Editor (with P. Cardaliaguet and F. Salvarani) of the Springer Volume: PDE models for multi-agents phenomena (2018), Springer-Indam Series.

Editor (with F. Alabau-Boussira, F. Ancona and C. Sinestrari) of the Springer Volume: Trends in control theory and partial differential equations (2019), Springer-Indam Series.



Organization of scientific meetings:

-CIME Course on “Mean field games”, Cetraro, Italy, 2019.

-"Mean field games and related topics - 4", Roma, 2017. -"New trends in control theory and PDE", INDAM (Roma), 2017.

-"PDE methods for multi-agents phenomena", INDAM (Roma), 2016.


Funding ID:

-PI of the PRIN Project 2022 “PDEs and optimal control methods in mean field games, population dynamics and multi-agent models

-PI of the research project “Control, diffusion and transport problems in PDEs and applications", University of Rome Tor Vergata (2022-24).

- PI of the research project "Dynamic Optimization in Multi-Agents phenomena", University of Rome Tor Vergata - Call "Mission Sustainability" 2018-19.

-P.I. of INDAM (GNAMPA) annual projects in the years 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2020.

-ERC Calls: applied only once, in 2012 (result: ranked A, short listed for ERC Starting/Consolidator Grants but not funded).


Main fields of research: convection–diffusion equations, Hamilton-Jacobi equations and viscosity solutions, mean-field games, optimal control theory, L^1 theory, measure data and singularities for elliptic and parabolic equations.


- Authored over 80 articles, more than 2000 citations (MathSciNet), h-index: 25.

- Top Scientist (ranked within world top 2% in mathematics) by Stanford 2023 ranking.

Last 5-years track publications:

1) A. Porretta, Decay rates of convergence for Fokker-Planck equations with confining drift, Adv. Math 436 (2024).  

2) A. Porretta, Regularizing effects of the entropy functional in optimal transport and planning problems, J. Funct. Anal. 284 (2023),  109-159.

3) A. Porretta, L. Rossi, Traveling waves for a nonlocal KPP equation and mean-field game models of knowledge diffusion, Ann. I. H. Poincar ́e -AN 29 (2022).

4) M. Cirant, A. Porretta, Long time behavior and turnpike solutions in mildly non- monotone mean field games, ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 27 (2021).

4) A. Porretta, On the regularity of the total variation minimizers, Commun. Contemp. Math. 23 (2021).

5) F. Murat, A. Porretta, The ergodic limit for weak solutions of elliptic equations with Neumann boundary condition, Math. Eng. 3 (2021).

6) A. Porretta, P. Souplet, Blow-up and regularization rates, loss and recovery of boundary conditions for the superquadratic viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equation, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 133 (2020), 66-117.

7) P. Cardaliaguet, M. Cirant, A. Porretta, Remarks on Nash equilibria in mean field game models with a major player, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), 4241-4255.

8)  A. Porretta, M. Ricciardi, Mean field games under invariance conditions for the state space, Comm. Partial Differential Equations 45 (2020), 146-190.

9) A. Porretta, A note on the Sobolev and Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality when p > N , Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 20 (2020), no. 2, 361-371.

10)  P. Cardaliaguet, A. Porretta: An introduction to mean field game theory. Mean field games, 1-158, Lecture Notes in Math. 2281 (Fond. CIME/CIME Found. Subser.), Springer, Cham. 2020.

11) C. Orrieri, A. Porretta, G. Savaré, A variational approach to the mean field planning problem, J. Funct. Anal. 277 (2019), 1868-1957.

12) P. Cardaliaguet, A. Porretta, Long time behavior of the master equation in mean field games, Anal. PDE 12 (2019), 1397-1453.

13) M. Magliocca, A. Porretta, Local and global time decay for parabolic equations with superlinear first order terms, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 118 (2019), 473-512.

14) A. Porretta, On the turnpike property for mean field games, Minimax Theory Appl. 3 (2018), 285-312.

15) Y. Achdou, A. Porretta, Mean field games with congestion, Ann. I. H. Poincaré -AN 35 (2018), 443-480.



Personal data:

Place and date of birth: Rome, 08/02/1973.

Professional address: Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Dipartimento di Matematica, Via della Ricerca Scientifica 1, 00133 Roma (Italy). Tel. +390672594686

Spoken languages: italian, english (Cambridge Proficiency Exam), french (excellent).



-Degree in Mathematics, 14/7/1995 (Sapienza University, Rome), 110/110 cum laude.

-PH.D in Mathematics, 3/3/2000 (Sapienza University, Rome).


Academic positions:

2016- Full Professor (University Rome Tor Vergata) 2005- 2016: Associate Professor (University Rome Tor Vergata) 1999-2005: Researcher (Ricercatore Universitario) (University Rome Tor Vergata).


Visiting positions (since 2010):

-Invited Professor at Université Paris Dauphine, 1 month (2023).

-Invited Professor at Université Paris XIII, 15 days (2022) -Invited Professor at Université Paris Dauphine, 2 months (2015). -Invited Professor at Université Paris Diderot , 1 month (2015). -Invited Professor at Université Paris XIII, 1 month (2015) -Invited Professor at Labex CIMI, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse), 1 month (2014) -Invited Professor at Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), 1 month (2012) -Visiting Fellow at BCAM (Bilbao), 1 month (2011) -Invited Professor at Université Paris Dauphine, 2 months (2011)




-Prize “Fichera” 2018 (given by Unione Matematica Italiana), for the article Weak solutions to Fokker-Planck equations and mean field games, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 216 (2015). -Prize “Carlo Miranda” 2002 for young researchers in Mathematical Analysis.


Plenary speaker in international conferences(last five years):


-Workshop on PDEs, Madrid (Spain), 2023

-Optimal transport and Applications, Edinburgh (UK), 2023

-Mean field games in Economics, Luiss Univ. (Rome), 2023

-Advances in Optimal transport, Pisa (Italy), 2022

-Waves and nonlinear phenomena, Trondheim (Norvegia) 2022

-Inverse Problems and Control for PDEs and the Hamilton-Jacobi equations, CIRM Marseille (Francia) 2022

-Mostly Maximum principle, Cortona (Italy) 2022

-Mean field games, Montreal (Canada) 2021

-Advances in Mean field games, Chicago (USA) 2021

-Singular problems associated to Quasilinear equations, Shanghai Tech/Masaryk Univ. 2020.

-Mean field games: recent progress, Chicago (USA) 2020

- Singular problems, blow-up and regimes with peaking in nonlinear PDEs, Moscow (Russia), 2019

-New trends in Hamilton-Jacobi equations, Shanghai (China) 2019

-First Norwegian Meeting on PDE, Trondheim (Norway) 2019

-Mean field games and related topics, CIRM Trento (Italy) 2019

-Microlocal and numerical Analysis, Kinetic equations and Control, Madrid (Spain) 2018

Invited seminars or conferences given in several universities or research institutions (more than 20 different countries). Includes: Rutgers University (New York), Technische Universitat Berlin, ETH Zurich, Université Paris VI, Universite Paris Dauphine, Ecole Polytechnique (Paris), Universidad Autonoma Madrid, Waseda University (Tokyo), University of Tokyo, Technion Haifa (Israel).

Invited series of lectures in Academic or Research Institutions:

- Courses on Mean field games at Kaust University (Saudi Arabia, 2018), Chicago University (USA, 2017)

 ETH Zurich (Swiss, 2016).

-Invited by “Fondation Science Mathematique de Paris” and “Chaire Finance & Developpment Durable” to give a 20h course at Inst. Henri Poincaré (2015).


Editorial activity:

Member of the Editorial Board of the reviews:

-Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Springer ed., Netherlands

-Mathematical Control and related fields, AIMS ed., USA

-Ann. Henri Lebesgue (ENS Rennes and Henri Lebesgue Center), France


Editor (with P. Cardaliaguet) of the Springer Volume: Mean Field Games, CIME Course (Cetraro 2019).


Editor (with P. Cardaliaguet and F. Salvarani) of the Springer Volume: PDE models for multi-agents phenomena (2018), Springer-Indam Series.

Editor (with F. Alabau-Boussira, F. Ancona and C. Sinestrari) of the Springer Volume: Trends in control theory and partial differential equations (2019), Springer-Indam Series.



Organization of scientific meetings:

-CIME Course on “Mean field games”, Cetraro, Italy, 2019.

-"Mean field games and related topics - 4", Roma, 2017. -"New trends in control theory and PDE", INDAM (Roma), 2017.

-"PDE methods for multi-agents phenomena", INDAM (Roma), 2016.


Funding ID:

-PI of the PRIN Project 2022 “PDEs and optimal control methods in mean field games, population dynamics and multi-agent models

-PI of the research project “Control, diffusion and transport problems in PDEs and applications", University of Rome Tor Vergata (2022-24).

- PI of the research project "Dynamic Optimization in Multi-Agents phenomena", University of Rome Tor Vergata - Call "Mission Sustainability" 2018-19.

-P.I. of INDAM (GNAMPA) annual projects in the years 2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2018, 2020.

-ERC Calls: applied only once, in 2012 (result: ranked A, short listed for ERC Starting/Consolidator Grants but not funded).


Main fields of research: convection–diffusion equations, Hamilton-Jacobi equations and viscosity solutions, mean-field games, optimal control theory, L^1 theory, measure data and singularities for elliptic and parabolic equations.


- Authored over 80 articles, more than 2000 citations (MathSciNet), h-index: 25.

- Top Scientist (ranked within world top 2% in mathematics) by Stanford 2023 ranking.

Last 5-years track publications:

1) A. Porretta, Decay rates of convergence for Fokker-Planck equations with confining drift, Adv. Math 436 (2024).  

2) A. Porretta, Regularizing effects of the entropy functional in optimal transport and planning problems, J. Funct. Anal. 284 (2023),  109-159.

3) A. Porretta, L. Rossi, Traveling waves for a nonlocal KPP equation and mean-field game models of knowledge diffusion, Ann. I. H. Poincar ́e -AN 29 (2022).

4) M. Cirant, A. Porretta, Long time behavior and turnpike solutions in mildly non- monotone mean field games, ESAIM Control Optim. Calc. Var. 27 (2021).

4) A. Porretta, On the regularity of the total variation minimizers, Commun. Contemp. Math. 23 (2021).

5) F. Murat, A. Porretta, The ergodic limit for weak solutions of elliptic equations with Neumann boundary condition, Math. Eng. 3 (2021).

6) A. Porretta, P. Souplet, Blow-up and regularization rates, loss and recovery of boundary conditions for the superquadratic viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equation, J. Math. Pures Appl. (9) 133 (2020), 66-117.

7) P. Cardaliaguet, M. Cirant, A. Porretta, Remarks on Nash equilibria in mean field game models with a major player, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 148 (2020), 4241-4255.

8)  A. Porretta, M. Ricciardi, Mean field games under invariance conditions for the state space, Comm. Partial Differential Equations 45 (2020), 146-190.

9) A. Porretta, A note on the Sobolev and Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality when p > N , Adv. Nonlinear Stud. 20 (2020), no. 2, 361-371.

10)  P. Cardaliaguet, A. Porretta: An introduction to mean field game theory. Mean field games, 1-158, Lecture Notes in Math. 2281 (Fond. CIME/CIME Found. Subser.), Springer, Cham. 2020.

11) C. Orrieri, A. Porretta, G. Savaré, A variational approach to the mean field planning problem, J. Funct. Anal. 277 (2019), 1868-1957.

12) P. Cardaliaguet, A. Porretta, Long time behavior of the master equation in mean field games, Anal. PDE 12 (2019), 1397-1453.

13) M. Magliocca, A. Porretta, Local and global time decay for parabolic equations with superlinear first order terms, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 118 (2019), 473-512.

14) A. Porretta, On the turnpike property for mean field games, Minimax Theory Appl. 3 (2018), 285-312.

15) Y. Achdou, A. Porretta, Mean field games with congestion, Ann. I. H. Poincaré -AN 35 (2018), 443-480.

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