Curriculum Vitae
Prof Valerio Sanguigni
-Nato a Roma Il 20 Marzo 1959.
- Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia con voti 110/110 e lode , media 30/30, presso l'Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Luglio 1983).
- Iscritto all'Ordine Provinciale di Roma dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri il 12/01/1984 con numero: M 34080.
- Diploma di Specializzazione in Cardiologia con voti 70/70 e lode presso l'Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Luglio 1987)
- Ricercatore Universitario vincitore del concorso per titoli ed esami presso il Dipartimento di Medicina Interna, Cattedra di Patologia Medica, dell'Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"(Aprile 89)
- Professore Aggregato della Facoltà di Medicina dell'Università Tor Vergata su nomina rettorale (maggio 2005)
- E’ stato Aiuto Ospedaliero (Dirigente di secondo livello) presso la Divisione Universitaria di Patologia Medica e quindi di Medicina Interna del Complesso Integrato Columbus, struttura ospedaliera convenzionata con l’Università Tor Vergata di Roma, dove ha svolto attività clinica come responsabile in prima persona per i ricoveri e l’attività di degenza del reparto e in particolare ha organizzato e diretto come responsabile il Servizio Ambulatoriale per le Malattie Cardio-vascolari
- Attualmente è Primario Responsabile della U.O.C di Medicina Interna ed endocrinologia della Casa di Cura convenzionata con il SSN Madonna delle Grazie di Velletri, dove dirige anche Centro per la diagnosi e cura dell’Ipertensione arteriosa e il Centro Antitrombosi.
- Esperto Italiano dell'EMA (European Medicines Agency) nominato dall'AIFA (Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco) (Ottobre 2008)
- Nel dicembre 2009 è stato insignito dal Presidente della Repubblica dell'Onorificenza di Cavaliere della Repubblica .
- Nel dicembre 2013 è stato insignito dal Presidente della Repubblica dell'Onorificenza di Ufficiale della Repubblica.
Società Italiana di Cardiologia
Società Italiana di Medicina Interna
Fellow dell'American College of Angiology
Fellow della European Society of Cardiology
Premium member dell’American Heart Association .
- Revisore scientificodelle pubblicazioni e progetti di ricerca dell'ANVUR (Agenzia di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca)
- Revisore delle seguenti riviste scientifiche:
European Heart Journal
American Journal of Cardiology
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Attività Didattica
Dal 1989 svolge attività didattica presso i corsi della Facoltà di Medicina dell'Università "Tor Vergata" così ripartita: - Lezioni agli studenti del Corso di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia nell'ambito della Medicina Interna - Lezioni presso la Scuola di Specializzazione in Cardiologia e la Scuola di Specializzazione in Medicina Interna - Lezioniin Medicina d’urgenza e Medicina Interna presso il Corso di Laurea breve in Scienze Infermieristiche , Ostetricia ePodologia .
Attività Scientifica
L' attività scientifica si compendia in numerose comunicazioni presentate personalmente a congressi nazionali ed internazionali ed in pubblicazioni sulla principali riviste scientifiche internazionali, attinenti le patologie cardiovascolari.
- Particolare attenzione è stata posta allo studio deimeccanismi patogenetici della malattia aterosclerotica ed allo studio dell'invecchiamento cardiovascolare mediante la ricerca dei rapporti tra nuovi mediatori dell'infiammazione, markers di stress ossidativo e trombosi.
- I principali campi di ricerca di ricerca degli ultimi anni sono attinenti a tre filoni innovativi :
1)Il primo è stato dedicato allo studio in vitro e in vivo degli effetti pleiotropici delle statine e di alcuni farmaci antiipertensivi , con particola re riguardo all’effetto antiinfiammatorio. In particolare è stato dimostrato per la prima volta in letteratura un chiaro effetto antiossidante non legato a qeuello ipocolesterolemizzante(Circulation. 2005 February 1; 111 (4) :412-9-Citation Index: 100)
2) Il secondo ha riguardato lo studio di nuovi mecanismi patogenetici associati alla produzione di radicali liberi dell’ossigeno dalle piastrine. In particolare è stato dimostrato per la prima volta il ruolo patogenetico della subunità gp91 della NADPH ossidasi grazie alla scoperta di pazienti rari con deficit genetico della NADPH ossidasi che hanno una ridotta esposizione alla malattia aterosclerotica (Circulation. Oct 2009 20, 120 (16) :1616-22.).
3) Il terzo innovativo e più recente filone di ricerca ha messo a fuoco per la prima volta il ruolo di alcuni superfood nella prevenzione delle malattie cardiovascolari e nel miglioramento della perfomance fisica, con la messa a punto di una miscela selezionata di alimenti ad alto contenuto di polifenoli che è stata anche depositata come brevetto ( Nutrition 2017 Jan; 33: 225/233). :
Elenco Pubblicazioni Prof Valerio Sanguigni
su Riviste Internazionali (PubMed)
1) Impaired platelet activation in patients with hereditary deficiency of p47phox.
Carnevale R, Loffredo L, Nocella C, Bartimoccia S, Sanguigni V, Soresina A, Plebani A, Azzari C, Martire B, Pignata C, Violi F.
Br J Haematol.2016 Oct 10. doi: 10.1111/bjh.14347.
2) Natural antioxidant ice cream acutely reduces oxidative stress and improves vascular function and physical performance in healthy individuals.
Sanguigni V,Manco M, Sorge R, Gnessi L, Francomano D.
Nutrition.2017 Jan;33:225-233. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2016.07.008.
3) NOX 5 is expressed in platelets from patients with chronic granulomatous disease.
Bartimoccia S, Carnevale R, Sanguigni V, De Falco E, Frati G, Loffredo L, Plebani A, Soresina A, Pignatelli P, Violi F.
Thromb Haemost.2016 Jul 4;116(1):198-200. doi: 10.1160/TH15-12-0999.
4) Different degrees of NADPH oxidase 2 regulation and in vivo platelet activation: lesson from chronic granulomatous disease.
Carnevale R, Loffredo L, Sanguigni V, Plebani A, Rossi P, Pignata C, Martire B, Finocchi A, Pietrogrande MC, Azzari C, Soresina AR, Martino S, Cirillo E, Martino F, Pignatelli P, Violi F.
J Am Heart Assoc.2014 Jun 27;3(3):e000920. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.
5) Reduced atherosclerotic burden in subjects with genetically determined low oxidative stress.
Violi F, Pignatelli P, Pignata C, Plebani A, Rossi P, Sanguigni V, Carnevale R, Soresina A, Finocchi A, Cirillo E, Catasca E, Angelico F, Loffredo L.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.2013 Feb;33(2):406-12. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.
6) Does NADPH oxidase deficiency cause artery dilatation in humans?
Loffredo L, Carnevale R, Sanguigni V, Plebani A, Rossi P, Pignata C, De Mattia D, Finocchi A, Martire B, Pietrogrande MC, Martino S, Gambineri E, Giardino G, Soresina AR, Martino F, Pignatelli P, Violi F.
Antioxid Redox Signal.2013 Apr 20;18(12):1491-6. doi: 10.1089/ars.2012.4987.
7) Inherited human gp91phox deficiency is associated with impaired isoprostane formation and platelet dysfunction.
Pignatelli P, Carnevale R, Di Santo S, Bartimoccia S, Sanguigni V, Lenti L, Finocchi A, Mendolicchio L, Soresina AR, Plebani A, Violi F.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.2011 Feb;31(2):423-34. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.
8) Atorvastatin inhibits oxidative stress via adiponectin-mediated NADPH oxidase down-regulation in hypercholesterolemic patients.
Carnevale R, Pignatelli P, Di Santo S, Bartimoccia S, Sanguigni V, Napoleone L, Tanzilli G, Basili S, Violi F.
Atherosclerosis.2010 Nov;213(1):225-34. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2010.08.056.
9) Atorvastatin inhibits gp91phox circulating levels in patients with hypercholesterolemia.
Pignatelli P, Carnevale R, Cangemi R, Loffredo L, Sanguigni V, Stefanutti C, Basili S, Violi F.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.2010 Feb;30(2):360-7. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.109.198622.
10) Hereditary deficiency of gp91(phox) is associated with enhanced arterial dilatation: results of a multicenter study.
Violi F, Sanguigni V, Carnevale R, Plebani A, Rossi P, Finocchi A, Pignata C, De Mattia D, Martire B, Pietrogrande MC, Martino S, Gambineri E, Soresina AR, Pignatelli P, Martino F, Basili S, Loffredo L.
Circulation.2009 Oct 20;120(16):1616-22. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA
11) Oxidative stress is associated with arterial dysfunction and enhanced intima-media thickness in children with hypercholesterolemia: the potential role of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase.
Martino F, Loffredo L, Carnevale R, Sanguigni V, Martino E, Catasca E, Zanoni C, Pignatelli P, Violi F.
Pediatrics.2008 Sep;122(3):e648-55. doi: 10.1542/peds.2008-0735.
12) Early decrease of oxidative stress by atorvastatin in hypercholesterolaemic patients: effect on circulating vitamin E.
Cangemi R, Loffredo L, Carnevale R, Perri L, Patrizi MP, Sanguigni V, Pignatelli P, Violi F.
Eur Heart J.2008 Jan;29(1):54-62.
13) Oxidative stress-mediated platelet CD40 ligand upregulation in patients with hypercholesterolemia: effect of atorvastatin.
Pignatelli P, Sanguigni V, Lenti L, Loffredo L, Carnevale R, Sorge R, Violi F.
J Thromb Haemost.2007 Jun;5(6):1170-8.
14) LDL are oxidatively modified by platelets via GP91(phox) and accumulate in human monocytes.
Carnevale R, Pignatelli P, Lenti L, Buchetti B, Sanguigni V, Di Santo S, Violi F.
FASEB J. 2007 Mar;21(3):927-34.
15) Nox2 is determinant for ischemia-induced oxidative stress and arterial vasodilatation: a pilot study in patients with hereditary Nox2 deficiency.
Violi F, Sanguigni V, Loffredo L, Carnevale R, Buchetti B, Finocchi A, Tesauro M, Rossi P, Pignatelli P.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.2006 Aug;26(8):e131-2.
16) Polyphenols enhance platelet nitric oxide by inhibiting protein kinase C-dependent NADPH oxidase activation: effect on platelet recruitment.
Pignatelli P, Di Santo S, Buchetti B, Sanguigni V, Brunelli A, Violi F.
FASEB J.2006 Jun;20(8):1082-9.
17) Early anticoagulant effect of atorvastatin.
Pignatelli P, Sanguigni V, Buchetti B, Lenti L, Violi F.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.2005 Dec;25(12):e145; author reply e145-6.
18) Vitamin C inhibits platelet expression of CD40 ligand.
Pignatelli P, Sanguigni V, Paola SG, Lo Coco E, Lenti L, Violi F.
Free Radic Biol Med.2005 Jun 15;38(12):1662-6.
19) Short-term treatment with atorvastatin reduces platelet CD40 ligand and thrombin generation in hypercholesterolemic patients.
Sanguigni V, Pignatelli P, Lenti L, Ferro D, Bellia A, Carnevale R, Tesauro M, Sorge R, Lauro R, Violi F.
Circulation. 2005 Feb 1;111(4):412-9.
20) CD40 ligand enhances monocyte tissue factor expression and thrombin generation via oxidative stress in patients with hypercholesterolemia.
Sanguigni V, Ferro D, Pignatelli P, Del Ben M, Nadia T, Saliola M, Sorge R, Violi F.
J Am Coll Cardiol.2005 Jan 4;45(1):35-42.
21) gp91phox-dependent expression of platelet CD40 ligand.
Pignatelli P, Sanguigni V, Lenti L, Ferro D, Finocchi A, Rossi P, Violi F.
Circulation.2004 Sep 7;110(10):1326-9.
22) Enhanced platelet release of superoxide anion in systemic hypertension: role of AT1 receptors.
Germanò G, Sanguigni V, Pignatelli P, Caccese D, Lenti L, Ragazzo M, Lauro R, Violi F.
J Hypertens.2004 Jun;22(6):1151-6.
23) Carnitine inhibits arachidonic acid turnover, platelet function, and oxidative stress.
Pignatelli P, Lenti L, Sanguigni V, Frati G, Simeoni I, Gazzaniga PP, Pulcinelli FM, Violi F.
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.2003 Jan;284(1):H41-8.
24) Increased superoxide anion production by platelets in hypercholesterolemic patients.
Sanguigni V, Pignatelli P, Caccese D, Pulcinelli FM, Lenti L, Magnaterra R, Martini F, Lauro R, Violi F.
Thromb Haemost.2002 May;87(5):796-801.
25) Metformin decreases platelet superoxide anion production in diabetic patients.
Gargiulo P, Caccese D, Pignatelli P, Brufani C, De Vito F, Marino R, Lauro R, Violi F, Di Mario U, Sanguigni V.
Diabetes Metab Res Rev.2002 Mar-Apr;18(2):156-9.
26) Superoxide anion and hydroxyl radical release by collagen-induced platelet aggregation--role of arachidonic acid metabolism.
Caccese D, Praticò D, Ghiselli A, Natoli S, Pignatelli P, Sanguigni V, Iuliano L, Violi F.
Thromb Haemost.2000 Mar;83(3):485-90.
27) Effect of amlodipine on exercise-induced platelet activation in patients affected by chronic stable angina.
Sanguigni V, Gallù M, Sciarra L, Del Principe D, Menichelli A, Palumbo G, Cannata D, Strano A.
Clin Cardiol.1999 Sep;22(9):575-80.
28) Effects of coffee on serum cholesterol and lipoproteins: the Italian brewing method. Italian Group for the Study of Atherosclerosis and Dismetabolic Diseases, Rome II Center.
Sanguigni V, Gallu M, Ruffini MP, Strano A.
Eur J Epidemiol.1995 Feb;11(1):75-8.
29) [Therapy and prevention of infective endocarditis].
Rocchi G, Sordillo P, Sarrecchia C, Sanguigni V.
Cardiologia.1994 Dec;39(12 Suppl 1):267-74. Review. Italian.
30) [Effects of physical activity on lipids and coagulation].
Sanguigni V, Gallù M, De Cristofaro R, Ruffini MP, Levi C, Sciarra L, Novo S, Strano A.
Cardiologia.1994 Jun;39(6):425-31. Italian.
31) Cholesterol and fibrinogen as predictive factors of progressive carotid atherosclerosis.
Sanguigni V, Gallù M, Novo S, Strano A.
Int Angiol.1993 Dec;12(4):335-6.
32) [Silent myocardial ischemia: prevalence, prognostic significance, diagnosis].
Novo S, Longo B, Liquori M, Abrignani MG, Barbagallo M, Sanguigni V, Barbagallo Sangiorgi G, Strano A.
Cardiologia.1993 Dec;38(12 Suppl 1):243-51. Italian.
33) Incidence of carotid artery atherosclerosis in patients with coronary artery disease.
Sanguigni V,Gallù M, Strano A.
Angiology.1993 Jan;44(1):34-8.
34) Evaluation of total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage with cross-sectional colour-flow Doppler echocardiography.
Vitarelli A, Scapato A, Sanguigni V, Caminiti MC.
Eur Heart J.1986 Mar;7(3):190-5.
Curriculum Vitae
Prof . Valerio Sanguigni
-Born in Rome on 20 March 1959.
- Degree in Medicine and Surgery (votes 110/110 with honors) , at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" on 21 July 1983.
- Diploma of Specialization in Cardiology (votes 70/70 with honors) at the University of Rome "La Sapienza" July 87.
- February 1989 winner of the competition for free licenses and examinations and appointed Assistant Professor for the group of Internal Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
-From 'August 1990 until June 2000 (year of start of leave for study and scientific research) has worked with Clinical-care assistance at the Division University of Internal Medicine Vergata in Rome. During that period he worked at the lane welfare and in particular organized and directed the service for Cardiovascular Diseases.
From October 2003 until now has directed the Center of the Hypertension Group Bios of Rome.
- Since May 2005 was appointed by the Rector of the Univeristy as Aggregate Professor of the Faculty of Medicine of Tor Vergata.
- Since October 2008 he was named among the experts of the EMA (European Medicines Agency) in the field of cardiovascular disease
- Since 2009 was awardedby the President of Republic of the honor of Knight of the Republic (Cavaliere della Repubblica)
- Since 2013 was awardedby the President of Republic of the honor of Official
of the Republic (Ufficiale della Repubblica)
- Ordinary member of the following Scientific Societies:
Italian Society of Cardiology
Italian Society of Internal Medicine
Fellow of the American College of angiology
Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology
Premium member the American Heart Association.
- Reviewer of the following journals:
European Heart Journal
American Journal of Cardiology
Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis
Since 1989 he worked at teaching facilities at the "Tor Vergata" as follows:
- Cycles of lessons to students of the School of Medicine in teaching Internal Medicine.
- Theoretical and practical exercises, activities and tutorial guide the development of thesis students for the School of Medicine and and rapporteur of the thesis for degree courses.
- Since 1994, holder of the course of Cardiovascular Therapy at the School of Specialization in Cardiology at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
- Since 1994, holder of the course of Cardiovascular Therapy at the School of Specialization in Internal Medicine at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata"
- Since 1999, is the holder of the course of Emergency Medicine at the Master of Science degree in Nursing at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata".
- Since 2000, is the holder of the course of Internal Medicine in the Course of Science degree in Nursing at the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" .
Scientific Activities
It summarizes scientific activity in a number of communications presented personally to national and international conferences and publications on major international scientific journals, related cardiovascular diseases
. Particular attention was paid to the study of pathogenetic mechanisms of atherosclerotic disease with the search for new relations between mediators of inflammation, markers of oxidative stress and thrombosis.
Some research has also been devoted to new therapeutic aspects of the atherosclerotic disease .Particular attention was dedicated to the study of pleiotropic effects of statins, through studies in vivo and in vitro. Than it was also performed a new model of study for the role of oxidative stress in the pathogenesis of thrombotic and atherosclerotic disease through a series of studies on a selected population of rare patients affected by NDAPH deficiency.
Recently a new line of research has been devoted to the study of the effects of some natural foods rich in polyphenols on endothelial and vascular function
Impaired platelet activation in patients with hereditary deficiency of p47phox.
Carnevale R, Loffredo L, Nocella C, Bartimoccia S, Sanguigni V, Soresina A, Plebani A, Azzari C, Martire B, Pignata C, Violi F.
Br J Haematol.2016 Oct 10. doi: 10.1111/bjh.14347.
Natural antioxidant ice cream acutely reduces oxidative stress and improves vascular function and physical performance in healthy individuals.
Sanguigni V, Manco M, Sorge R, Gnessi L, Francomano D.
Nutrition. 2017 Jan;33:225-233. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2016.07.008. Epub 2016 Jul 26.
NOX 5 is expressed in platelets from patients with chronic granulomatous disease.
Bartimoccia S, Carnevale R, Sanguigni V, De Falco E, Frati G, Loffredo L, Plebani A, Soresina A, Pignatelli P, Violi F.
Thromb Haemost.2016 Jul 4;116(1):198-200. doi: 10.1160/TH15-12-0999.
Different degrees of NADPH oxidase 2 regulation and in vivo platelet activation: lesson from chronic granulomatous disease.
Carnevale R, Loffredo L, Sanguigni V, Plebani A, Rossi P, Pignata C, Martire B, Finocchi A, Pietrogrande MC, Azzari C, Soresina AR, Martino S, Cirillo E, Martino F, Pignatelli P, Violi F.
J Am Heart Assoc. 2014 Jun 27;3(3):e000920. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.114.000920.
Reduced atherosclerotic burden in subjects with genetically determined low oxidative stress.
Violi F, Pignatelli P, Pignata C, Plebani A, Rossi P, Sanguigni V, Carnevale R, Soresina A, Finocchi A, Cirillo E, Catasca E, Angelico F, Loffredo L.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.2013 Feb;33(2):406-12. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.112.300438. Epub 2013 Jan 3.
Does NADPH oxidase deficiency cause artery dilatation in humans?
Loffredo L, Carnevale R, Sanguigni V, Plebani A, Rossi P, Pignata C, De Mattia D, Finocchi A, Martire B, Pietrogrande MC, Martino S, Gambineri E, Giardino G, Soresina AR, Martino F, Pignatelli P, Violi F.
Antioxid Redox Signal. 2013 Apr 20;18(12):1491-6. doi: 10.1089/ars.2012.4987. Epub 2012 Dec 7.
Inherited human gp91phox deficiency is associated with impaired isoprostane formation and platelet dysfunction.
Pignatelli P, Carnevale R, Di Santo S, Bartimoccia S, Sanguigni V, Lenti L, Finocchi A, Mendolicchio L, Soresina AR, Plebani A, Violi F.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol.2011 Feb;31(2):423-34. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.110.217885. Epub 2010 Nov 11.
Atorvastatin inhibits oxidative stress via adiponectin-mediated NADPH oxidase down-regulation in hypercholesterolemic patients.
Carnevale R, Pignatelli P, Di Santo S, Bartimoccia S, Sanguigni V, Napoleone L, Tanzilli G, Basili S, Violi F.
Atherosclerosis.2010 Nov;213(1):225-34. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2010.08.056. Epub 2010 Aug 19.
Atorvastatin inhibits gp91phox circulating levels in patients with hypercholesterolemia.
Pignatelli P, Carnevale R, Cangemi R, Loffredo L, Sanguigni V, Stefanutti C, Basili S, Violi F.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2010 Feb;30(2):360-7. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.109.198622. Epub 2009 Dec 3. Erratum in: Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2014 Sep;34(9):e20.
Hereditary deficiency of gp91(phox) is associated with enhanced arterial dilatation: results of a multicenter study.
Violi F, Sanguigni V, Carnevale R, Plebani A, Rossi P, Finocchi A, Pignata C, De Mattia D, Martire B, Pietrogrande MC, Martino S, Gambineri E, Soresina AR, Pignatelli P, Martino F, Basili S, Loffredo L.
Circulation.2009 Oct 20;120(16):1616-22. doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.109.877191. Epub 2009 Oct 5.
Oxidative stress is associated with arterial dysfunction and enhanced intima-media thickness in children with hypercholesterolemia: the potential role of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase.
Martino F, Loffredo L, Carnevale R, Sanguigni V, Martino E, Catasca E, Zanoni C, Pignatelli P, Violi F.
Pediatrics.2008 Sep;122(3):e648-55. doi: 10.1542/peds.2008-0735.
Early decrease of oxidative stress by atorvastatin in hypercholesterolaemic patients: effect on circulating vitamin E.
Cangemi R, Loffredo L, Carnevale R, Perri L, Patrizi MP, Sanguigni V, Pignatelli P, Violi F.
Eur Heart J. 2008 Jan;29(1):54-62. Epub 2007 Dec 6.
Oxidative stress-mediated platelet CD40 ligand upregulation in patients with hypercholesterolemia: effect of atorvastatin.
Pignatelli P, Sanguigni V, Lenti L, Loffredo L, Carnevale R, Sorge R, Violi F.
J Thromb Haemost.2007 Jun;5(6):1170-8.
LDL are oxidatively modified by platelets via GP91(phox) and accumulate in human monocytes.
Carnevale R, Pignatelli P, Lenti L, Buchetti B, Sanguigni V, Di Santo S, Violi F.
FASEB J. 2007 Mar;21(3):927-34. Epub 2006 Dec 27.
Nox2 is determinant for ischemia-induced oxidative stress and arterial vasodilatation: a pilot study in patients with hereditary Nox2 deficiency.
Violi F, Sanguigni V, Loffredo L, Carnevale R, Buchetti B, Finocchi A, Tesauro M, Rossi P, Pignatelli P.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2006 Aug;26(8):e131-2. No abstract available.
Polyphenols enhance platelet nitric oxide by inhibiting protein kinase C-dependent NADPH oxidase activation: effect on platelet recruitment.
Pignatelli P, Di Santo S, Buchetti B, Sanguigni V, Brunelli A, Violi F.
FASEB J.2006 Jun;20(8):1082-9.
Early anticoagulant effect of atorvastatin.
Pignatelli P, Sanguigni V, Buchetti B, Lenti L, Violi F.
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2005 Dec;25(12):e145; author reply e145-6. No abstract available.
Vitamin C inhibits platelet expression of CD40 ligand.
Pignatelli P, Sanguigni V, Paola SG, Lo Coco E, Lenti L, Violi F.
Free Radic Biol Med.2005 Jun 15;38(12):1662-6. Epub 2005 Mar 23.
PMID: 15917194
Short-term treatment with atorvastatin reduces platelet CD40 ligand and thrombin generation in hypercholesterolemic patients.
Sanguigni V, Pignatelli P, Lenti L, Ferro D, Bellia A, Carnevale R, Tesauro M, Sorge R, Lauro R, Violi F.
Circulation.2005 Feb 1;111(4):412-9.
CD40 ligand enhances monocyte tissue factor expression and thrombin generation via oxidative stress in patients with hypercholesterolemia.
Sanguigni V, Ferro D, Pignatelli P, Del Ben M, Nadia T, Saliola M, Sorge R, Violi F.
J Am Coll Cardiol.2005 Jan 4;45(1):35-42.
gp91phox-dependent expression of platelet CD40 ligand.
Pignatelli P, Sanguigni V, Lenti L, Ferro D, Finocchi A, Rossi P, Violi F.
Circulation.2004 Sep 7;110(10):1326-9. Epub 2004 Jul 12.
Enhanced platelet release of superoxide anion in systemic hypertension: role of AT1 receptors.
Germanò G, Sanguigni V, Pignatelli P, Caccese D, Lenti L, Ragazzo M, Lauro R, Violi F.
J Hypertens.2004 Jun;22(6):1151-6.
Carnitine inhibits arachidonic acid turnover, platelet function, and oxidative stress.
Pignatelli P, Lenti L, Sanguigni V, Frati G, Simeoni I, Gazzaniga PP, Pulcinelli FM, Violi F.
Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2003 Jan;284(1):H41-8. Epub 2002 Sep 5.
Increased superoxide anion production by platelets in hypercholesterolemic patients.
Sanguigni V, Pignatelli P, Caccese D, Pulcinelli FM, Lenti L, Magnaterra R, Martini F, Lauro R, Violi F.
Thromb Haemost.2002 May;87(5):796-801.
Metformin decreases platelet superoxide anion production in diabetic patients.
Gargiulo P, Caccese D, Pignatelli P, Brufani C, De Vito F, Marino R, Lauro R, Violi F, Di Mario U, Sanguigni V.
Diabetes Metab Res Rev.2002 Mar-Apr;18(2):156-9.
Superoxide anion and hydroxyl radical release by collagen-induced platelet aggregation--role of arachidonic acid metabolism.
Caccese D, Praticò D, Ghiselli A, Natoli S, Pignatelli P, Sanguigni V, Iuliano L, Violi F.
Thromb Haemost.2000 Mar;83(3):485-90.
Effect of amlodipine on exercise-induced platelet activation in patients affected by chronic stable angina.
Sanguigni V, Gallù M, Sciarra L, Del Principe D, Menichelli A, Palumbo G, Cannata D, Strano A.
Clin Cardiol. 1999 Sep;22(9):575-80.
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