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Nata a Napoli il 20/07/1964.

Laureata nel 1989 in Ingegneria Civile Idraulica (110/110 lode).

Borsista MURST presso il GeotechnicalEngineering Research Centredella CityUniversity(SERC-CASE Award) dal 1989 al 1992.

PhD in Ingegneria Geotecnica nel 1992.

Contrattista presso il DISG dell'Università di Roma La Sapienza (1992-93).

Ricercatore e poi Ricercatore Confermato all'Università di Roma Tor Vergata dal 1994 al 2001. 

Academic Visitorall'ImperialCollegedi Londra nel 1996-97 (JLE-LinkProject).

Scientific Visitorpresso il Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Lipsia, autunno 2000 

Professore Associato di Geotecnica all'Università di Roma Tor Vergata dal 2001 al 2007

MTS Visiting Professor of Geomechanics, Università del Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA marzo-luglio 2005

Professore Straordinario e poi Ordinario di Geotecnica all'Università di Roma Tor Vergata dal 2007.

Membro della UNI/CIS/SC7 Geotechnics - Design, per la Normativa Geotecnica Europea.

National Technical ContactCEN/TC250/SC7 Geotechnical DesignII: Ground Investigation and Testing.

Rappresentante nazionale ERTC10: Evaluation of Eurocode7 e del TC250/SC7 Mirror Group on Eurocodes

Core Member del /TC204 Underground Construction in Soft Ground Conditions.

Member del ISSMGE/TC305 Geotechnical Infrastructure for Megacities.

Relatrice Generale al Convegno CIRIA, Response of Buildings to Excavation-induced Settlements (Londra, 2001) al XV ECSMGE (Athens, 2011) e al Convegno Coupled Phenomena in Geotechnical Engineering (Torino, 2013); Correlatrice generale al Convegno AGI (L'Aquila, 2002).  Conferenziere a invito: X Congresso IAEG (Nottingham, 2006),  Convegno su Geotechnical Challenges in Megacities (Moscow, 2011) e  Convegno Baltic Piling Days (Tallin, 2012).



Coordinatore del Corso di Studi in Ingegneria Civile e Ambientale.

Componente del Collegio dei Docenti del Dottorato in Ingegneria Civile di Roma Tor Vergata.

City University, UK (1989-92); Università di Roma “La Sapienza” (1992-94); Imperial College(1996); Università di Roma “Tor Vergata" (1994 ad oggi).  Corsi: Geotechnical Engineering, Soil Mechanics, Geotecnica, Stabilità dei Pendii, Scavi ed Opere di Sostegno, Indagini e Misure Geotecniche, Geotecnica Sismica, Fondazioni.


Aree di ricerca

Dipendenza della rigidezza di terreni argillosi naturali e ricostituiti dallo stato e dalla storia tensionale; tecniche di indagine statiche e dinamiche in sito ed in laboratorio; rigonfiamento.

Monitoraggio della risposta del terreno e degli edifici in problemi di scavo; analisi numerica di scavi in sotterraneo e a cielo aperto.

Comportamento meccanico di rocce tenere piroclastiche, rocce sciolte e rocce tenere a grani frantumabili.

Cedimenti sotto peso proprio di discariche; caratterizzazione geotecnica dei terreni della Torre di Pisa; mitigazione del danno strutturale provocato da scavi in sotterraneo.

Congelamento artificiale dei terreni

Normativa Geotecnica




Autrice o co-autrice di 19 articoli su rivista internazionale, 50 articoli in atti di convegni nazionali ed internazionali, 4 capitoli di libri e numerose comunicazioni e rapporti di ricerca.

Giulia Viggiani was born in Napoli, Italy, on July 20, 1964.  She is currently Professore Ordinario (Full Professor) of Geotechnical Engineering at Università di Roma Tor Vergata, where she teaches the courses of Scavi e Opere di Sostegno (Earth Pressures and Earth Retaining Structures), Geotecnica Sismica (Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering) and Fondazioni (Foundation Engineering).  She is Head of the Boards of Studies in and Civil and Environmental Engineering.

She obtained a Laurea in Ingegneria Civile (110/110 magna cum laude) from the University of Napoli Federico II in 1989 and a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering from the City University, London in 1992.  After obtaining her PhD, she returned to Italy to work as post-doc researcher at Università di Roma La Sapienza (1992/94) and then moved to Università di Roma Tor Vergata where she was appointed Ricercatore (1994), Professore Associato (2000), and then Professore Ordinario (2007) in Geotechnical Engineering.  She has been Academic Visitor at Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine, University of London (1996/97), Scientific Visitor at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences, Leipzig (winter semester 2000/01), and Visiting Professor of Geomechanics at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, (March-July 2005).  She is Erasmus Coordinator for Civil Engineering, and Member of the Board of Studies of the Doctoral School of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering of Roma Tor Vergata. 

Her research interests and areas of expertise span from soil mechanics to geotechnical engineering, and she has been the recipient of research funding from the Italian Ministry of University and Research (PRIN/MIUR), the European Community (EC/FP7) and Industry.  She has worked on the development of laboratory equipment (bender elements, conventional and high pressure stress path triaxial systems) and of interpretation procedures for laboratory and in situ tests (resonant column/torsion shear tests, bender element tests, DEMEC gauges) and has carried out experimental investigations of the mechanical behaviour of soils and soft rocks at small strain (small strain stiffness and damping of pyroclastic deposits and fine grained soils, swelling behaviour of stiff clays). She has experience on the geotechnical characterisation of natural deposits (Pisa clay, pyroclastic deposits from the Colli Albani, Tiber deposits) and the experimental investigation and constitutive modelling of the mechanical behaviour of granular soils with crushable grains (pyroclastic deposits from the Colli Albani, light expanded clay aggregates, artificial soft rocks). 

In geotechnical engineering, she has worked on the stability of open cuts and excavations (physical and limit equilibrium modelling of block toppling, stability of sub-vertical cuts in pyroclastic deposits). She has also worked on underground construction, participating to several projects involving soft ground tunnelling, retaining structures, deep excavations and foundations.  She was part of the CIRIA LINK team monitoring building response to tunnelling, in connection with the construction of the Jubilee Line Extension in London, participated in activities connected to the design and construction of Lines 1 and 6 of Napoli Underground, and is a member of the geotechnical team of the international technical and scientific committee set up to assist the designers of Line C of Roma Underground, in close co-operation with the general contractor, Metro C ScpA.  As such she is involved in the numerical modelling of bored and open excavations in soft ground and of the interaction of tunnels and structures.  She has carried out research on the numerical modelling of installation effects of diaphragm walls in stiff clays and sand, damage assessment procedures, and mitigation and remedial measures.  She is Work Package Leader of WP B.1.2.5 'Controlling the impact of tunnelling' of EC/FP7 Research Project NeTTUN.  More recently, she has worked on the physical and numerical modelling of flexible retaining structures under seismic actions, and has carried out studies of the static and seismic behaviour of the foundation system of the Messina Bridge.

Giulia Viggiani has a strong involvement in the activities of the geotechnical international scientific community.  She is a member of ISSMGE TC204 'Underground Construction in Soft Ground' and TC305 'Geotechnical Infrastructure for Megacities', and Chairman of TC204 WG on 'Guidelines for Comparing Field or Physical Modelling with Numerical Simulations'.  She has contributed in the organisation of ISRM International Symposium 'Eurock-96' on 'Prediction and Performance in Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering' and of TC28 IS-Roma2011 on 'Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground'. She is a member of TC250/SC7 Mirror Group on Eurocodes.  She is a regular reviewer for many international journals of soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering, including ASCE, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Engineering Geology, Géotechnique, Géotechnique Letters, Geotechnical Engineering, Geotechnical Testing Journal - ASTM, RIG, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Soils & Foundations, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Engineering, and Acta Geomechanica. 

She has published several journal papers and conference papers, book chapters, and research reports and has translated into the Italian language three technical books. She has been an invited lecturer at universities and conferences both in Italy and abroad.  She delivered General Reports at the Int. Conf. on Response of Buildings to Excavation-induced Ground Movements (London, 2001) at the XV ECSMGE (Athens, 2011) and at the Int. Symp. On Coupled Phenomena in Geotechnical Engineering (Torino, 2013), and co-authored the General Report on Tunnelling at the XXI CNG, (L'Aquila, 2006), delivered Invited Lectures at the 10th Int. Cong. of IAEG (Nottingham, 2006), at the Int. Geotech. Conf. 'Geotechnical Challenges in Megacities' (Moscow, 2011) and at 'Baltic Piling Days' (Tallin, 2012).  She is chartered Civil Engineer and member of the ISSMGE and AGI.

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