Curriculum Vitae
Diane Maria Ponterotto
Home address (permanent)
Via Arco Cirillo 6
67100, Italy
Home address (temporary)
Via Giuseppe Fracassi 6
(progetto C.A.S.E.)
Roio Poggio, L’Aquila,
67100, Italy
0039 – 346-1799721 (preferred)
0039-3493274862 (preferred)
Academic affiliation
Full Professor
English Language and Linguistics
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia (School of Humanities)
Corso di Laurea in Lingue nella Società dell’Informazione
(Languages in the Information Society)
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (Department of Humanities)
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Rome, Italy
Additional academic titles
Degree course in “Lingue e Culture Moderne” (Modern Languages and Cultures)
University of L’Aquila, Italy
-Member of the Coordinating Committee,
Masters Programme in Translation and Technical Editing,
University of L’Aquila, Italy
-Director of the University Language Centre
(Direzione e Gestione Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo)
University of L’Aquila, Italy
Role and functions included the management of the language learning services for the entire student body (of around of 17,000 students), and especially - the recruitment and supervision of teaching personnel, the implementation of the Common European Framework of Reference for the evaluation of language competence, the organization and supervision of language learning courses, the creation and implementation of standard and on-line evaluation/certification procedures, the assignment to the Language Centre of the University of L’Aquila of the status of official testing centre for the University of Cambridge language certification.
-Organizer and President
Degree course in “Mediazione Linguistica e Comunicazione Internazionale” (Language Mediation and International Communication)
University of L’Aquila, Italy
-Professor of foreign language methodology and evaluation
SSIS - Scuola di Specializzzazione Insegnamento Secondario, (Specialization degree for high school teachers of English)
University of L’Aquila, Italy
-Member of the Italian Ministerial Commission of the state examinations for high school secondary school teacher certification, Abruzzo, Italy
( 2004, 2005, 2006)
- President of the Italian Ministerial Commission of the state examinations for high school secondary school teacher certification, Abruzzo, Italy
( 2007)
-Coordinator for the foreign language programme of the project Campus One,
Italian Ministry of University and Research and European Social Foundation
University of L’Aquila, Italy
-Local Secretary and Oral Examiner of the University of Cambridge certification
University of L’Aquila, Italy
Additional scientific qualifications
-winner of the national competition of the Italian Ministry MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research) for the title of full professor, scientific area L-LIN-12 (Languages and Translation-English), position announced by the School of Political Science, University of Teramo, Italy (vincitore della valutazione comparativa per il ruolo di professore universitario di prima fasciaFac oltà di Scienze Poltiche, Università delgi Studi di Teramo)
(December 2010)
-invitation to cover the role of full professor of English at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Chiamata a coprire il ruolo di professore ordinario, settore scientifico–LIN-12 (Lingua e Traduzione-Lingua Inglese, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”.
(December 2011)
-Secretary General
ISAPL (International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics)
(2010 -2013)
ISAPL (International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics)
-Reviewer for international journals and publishers (John Benjamins, Journal of Research in Hospitality, Tourism and Culture, International Research Journal of Arts and Social Sciences)
-Reviewer for international conferences (Cognitive Linguistics Association, International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics)
2003 – present, member of the Evaluator committee - Sixth & Seventh Framework Programme, Cordis, European Research Council European Commission (Expert number registration: EX2002B078401)
-member of the reviewer committee, Italian Ministry of University and Research (Albo dei revisori, Miur, Italy)
Educational background
1968 BA degree, College of New Rochelle, New York, USA
1975 Laurea summa cum laude, Foreign languages and literatures,
Facoltà di Magistero (School of Education), University of L’Aquila, Italy
Additional diplomas
1968 Foreign Language Teaching Methodology (Italian), Fairleigh Dickenson University, USA
1969 Foreign Language Teaching Methodology (Italian) University of New York at Buffalo, USA
1979 University of London "Victorian literature and the arts in London," London UK,
1988 Cognitive Linguistics, Interuniversity Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik
1989 Oxford University "Britain: Literature, History and Society from 1870", Oxford, UK
Employment history
Primary academic roles
1974–1980, Native speaker lector in English, Facoltà di Magistero (School of Education) University of L’Aquila, Italy
1980-1992, Tenured Researcher, School of Education, University of L’Aquila, Italy
1992-1995, Associate professor, School of Economics, University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy
1995-2008, Tenured Associate Professor of English language and English linguistics, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia (School of Humanities), University of L’Aquila, Italy
2008 - present, Tenured Associate Professor of English language and English linguistics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Rome, Italy. Teaching responsibilities: modules in Introduction to Linguistics, Semantics, Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis.
Additional Assignments
1989 Professor of Phonetics and Linguistics, Scuola Diretta a Fini Speciali di Foniatria e Logopedia (Specialization Diploma in Phoniatrics and Logopaedics) School of Medicine, University of L’Aquila, Italy.
1990 Professor of English (EAP) Scuola Diretta a Fini Speciali di Foniatria e Logopedia (Specialization Diploma in Phoniatrics and Logopaedics), School of Medicine, University of L’Aquila, Italy; Scuola ai Fini Speciali di Docenti e Dirigenti di Scienze Infermieristiche (Specialization diploma in Nursing Teaching and Management); Scuola ai Fini Speciali in Anestesia e di Terapia di Rianimazione (Specialization diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Therapy, School of Medicine, University of L’Aquila, Italy.
1991 Professor of English Linguistics, Degree in Foreign languages and literatures, School of Education, University of L’Aquila, Italy
1991 Professor of “Inglese Scientifico” (EAP for Scientific English-Medicine), Degree course in Medicine and Surgery, School of Medicine, University of L’Aquila, Italy.
1992 Professor of English (EAP for economics, business administration and law)
School of Economic and Social Sciences; School of Jurisprudence, University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy
1994 Professor of English, Post-graduate diploma for “Esperti in politiche comunitarie” (Experts in EU policy), Chamber of Trade, Industry, Artisanship and Agriculture, Region of Molise, Campobasso, Italy.
1998 Professor, EFL Methodology, School for Interpreters and Translators (Scuole Superiore Interpreti e Traduttori), University of Bologna, Italy
1999 Professor of English language, School of Humanities, University of L’Aquila, Italy
1999 Professor of English language, Masters in technological innovation and industrial management, School of Engineering, University of L’Aquila, Italy.
2000 Professor of English language, SSIS - Scuola di Specializzzazione Insegnamento Secondario (Specialization degree for secondary school teachers of science) School of Engineering, University of L’Aquila, University of Chieti, University of Teramo, Italy
2003 Professor of English language III, Degree course in elementary education, School of Education, University of L’Aquila, Italy
2003 Professor of English linguistics, Methodology of EFL, Foreign language testing, SSIS (Scuola di Specializzazione Insegnamento Secondario, Specialization degree for secondary school teachers of English, University of L’Aquila, Italy
2004 Professor of English - EAP for Business and Management in the Masters programme (Corso di Perfezionamento e Aggiornamento Professionale in Linee di Sviluppo nell'Europrogettazione - Specialization and professional in-service training course in Development and Europrogramming), School of Education, University of L'Aquila, Italy.
2004 Professor of English (EAP for Business and Management in the Masters programme (Corso di Perfezionamento e Aggiornamento Professionale in Linee di Sviluppo nell'Europrogettazione), School of Education, University of L'Aquila, Italy.
2006 Professor of English linguistics and of Foreign language testing SSIS - Scuola di Specializzazione Insegnamento Secondario (Specialization degree for secondary school teachers of English) University of L’Aquila, Italy
2007 Professor of English linguistics, Professor of Foreign language testing SSIS - Scuola di Specializzazione Insegnamento Secondario (Specialization degree for secondary school teachers of English) University of L’Aquila, Italy
Additional professional experiences
1985 Invited speaker in EFL methodology for the Ministry of Education (Region of Abruzzo) In service training for English at primary school level
1988 Invited speaker in EFL methodology for the Ministry of Education (Region of Abruzzo) In service training for English at middle school level
1992 Invited speaker in EFL methodology for the Ministry of Education (Region of Abruzzo) In service training for English at primary school level
1994 Member of the Scientific Committee, of the 4th International Congress of the International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics, “Psycholinguistics as a Multidisciplinarily-connected science”, Bologna, Italy 23-27 June.
1994 Invited speaker as “discussant” for the round table “Metaphor and iconicity”, XV International Congress of Linguists, Université de Laval, Québec, Canada, 9-14 August.
1999 Invited speaker for the Socrates Programme of the European Commission: Autonomy in Primary Language Acquisition, University of Granada, Spain, 4-7 February 1999.
2004 Visiting professor, Department of English, University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland
2004 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 7th International Congress of the International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics, Cieszyn, Poland, September
2005 Invited speaker for the 2005 European Day of Languages, organized by the Region of the Abruzzi, Centre of Languages, on the topic: The Choice of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) For Non-Language Disciplines, 28 November.
2007 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 8th International Congress of the International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
2009 Member of the Scientific Committee of the XVII International AESLA Conference (Spanish Applied Linguistics Association) “Modos y formas de la comunicaciòn humana”, University of Castilla - la Mancha, Spain, March 26-29 2009.
To be held (2013) Member of the Scientific Committee of the 10th International Congress of the International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics, Moscow
Papers presented at national and international conferences
1993 XVIII Annual Convention, TESOL-Italy, Rome
“Metaphors We Can Learn By”,
1993 Convegno Internazionale, Università, Formazione Linguistica, tecnologie Avanzate, Sezione: interazione ricerca-insegnamento, Università La Sapienza, Roma. 20-21 maggio.
“Cognitive and affective factors of EFL/ESP in Italian Universities",
1994 4th International ISAPL (International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics) Congress: Psycholinguistics as a Multidisciplinarily-Connected Science, Bologna, 23-27 June.
"Children's perception of tropes in narrative," (con Flavio Manieri e Maria Stagnini).
1994 4th International ISAPL (International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics) Congress: Psycholinguistics as a Multidisciplinarily Connected Science, Bologna, 23-27 June.
"Activation vs. non-activation of monitoring in 11-year-old students of English in Italy"
1994 XIX Annual TESOL Convention, Not Only Language: educating through language, TESOL-Italy, Rome, 11-12 November.
"Gender awareness in EFL,"
1997 International Conference of the Society of Textual Scholarship, (Session D5: Feminist Editing) The Graduate School and University Centre, the City University of New York, USA, April 10 - April 12.
"Editing Women's Diaries”
1997 I Congresso Nazionale di Psicologia Sociale , Associazione Italiana di Psicologia. 9-11 October.
“Dominanza o differenza nella ricerca su genere e linguaggio”
1997 Vth ISAPL International Congress, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 27 June.
"Iconicity: the psycholinguistic-semiotic interface”
1997 XIV Convegno Internazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Studi Nord-americane, University of Pescara ( D'Annunzio), Pescara 23-25 October
“Discourse strategies in female plantation diaries of the American South. "Telling the Stories of America: History, Literature and the Arts”
1997 International conference Donne e proprietà, University of Naples. 28 November.
“The Language of Male Entitlement: women/property in Anglo-American culture
1998 6th International Pragmatics Conference, Reims, France, 19-24 July
“Gender identity in today’s youth”
1999. International Symposium Effective Foreign Language teaching in the Primary Years: Focus on the teacher. University of Granada, Spain, 5 February
“Psycholinguistic Principles of Early Second Language Acquisition: Implications for Teacher Training and Curriculum Development”
1999 International Conference: Aspetti e problemi della traduzione delle lingue per scopi specifici con tecnologie avanzate, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, School of Political Science, 10-11 May.
“Cognitive and Affective factors of EFL/ESP in Italian universities
1999 XIX Convegno Nazionale AIA (Associazione Italiana d’ Anglistica): L’economia nella letteratura, lingua e cultura nei paesi anglofoni., University of Milan, Italy, 21-23 September.
“Beyond redundancy: Repetition as Conversational Management”
2000 6th International Congress of the International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics, Université de Caen, France, 28 June – 1 July.
“The cognitive-pragmatic interface of emotive communication the case of the personal letter”
2000 7th International Pragmatics Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 14 July,
“Emotive communication: the cognitive-pragmatic interface and cross-cultural considerations”
2000 Conference: Forms of promotion; Texts, Contexts and Cultures”, University of Trieste, Italy, 15 December
“The ideology of gender in contemporary advertising”.
2001 International Conference: Incontrare i mostri: Variazioni sul tema nella letteratura e cultura inglese e anglo-americana, University of Salerno 12- 13 October
”Dialogo attorno al mostro: repertorio linguistico nella filmografia americana”
2001 2nd CERLIS Conference: Conflict and Negotiation in the Language of Specialized Texts. University of Bergamo, 18-20 October
“Whose side are you on? The ambiguity of Discourse on Woman Battering in the United States.”
2002 XX National Meeting of the “Associazione Italiana di Anglistica” (Italian Association of English Studies): Rites of Passage: Rational/Irrational, Natural/Supernatural, Local/Global, Catania and Ragusa, Italy 4-6 October
“ Conversational ritual in African American Vernacular English”
2001 International Colloquium: Diversidade Linguistica e Novos Meios de Comuniçao Numa Europa Multicultural, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 21-23 February
“Linguistic democracy: “language” or “languages” of contact in contemporary Europe”.
2003. International Conference in Cognitive Linguistics (20-21 November 2003) University of Pavia, Italy: Modelling thought and constructing meaning: Cognitive models in interaction.
“Text, Context and Cognitive Metaphor”
2002 10th Conference of the Groupe Roumaine di Appliquée, Bucarest, Romania: Language and its Users
“Gender and ideology in cinematic romantic comedy: a linguistic analysis”
2003 XXI National Congress of the Associazione Italiana di Anglistica, (25-27 September) Modena, Italy
“Intercultural conversation: searching for categories in conversational analysis”
2003 Convener of the round table, “Narrating the community”, “7th International Congress of the International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics” Cieszyn, Poland, September .
2007 Co-convenor (with Prof. Masako Hiraga, Rikkyo University, Japan) of the theme session: Conceptualizing women: a cross-cultural perspective. Xth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Krakow, Poland, July 2007.
2009 Giornata Internazionale Di Studio, Le Lingue Dello Sport, Libera Università S- Pio V, Roma, October 1
“The representation of female athletes in the contemporary press: a cross-cultural perspective”.
2010 9th International Congress of ISAPL (International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics), University of Bari, Italy, June 23 -26.
Round Table dedicated to the psycholinguist Prof. Slama-Cazacu
“Current questions in cognitive linguistics and the heritage of applied psycholinguistics”
2010 Convenor of the theme session: Conceptualising movement: a cross-linguistic/cross cultural perspective on motion verbs. 9th International Congress of ISAPL (International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics), University of Bari, Italy, June 23 -26.
2010 9th International Congress of ISAPL (International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics), University of Bari, Italy, June 23 -26.
“Metaphorical aspects of motion verbs: a contrastive view of English and Italian”
2011 Seminario Interdisciplinare Annuale, Donne e violenza: corpi di pace, corpi di guerra, University of Rome Tor Vergata, April 12-13
“The Female Body in the Male Word: rappresentazioni del corpo femminile nella cultura anglofona”
2011 3rd Workshop Scritture Brevi: In tutte le lingue del mondo. University of Rome Tor Vergata, May 16,17,18.
“Finding places for discursive spaces: claiming voice through graffiti”
2011 Colloque International : L’expression Du Futur Dans Les Langues Naturelles, University of Rome Tor Vergata, 22-23-24 June
“THE FUTURE IS AHEAD: Space-to-time mappings in the representation of future time in English”
2011 Co-Convenor of the Language Workshop, XXV Convegno della Associazione Italiana di Anglistica (AIA): Regenerating Community, Territory, Voices: Memory and Vision. University of L’Aquila, Italy. September 15-17.
2012 Seminario Interdisciplinare Annuale: I corpi delle donne: tra tradizione e innovazione, University of Rome Tor Vergata, March 8-9.
“Hybrid bodies: Gender, race and class in discourses of female embodiment and empowerment”
2012 International conferenceThe communication of Certaintyand Uncertainty: linguistic,psychological, philosophical aspects, University of Macerate, Italy, October 2-October 5. .
“Hedgingin rape trial discourse “
Published Research (Prof. Diane Ponterotto, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy)
Ponterotto Diane (2012) THE BODY IS A VOYAGE: Gender, Thought and Metaphor In Virginia Woolf’s Orlando. In L. Di Michele (Ed.). Modernismi femminili, pp. 85-99, Naples: Giannini editore. ISBN: 978-88-7431-635-9.
Ponterotto, Diane (2012). Finding places for discursive spaces: claiming voice through graffiti.In Chiusaroli, F. & Zanotto, F.(Eds.) Scritture Brevi: In tutte le lingue del mondo 3. Quaderni di Linguistica Zero, Naples: Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”,
Ponterotto, Diane (2012). Gendered monstrosity: the female body/corpse of forensic investigation drama in contemporary American television. In Durst, M. & Cappa, C. (Eds.) Donne, trasgressività e violenza. Pisa: Edizioni ETS. ISBN: 978-884673376-4
Ponterotto, Diane (2012). Metaphorical aspects of motion verbs: a contrastive view of English and Italian.. In Mininni, Giuseppe &. Manuti, Amelia. (Eds.) Applied Psycholinguistics: positive effects and ethical perspectives, vol.1, 407-418. Milan: FrancoAngeli. ISBN: 978-88-568-4636-2.
Ponterotto, Diane (2012). Symposium introduction: Conceptualizing movement: a cognitive and cross-linguistic perspective on motion verbs. In Mininni, Giuseppe &. Manuti, Amelia. (Eds.) Applied Psycholinguistics: positive effects and ethical perspectives, vol. 1, 403-406. Milan: FrancoAngeli. ISBN: 978-88-568-4636-2.
Ponterotto, Diane (2012). Current questions in cognitive linguistics and the heritage of applied psycholinguistics.In Mininni, Giuseppe &. Manuti, Amelia. (Eds.) Applied Psycholinguistics: positive effects and ethical perspectives, vol.1, 139-146, Milan: FrancoAngeli. ISBN: 978-88-568-4636-2
Ponterotto, Diane (2010) Cross-cultural variation in idiomatic expression: Insights from Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Implications for Translation Studies. In Tabakowska, Elżbieta; ChoiÅ„ski, MichaÅ‚ & Wiraszka, Åukasz (eds.). Cognitive Linguistics in Action: From Theory to Application and Back,343-370. New York and Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-020581-7.
Ponterotto, Diane (2010). The representation of female athletes in the contemporary press: a cross-cultural perspective. In Dotoli, Giovanni; Ligas, Pierluigi and Selvaggio, Mario (eds.) Les langues du sport. BARI: Schena, 97-108. ISBN: 88-8229-855-5
Ponterotto, Diane (2009). Flower Power: the language of hippie culture. In De Pasquale, Matilde; Dotoli, Giovanni & Selvaggio, Mario. I Linguaggi del Sessantotto, 407-424. Rome: Apes. ISBN: 978-88-7233-048-7.
Ponterotto, Diane (2008). Words Against Women: the discourse of gender violence. Rome: Aracne Editore.ISBN 978-88-548-1855-2.
Ponterotto, Diane. (2007). The Repertoire of complicity vs. coercion: the discursive trap of the rape trial protocol In: Cotterill, Janet ED. The Language of Sexual Crime. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 104-125.ISBN: 9780230001701
Ponterotto, Diane (2007). Conceptual Metaphor and Text Development: a narratological perspective. In Navarro i Ferrando, Ignasi; Otal Campo, José Luis & Silvestre Lopez, Antonio José. (Eds.) Metaphor and Discourse, monographic volume, Journal of Culture, Language and Representation 5: 59-74. ISSN: 1697-7750
Ponterotto, Diane. (2007). Translating idiomatic expressions: a cognitive linguistic viewpoint. In: Baicchi, Annalisa (Ed.) Voices on Translation. Linguistic, Multimedia, and Cognitive Perspectives. (pp. 317-335). Rome: Bulzoni. ISSN: 0033-9725
Ponterotto, Diane (2007). Baggers, Taggers and Rappers: resisting and reclaiming Manhattan. In: Di Michele, Laura, Scannavini, Anna and Villa, Vittoriana (Eds.) NY-LON: New York e Londra, due metropoli a confronto. (pp. 97-112). ISBN: 978-88-207-4069-6 Naples: Liguori. (ITALY)
Ponterotto, Diane. (2005). Text, context and cognitive metaphor. In: Baicchi, Annalisa; Broccias, Cristiano; Sansò, Andrea (Eds.). Modelling Thought and Constructing Meaning: Cognitive models in interaction.(pp. 156-169). ISBN: 88-464-6889-9. Milan: Francoangeli.
Ponterotto, Diane (2005). Intercultural communication: searching for categories in conversation analysis. In: Bondi, Marina E and Maxwell, Nick EDS. Cross-Cultural Encounters: Linguistic Perspectives. (pp. 253-265). Rome: Officina Edizioni (Italy). ISBN: 8887570906
Ponterotto, Diane (2005). English face to face: conversation in contemporary Anglophone culture. (pp. 1-180). ISBN: 88-7999-834-X. Rome: Aracne editrice.
Ponterotto, Diane. (2004). Linguistic democracy: language or languages of contact in contemporary Europe. In: Pinto, Maria Da Graça and Veloso, Joao. Linguistic diversity and new communication media in a multicultural Europe. (pp. 27-38). ISBN: 972-9350-90-6. PORTO: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (Portugal).
Ponterotto, Diane (2003 [2000]). The Cohesive role of cognitive metaphor in discourse and conversation. In: Barcelona A. Metaphor and Metonymy at the crossroads: a cognitive perspective. (pp. 283-298). ISBN: 3-11-017556-8/ ISBN: 3-11-016303-9. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Germany). (Series: Topics in English Linguistics, 30).
Ponterotto, Diane (2003). Gender and ideology in cinematic romantic comedy: a linguistic analysis. In: Slama-Cazacu, Tatiana ED. La Langueet les parlants/Language and its users/Limba si vorbitorii. (pp. 140-153). ISBN: 973-7966-06-6. Bucharest: Arvin (Romania).
Ponterotto, Diane (2003). Conversation ritual in African American Vernacular English. In: Nocera, C.; Persico, G.; Portale, R. (Eds.) Rites of Passage: rational/irrational, natural/supernatural, local/global. (pp. 507-520). Soveria Mannelli (Italy): Rubbettino.
Ponterotto, Diane. (2002). The Female body in the male word: the repertoire of monstrosity in contemporary cinematic horror. In: Chialant, Maria Teresa ED. Incontrare i mostri: variazioni sul tema nella letteratura e cultura inglese e angloamericana. (pp. 197-212). ISBN: 88-495-0474-8. NAPLES: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
Ponterotto, Diane (2002). Beyond redundancy: repetition as conversational management. In: Iamartino, G.; Bignami, M; Pagetti, C. EDS The Economy principle in English: linguistic, literary and cultural perspectives. (pp. 234-241). ISBN: 88-400-0785-7. Milano: Unicopli.
Ponterotto, Diane. (2002). "Whose side are you on?": the ambiguity of discourse on woman battering in the United States. In: Gotti, M.; Heller D.; Dossena, M. EDS. Conflict and negotiation is specialized texts. (pp. 389-402). ISBN: 3-906769-12-7. Bern: Peter Lang. (Series: Linguistic Insights, Studies in Language and Communication).
Ponterotto, Diane (2002). Il mostruoso come paura dell'Altro nei dialoghi di The X-Files. In: Di Michele, Laura ED. La politica e la poetica del mostruoso. (pp. 399-408). ISBN-13 9788820739669. NAPLES: Liguori.
Ponterotto, Diane. (2001). The cognitive-pragmatic interface of emotive communication: the case of the personal letter. In: Nemeth T. Eniko ED. Cognition in Language Use: Selected papers from the 7th International Pragmatics Conference. (vol. 1, pp. 326-331). ISBN: 90-801148-4-7. Antwerp: International Pragmatics Association (Belgium).
Ponterotto, Diane (2001). The Representation of gender identity in today's youth: a cross-cultural study. In: Cortese, Giuseppina and Hymes Dell EDS. "Languaging" in and across human groups: perspectives on difference and asymmetry. (pp. 351-378). Genoa: Tilgher. (Series:Textus).
Ponterotto, Diane. (2001). A Story in Rhyme, Rhythm and Repetition: the implications of psycholinguistic principles for L2 teaching/learning at primary school level. In: Jiménez Raya Manuel; Faber Pamela; Gewehr Wolf; Peck Anthony J. Effective Foreign Language Teaching at the Primary Level: Focus on the teacher. (pp. 51-72). ISBN: 3-631-36951-4. FRANKFURT AM MAIN: Peter Lang (Germany). series: Foreign Language Teaching in Europe.
Ponterotto, Diane. (2001). La lingua dell'autorità maschile: proprietà femminile nella cultura anglo-americana. In: ARRU, A.; Di Michele, L;. Stella, M. EDS. Proprietarie: avere, non avere, ereditare, industriarsi. (pp. 595-614). ISBN: 88-207-3140-1. Naples: Liguori (ITALY).
Ponterotto, Diane. (2000). Activation versus non-activation of monitoring in 11 year old students of English in Italy. Rassegna Italiana Di Linguistica Applicata. vol. XXXII:1, pp. 87-101 ISSN: 0033-9725
Ponterotto, Diane (1999). Iconicity: the semiotic-psycholinguistic interface. 5th International Congress of ISAPL (International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics). 25-27 June, 1997. (pp. 747-750). University of Porto, Portugal.
Ponterotto, Diane (1997). Battering: the silencing of women. Language Gender And Sexism. vol. 7:2, pp. 5-24 ISSN: 1440-6004.
Ponterotto, Diane. (1996). Cognitive and Affective factors of EFL/ESP in Italian universities. Convegno Internazionale, Università, Formazione Linguistica, Tecnologie Avanzate,. (vol. 1, pp. 301-311). Università La Sapienza, Roma.
Ponterotto, Diane (1996). Keyword Strategy: a semantic-cueing technique for the speaking skill. Perspectives, A Journal Of Tesol-Italy (vol. XXII:2, pp. 15-25).
Ponterotto, Diane (1995). A Hint about the attitudes of Italian university students toward the question of gender and language. Working Papers On Language, Gender And Sexism. (vol. 5:2, pp. 75-88). Publication of the Commission on Gender and Language AILA (Association Internationale di Linguistique Appliquée).
Ponterotto, Diane (1994). Metaphors we can learn by. English Teaching Forum. (vol. 32 (3), pp. 2). Washington D.C., USA.
Ponterotto, Diane (1993). Rule-breaking and meaning-making in Edward Lear. Revista Alicantina De Estudios Ingleses. vol. 6, pp. 153-161 ISSN: 0214-4808.
Ponterotto, Diane (1992). Age and Efficacy of Monitor Use in an EFL Classroom Setting. Rassegna Italiana Di Linguistica Applicata. vol. XXIV:2, pp. 59-75 ISSN: 0033-9725.
Ponterotto, Diane. (1992). On Mapping. XVth International Congress of Linguists. 9- 14 August, 1992 Quebec, Canada,. (pp. 182-184). Comment as invited discussant of the panel, "Metaphor and iconicity" (convenors: Masako Hiraga, Japan & Johanna Williams, USA).
Ponterotto, Diane (1992). Dealing with the mature learner: structured story re-presentation. English Teaching Forum. (vol. 30:4, pp. 16-19). Washington D.C., USA.
Ponterotto, Diane (1992). Le chiave del successo per imparare una lingua straniere. Metafore: :lingue, letterature, storia nella scuola superiore. aprile. (vol. IV(1), pp. 41-48). Torino: Paravia.
Villa, V., Ponterotto, Diane (1991). Translation of Wanted by Michelene Wandor. (pp. 21-94). In Villa, V.(Ed.) Cercasi, L'Aquila-Roma: Japadre Editore.
Ponterotto, Diane (1990). "Hey, baby, light my fire": the cognitive structure of lust. In: Rutelli, R. and Johnson, A. I linguaggi della passione. (pp. 303-314). Udine: Campanotto (Italy).
Ponterotto, Diane (1990). Error analysis revisited: an experimental study of EFL students in Italy. Perspectives, A Journal Of Tesol-Italy. (vol. XVII:2, pp. 47-60).
Manieri F., Ponterotto, Diane. (1989). Formule di cortesia e status di destinatario in italofoni. In: Slama-Cazacu, T. and Minnini, G. EDS. "Grazie-Prego": le formule di cortesia in alcune regioni d'Italia. (pp. 195-209). Bari: Adriatica Editrice.
Ponterotto, Diane (1989). Figurative language: a cognitive-linguistic viewpoint. La Fortunadella Retorica, XII Congresso Nazionale AIA (Associazione Italiana di Anglistica).
Manieri F., Ponterotto, Diane. (1989). Personalità e "Proficiency in L2". Scuola in Prospettiva. (vol. V:3, pp. 105-140). Bollettino Quadrimestrale Dell'irrsae Abruzzo.
Ponterotto, Diane (1987). Morpheme acquisition order in Italian learners of English. Rassegna Italiana Di Linguistica Applicata. vol. XIX:3, pp. 105-119 ISSN: 0033-9725.
Manieri F., Ponterotto, Diane (1987). The Critical period hypothesis in second language acquisition: evidence from L2 Italian. XIVth International Congress of Linguists (CIPL). Berlin, May 1987.
Manieri F.; Perilli V.; Ponterotto, Diane (1984). The effect of the situation and the addressee on children's use of deference. Revue Roumaine De Linguistique. vol. XXIX:5, pp. 443-450 ISSN: 0035-3957.
Perilli V.; Manieri F.; Ponterotto, Diane. (1984). Children's use of deference in urban and rural environments. Revue Roumaine De Linguistique. vol. XXIX:6, pp. 459-558 ISSN: 0035-3957.
Ponterotto, Diane. (1982). La Ripetizione Contestualizzata. Giorni Scolastici. (vol. IV:6, pp. 124-141). Roma.
Curriculum Vitae
Diane Maria Ponterotto
Home address (permanent)
Via Arco Cirillo 6
67100, Italy
Home address (temporary)
Via Giuseppe Fracassi 6
(progetto C.A.S.E.)
Roio Poggio, L’Aquila,
67100, Italy
0039 – 346-1799721 (preferred)
0039-3493274862 (preferred)
Academic affiliation
Full Professor
English Language and Linguistics
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia (School of Humanities)
Corso di Laurea in Lingue nella Società dell’Informazione
(Languages in the Information Society)
Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (Department of Humanities)
University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
Rome, Italy
Additional academic titles
Degree course in “Lingue e Culture Moderne” (Modern Languages and Cultures)
University of L’Aquila, Italy
-Member of the Coordinating Committee,
Masters Programme in Translation and Technical Editing,
University of L’Aquila, Italy
-Director of the University Language Centre
(Direzione e Gestione Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo)
University of L’Aquila, Italy
Role and functions included the management of the language learning services for the entire student body (of around of 17,000 students), and especially - the recruitment and supervision of teaching personnel, the implementation of the Common European Framework of Reference for the evaluation of language competence, the organization and supervision of language learning courses, the creation and implementation of standard and on-line evaluation/certification procedures, the assignment to the Language Centre of the University of L’Aquila of the status of official testing centre for the University of Cambridge language certification.
-Organizer and President
Degree course in “Mediazione Linguistica e Comunicazione Internazionale” (Language Mediation and International Communication)
University of L’Aquila, Italy
-Professor of foreign language methodology and evaluation
SSIS - Scuola di Specializzzazione Insegnamento Secondario, (Specialization degree for high school teachers of English)
University of L’Aquila, Italy
-Member of the Italian Ministerial Commission of the state examinations for high school secondary school teacher certification, Abruzzo, Italy
( 2004, 2005, 2006)
- President of the Italian Ministerial Commission of the state examinations for high school secondary school teacher certification, Abruzzo, Italy
( 2007)
-Coordinator for the foreign language programme of the project Campus One,
Italian Ministry of University and Research and European Social Foundation
University of L’Aquila, Italy
-Local Secretary and Oral Examiner of the University of Cambridge certification
University of L’Aquila, Italy
Additional scientific qualifications
-winner of the national competition of the Italian Ministry MIUR (Italian Ministry of University and Research) for the title of full professor, scientific area L-LIN-12 (Languages and Translation-English), position announced by the School of Political Science, University of Teramo, Italy (vincitore della valutazione comparativa per il ruolo di professore universitario di prima fasciaFac oltà di Scienze Poltiche, Università delgi Studi di Teramo)
(December 2010)
-invitation to cover the role of full professor of English at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (Chiamata a coprire il ruolo di professore ordinario, settore scientifico–LIN-12 (Lingua e Traduzione-Lingua Inglese, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”.
(December 2011)
-Secretary General
ISAPL (International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics)
(2010 -2013)
ISAPL (International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics)
-Reviewer for international journals and publishers (John Benjamins, Journal of Research in Hospitality, Tourism and Culture, International Research Journal of Arts and Social Sciences)
-Reviewer for international conferences (Cognitive Linguistics Association, International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics)
2003 – present, member of the Evaluator committee - Sixth & Seventh Framework Programme, Cordis, European Research Council European Commission (Expert number registration: EX2002B078401)
-member of the reviewer committee, Italian Ministry of University and Research (Albo dei revisori, Miur, Italy)
Educational background
1968 BA degree, College of New Rochelle, New York, USA
1975 Laurea summa cum laude, Foreign languages and literatures,
Facoltà di Magistero (School of Education), University of L’Aquila, Italy
Additional diplomas
1968 Foreign Language Teaching Methodology (Italian), Fairleigh Dickenson University, USA
1969 Foreign Language Teaching Methodology (Italian) University of New York at Buffalo, USA
1979 University of London "Victorian literature and the arts in London," London UK,
1988 Cognitive Linguistics, Interuniversity Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik
1989 Oxford University "Britain: Literature, History and Society from 1870", Oxford, UK
Employment history
Primary academic roles
1974–1980, Native speaker lector in English, Facoltà di Magistero (School of Education) University of L’Aquila, Italy
1980-1992, Tenured Researcher, School of Education, University of L’Aquila, Italy
1992-1995, Associate professor, School of Economics, University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy
1995-2008, Tenured Associate Professor of English language and English linguistics, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia (School of Humanities), University of L’Aquila, Italy
2008 - present, Tenured Associate Professor of English language and English linguistics, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Rome, Italy. Teaching responsibilities: modules in Introduction to Linguistics, Semantics, Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis.
Additional Assignments
1989 Professor of Phonetics and Linguistics, Scuola Diretta a Fini Speciali di Foniatria e Logopedia (Specialization Diploma in Phoniatrics and Logopaedics) School of Medicine, University of L’Aquila, Italy.
1990 Professor of English (EAP) Scuola Diretta a Fini Speciali di Foniatria e Logopedia (Specialization Diploma in Phoniatrics and Logopaedics), School of Medicine, University of L’Aquila, Italy; Scuola ai Fini Speciali di Docenti e Dirigenti di Scienze Infermieristiche (Specialization diploma in Nursing Teaching and Management); Scuola ai Fini Speciali in Anestesia e di Terapia di Rianimazione (Specialization diploma in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Therapy, School of Medicine, University of L’Aquila, Italy.
1991 Professor of English Linguistics, Degree in Foreign languages and literatures, School of Education, University of L’Aquila, Italy
1991 Professor of “Inglese Scientifico” (EAP for Scientific English-Medicine), Degree course in Medicine and Surgery, School of Medicine, University of L’Aquila, Italy.
1992 Professor of English (EAP for economics, business administration and law)
School of Economic and Social Sciences; School of Jurisprudence, University of Molise, Campobasso, Italy
1994 Professor of English, Post-graduate diploma for “Esperti in politiche comunitarie” (Experts in EU policy), Chamber of Trade, Industry, Artisanship and Agriculture, Region of Molise, Campobasso, Italy.
1998 Professor, EFL Methodology, School for Interpreters and Translators (Scuole Superiore Interpreti e Traduttori), University of Bologna, Italy
1999 Professor of English language, School of Humanities, University of L’Aquila, Italy
1999 Professor of English language, Masters in technological innovation and industrial management, School of Engineering, University of L’Aquila, Italy.
2000 Professor of English language, SSIS - Scuola di Specializzzazione Insegnamento Secondario (Specialization degree for secondary school teachers of science) School of Engineering, University of L’Aquila, University of Chieti, University of Teramo, Italy
2003 Professor of English language III, Degree course in elementary education, School of Education, University of L’Aquila, Italy
2003 Professor of English linguistics, Methodology of EFL, Foreign language testing, SSIS (Scuola di Specializzazione Insegnamento Secondario, Specialization degree for secondary school teachers of English, University of L’Aquila, Italy
2004 Professor of English - EAP for Business and Management in the Masters programme (Corso di Perfezionamento e Aggiornamento Professionale in Linee di Sviluppo nell'Europrogettazione - Specialization and professional in-service training course in Development and Europrogramming), School of Education, University of L'Aquila, Italy.
2004 Professor of English (EAP for Business and Management in the Masters programme (Corso di Perfezionamento e Aggiornamento Professionale in Linee di Sviluppo nell'Europrogettazione), School of Education, University of L'Aquila, Italy.
2006 Professor of English linguistics and of Foreign language testing SSIS - Scuola di Specializzazione Insegnamento Secondario (Specialization degree for secondary school teachers of English) University of L’Aquila, Italy
2007 Professor of English linguistics, Professor of Foreign language testing SSIS - Scuola di Specializzazione Insegnamento Secondario (Specialization degree for secondary school teachers of English) University of L’Aquila, Italy
Additional professional experiences
1985 Invited speaker in EFL methodology for the Ministry of Education (Region of Abruzzo) In service training for English at primary school level
1988 Invited speaker in EFL methodology for the Ministry of Education (Region of Abruzzo) In service training for English at middle school level
1992 Invited speaker in EFL methodology for the Ministry of Education (Region of Abruzzo) In service training for English at primary school level
1994 Member of the Scientific Committee, of the 4th International Congress of the International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics, “Psycholinguistics as a Multidisciplinarily-connected science”, Bologna, Italy 23-27 June.
1994 Invited speaker as “discussant” for the round table “Metaphor and iconicity”, XV International Congress of Linguists, Université de Laval, Québec, Canada, 9-14 August.
1999 Invited speaker for the Socrates Programme of the European Commission: Autonomy in Primary Language Acquisition, University of Granada, Spain, 4-7 February 1999.
2004 Visiting professor, Department of English, University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland
2004 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 7th International Congress of the International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics, Cieszyn, Poland, September
2005 Invited speaker for the 2005 European Day of Languages, organized by the Region of the Abruzzi, Centre of Languages, on the topic: The Choice of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) For Non-Language Disciplines, 28 November.
2007 Member of the Scientific Committee of the 8th International Congress of the International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics, Porto Alegre, Brazil.
2009 Member of the Scientific Committee of the XVII International AESLA Conference (Spanish Applied Linguistics Association) “Modos y formas de la comunicaciòn humana”, University of Castilla - la Mancha, Spain, March 26-29 2009.
To be held (2013) Member of the Scientific Committee of the 10th International Congress of the International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics, Moscow
Papers presented at national and international conferences
1993 XVIII Annual Convention, TESOL-Italy, Rome
“Metaphors We Can Learn By”,
1993 Convegno Internazionale, Università, Formazione Linguistica, tecnologie Avanzate, Sezione: interazione ricerca-insegnamento, Università La Sapienza, Roma. 20-21 maggio.
“Cognitive and affective factors of EFL/ESP in Italian Universities",
1994 4th International ISAPL (International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics) Congress: Psycholinguistics as a Multidisciplinarily-Connected Science, Bologna, 23-27 June.
"Children's perception of tropes in narrative," (con Flavio Manieri e Maria Stagnini).
1994 4th International ISAPL (International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics) Congress: Psycholinguistics as a Multidisciplinarily Connected Science, Bologna, 23-27 June.
"Activation vs. non-activation of monitoring in 11-year-old students of English in Italy"
1994 XIX Annual TESOL Convention, Not Only Language: educating through language, TESOL-Italy, Rome, 11-12 November.
"Gender awareness in EFL,"
1997 International Conference of the Society of Textual Scholarship, (Session D5: Feminist Editing) The Graduate School and University Centre, the City University of New York, USA, April 10 - April 12.
"Editing Women's Diaries”
1997 I Congresso Nazionale di Psicologia Sociale , Associazione Italiana di Psicologia. 9-11 October.
“Dominanza o differenza nella ricerca su genere e linguaggio”
1997 Vth ISAPL International Congress, Porto, Portugal, 24 - 27 June.
"Iconicity: the psycholinguistic-semiotic interface”
1997 XIV Convegno Internazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Studi Nord-americane, University of Pescara ( D'Annunzio), Pescara 23-25 October
“Discourse strategies in female plantation diaries of the American South. "Telling the Stories of America: History, Literature and the Arts”
1997 International conference Donne e proprietà, University of Naples. 28 November.
“The Language of Male Entitlement: women/property in Anglo-American culture
1998 6th International Pragmatics Conference, Reims, France, 19-24 July
“Gender identity in today’s youth”
1999. International Symposium Effective Foreign Language teaching in the Primary Years: Focus on the teacher. University of Granada, Spain, 5 February
“Psycholinguistic Principles of Early Second Language Acquisition: Implications for Teacher Training and Curriculum Development”
1999 International Conference: Aspetti e problemi della traduzione delle lingue per scopi specifici con tecnologie avanzate, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, School of Political Science, 10-11 May.
“Cognitive and Affective factors of EFL/ESP in Italian universities
1999 XIX Convegno Nazionale AIA (Associazione Italiana d’ Anglistica): L’economia nella letteratura, lingua e cultura nei paesi anglofoni., University of Milan, Italy, 21-23 September.
“Beyond redundancy: Repetition as Conversational Management”
2000 6th International Congress of the International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics, Université de Caen, France, 28 June – 1 July.
“The cognitive-pragmatic interface of emotive communication the case of the personal letter”
2000 7th International Pragmatics Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 14 July,
“Emotive communication: the cognitive-pragmatic interface and cross-cultural considerations”
2000 Conference: Forms of promotion; Texts, Contexts and Cultures”, University of Trieste, Italy, 15 December
“The ideology of gender in contemporary advertising”.
2001 International Conference: Incontrare i mostri: Variazioni sul tema nella letteratura e cultura inglese e anglo-americana, University of Salerno 12- 13 October
”Dialogo attorno al mostro: repertorio linguistico nella filmografia americana”
2001 2nd CERLIS Conference: Conflict and Negotiation in the Language of Specialized Texts. University of Bergamo, 18-20 October
“Whose side are you on? The ambiguity of Discourse on Woman Battering in the United States.”
2002 XX National Meeting of the “Associazione Italiana di Anglistica” (Italian Association of English Studies): Rites of Passage: Rational/Irrational, Natural/Supernatural, Local/Global, Catania and Ragusa, Italy 4-6 October
“ Conversational ritual in African American Vernacular English”
2001 International Colloquium: Diversidade Linguistica e Novos Meios de Comuniçao Numa Europa Multicultural, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 21-23 February
“Linguistic democracy: “language” or “languages” of contact in contemporary Europe”.
2003. International Conference in Cognitive Linguistics (20-21 November 2003) University of Pavia, Italy: Modelling thought and constructing meaning: Cognitive models in interaction.
“Text, Context and Cognitive Metaphor”
2002 10th Conference of the Groupe Roumaine di Appliquée, Bucarest, Romania: Language and its Users
“Gender and ideology in cinematic romantic comedy: a linguistic analysis”
2003 XXI National Congress of the Associazione Italiana di Anglistica, (25-27 September) Modena, Italy
“Intercultural conversation: searching for categories in conversational analysis”
2003 Convener of the round table, “Narrating the community”, “7th International Congress of the International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics” Cieszyn, Poland, September .
2007 Co-convenor (with Prof. Masako Hiraga, Rikkyo University, Japan) of the theme session: Conceptualizing women: a cross-cultural perspective. Xth International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, Krakow, Poland, July 2007.
2009 Giornata Internazionale Di Studio, Le Lingue Dello Sport, Libera Università S- Pio V, Roma, October 1
“The representation of female athletes in the contemporary press: a cross-cultural perspective”.
2010 9th International Congress of ISAPL (International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics), University of Bari, Italy, June 23 -26.
Round Table dedicated to the psycholinguist Prof. Slama-Cazacu
“Current questions in cognitive linguistics and the heritage of applied psycholinguistics”
2010 Convenor of the theme session: Conceptualising movement: a cross-linguistic/cross cultural perspective on motion verbs. 9th International Congress of ISAPL (International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics), University of Bari, Italy, June 23 -26.
2010 9th International Congress of ISAPL (International Association of Applied Psycholinguistics), University of Bari, Italy, June 23 -26.
“Metaphorical aspects of motion verbs: a contrastive view of English and Italian”
2011 Seminario Interdisciplinare Annuale, Donne e violenza: corpi di pace, corpi di guerra, University of Rome Tor Vergata, April 12-13
“The Female Body in the Male Word: rappresentazioni del corpo femminile nella cultura anglofona”
2011 3rd Workshop Scritture Brevi: In tutte le lingue del mondo. University of Rome Tor Vergata, May 16,17,18.
“Finding places for discursive spaces: claiming voice through graffiti”
2011 Colloque International : L’expression Du Futur Dans Les Langues Naturelles, University of Rome Tor Vergata, 22-23-24 June
“THE FUTURE IS AHEAD: Space-to-time mappings in the representation of future time in English”
2011 Co-Convenor of the Language Workshop, XXV Convegno della Associazione Italiana di Anglistica (AIA): Regenerating Community, Territory, Voices: Memory and Vision. University of L’Aquila, Italy. September 15-17.
2012 Seminario Interdisciplinare Annuale: I corpi delle donne: tra tradizione e innovazione, University of Rome Tor Vergata, March 8-9.
“Hybrid bodies: Gender, race and class in discourses of female embodiment and empowerment”
2012 International conferenceThe communication of Certaintyand Uncertainty: linguistic,psychological, philosophical aspects, University of Macerate, Italy, October 2-October 5. .
“Hedgingin rape trial discourse “
Published Research (Prof. Diane Ponterotto, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, Rome, Italy)
Ponterotto Diane (2012) THE BODY IS A VOYAGE: Gender, Thought and Metaphor In Virginia Woolf’s Orlando. In L. Di Michele (Ed.). Modernismi femminili, pp. 85-99, Naples: Giannini editore. ISBN: 978-88-7431-635-9.
Ponterotto, Diane (2012). Finding places for discursive spaces: claiming voice through graffiti.In Chiusaroli, F. & Zanotto, F.(Eds.) Scritture Brevi: In tutte le lingue del mondo 3. Quaderni di Linguistica Zero, Naples: Università degli Studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”,
Ponterotto, Diane (2012). Gendered monstrosity: the female body/corpse of forensic investigation drama in contemporary American television. In Durst, M. & Cappa, C. (Eds.) Donne, trasgressività e violenza. Pisa: Edizioni ETS. ISBN: 978-884673376-4
Ponterotto, Diane (2012). Metaphorical aspects of motion verbs: a contrastive view of English and Italian.. In Mininni, Giuseppe &. Manuti, Amelia. (Eds.) Applied Psycholinguistics: positive effects and ethical perspectives, vol.1, 407-418. Milan: FrancoAngeli. ISBN: 978-88-568-4636-2.
Ponterotto, Diane (2012). Symposium introduction: Conceptualizing movement: a cognitive and cross-linguistic perspective on motion verbs. In Mininni, Giuseppe &. Manuti, Amelia. (Eds.) Applied Psycholinguistics: positive effects and ethical perspectives, vol. 1, 403-406. Milan: FrancoAngeli. ISBN: 978-88-568-4636-2.
Ponterotto, Diane (2012). Current questions in cognitive linguistics and the heritage of applied psycholinguistics.In Mininni, Giuseppe &. Manuti, Amelia. (Eds.) Applied Psycholinguistics: positive effects and ethical perspectives, vol.1, 139-146, Milan: FrancoAngeli. ISBN: 978-88-568-4636-2
Ponterotto, Diane (2010) Cross-cultural variation in idiomatic expression: Insights from Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Implications for Translation Studies. In Tabakowska, Elżbieta; ChoiÅ„ski, MichaÅ‚ & Wiraszka, Åukasz (eds.). Cognitive Linguistics in Action: From Theory to Application and Back,343-370. New York and Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-020581-7.
Ponterotto, Diane (2010). The representation of female athletes in the contemporary press: a cross-cultural perspective. In Dotoli, Giovanni; Ligas, Pierluigi and Selvaggio, Mario (eds.) Les langues du sport. BARI: Schena, 97-108. ISBN: 88-8229-855-5
Ponterotto, Diane (2009). Flower Power: the language of hippie culture. In De Pasquale, Matilde; Dotoli, Giovanni & Selvaggio, Mario. I Linguaggi del Sessantotto, 407-424. Rome: Apes. ISBN: 978-88-7233-048-7.
Ponterotto, Diane (2008). Words Against Women: the discourse of gender violence. Rome: Aracne Editore.ISBN 978-88-548-1855-2.
Ponterotto, Diane. (2007). The Repertoire of complicity vs. coercion: the discursive trap of the rape trial protocol In: Cotterill, Janet ED. The Language of Sexual Crime. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire and New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 104-125.ISBN: 9780230001701
Ponterotto, Diane (2007). Conceptual Metaphor and Text Development: a narratological perspective. In Navarro i Ferrando, Ignasi; Otal Campo, José Luis & Silvestre Lopez, Antonio José. (Eds.) Metaphor and Discourse, monographic volume, Journal of Culture, Language and Representation 5: 59-74. ISSN: 1697-7750
Ponterotto, Diane. (2007). Translating idiomatic expressions: a cognitive linguistic viewpoint. In: Baicchi, Annalisa (Ed.) Voices on Translation. Linguistic, Multimedia, and Cognitive Perspectives. (pp. 317-335). Rome: Bulzoni. ISSN: 0033-9725
Ponterotto, Diane (2007). Baggers, Taggers and Rappers: resisting and reclaiming Manhattan. In: Di Michele, Laura, Scannavini, Anna and Villa, Vittoriana (Eds.) NY-LON: New York e Londra, due metropoli a confronto. (pp. 97-112). ISBN: 978-88-207-4069-6 Naples: Liguori. (ITALY)
Ponterotto, Diane. (2005). Text, context and cognitive metaphor. In: Baicchi, Annalisa; Broccias, Cristiano; Sansò, Andrea (Eds.). Modelling Thought and Constructing Meaning: Cognitive models in interaction.(pp. 156-169). ISBN: 88-464-6889-9. Milan: Francoangeli.
Ponterotto, Diane (2005). Intercultural communication: searching for categories in conversation analysis. In: Bondi, Marina E and Maxwell, Nick EDS. Cross-Cultural Encounters: Linguistic Perspectives. (pp. 253-265). Rome: Officina Edizioni (Italy). ISBN: 8887570906
Ponterotto, Diane (2005). English face to face: conversation in contemporary Anglophone culture. (pp. 1-180). ISBN: 88-7999-834-X. Rome: Aracne editrice.
Ponterotto, Diane. (2004). Linguistic democracy: language or languages of contact in contemporary Europe. In: Pinto, Maria Da Graça and Veloso, Joao. Linguistic diversity and new communication media in a multicultural Europe. (pp. 27-38). ISBN: 972-9350-90-6. PORTO: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (Portugal).
Ponterotto, Diane (2003 [2000]). The Cohesive role of cognitive metaphor in discourse and conversation. In: Barcelona A. Metaphor and Metonymy at the crossroads: a cognitive perspective. (pp. 283-298). ISBN: 3-11-017556-8/ ISBN: 3-11-016303-9. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter (Germany). (Series: Topics in English Linguistics, 30).
Ponterotto, Diane (2003). Gender and ideology in cinematic romantic comedy: a linguistic analysis. In: Slama-Cazacu, Tatiana ED. La Langueet les parlants/Language and its users/Limba si vorbitorii. (pp. 140-153). ISBN: 973-7966-06-6. Bucharest: Arvin (Romania).
Ponterotto, Diane (2003). Conversation ritual in African American Vernacular English. In: Nocera, C.; Persico, G.; Portale, R. (Eds.) Rites of Passage: rational/irrational, natural/supernatural, local/global. (pp. 507-520). Soveria Mannelli (Italy): Rubbettino.
Ponterotto, Diane. (2002). The Female body in the male word: the repertoire of monstrosity in contemporary cinematic horror. In: Chialant, Maria Teresa ED. Incontrare i mostri: variazioni sul tema nella letteratura e cultura inglese e angloamericana. (pp. 197-212). ISBN: 88-495-0474-8. NAPLES: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane
Ponterotto, Diane (2002). Beyond redundancy: repetition as conversational management. In: Iamartino, G.; Bignami, M; Pagetti, C. EDS The Economy principle in English: linguistic, literary and cultural perspectives. (pp. 234-241). ISBN: 88-400-0785-7. Milano: Unicopli.
Ponterotto, Diane. (2002). "Whose side are you on?": the ambiguity of discourse on woman battering in the United States. In: Gotti, M.; Heller D.; Dossena, M. EDS. Conflict and negotiation is specialized texts. (pp. 389-402). ISBN: 3-906769-12-7. Bern: Peter Lang. (Series: Linguistic Insights, Studies in Language and Communication).
Ponterotto, Diane (2002). Il mostruoso come paura dell'Altro nei dialoghi di The X-Files. In: Di Michele, Laura ED. La politica e la poetica del mostruoso. (pp. 399-408). ISBN-13 9788820739669. NAPLES: Liguori.
Ponterotto, Diane. (2001). The cognitive-pragmatic interface of emotive communication: the case of the personal letter. In: Nemeth T. Eniko ED. Cognition in Language Use: Selected papers from the 7th International Pragmatics Conference. (vol. 1, pp. 326-331). ISBN: 90-801148-4-7. Antwerp: International Pragmatics Association (Belgium).
Ponterotto, Diane (2001). The Representation of gender identity in today's youth: a cross-cultural study. In: Cortese, Giuseppina and Hymes Dell EDS. "Languaging" in and across human groups: perspectives on difference and asymmetry. (pp. 351-378). Genoa: Tilgher. (Series:Textus).
Ponterotto, Diane. (2001). A Story in Rhyme, Rhythm and Repetition: the implications of psycholinguistic principles for L2 teaching/learning at primary school level. In: Jiménez Raya Manuel; Faber Pamela; Gewehr Wolf; Peck Anthony J. Effective Foreign Language Teaching at the Primary Level: Focus on the teacher. (pp. 51-72). ISBN: 3-631-36951-4. FRANKFURT AM MAIN: Peter Lang (Germany). series: Foreign Language Teaching in Europe.
Ponterotto, Diane. (2001). La lingua dell'autorità maschile: proprietà femminile nella cultura anglo-americana. In: ARRU, A.; Di Michele, L;. Stella, M. EDS. Proprietarie: avere, non avere, ereditare, industriarsi. (pp. 595-614). ISBN: 88-207-3140-1. Naples: Liguori (ITALY).
Ponterotto, Diane. (2000). Activation versus non-activation of monitoring in 11 year old students of English in Italy. Rassegna Italiana Di Linguistica Applicata. vol. XXXII:1, pp. 87-101 ISSN: 0033-9725
Ponterotto, Diane (1999). Iconicity: the semiotic-psycholinguistic interface. 5th International Congress of ISAPL (International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics). 25-27 June, 1997. (pp. 747-750). University of Porto, Portugal.
Ponterotto, Diane (1997). Battering: the silencing of women. Language Gender And Sexism. vol. 7:2, pp. 5-24 ISSN: 1440-6004.
Ponterotto, Diane. (1996). Cognitive and Affective factors of EFL/ESP in Italian universities. Convegno Internazionale, Università, Formazione Linguistica, Tecnologie Avanzate,. (vol. 1, pp. 301-311). Università La Sapienza, Roma.
Ponterotto, Diane (1996). Keyword Strategy: a semantic-cueing technique for the speaking skill. Perspectives, A Journal Of Tesol-Italy (vol. XXII:2, pp. 15-25).
Ponterotto, Diane (1995). A Hint about the attitudes of Italian university students toward the question of gender and language. Working Papers On Language, Gender And Sexism. (vol. 5:2, pp. 75-88). Publication of the Commission on Gender and Language AILA (Association Internationale di Linguistique Appliquée).
Ponterotto, Diane (1994). Metaphors we can learn by. English Teaching Forum. (vol. 32 (3), pp. 2). Washington D.C., USA.
Ponterotto, Diane (1993). Rule-breaking and meaning-making in Edward Lear. Revista Alicantina De Estudios Ingleses. vol. 6, pp. 153-161 ISSN: 0214-4808.
Ponterotto, Diane (1992). Age and Efficacy of Monitor Use in an EFL Classroom Setting. Rassegna Italiana Di Linguistica Applicata. vol. XXIV:2, pp. 59-75 ISSN: 0033-9725.
Ponterotto, Diane. (1992). On Mapping. XVth International Congress of Linguists. 9- 14 August, 1992 Quebec, Canada,. (pp. 182-184). Comment as invited discussant of the panel, "Metaphor and iconicity" (convenors: Masako Hiraga, Japan & Johanna Williams, USA).
Ponterotto, Diane (1992). Dealing with the mature learner: structured story re-presentation. English Teaching Forum. (vol. 30:4, pp. 16-19). Washington D.C., USA.
Ponterotto, Diane (1992). Le chiave del successo per imparare una lingua straniere. Metafore: :lingue, letterature, storia nella scuola superiore. aprile. (vol. IV(1), pp. 41-48). Torino: Paravia.
Villa, V., Ponterotto, Diane (1991). Translation of Wanted by Michelene Wandor. (pp. 21-94). In Villa, V.(Ed.) Cercasi, L'Aquila-Roma: Japadre Editore.
Ponterotto, Diane (1990). "Hey, baby, light my fire": the cognitive structure of lust. In: Rutelli, R. and Johnson, A. I linguaggi della passione. (pp. 303-314). Udine: Campanotto (Italy).
Ponterotto, Diane (1990). Error analysis revisited: an experimental study of EFL students in Italy. Perspectives, A Journal Of Tesol-Italy. (vol. XVII:2, pp. 47-60).
Manieri F., Ponterotto, Diane. (1989). Formule di cortesia e status di destinatario in italofoni. In: Slama-Cazacu, T. and Minnini, G. EDS. "Grazie-Prego": le formule di cortesia in alcune regioni d'Italia. (pp. 195-209). Bari: Adriatica Editrice.
Ponterotto, Diane (1989). Figurative language: a cognitive-linguistic viewpoint. La Fortunadella Retorica, XII Congresso Nazionale AIA (Associazione Italiana di Anglistica).
Manieri F., Ponterotto, Diane. (1989). Personalità e "Proficiency in L2". Scuola in Prospettiva. (vol. V:3, pp. 105-140). Bollettino Quadrimestrale Dell'irrsae Abruzzo.
Ponterotto, Diane (1987). Morpheme acquisition order in Italian learners of English. Rassegna Italiana Di Linguistica Applicata. vol. XIX:3, pp. 105-119 ISSN: 0033-9725.
Manieri F., Ponterotto, Diane (1987). The Critical period hypothesis in second language acquisition: evidence from L2 Italian. XIVth International Congress of Linguists (CIPL). Berlin, May 1987.
Manieri F.; Perilli V.; Ponterotto, Diane (1984). The effect of the situation and the addressee on children's use of deference. Revue Roumaine De Linguistique. vol. XXIX:5, pp. 443-450 ISSN: 0035-3957.
Perilli V.; Manieri F.; Ponterotto, Diane. (1984). Children's use of deference in urban and rural environments. Revue Roumaine De Linguistique. vol. XXIX:6, pp. 459-558 ISSN: 0035-3957.
Ponterotto, Diane. (1982). La Ripetizione Contestualizzata. Giorni Scolastici. (vol. IV:6, pp. 124-141). Roma.