Beatrice Bonanni graduated in Physics with Summa cum Laude in 1993 at Univ. of Rome La Sapienza and received her Ph.D in Materials Science in 1996, defending a Ph.D thesis concerning tunneling of electronic carriers from III-V semiconductor quantum wells to surface states. From 1997 to 2001 she was postdoc. researcher at the Advanced Technology and nanoSCience (TASC) Lab. in Trieste, where she focused her research activity on quantum heterostructures based on new semiconductor materials for nano-optoelectronics. She studied optical and transport properties by means of CW- and TR- photoluminescence, optical absorption and photoreflectance. In the years 2001-2006 she was CNR-INFM researcher at Biophysics and Nanoscience Centre of Univ. della Tuscia, Viterbo. There, she focused her activity on integration of electron-transfer single proteins with metal electrodes aimed at nano-biosensin. Morphology, conduction, electron-transfer properties, functionality of biomolecules assembled on Au(111) electrodes were investigated by means of scanning probe microscopy (AFM, conductive AFM, STM, SFS) in fluid or in Ar atmosphere. She explored several strategies for adsorption of redox proteins on Au(111) surface demonstrating that biorecognition between adsorbed redox proteins and their physiological partner in solution is optimized when proteins are immobilized on a functionalized metal surface. In 2006 she joined the Surface Physics Laboratory at Physics Department of Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata where she started working on optical properties of semiconductor surfaces by means of SDR and RAS. Since September 2008 she is assistant professor (FIS/03) at Physics Department of Univ. of Tor Vergata. Her main research interests are surfaces, interfaces, low dimensional systems and organic thin films on conductive substrates. She is currently involved in the study of surface polymerization on iodine modified Au(111) substrates from aqueous solution and in the study of TiO2 rutile (110) in liquid environment (also in contact with organic dye molecules) by means of ElectroChemical STM. From 1997 to date she performed teaching assistance for several courses: Fisica Sperimentale II (1998-2001), for the degree in Geological Sciences at Univ. of Trieste; Biofisica con Laboratorio (2001-2006), for the Degree in Environmental Science at Univ. of Tuscia, Viterbo; Fis. Gen. I for the degree in Scienze e Tecnologie dei Media at Univ. of Tor Vergata, (2006-2013). She has been professor for the course Fisica Generale 1 for the degree in Scienze e Tecnologie dei Media at Univ. of Tor Vergata in the years 2013-2017. Since october 2017 she is Professor for Laboratorio di Fisica 2 - Modulo 1 (Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie dei Media) and Laboratorio di Fisica Sperimentale 1 (Corso di Laurea in Scienza dei Materiali). She has been tutor and co-tutor of various diploma and PhD students in Physics. Her research activity is summarized in about 60 publications in international journals and several communications at national and international conferences. She is Referee of the American Chemical Society journals.
Beatrice Bonanni graduated in Physics with Summa cum Laude in 1993 at Univ. of Rome La Sapienza and received her Ph.D in Materials Science in 1996, defending a Ph.D thesis concerning tunneling of electronic carriers from III-V semiconductor quantum wells to surface states. From 1997 to 2001 she was postdoc. researcher at the Advanced Technology and nanoSCience (TASC) Lab. in Trieste, where she focused her research activity on quantum heterostructures based on new semiconductor materials for nano-optoelectronics. She studied optical and transport properties by means of CW- and TR- photoluminescence, optical absorption and photoreflectance. In the years 2001-2006 she was CNR-INFM researcher at Biophysics and Nanoscience Centre of Univ. della Tuscia, Viterbo. There, she focused her activity on integration of electron-transfer single proteins with metal electrodes aimed at nano-biosensin. Morphology, conduction, electron-transfer properties, functionality of biomolecules assembled on Au(111) electrodes were investigated by means of scanning probe microscopy (AFM, conductive AFM, STM, SFS) in fluid or in Ar atmosphere. She explored several strategies for adsorption of redox proteins on Au(111) surface demonstrating that biorecognition between adsorbed redox proteins and their physiological partner in solution is optimized when proteins are immobilized on a functionalized metal surface. In 2006 she joined the Surface Physics Laboratory at Physics Department of Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata where she started working on optical properties of semiconductor surfaces by means of SDR and RAS. Since September 2008 she is assistant professor (FIS/03) at Physics Department of Univ. of Tor Vergata. Her main research interests are surfaces, interfaces, low dimensional systems and organic thin films on conductive substrates. She is currently involved in the study of surface polymerization on iodine modified Au(111) substrates from aqueous solution and in the study of TiO2 rutile (110) in liquid environment (also in contact with organic dye molecules) by means of ElectroChemical STM. From 1997 to date she performed teaching assistance for several courses: Fisica Sperimentale II (1998-2001), for the degree in Geological Sciences at Univ. of Trieste; Biofisica con Laboratorio (2001-2006), for the Degree in Environmental Science at Univ. of Tuscia, Viterbo; Fis. Gen. I for the degree in Scienze e Tecnologie dei Media at Univ. of Tor Vergata, (2006-2013). She has been professor for the course Fisica Generale 1 for the degree in Scienze e Tecnologie dei Media at Univ. of Tor Vergata in the years 2013-2017. Since october 2017 she is Professor for Laboratorio di Fisica 2 - Modulo 1 (Corso di Laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie dei Media) and Laboratorio di Fisica Sperimentale 1 (Corso di Laurea in Scienza dei Materiali). She has been tutor and co-tutor of various diploma and PhD students in Physics. Her research activity is summarized in about 60 publications in international journals and several communications at national and international conferences. She is Referee of the American Chemical Society journals.