Erminia Di Iulio

Curriculum Vitae

Erminia Di Iulio




First name/Surname: Erminia Di Iulio

Address: Via di Vigna Fabbri, 28 - 00179, Roma, Italy

Telephone: +39 3486702859


Nationality: Italian

Date of birth: 24/08/1991

Gender: female (she/her)  


AoE: Ancient Philosophy; Ancient Epistemology; Contemporary Epistemology; Philosophy of perception.

AoI: Ontology; Philosophy of Language; Metaphysics.




12/2023                                   MIUR – ASN II FASCIA

27/11/2023                              LA SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY– Cultrice della materia per Storia della Filosofia (M-FIL 06)

1/01/2021-31/12/2021              ITALIAN INSTITUTE FOR PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES (IISF)– Research Fellow

16/01/2020                             TOR VERGATA UNIVERSITY– PhD in Philosophy with the evaluation ‘excellent cum laude’. Thesis: ‘Fatti’ e ‘Parole’: l’Apologia di Palamedee la dimensione epistemologica del pensiero di Gorgia di Lentini (Facts and words: the Apology of Palamedes and the epistemological dimension of Gorgias’ thought).

1/11/2017-28/02/2018             SOUTHAMPTON UNIVERSITY – Visiting PhD student

2016-2019                              TOR VERGATA UNIVERSITY – PhD Student in Philosophy. Supervisor: prof. F. Aronadio

2016                                       TOR VERGATA UNIVERSITY – Master of Arts with Honors in Philosophy


Teaching experiences

2023-2024                               ITALIAN INSTITUTE OF CLASSICAL STUDIES (IISC): Adjunct professor – History of Ancient Philosophy

2021-2025                               TOR VERGATA UNIVERSITY: Adjunct professor – History of ontological thought


Honors, awards and fundings

June 2020                               Beyond Bordersproject – PI Anselmo Aportone (Tor Vergata University).

July 2020                               ‘Leonardo Da Vinci Medal’ by the MUR (Ministry of University and Research) and the CRUI (Conference of Italian Universities’ rectors).




3/08/2022                                Gorgias’s thought: an epistemological reading, Issues in Ancient Philosophy, Routledge.


Edited Collections

2024 (forthcoming):                Having experience in view. On the judgmental and pre-judgmental conditions for viewing the world, Synthesis – Journal for Philosophy. Co-edited with Anselmo Aportone, Pierluigi D’Agostino.

2023                                       Ancient Philosophy in Dialogue, Synthesis – Journal for Philosophy. Co-edited with Francesco Aronadio.

2022                                       La natura corporea delle immagini. Da Empedocle a Lucrezio (The corporeal nature of ‘images’. From Empedocles to Lucretius), Dynamis. Collana di testi e studi sul pensiero antico, IISF Press. Co-edited with Francesco Aronadio, Francesca G. Masi.



2023                                       Gorgias and Plato’s Sophist, Rhizomata, 11, 2.

2023                                       Epistemology of testimony in early Greek thought, Ancient Philosophy in Dialogue, Synthesis – Journal for Philosophy.

2023                                       Antiphon’s Against the Stepmother on ‘justification’, ‘knowledge’ and ‘truth’, Fogli di Filosofia, 15, 2023.

2023                                       ‘Mythos’ e ‘Logos’: percorsi della ‘autorità poetico-epistemica’ nella grecia pre-platonica (‘Mythos’ and ‘logos’: poetic-epistemic authority in pre-platonic thought), RIFL, 16, 2, 2023.

2023                                       Tekmairomai, Aronadio F. (ed.), Platone e l’esperienza. Sette studi lessicologici, ΔΗΛΟΜΑ. Studi di Lessicologia Antica, Bibliopolis, pp. 139-169.

2023                                       L’Encomio di Elena di Gorgia tra ‘fisiologia’ e ‘materialismo’ (Gorgias’s Encomium of Helen between ‘physiology’ and ‘materialism’), ANTIQVORVM PHILOSOPHIA. An International Journal, 2023.

2022                                       ‘Gorgias’s account(s) of seeing in the Palamedes’, Ewegen, Zoller (eds.), Gorgias/Gorgias: The Sicilian Orator and the Platonic Dialogue, (Siracusa, Sicily: Parnassos Books, 2022), 155-173.

2022                                       Gorgia e il materialismo empedocleo. ‘Homologia’, ‘percezione’ e ‘pensiero’ nel Trattato sul non essere (Gorgias and the Empedoclean materialism. ‘Homologia’, ‘perception’ and ‘thought’ in On not being), Aronadio, F., Di Iulio, E., Masi, F., (eds.) La natura corporea delle immagini. Da Empedocle a Lucrezio, Dynamis. Collana di testi e studi sul pensiero antico, IISF Press.

2022                                       What is Gorgias’ ‘not being’? A brief journey through the Treatise, the Apology of Palamedes and the Encomium of Helen, Giombini, S., Pulpito M. (eds.) Peri tou (me) ontos,  Archai.

2021                                       Gorgia e la dimensione epistemica del vedere: il Trattato (Gorgias and the epistemological dimension of seeing: the Treatise), Aronadio, F. (ed.), Variazioni sul tema del vedere. Saggi sui verba videndi nella Grecità classica, ΔΗΛΟΜΑ. Studi di Lessicologia Antica, Bibliopolis.

2021                                       Gorgia e la dimensione epistemica del vedere: le orazioni (Gorgias and the epistemological dimension of seeing: the speeches), Aronadio, F. (ed.), Variazioni sul tema del vedere. Saggi sui verba videndi nella Grecità classica, ΔΗΛΟΜΑ. Studi di Lessicologia Antica, Bibliopolis.

2021                                       Parmenides on ‘naming’ and ‘meaning’: a disjunctivism reading of the Poem, Philosophy, 96(2), 205-227, Cambridge University Press.

2020                                       À Rebours: dal Sofista a Parmenide. Platone tra ‘corrispondenza’ e ‘identità’ (À Rebours: from the Sophist to Parmenides. Plato between ‘correspondence’ and ‘identity’), Rivista di Filosofia Neoscolastica, 1, 2020, 111-125.

2020                                       Identity’s Sustainability. Parmenides on einai and noein, Giovannetti, L. (ed.) The Sustainability of Thought: an itinerary through the history of philosophy, Bibliopolis, 2020, 19-43.

2019                                       Gorgias’ account of truth. Mourelatos and Bermudez between behaviourism and coherence, Fogli di Filosofia, 11, 2019, 73-91.

2018                                       Dai Postulati alla Confutazione dell’argomento ontologico: la modalità come anti-ontologia (From the Postulates to the Refutation of ontological argument: modality as anti-ontology), Fogli di Filosofia, 10, 2018, 83-117.

2017                                       Tradurre: Parastatikon e Menytikon in Contro i Logici di Sesto Empirico (Translating: parastatikon and menytikon in Sextus Empiricus’s Against the Logicians), Fogli di Filosofia, 9, 2017, 21-52.

2017                                       Kairos: linee dell’evoluzione semantica del termine (Kairos: the semantic evolution of the term), Dialegesthai, 19, 2017.



Journals and editorial series

2023-in progress                     Co-editor in chief of ΔΗΛΩΜΑ. Studi di Lessicologia Antica (Bibliopolis: Napoli)

2021-in progress                     Referee (RIFL, Elenchos, TOPOI)

2020-in progress                     Co-founder and member of the Editorial Board of Synthesis – Journal forPhilosophy edited by Francesco Aronadio and Francesco Fronterotta

2020-in progress                     Member of the Editorial Staff of Fogli di Filosofia



2024                                       IISC - “Menzogne simili al vero”. L’autorità poetica nel pensiero arcaico(Lies resembling truth. Poetic authority in early Greek thought)

2023                                       IISC - “Voglio liberare dall’accusa questa donna diffamata”. La figura di Elena nel pensiero di Gorgia (“I aim to clear the calumniated woman from all charges”. Helen of Sparta in Gorgias’s thought)

2020                                       TURIN UNIVERSITY – PHILOSPHY BYTES PROJECT: Eyewitnesses and not being: on Gorgias’s Apology of Palamedes (


Work-in-progress                   Book on the myth of Helen of Sparta and Gorgias’s Encomium of Helen


Selected conferences and talks

Invited speaker

24-27/09/2023                         XIII ELEATICA – Gorgia, erede e avversario degli Eleati

25-26/05/2023                        UCA– ‘Colloque International Les Sophistes et le langage’ Talk: Gorgias and Plato’s Sophist

26/07/2022                              MUSAPH– Colloquium Talk: What is Gorgias’s not being?

08/03/2022                              IISF– Retorica e filosofia nel Gorgia di Platone Talk: Platone, Gorgia e il Gorgia (Plato, Gorgias and the Gorgias)

22/02/2022                              TOR VERGATA UNIVERSITY– Having experience in view. On the judgemental and pre-judgemental conditions for viewing the world Talk: ‘It is not possible to dianoeisthai a colour, but only to see it’: Gorgias on perceiving and thinking

29/03/2021                              TOR VERGATA UNIVERSITY– Linguaggio, rappresentazione, mondo –Cose, fatti, proposizioni. Alcune riflessioni su Realismo e Idealismo (Objects, facts, propositions. Some remarks on Realism and Idealism)

19/01/2021                              IISF– La natura corporea dell’immagine Talk: La corporeità del percepito: il rapporto problematico di Gorgia con la tradizione materialistica (The corporeality of what is perceived: Gorgias’s problematic relatioship to the materialistic tradition)

13/06/2019                              TOR VERGATA UNIVERSITY: The sustainability of thought (PHISU project) – Parmenide: l’(in)sostenibile leggerezza dell’essere. Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” (Parmenides: the (un)beareable lightness of being).

*2019 Symposium Platonicum XII – International Plato Society, Plato’s Parmenides (auditor)

*2019 Gargnano International Conference Grasping the Philosopher in Plato’s Academy (discussant)



11/2023-4/2024                       IISC: ‘LOGOS, ETHOS, PHYSIS. Temi del pensiero antico e della sua tradizione’. Speakers: Francesco Fronterotta, Mauro Serra, Giorgio Piras, Angela Longo, Roberta Ioli, Fiorinda Li Vigni 

10-12/12/2022                         IISF: ‘Cosa significa pensare (qualcosa)? Figure dell’intenzionalità dopo Brentano’ (‘What does “thinking” mean? “Intentionality” after Brentano’). Speakers: Simone Gozzano, Michela Summa, Jocelyn Benoist.

7-10/03/2022                           IISF: ‘Retorica e filosofia nel Gorgia di Platone’ (Rhetoric and philosophy in Plato’s Gorgias). Speakers: Mauro Tulli, Carlotta Capuccino, Erminia Di Iulio, Diego Zucca, Mauro Bonazzi, Alessandra Fussi.

21-24/02/2022                         TOR VERGATA UNIVERSITY: ‘Having experience in view. On the judgemental and pre-judgemental conditions for viewing the world’. Speakers: Erminia Di Iulio Lorenzo Giovannetti, Christof Rapp, Elena Baltuta, Simone Guidi, José Filipe Pereira da Silva, Dietmar Heidemann, Anselmo, Pierluigi D’Agostino, Frank Hofmann, Stephanie Grüne, José Luis Bermudez.

January-May 2022                 TOR VERGATA UNIVERSITY: ‘Ancient Philosophy in Dialogue’. Speakers: Maddalena Bonelli, Francesco Aronadio, Susan Sauvé Meyer, Diego Machuca, Nicholas D. Smith.

18-21/01/2021                         IISF: ‘La natura corporea dell’immagine’ (The corporeal nature of the images). Speakers: Filippo Forcignanò, Pierre-Marie Morel, Federico Petrucci, Giulia Mingucci, Giuliana Leone, Stefano Maso, Francesca Masi.


Linguistic Skills

Italian; English; French; Latin; Ancient Greek.