Luogo e data di nascita: Roma, 18 agosto 1966.
Stato civile: coniugato. Nazionalità: Italiana. Residenza: Roma, Via G. Valmarana 25(c.a.p. 00139). Telefono: 06-725997793; 339/7953735
Professore associato per il settore scientifico disciplinare ING-IND/35 - INGEGNERIA ECONOMICO-GESTIONALE presso l'Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata".
• Laurea in Scienze Statistiche ed Economiche conseguita presso l'Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" il giorno 16 luglio 1992 con la votazione di 110/110 e lode. Tesi in Statistica Economica dal titolo "Significati e Limiti della Deflazione degli Aggregati Economici nello Spazio". Relatore Chiar.mo Prof. Giuseppe Alvaro.
• Dottorato in Ingegneria Economico-Gestionale conseguito presso la facoltà di Ingegneria dell'Università degli studi di Roma "Tor Vergata" il giorno 6 luglio 1998 discutendo la tesi dal titolo "La Dinamica Competitiva e le Strategie di R&S". Relatore Chiar.mo Prof. Agostino La Bella.
Pubblicazioni Internazionali censite banca dati scopus [numero citazioni su scopus]
1. Campisi D., Mancuso P., Nastasi A. (1997), Cost reduction, competitive pressure and firms' optimal R&D strategies in a duopolistic industry, Review of Industrial Organization, volume 22, issue 2, pp. 259-270. [3]
2. Campisi D. Mancuso, P. Nastasi A. (2001), R&D Competition, Absorptive Capacity, and Market Shares, Journal of Economics/ Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie, volume 73, issue 1, pp. 57-80. [7]
3. Confessore G., Mancuso P. (2002), A dynamic model of R&D competition, Research in Economics, volume 56, issue 4, pp. 365-380.[6]
4. Mancuso P., Reverberi P. (2003), Operating costs and market organization in railway services. The case of Italy, 1980-1995, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, volume 37, issue 1, pp. 43-61. [4]
5. Battistoni E., Campisi D., Mancuso P. (2006), European integration and telecommunication productivity convergence, Contributions to Economics, pp. 357-377.
6. Bergamini E., Gitto S., Mancuso P. (2010), Restructuring the Alitalia business model, Journal of Air Transport Management, volume 16, issue 1, pp. 16-19.[2]
7. Curi C., Gitto S., Mancuso P. (2010), The Italian airport industry in transition: A performance analysis, Journal of Air Transport Management, volume 16, issue 4, pp. 218-221. [7]
9. Curi C., Gitto S., Mancuso P. (2010), The New evidence on the efficiency of Italian airports: A bootstrapped DEA analysis, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, volume 45, issue 2, pp. 84-93. [6]
8. Gitto S., Mancuso P. (2012), Bootstrapping the Malmquist indexes for Italian airports, International Journal of Production Economics, volume 135, issue 1, pp. 403-411. [1]
10. Mancuso P. (2012), Regulation and efficiency in transition: The case of telecommunications in Italy, International Journal of Production Economics, volume 135, issue 2, pp. 762-770.
11. Ceccobelli M., Gitto S., Mancuso P. (2012), ICT capital and labour productivity growth: A non-parametric analysis of 14 OECD countries, Telecommunications Policy, volume 36, issue 4, pp. 282-292.
12. Gitto S., Mancuso P. (2012), Two faces of airport business: A non-parametric analysis of the Italian airport industry, Journal of Air Transport Management, volume 20, pp. 39-42. [1]
13. De Nicola A., Gitto S., Mancuso P. (2012), Uncover the predictive structure of healthcare efficiency applying a bootstrapped data envelopment analysis, Expert Systems with Applications, volume 39, issue 12, pp. 10495-10499.
Pubblicazioni Internazionali non censite banca dati scopus con ISSN/ISBN. [numero di citazioni su articoli censiti in Scopus]
1. Campisi D., Mancuso P., Nastasi A. (1995), Dynamic Non-cooperative Firms R&D Strategies in an Oligopolistic Industry, Operations Research Proceedings, Springer Verlag, pp. 255-260, ISBN 978-3-540-60806-6. [8]
2. Campisi D., La Bella A., Mancuso P., Nastasi A. (1997), Firms R&D Investments, Innovation and Market Shares, in Innovative Behavior in Space and Time. Lombardo S., Nijkamp P. (eds.). Springer Verlag, pp. 77-95, ISBN: 978-3-642-64524-2.
3. Campisi D., Mancuso P. (1999). Cooperative and Non-cooperative R&D Activities in an Oligopolistic Market, Operations Research Proceedings, Springer Verlag, pp. 203-208, ISBN 978-3-540-67094-0.
4. Confessore G., Mancuso P. (2000), R&D Spillovers and Absorptive Capacity in an Dynamic Oligopoly, Operations Research Proceedings, Springer Verlag, pp. 135-140, ISBN 978-3-540-41587-9.
5. Confessore G., Cricelli L., Mancuso P. (2002), Quantitative Integration of the Analytical Hierarchical Process and Virtual Enterprise Model to Support Manager Decisions, in Knowledge and Technology Integration in Production and Services: Balancing Knowledege and Technology in Product and Service Life Cycle. IEEE/IFIP Proceedings, Kluwer Academic Press, pp. 193-202, ISBN1-4020-7211-2.
6. Calabrese A., D. Campisi, Mancuso P. (2002), Productivity Change in 13 OECD Telecommunication Industry, International Journal of Business and Economics, pp. 1-15, ISSN1931-907X, censito da EconLitt e EBSCO.
7. Curi, C., Mancuso, P. (2009), Is Telecommunications Productivity Characterized by Steady State Conditions? Some Empirical Evidence for 13 OECD Countries, Communications & Strategies, Volume 74, issue 2, pp. 127-148, ISSN 1157-8637 (print) ISSN 2116-0341 (online), censito da CNRS 2008 -4- e EconLitt.
8. C Curi, D. Liang, Mancuso P. (2010), Assessing Differences in the Energy-Intensity Evolution Between High-and Middle-Income Countries, Journal of Energy and Development, volume 32, issue 2, pp. , ISSN: 0361-4476, censito da CNRS -3-.
9. Curi C., Gitto S., Mancuso P. (2010), "Liberalization of air transport and airports". In Gitto S. (Eds), Measuring the performance through nonparametric techniques. Methodology and applications to air transport, pp. 39-69. VDM Verlang Dr.Muller, ISBN: 978-3-639-24616-2, ISSN 14311933.
Electronic Journal
1. Calabrese A., Mancuso P. (2002), Real Options Method (ROM): a cognitive model for supporting strategy creation processes in uncertain competitive environments. Brazilian Electronic Journal of Economics, volume 5, issue 1, pp. 1-21.
2. Di Nucci M., Mancuso P. (2004), Product Development: the role of DOE to reduce the noise problem of an alternator, isixsigma, pp.1-4.
3. Campisi D., Costa R., Mancuso P. (2010). The Effects of Low Cost Airlines Growth in Italy. Modern Economy, volume 1, pp. 59-67, ISSN: 2152-7245
Discussion papers.
1. Campisi D., Mancuso P., Nastasi A. (1995), Cost Reduction, Competitive Pressure and Firms Optimal R&D Strategies. Rapporto Tecnico, I.A.S.I., C.N.R. n. 419, pp. 3-31.
2. Campisi D., Mancuso P., Nastasi A. (1996), A Dynamic Model of R&D Competition. Rapporto Tecnico, I.A.S.I., C.N.R. n. 434, pp. 3-29.
3. Campisi D., Mancuso P., Nastasi A. (2000), R&D Competition, Absorptive Capacity and Market Share. Rapporto Tecnico n. 03-00, Dipartimento Informatica e Sistemistica, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, pp. 1-23.
4. Bonaccorsi A, Curi C., Daraio C., Mancuso P. L. Simar (2007), Analyzing total factor productivity through bootstrap based non parametric approach: the case of Italian regions. Institut de statistique universite catholique de Louvain. Discussion papers # 07035.
Pubblicazioni in Italiano
1. Mancuso P. (1993), La deflazione degli aggregati economici nello spazio, in Contabilità Nazionale e Statistica Economica di G. Alvaro, pp. 473-476. Cacucci, Bari.
2. Campisi D., Mancuso P., Nastasi A. (1996), Strategie di investimento in R&S nella competizione oligopolistica : un modello dinamico, l’Industria, fascicolo: 1, volume: 17, pp. 87 – 109, ISSN 0019-7416, censito da EconLit.
3. Campisi D., Mancuso P. (2005), Spillover tecnologici e comportamento cooperativo delle imprese: cartello di R&S o joint venture di ricerca? Economia e Politica Industriale, volume 1, pp. 89-106.
4. Curi C., Gitto S., Mancuso P. (2008), Un’applicazione della Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) per la misurazione dell’efficienza degli aeroporti italiani dopo la privatizzazione del settore. L’Industria. Volume 4, pp. 689-712, ISSN 0019-7416, censito da EconLit.
5. Bergamini M., Gitto S.; Longo G., Mancuso P. (2008), Aci Informatica e l’innovazione applicata”. In L. Fumagalli, F. Limone, U. Papagni (Eds), Best Practice Lab: quaderni di knowledge management, Franco Angeli, Milano. Codice ISBN 13: 9788856801309.
6. Ceccobelli M., Gitto S., Mancuso P. (2011), ICT e crescita: un’analisi DEA per 14 paesi OCSE. L’Industria. Volume, pp 435-454, ISSN: 0019-7416, censito da EconLit.
Abramo G. e P. Mancuso. Esercizi di Microeconomia e Analisi degli Investimenti Eds. TEXMAT, 2003.
Attività di revisione
Telecommunication Policy(3); Information Economics and Policy(1); World Development(1), Review of Industrial Organisation (2); European Journal of Operation Research(1), Transport Policy (1), Health Care Management Science (1), International Journal of production Economics(1), L’Industria(1).
Conferenze con presentazione (proceeding non referati)
1. Campisi D., Mancuso P. and A. Nastasi. Dynamic R&D Competition and Market Sharing, Management and New Technology Proceedings, Madrid, pp. 127-135, 1996.
2. Campisi D., Gasbarro M.C. and P. Mancuso. Productivity Convergence in the European Telecommunication Industry, ITS Thirteenth Biennal Conference Proceedings, Buenos Aires, pp.1-10. http://www.its200.org.ar/conference/conference1.html.), 1999.
3. Calabrese A., Campisi D. and P. Mancuso. Telecommunication Industry and Productivity Convergence in the OECD Countries, ITS Regional Conference Proceedings, Dublino, pp.1-19. (http//userpage.fu-berlin.de/~jmueller/its.html), 2001.
4. Battistoni E. and P. Mancuso. The liberalization process in the Italian telecommunication market. Referred Proceedings of GBATA. International Conference. June 25-29, Rome, Italy, 2002.
5. Battistoni E., D. Campisi and P. Mancuso. European Integration and Telecommunication Productivity Convergence. ITS Regional Conference Proceedings, Berlin, 2004.
6. Battistoni E., Benedetti L. e P. Mancuso, La nuova regolamentazione per l’accesso al credito:analisi dell’insolvenza sul settore ICT, Presentato alla XV Riunione Scientifica Annuale AiIG “Valori, risorse e competenze nelle organizzazioni”, 14-15 ottobre, Napoli, Italia, 2004.
7. Battistoni E., Campisi D e P. Mancuso. Unione Europea, convergenza e produttività nel settore delle telecomunicazioni, XVI Riunione Scientifica Annuale AiIG, Catania, 13-14 Ottobre, 2005.
8. Macchiaroli R., Mancuso P. e M.E. Nenni. Development of an intelligent tool for the remote maintenance optimization of critical components in maritime vessels, Proceedings 1st International Conference on Maintenance Management, Napoli, Italy, 2005.
9. Curi C., Liang D. e P.Mancuso. L’evoluzione dell’intensità di energia in Cina ed in 11 Paesi OECD:un’analisi basata sul Multiplicative Log-Mean Divisia Method” in Atti XVI Convegno nazionale AiIG (Associazione italiana di Ingegneria Gestionale), L’impresa del futuro: reti, cluster e piattaforme tecnologiche, 2005.
10. Curi C., Gitto S. e P. Mancuso. “Un’applicazione della Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) per la misurazione dell’efficienza degli aeroporti italiani dopo la privatizzazione del settore” in Leporelli, C., Reverberi, P., Avenali, A. (Eds), Reti, servizi e competitività delle imprese. Sistemi globali e sistemi locali per lo sviluppo. XVII Riunione scientifica AiIG. Aracne, Roma, 2006.
11. Curi C., Gitto S., P. Mancuso. An application of robust nonparametric methods to measure the efficiency of Italian airports after privatization” Proceeding on GARS and Frontier Economics Workshop of the Liberalization of the Air Transport, Airport Regulation and Benchmarking, Londra, November 10-11, 2006.
12. Campisi D., Costa R. and P. Mancuso. The development of the low cost air transport in Italy, EURAM, Parigi, maggio 16-19, 2007.
13. Campisi D., Costa R., P. Mancuso. Measuring efficiency in the airlines: a comparison between low cost and full cost carriers, Proceedings of the NECTAR conference, Portogallo maggio, 9-12, 2007.
14. Curi C., Daraio C., Mancuso P., L. Simar. Improving Statistical Inference on Malmquist Productivity Index” Tenth European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis IESEG School of Management, (CNRS) Lille, June 27-30, 2007.
15. Bonaccorsi A., Curi C., Daraio C., Mancuso P. and L Simar. Analysing Human Capital Convergence by applying a bootstrap-based non parametric approach: the case of Italian regions. 22nd European Conference On Operational Research, Prague, July, 8-11, 2007.
16. Gitto S., Mancuso P. and P.W. Wilson. Evaluating Italian public hospital productivity change: a robust non-parametrich approach. XI European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, June 23-26, Pisa, 2009.
17. Ceccobelli M., S. and P. Mancuso. The impact of ICT on labour productivity: a non parametric application to OECD countries and industries. North American Productivity Workshop VI. Rice University, Houston, Texas, June 2-June 5, 2010.
18. De Nicola A., S. Gitto e P. Mancuso. Two-stage procedure based on data envelopment analysis to evaluate the efficiency of the Italian health system. The XII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Verona, Italy, in June 21-24th, 2011.
19. Gitto S. e P. Mancuso. Determinants of labor productivity growth across Italian regions. The XII European Workshop on Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. Verona, Italy, in June 21-24th, 2011
20. De Nicola A., S. Gitto e P. Mancuso. Linking quality and productivity: an analysis of the Italian airports, GAB Final Workshop, Berlin School of Economics and Law (Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht), Berlin, 2012.