Florin Radulescu Nato 15 Augusto 1960 Bucharest Pd.D Matematica, UCLA (Universita di California Los Angeles)1991 Esperienza: 2002-2013 Professore Ordinario, Univ Roma Tor Vergata 1996-2002 Professor Ordinaro, University of Iowa 1994-1996 Professore Associato, University of Iowa 1992-1994, Miller Fellow, Miller Institute, Berkeley 1991-1992 Borsa Postdoctoratto, IHES 1985-1990, Ricercatore, Instituto Matematica Bucharest Educazione 1990-1991 Dottorato, UCLA 1979 -1984 Universita di Bucharest Lavori: 1. Rădulescu, F. The von Neumann algebra of the non-residually finite Baumslag group $\langle a,b\vert ab^3a^{-1}=b^2\rangle$ embeds into $R^\omega$. Hot topics in operator theory, 173--185, Theta Ser. Adv. Math., 9, Theta, Bucharest, 2008 2. F. Radulescu,A non-commutative, analytic version of Hilbert's 17th problem in type ${\rm II}_1$ von Neumann algebras. Von Neumann algebras in Sibiu, 93--101, Theta Ser. Adv. Math., 10, Theta, Bucharest, 2008. 3. Rădulescu, F. Non-commutative Markov processes in free groups factors, related to Berezin's quantization and automorphic forms. Acta Univ. Apulensis Math. Inform. No. 14 (2007), 4. F. Radulescu, Combinatorial aspects of Connes’s embedding conjecture and asymp- totic distribution of traces of products of unitaries., Proceedings of the Operator Algebra Conference, Bucharest 2006, Theta Foundation. 5 Radulescu, Florin Irreducible subfactors derived from Popa’s construction for non- tracial states. Recent advances in operator theory, operator algebras, and their applications, 229-247, Oper. Theory Adv. Appl., 153, Birkhuser, Basel, 2005 6 Radulescu, Florin, A comparison between the max and min norms on C (Fn ) tensor C(Fn ).J. Operator Theory 51 (2004), no. 2, 245–253 7 Dykema, Kenneth J.; Radulescu, Florin, Rescalings of free products of II1 -factors. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131 (2003), no. 6, 1813–1816. 8 C. D’Antoni, R. Longo, Roberto; F. Radulescu, Conformal nets, maximal temperature and models from free probability. J. Operator Th. 45 (2001), no. 1, 195–208. 9. Nest, Ryszard; Radulescu, Florin Index of C - algebras , 151–160, Springer, Berlin,(2000). 10. Dykema, Kenneth J.; Radulescu, Florin, Compressions of free products of von Neumann algebras. Math. Ann. 316 (2000), no. 1, 61–82. 11. Radulescu, Florin Finite generation properties for Fuchsian group von Neumann algebras tensor B(H ). Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (2000), no. 8, 2405–2411 12. F. Radulescu, Convex sets associated with von Neumann algebras and the Connes’ approximate embedding problem, Math. Res. Lett, 6,no. 2, 229–236. 1999. 13. F. Radulescu, The invariant form of the Berezin quantization of the upper halfplane, Memoirs American Mathematical Society, vol 535, 1998. 14 F. Radulescu, Quantum dynamics and Berezin’s deformation quantization, in Operator Algebras and Quantum Field Theory, S. Doplicher and al., edts., International Press 1997, pp. 383-389. 15. F. Radulescu, A new invariant for subfactors of free group von Neumann algebras,in Free Probability Theory D. V. Voiculescu edt., American Mathematical Society, 1996, pp.213-240. 16. F. Radulescu, The arithmetic Hecke operators and Berezin Quantization, Comptes Rendu Acad. Sci. Paris, 1996. 17. F. Radulescu, A type I I I factor with core isomorphic to the free group von Neumann algebra of a free group tensor B(H ), in Proceedings of the Operator Algebras Conference 1992, Orleans, Asterisque, G. Skandalis, ed., Paris, France, June 1995. 18. F. Radulescu, Random matrices, amalgamated free products and subfactors in free group factors of noninteger index, Inv. Math. 115 (1994), 347-389. 19. F. Radulescu, On the von Neumann algebra of Toeplitz operators with automorphic symbol, in Subfactors, Proceedings of the Taniguchi Symposium, Kyoto 1993, H. Araki, H. Kosaki eds., World Scientific, 1994; pp. 287-293. 20. F. Radulescu, The weak closure of the group algebras associated to free groups are stably isomorphic, Communications in Mathematical Physics 156 (1993), 17-36. 21. F. Radulescu, A new invariant for subfactors of free group von Neumann algebras, Comptes Rendu Acad. Sci. Paris 316 (1993), 983- 988. 22. F. Radulescu, Sous-facteurs de L(F ) d’indice 4cos pi^2/n, Comptes Rendu Acad. Sci. Paris 315 (1992), 37-42. 23. F. Radulescu, A one parameter group of automorphisms of L(F ) B(H ) scaling the trace, Comptes Rendu Acad. Sci. Paris 314 (1992), 1027-1032. 24. F. Radulescu, The fundamental group of the von Neumann algebra of a free group with infinitely many generators is R+/0, Journal of the American Mathematical Society 5 (1992), 517-532. 25. F. Boca, F. Radulescu, Singularity of the radial algebra in free products of finite groups, Journal of Funct. Analysis 93, (1992), 138-159. 26. F. Radulescu, Vanishing of H 2 (M, K(H )) for certain von Neumann Algebras, Transactions of the American Math. Soc. 326 (1991), 569-584. 27. F. Radulescu, Singularity of the radial algebra of L(Fn ) and the Pukanszky Invariant, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 151 (1991), 297-306. 28. F. Radulescu, On some trace class norm estimates, J. of Operator Theory 23 (1990), 195-204. 29. F. Radulescu, On smooth extensions of odd dimensional spheres and multidimensional Helton and Howe formula, J. Reine Angew. Math. 386 (1988), 145-171. 30. S. Popa, F. Radulescu, Derivations of von Neumann algebras into the compact ideal space of a semifinite algebra, Duke Mathematical Journal 57 (1988), 485-518. 31. F. Radulescu, F. -H. Vasilescu, Matrix operators and hyperinvariant subspaces J London Math.Soc. 36, (1987), 327-338. 32. F. Radulescu, Spectral properties of generalized multipliers J. Operator Theory 14 (1985), 277-289. 33. F. Radulescu, Derivatives of analytic functions, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 26 (1981), 141-142. 34. F. Radulescu, A topological property of R2 related to Froda theorem concerning discontinuities, Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 26 (1981), 1385-1389. 35. F. Radulescu, On the frontier operator, Bul l. Math. Soc. Acad. Roumanie 24 (1980), 401-406.