Nel 2001 Roberta Costa ha conseguito la Laurea in Ingegneria Gestionale presso l'Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", nel 2002 il Master in “Ingegneria dell’Impresa” e nel 2004 il Dottorato di Ricerca in Ingegneria Gestionale presso la medesima Università.
Ricercatrice e docente del corso di “Economia Applicata all’Ingegneria 1+2” e “Direzione d’Impresa” presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Impresa dell’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”. Ha ottenuto l’abilitazione scientifica nazionale per il ruolo di professore di seconda fascia nel settore concorsuale 09/B3 (Ingegneria economico-gestionale) nel 2014.
Inoltre è stata docente di numerosi corsi all’interno di Master universitari dell’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”: “Project Financing” per il Master in “Ingegneria per le Pubbliche Amministrazioni. Governace, Innovation and Consulting” presso la Macroarea di Ingegneria; “Project Management” e “Laboratorio di comunicazione efficace” per il Master in “Organizzazione e Sviluppo del Capitale Umano in Ambito Internazionale” presso la Macroarea di Ingegneria; “Project Financing” per il Master in “Analisi, valutazione e gestione dei rischi connessi al ciclo di vita dei progetti realizzati con il ricorso al Project Finance” presso la Macroarea di Economia.
Ha partecipato a vari progetti sui temi della sostenibilità, dell’innovazione e del trasferimento tecnologico: 1) responsabile scientifico per l’unità dell’Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” del Progetto COFFEE B.R.E.A.K.S. (Coffee for Building Renewed Engagement and Awareness by Knowledge Sharing) - vincitore del Premio per l’innovazione CNR 2015. Progetto sul tema della sostenibilità sociale realizzata attraverso il coinvolgimento diretto del personale (employee engagement) nel decision-making di un’organizzazione; 2) progetto “PRECISO - Produzione Sostenibile ed Efficiente di Solventi da Rifiuti Mediante Strumenti Innovativi per l'Economia”, risultato vincitore nel 2018 della selezione indetta dalla Regione Lazio nell’ambito del POR FESR 2014-2020 – Progetti Imprenditoriali sulla “Circular Economy”; 3) progetto “Laboratorio Innovazione” finalizzato all’adeguamento tecnologico delle PMI italiane ed alla identificazione delle necessità e degli strumenti tecnologici da adottare per una più efficace gestione delle attività aziendali (collaborazione tra Università “Tor Vergata” e Camera di Commercio di Roma); 4) progetto “Attività di sostegno e sviluppo per l’adeguamento tecnologico delle PMI” incentrato sullo sviluppo di un modello di intervento per favorire il trasferimento tecnologico tra imprese e Centri di Ricerca nella Provincia di Roma.
E’ autrice di più 50 pubblicazioni in Italiaed all’estero e la sua attività di ricerca verte principalmente sui seguenti argomenti: sostenibilità, responsabilità sociale d’impesa, sustainability reporting, green-marketing, online brand community, stakeholder engagement, knowledge management.
- Calabrese A, Costa R, Levialdi N, Menichini T (2019). Integrating sustainability into strategic decision-making: A fuzzy AHP method for the selection of relevant sustainability issues. TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, vol. 139, p. 155-168
- Calabrese A, Costa R, Levialdi N, Menichini T (2017). Materiality Analysis in Sustainability Reporting: A Method for Making it Work in Practice. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, vol. 6(3), p. 439-447
- Barchiesi M A, Castellan S, Costa R (2016). In the eye of the beholder: Communicating CSR through color in packaging design. JOURNAL OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS, doi: 10.1080/13527266.2016.1224771
- Calabrese A, Costa R, Levialdi N, Menichini T (2016). A fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process method to support materiality assessment in sustainability reporting. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, vol. 121, p. 248–264
- Calabrese A, Costa R, Rosati F (2016). Gender differences in customer expectations and perceptions of corporate social responsibility. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, vol. 116, p. 135–149
- Calabrese A, Costa R, Rosati F (2015). A feedback-based model for CSR assessment and materiality analysis. ACCOUNTING FORUM, vol. 39(4), p. 312-327
Roberta Costais a researcher at the University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’ where she teaches Engineering Economics and Business Management. She is qualified for the role of Associate Professor of Management Engineering (2014-2020).
Corporate Sustainability; Corporate Social Responsibility; Green Marketing; Knowledge Management.
PhD in Economic and Management Engineering, II level University Master Degree in Management Engineering and Master Degree (5 years single course) in Management Engineering (Summa Cum Laude) achieved at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”.
She is assistant professor of “Engineering economics” in the BSc Degree in Management Engineering – University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (academic years from 2007/2008 to present).
She is member of the PhD Program Committee in “Enterprise Engineering” at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (2008-present); member of the “Italian Association of Management Engineering” (AiIG) (2002-present).
She was: Research Fellow in public policies management for the innovation and technology transfer to SMEs at the Department of Electronic Engineering, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (2006-2008); Research Fellow in innovation and technology transfer to SMEs at the Department of Computer Science, Systems, and Production Engineering of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” (2004-2006); Research Fellow in risk management at the same Department (2001).
She is the Principal Investigator on behalf of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” of the Project “Coffee for Building Renewed Engagement and Awareness by Knowledge Sharing (Coffee B.R.E.A.K.S.)”, winner of the CNR Innovation Award 2015. Purpose of the project: the project is aimed at structuring a reward system for staff NRC through direct involvement of staff through innovative techniques of employee engagement. She was member of the research team in various projects: 1) Industrial Innovation Project: “Development and Innovation for Aerospace and Medical biotechnologies oriented to Networks and Districts” for the Province of Rome, Italy (2005-2008). 2) Research Program: “Innovation Laboratory for SMEs" for the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, in collaboration with the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, the University of Rome “Roma Tre”, Assist SpA and the Chambers of Commerce of Pisa, Bergamo and Lecco (2004-2006). 3) Fund for Investments in Basic Research (FIRB): “Towards a holistic model for the management and measurement of Intellectual Capital” for the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (2002-2005). Project purpose: the development of management models and metrics for measuring Intellectual Capital that can be applied to Italian SMEs and industrial districts.
- Calabrese A, Costa R, Levialdi N, Menichini T (2019). Integrating sustainability into strategic decision-making: A fuzzy AHP method for the selection of relevant sustainability issues. TECHNOLOGICAL FORECASTING AND SOCIAL CHANGE, vol. 139, p. 155-168
- Calabrese A, Costa R, Levialdi N, Menichini T (2017). Materiality Analysis in Sustainability Reporting: A Method for Making it Work in Practice. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, vol. 6(3), p. 439-447
- Barchiesi M A, Castellan S, Costa R (2016). In the eye of the beholder: Communicating CSR through color in packaging design. JOURNAL OF MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS, doi: 10.1080/13527266.2016.1224771
- Calabrese A, Costa R, Levialdi N, Menichini T (2016). A fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process method to support materiality assessment in sustainability reporting. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, vol. 121, p. 248–264
- Calabrese A, Costa R, Rosati F (2016). Gender differences in customer expectations and perceptions of corporate social responsibility. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, vol. 116, p. 135–149
- Calabrese A, Costa R, Rosati F (2015). A feedback-based model for CSR assessment and materiality analysis. ACCOUNTING FORUM, vol. 39(4), p. 312-327