Antonio Iovanella ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in Ricerca Operativa presso la Sapienza Università di Roma. E' docente a contratto presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria "Mario Lucertini" dell'Università degli Studi di Tor Vergata.
Gli interessi di ricerca sono legati allo studio delle reti complesse, la social network analysis e la loro applicazione, soprattutto nei casi di reti di innovazione inter-organizzativa.
E' stato coinvolto in diversi progetti di ricerca e consulenza nelle seguenti aree di interesse: supply chain management, decision support systems e business process management.
E' coinvolto in diversi progetti europei riguardanti il trasferimento tecnologico e l'innovation management. E Business Innovation Manager per l'Enterprise Europe Network, una iniziativa dell'Executive Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises della Commissione Europea.
Ha pubblicato articoli di ricerca in riveste internazionali e proceeding di conferenza, e le più recenti sono:
Cinelli, M., Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (to appear). Network processes for collaborative innovation, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2019.10011453.
Cerqueti, R., Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2018) A new measure for community structure through indirect social connections, Expert Systems with Applications, 114, pp. 196-209. DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2018.07.040
Cinelli, M., Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2018). Rich-club ordering and the dyadic effect: Two interrelated phenomena, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 490, pp. 808-818.
Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A., (2018). Clairvoyant targeted attack on complex networks, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 8 (1), pp. 41-62.
Cinelli, M., Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A., Lucci, G., Schiraldi, M.M. (2017). A network perspective on the visualization and analysis of bill of materials, International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 9, pp. 1-11.
Cinelli, M., Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2017). Resilience of core-periphery networks in the case of rich-club, Complexity, 2017, 6548362.
Cinelli, M., Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2017). Structural bounds on the dyadic effect, Journal of Complex Networks, 5(5), cnx002, pp. 694-711.
Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2017). Technology transfer in innovation networks: An empirical study of the Enterprise Europe Network, International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 9.
Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A., Pratesi, G. (2016). On the influence of nodes’ characteristic in inter-organisational innovation networks structure, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 6 (3), pp. 239-257.
Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2016). Revealing correlations between structure and innovation attitude in inter-organisational innovation networks, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 6 (1), pp. 93-113.
Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2015). Organizing collaboration in inter-organizational innovation networks, from orchestration to choreography, International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 7 (24), pp. 1-14.
Antonio Iovanella received his Ph.D. in Operational Research at the Sapienza University of Rome. He is a Lecturer in the Department of Enterprise Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata.
His research interests are related to complex network, SNA, graph theory, and optimization. He has been involved in several projects and consultations in the following areas of interest: supply chain management, decision support systems, and business process management.
He is involved in several European projects regarding technology transfer and innovation management. He is a Business Innovation Manager for the Enterprise Europe Network.
He has published research papers in national and international journals, conference proceedings as well as chapters of books. Some selected publications are:
Cinelli, M., Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (to appear). Network processes for collaborative innovation, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, DOI: 10.1504/IJESB.2019.10011453.
Cerqueti, R., Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2018) A new measure for community structure through indirect social connections, Expert Systems with Applications, 114, pp. 196-209. DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2018.07.040
Cinelli, M., Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2018). Rich-club ordering and the dyadic effect: Two interrelated phenomena, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 490, pp. 808-818.
Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A., (2018). Clairvoyant targeted attack on complex networks, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 8 (1), pp. 41-62.
Cinelli, M., Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A., Lucci, G., Schiraldi, M.M. (2017). A network perspective on the visualization and analysis of bill of materials, International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 9, pp. 1-11.
Cinelli, M., Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2017). Resilience of core-periphery networks in the case of rich-club, Complexity, 2017, 6548362.
Cinelli, M., Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2017). Structural bounds on the dyadic effect, Journal of Complex Networks, 5(5), cnx002, pp. 694-711.
Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2017). Technology transfer in innovation networks: An empirical study of the Enterprise Europe Network, International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 9.
Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A., Pratesi, G. (2016). On the influence of nodes’ characteristic in inter-organisational innovation networks structure, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 6 (3), pp. 239-257.
Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2016). Revealing correlations between structure and innovation attitude in inter-organisational innovation networks, International Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics, 6 (1), pp. 93-113.
Ferraro, G., Iovanella, A. (2015). Organizing collaboration in inter-organizational innovation networks, from orchestration to choreography, International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 7 (24), pp. 1-14.
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