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Nome: Serena Ammendola

Data di nascita: 23 giugno 1972

Nazionalità: Italiana


Istruzione e carriera professionale


Professore Associato di Microbiologia presso il Dipartimento di Biologia dell'Università di Roma Tor Vergata


Ricercatore presso il Dipartimento di Biologia dell'Università di Roma Tor Vergata.


Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale per Professore Associato, settore 05/I2 Microbiologia.


Post-doc e Ricercatore a Contratto presso il Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Roma Tor Vergata (gruppo Prof. Andrea Battistoni)


Dottorato di Ricerca in Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare, Università di Roma Tor Vergata


Corso avanzato di genetica batterica, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (NY, USA)


Laurea Magistrale in Biologia, Università di Roma Tor Vergata (110/110 e lode)


Principali linee di ricerca in corso

Meccanismi di regolazione dell’omeostasi dei metalli di transizione nei batteri patogeni, ed in particolare:

·       Caratterizzazione biochimica e funzionale dei sistemi di importo dello zinco in Salmonella enterica e Pseudomonas aeruginosa;

·       Analisi di applicazioni terapeutiche basate sull'interferenza dell'omeostasi dello zinco in batteri patogeni;

·       Ruolo dei metalli nelle interazioni Salmonella-pianta.


Pubblicazioni (ultimi 4 anni)

·      Atomwise AIMS Program. AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening: a 318-target study. Sci Rep. 2024;14(1):7526.

·      Secli V, Di Biagio C, Martini A, Michetti E, Pacello F, Ammendola S, Battistoni A. Localized Infections with P. aeruginosa Strains Defective in Zinc Uptake Reveal That Zebrafish Embryos Recapitulate Nutritional Immunity Responses of Higher Eukaryotes 2023 Int J Mol Sci. 4;24(2):944.

·      Ammendola S, Micallef SA, Schikora A. Editorial: Dealing with unusual hosts and unconventional habitats: versatile strategies of Salmonella enterica. Front Microbiol. 2023;14:1342139.

·      Iacovelli F, Romeo A, Lattanzio P, Ammendola S, Battistoni A, La Frazia S, Vindigni G, Unida V, Biocca S, Gaziano R, Divizia M, Falconi M. Deciphering the Broad Antimicrobial Activity of Melaleuca alternifolia Tea Tree Oil by Combining Experimental and Computational Investigations. 2023 Int J Mol Sci. 4;24(15):12432.

·      Ammendola S, Battistoni A. New Insights into the Role of Metals in Host-Pathogen Interactions 2022 Int J Mol Sci. 10;23(12):6483.

·      Visconti S, Astolfi ML, Battistoni A, Ammendola S. Impairment of the Zn/Cd detoxification systems affects the ability of Salmonella to colonize Arabidopsis thaliana. 2022 Front Microbiol. 22;13:975725.

·      Ammendola S, Secli V, Pacello F, Mastropasqua MC, Romão MA, Gomes CM, Battistoni A. Zinc-binding metallophores protect Pseudomonas aeruginosa from calprotectin-mediated metal starvation 2022 FEMS Microbiol Lett. 16;369(1)

·      Fiorillo, A., Battistoni, A., Ammendola, S., Secli, V., Rinaldo, S., Cutruzzola`, F., Demitri, N. & Ilari, A. Structure and metal-binding properties of PA4063, a novel player in periplasmic zinc trafficking by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2021. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol. 2021 1;77(Pt 11):1401-1410..

·      Ammendola S, Secli V, Pacello F, Bortolami M, Pandolfi F, Messore A, Di Santo R, Scipione L, Battistoni A. Salmonella Typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Respond Differently to the Fe Chelator Deferiprone and to Some Novel Deferiprone Derivatives. 2021 Int. J. Mol.  Sci. Volume: 22, Issue: 19, pp 10217

·      Ammendola S*, Ciavardelli D , Consalvo A , Battistoni A. Cobalt can fully recover the phenotypes related to zinc deficiency in Salmonella Typhimurium. Metallomics. 2020 Dec 23;12(12):2021-2031.. *corresponding author


Attività editoriali

Guest editor per lo Special Issue "Transition Metals in the Host-Pathogen Interaction" in International Journal of Molecular Science, sezione "Molecular Microbiology".

Guest editor per il Research Topic "Dealing with unusual hosts and unconventional habitats: versatile strategies of Salmonella enterica" in Frontiers in Microbiology

Revisore per Frontiers in Microbiology, International Journal of Molecular Science, Microorganisms, Biological Trace Element Research, Antibiotics, Scientific Report, Gut Microbes


Affiliazioni a società scientifiche


SIM - Società Italiana di Microbiologia


SIMGBM - Società Italiana di Microbiologia e Biotecnologie Microbiche


Microbiology Society


Attività didattiche


Microbial Technology (M.Sc. Biotechnology – Università di Roma Tor Vergata)

Microbiologia Generale (B.S. Biotecnologie – Università di Roma o Vergata)


Microbial Technology (M.Sc. Biotechnology – Università di Roma Tor Vergata)


Methods for genetic modification of bacteria (M.Sc. Biotechnology – Università di Roma Tor Vergata)


Name: Serena Ammendola

Date of Birth: 23 June 1972

Nationality: Italian



Education and Professional Career


Associate Professor of Microbiology  at the Department of Biology of Tor Vergata University of Rome


Researcher at the Department of Biology of Tor Vergata University of Rome.


National Scientific Habilitation for Associate Professor, sector 05/I2 Microbiology.


Post-doc and Contract Researcher at the Department of Biology, Tor Vergata University of Rome (Prof. Andrea Battistoni group)


PhD in Cellular and Molecular Biology, Tor Vergata University of Rome


Advanced Bacterial Genetics Course, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (NY, USA)


Master Degree in Biology,  Tor Vergata University of Rome (110/110 cum laude)


Current Research

Regulatory mechanisms of transition metal homeostasis in pathogenic bacteria, focusing on:

·      Biochemical and functional characterization of zinc import systems in Salmonella enterica and Pseudomonas aeruginosa;

·      Analysis of therapeutic applications based on the interference of zinc homeostasis in pathogenic bacteria;

·      Role of metals in Salmonella -plant interactions.


Publications (last 4 years)

Atomwise AIMS Program. AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening: a 318-target study. Sci Rep. 2024;14(1):7526.

Secli V, Di Biagio C, Martini A, Michetti E, Pacello F, Ammendola S, Battistoni A. Localized Infections with P. aeruginosa Strains Defective in Zinc Uptake Reveal That Zebrafish Embryos Recapitulate Nutritional Immunity Responses of Higher Eukaryotes 2023 Int J Mol Sci. 4;24(2):944.

Ammendola S, Micallef SA, Schikora A. Editorial: Dealing with unusual hosts and unconventional habitats: versatile strategies of Salmonella enterica. Front Microbiol. 2023;14:1342139.

Iacovelli F, Romeo A, Lattanzio P, Ammendola S, Battistoni A, La Frazia S, Vindigni G, Unida V, Biocca S, Gaziano R, Divizia M, Falconi M. Deciphering the Broad Antimicrobial Activity of Melaleuca alternifolia Tea Tree Oil by Combining Experimental and Computational Investigations. 2023 Int J Mol Sci. 4;24(15):12432.

Ammendola S, Battistoni A. New Insights into the Role of Metals in Host-Pathogen Interactions 2022 Int J Mol Sci. 10;23(12):6483.

Visconti S, Astolfi ML, Battistoni A, Ammendola S. Impairment of the Zn/Cd detoxification systems affects the ability of Salmonella to colonize Arabidopsis thaliana. 2022 Front Microbiol. 22;13:975725.

Ammendola S, Secli V, Pacello F, Mastropasqua MC, Romão MA, Gomes CM, Battistoni A. Zinc-binding metallophores protect Pseudomonas aeruginosa from calprotectin-mediated metal starvation 2022 FEMS Microbiol Lett. 16;369(1)

Fiorillo, A., Battistoni, A., Ammendola, S., Secli, V., Rinaldo, S., Cutruzzola`, F., Demitri, N. & Ilari, A. Structure and metal-binding properties of PA4063, a novel player in periplasmic zinc trafficking by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2021. Acta Crystallogr D Struct Biol. 2021 1;77(Pt 11):1401-1410..

Ammendola S, Secli V, Pacello F, Bortolami M, Pandolfi F, Messore A, Di Santo R, Scipione L, Battistoni A. Salmonella Typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa Respond Differently to the Fe Chelator Deferiprone and to Some Novel Deferiprone Derivatives. 2021 Int. J. Mol.  Sci. Volume: 22, Issue: 19, pp 10217

Ammendola S*, Ciavardelli D , Consalvo A , Battistoni A. Cobalt can fully recover the phenotypes related to zinc deficiency in Salmonella Typhimurium. Metallomics. 2020 Dec 23;12(12):2021-2031.. *corresponding author


Editorial activities

Guest editorfor the Special Issue "Transition Metals in the Host-Pathogen Interaction" in International Journal of Molecular Science, section "Molecular Microbiology".

Guest Editorfor the Research Topic "Dealing with unusual hosts and unconventional habitats: versatile strategies of Salmonella enterica" in Frontiers in Microbiology

Reviewerfor Frontiers in Microbiology, International Journal of Molecular Science, Microorganisms, Biological Trace Element Research, Antibiotics, Scientific Report, Gut Microbes


Scientific society affiliation


SIM - Società Italiana di Microbiologia


SIMGBM - Società Italiana di Microbiologia e Biotecnologie Microbiche


Microbiology Society


Teaching activities


Microbial Technology (M.Sc. Biotechnology – University of Rome Tor Vergata)

General Microbiology (B.S. Biotecnology – University of Rome or Vergata)


Microbial Technology (M.Sc. Biotechnology – University of Rome Tor Vergata)


Methods for Genetic Modification of Bacteria (M.Sc. Biotechnology – University of Rome Tor Vergata)


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