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 Prof. Dott. Luca Bianchi Data di nascita 24/07/1958 Luogo di nascita Roma, Italia Cittadinanza Italiana Indirizzo Piazza del Gesù 47, 00186, Roma, Italia Telefono cellulare +39-335 53 87 881 Codice fiscale BNCLCU58L24H501G E-mail Lingue straniere (parlate, scritte) Inglese (C1), francese (C1) Educazione professionale Tipo Anno Istituzione Note Titolo di studio universitario 1982 Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia (110/110 e lode) Diploma di Pianoforte principale 1982 Conservatorio di Musica S. Cecilia di Roma 7/10 Ricerca post-laurea 1984-1985 Wayne State University, Department of Dermatology, Detroit, Michigan, USA Research Fellowship (1 anno) Specializzazione 1985 Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” Specializzazione in Dermatologia e Venereologia (70/70 e lode) Ricerca post-laurea 1988 American Health Foundation, Valhalla, New York, USA Visiting Scientist (3 mesi) Ricerca/Insegnamento 2010 Charité Hospital, Dermatology Clinic, Berlin, Germany Visiting Professor (1 mese) Qualifiche professionali universitarie Inizio Fine Istituzioni Posizione 1987 2004 Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italia Ricercatore Universitario in Dermatologia e Venereologia (MED/35) 2005 2021 Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italia Professore Associato in Dermatologia e Venereologia (MED/35–SSD 06/04) 2008 presente Conservatorio L. Refice di Frosinone Laurea di biennio in Pianoforte Principale 110/110 2008 2021 Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italia Direttore della Scuola di Specializzazione in Dermatologia e Venereologia dell’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata 2017 presente Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma Italia Abilitazione ASN Professore di prima fascia in Dermatologia e Venereologia, SSD MED35 06/D4 2021 presente Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma Italia Professore Ordinario in Dermatologia e Venereologia (MED/35–SSD 06/04) Qualifiche professionali assistenziali Inizio Fino Istituzione Posizione 1987 2002 Ospedale S.Eugenio, ASL RMC, Roma, Italia Qualifica assistenziale superiore di AIUTO OSPEDALIERO a tempo pieno presso la divisione di Dermatologia dell'Ospedale S.Eugenio di Roma, Azienda U.S.L. RM C, ai sensi dell'art. 102 V comma del D.P.R. 382/80, a seguito della convenzione stipulata tra l'Università di Roma Tor Vergata e la ex U.S.L.RM7, a decorrere dal 24/11/1987 al 30/09/1998 e dall’11/01/1999 al 15/09/2002. 1995 presente Policlinico di Tor Vergata Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma Italia DIRIGENTE MEDICO DI I LIVELLO, CCNL dell’Area della Dirigenza medica del SSN per il quadriennio normativo 1994/1997 2008 presente Policlinico di Tor Vergata Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma Italia TITOLARE del Programma Aziendale ad elevata valenza scientifico-professionale dal titolo “Diagnosi, terapia follow-up della psoriasi” ex art.5 del D. Lgs n517 del 1999, presso la UOC di Dermatologia afferente al Dipartimento di Medicina del PTV 2016 2018 Policlinico di Tor Vergata, Roma, Italia DIRETTORE UOC di Dermatologia, Fondazione Policlinico Tor Vergata, Roma 2018 presente Policlinico di Tor Vergata, Roma, Italia RESPONSABILE UOSD di Dermatologia, Fondazione Policlinico Tor Vergata, Roma Elenco pubblicazioni (EXPORT DATE: Mars 2024) 1. Gori N, Ippoliti E, Ferrucci SM, Balato A, Ortoncelli M, Maurelli M, Galluzzo M, Munera Campos M, Seremet T, Di Nardo L, Antonelli F, Coscarella G, Conrad C, Carrascosa JM, Bianchi L, Argenziano G, Ribero S, Girolomoni G, Marzano AV, Chiricozzi A, Peris K; MEDaCoTRA Study Group. Successful response to tralokinumab in patients unresponsive, intolerant or with contraindications to dupilumab and JAK inhibitors: A case series. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2024 Feb 29. doi: 10.1111/jdv.19929. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38421043. 2. Orsini D, Malagoli P, Balato A, Bianchi L, Brianti P, Buononato D, Burlando M, Caldarola G, Campanati A, Campione E, Carrera CG, Carugno A, Cusano F, Dapavo P, Dattola A, De Simone C, Dini V, Esposito M, Fargnoli MC, Gaiani FM, Gargiulo L, Gisondi P, Giunta A, Ibba L, Lasagni C, Loconsole F, Maione V, Mortato E, Marzano AV, Maurelli M, Megna M, Mercuri SR, Narcisi A, Offidani A, Paolino G, Parodi A, Pellacani G, Potestio L, Quaglino P, Richetta AG, Romano F, Sena P, Venturini M, Assorgi C, Costanzo A. Bimekizumab for the Treatment of Plaque Psoriasis With Involvement of Genitalia: A 16-Week Multicenter Real-World Experience - IL PSO (Italian Landscape Psoriasis). Dermatol Pract Concept. 2024 Apr 1. doi: 10.5826/dpc.1402a52. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38416060. 3. Orsini D, Caldarola G, Dattola A, Campione E, Bernardini N, Frascione P, De Simone C, Richetta AG, Galluzzo M, Skroza N, Assorgi C, Amore E, Falco GM, Gaeta Shumak R, Artosi F, Maretti G, Potenza C, Bianchi L, Pellacani G, Peris K, Bonifati C, Graceffa D. Efficacy and safety of tildrakizumab in elderly patients: real-world multicenter study (ESTER - study). J Dermatolog Treat. 2024 Dec;35(1):2319304. doi: 10.1080/09546634.2024.2319304. Epub 2024 Feb 27. PMID: 38413097. 4. Paganini C, Talamonti M, Maffei V, Di Raimondo C, Bianchi L, Galluzzo M. Dupilumab for Treatment of Prurigo Nodularis: Real-Life Effectiveness for up to 84 Weeks. J Clin Med. 2024 Feb 2;13(3):878. doi: 10.3390/jcm13030878. PMID: 38337572; PMCID: PMC10856572. 5. Galluzzo M, Marcelli L, Fico A, Bianchi L, Talamonti M. Successful long-term guselkumab treatment of severe plaque psoriasis in patients with class III obesity: A case series. Skin Health Dis. 2023 Sep 19;4(1):e289. doi: 10.1002/ski2.289. PMID: 38312241; PMCID: PMC10831554. 6. Reich K, Bianchi L, Khemis A, Maul JT, Tsianakas A, Schempp CM, Petersen K, Noergaard MM, Puig L. Brodalumab Versus Guselkumab in Patients with Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis with an Inadequate Response to Ustekinumab: A Randomized, Multicenter, Double-Blind Phase 4 Trial (COBRA). Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2024 Feb;14(2):453-468. doi: 10.1007/s13555-023-01092-x. Epub 2024 Feb 1. PMID: 38300408; PMCID: PMC10891028. 7. Artosi F, Costanza G, Di Prete M, Garofalo V, Lozzi F, Dika E, Cosio T,Diluvio L, Shumak RG, Lambiase S, Di Raimondo C, Campa S, Piscitelli P, Miani A, Bianchi L, Campione E. Epidemiological and clinical analysis of exposure-related factors in non-melanoma skin cancer: A retrospective cohort study. Environ Res. 2024 Jan 11;247:118117. Doi 10.1016/j.envres.2024.118117. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38218521. 8. Argenziano G, Mercuri SR, Savoia P, Amerio P, Fortina AB, Bongiorno MR, De Felici Del Giudice MB, Parodi A, Pimpinelli N, Stingeni L, Ortoncelli M, Stinco G, Gualberti G, Levi A, Scuderi V, Bianchi L, Malara G. Burden of Disease in the Real-Life Setting of Patients with Atopic Dermatitis: Italian Data From the MEASURE-AD Study. Dermatol Pract Concept. 2024 Jan 1;14(1):e2024079. doi: 10.5826/dpc.1401a79. PMID: 38048260; PMCID: PMC10868859. 9. Stingeni L, Chiricozzi A, Calzavara-Pinton P, Napolitano M, Peris K, Schena D, Patruno C, Rossi M, Foti C, Fargnoli MC, Corazza M, Ferrucci SM, Pigatto PD, Romanelli M, Fabbrocini G, Girolomoni G, Passante M, Romita P, Esposito M, Schettini N, Marzano AV, Tonini G, Marietti R, Casciola G, Argenziano G, Hansel K; AtopyReg® study group. Correction to: AtopyReg, the Prospective Italian Patient Registry for Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis in Adults: Baseline Demographics, Disease Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Treatment History. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2024 Jan;25(1):161. doi: 10.1007/s40257-023-00822-3. Erratum for: Am J Clin Dermatol. 2024 Jan;25(1):149-160. PMID: 37934365; PMCID: PMC10796682. 10. Marani A, Bianchelli T, Gesuita R, Faragalli A, Foti C, Malara G, Micali G, Amerio P, Rongioletti F, Corazza M, Patrizi A, Peris K, Pimpinelli N, Parodi A, Fargnoli MC, Cannavo SP, Pigatto P, Pellacani G, Ferrucci SM, Argenziano G, Cusano F, Stingeni L, Potenza MC, Romanelli M, Bianchi L, Offidani A, Campanati A; Collaborators. Gender differences in adult atopic dermatitis and clinical implication: Results from a nationwide multicentre study. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2024 Feb;38(2):375-383. doi: 10.1111/jdv.19580. Epub 2023 Dec 13. PMID: 37857489. 11. Stingeni L, Chiricozzi A, Calzavara-Pinton P, Napolitano M, Peris K, Schena D, Patruno C, Rossi M, Foti C, Fargnoli MC, Corazza M, Ferrucci SM, Pigatto PD, Romanelli M, Fabbrocini G, Girolomoni G, Passante M, Romita P, Esposito M, Schettini N, Marzano AV, Tonini G, Marietti R, Casciola G, Argenziano G, Hansel K; AtopyReg® study group. AtopyReg®, the Prospective Italian Patient Registry for Moderate-to-Severe Atopic Dermatitis in Adults: Baseline Demographics, Disease Characteristics, Comorbidities, and Treatment History. Am J Clin Dermatol. 2024 Jan;25(1):149-160. doi: 10.1007/s40257-023-00819-y. Epub 19. Erratum in: Am J Clin Dermatol. 2023 Nov 7;: PMID: 37725229; PMCID: PMC10796485. 12. Campione E, Lambiase S, Gaeta Shumak R, Galluzzo M, Lanna C, Costanza G, Borselli C, Artosi F, Cosio T, Tofani L, Dattola A, Di Daniele F, Bianchi L. A Real-Life Study on the Use of Tildrakizumab in Psoriatic Patients. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2023 Mar 31;16(4):526. doi: 10.3390/ph16040526. PMID: 37111283; PMCID: PMC10141711. 13. Caldarola G, Zangrilli A, Palmisano G, Bavetta M, Moretta G, Pagnanelli G, Panasiti V, Bianchi L, De Simone C, Peris K. Effectiveness of risankizumab in the treatment of palmoplantar psoriasis: a 52-week Italian real-life experience. Drugs Context. 2023 Apr 13;12:2023-1-8. doi: 10.7573/dic.2023-1-8. PMID: 37077769; PMCID: PMC10108662. 14. Galluzzo M, Marcelli L, Vellucci L, Paganini C, Maffei V, Tofani L, Belcastro, Bianchi L, Talamonti M. Guselkumab for treatment of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: real-life effectiveness and drug-survival for up to 148 weeks. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2023 Apr;23(4):371-381. doi: 10.1080/14712598.2023.2194485. Epub 2023 Mar 27. PMID: 36971507. 15. Ardigò M, Bianchi L, Cantisani C, Cota C, DI Raimondo C, DI Stefani A, Fargnoli MC, Franceschini C, Pellacani G, Peris K, Persechino S, Plebani S, Potenza C, Proietti I, Quattrini L, Cantonetti M. Mycosis fungoides: creation of a prospective, interdisciplinary and multicenter study in central Italy. Ital J Dermatol Venerol. 2023 Mar 21. doi: 10.23736/S2784-8671.23.07377-2. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36943388. 16. Caldarola G, Chiricozzi A, Megna M, Dapavo P, Giunta A, Burlando M, Malagoli P, Dini V, Mariani M, Fabbrocini G, Quaglino P, Bianchi L, Parodi A, Peris K, De Simone C. Real-life experience with ixekizumab in plaque psoriasis: a multi-center, retrospective, 3-year study. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2023 Apr;23(4):365-370. Doi 10.1080/14712598.2023.2193288. Epub 2023 Mar 20. PMID:36927246. 17. Mannino M, Piccerillo A, Dika E, Vaccari S, Quaglino P, Rubatto M, Longo C, Borsari S, Pellacani G, Fargnoli MC, Caponio C, Argenziano G, Briatico G, Bianchi L, Di Raimondo C, Calzavara Pinton PG, Zalaudek I, Di Stefani A, Peris K. Advanced Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Italian Multicentric Retrospective Analysis of Patient Profiles and Therapeutic Approaches. Dermatology. 2023 Mar 15:1-7. doi: 10.1159/000528555. Epub ahead of print. PMID:36921583. 18. Cosio T, Coniglione F, Flaminio V, Gaziano R, Coletta D, Petruccelli R, Dika E, Bianchi L, Campione E. Pyodermitis during Nivolumab Treatment for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 Feb 26;24(5):4580. doi: 10.3390/ijms24054580. PMID: 36902013; PMCID:PMC10003408. 19. Neri B, Mossa M, Salvatori S, Appolloni V, Pensa C, Lambiase S, Lolli E, Calabrese E, Monteleone G, Bianchi L, Campione E, Biancone L. Hidradenitis suppurativa and inflammatory bowel disease in a nested case-control study. Dig Liver Dis. 2023 Apr;55(4):490-495. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2022.10.016. Epub 2022 Nov 9 PMID: 36371384. 20. Stingeni L, Bianchi L, Antonelli E, Caroppo ES, Ferrucci SM, Gurioli C, Ortoncelli M, Fabbrocini G, Nettis E, Schena D, Napolitano M, Gola M, Bonzano L, Rossi M, Belloni Fortina A, Balato A, Peris K, Foti C, Guarneri F, Romanelli M, Patruno C, Savoia P, Esposito M, Russo F, Errichetti E, Bianchelli T, Bianchi L, Pellacani G, Feliciani C, Offidani A, Corazza M, Micali G, Milanesi N, Malara G, Chiricozzi A, Tramontana M, Hansel K; DADA - Dupilumab for Atopic Dermatitis of the Adolescence study group. A 52-week update of a multicentre Italian real-world experience on effectiveness and safety of dupilumab in adolescents with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2023 Mar;37(3):e384-e388. doi: 10.1111/jdv.18648. Epub 2022 Oct 18. PMID: 36225088. 21. Caposiena Caro RD, Molinelli E, Rosi E, Chiricozzi A, Venturini M, Sechi A, Candi E, Brisigoti V, Patrizi A, Calzavara-Pinton P, Peris K, Prignano F, Offidani A, Bianchi L. Anogenital involvement: Clinical sign of severity in hidradenitis suppurativa. Clin Dermatol. 2022 Sep-Oct; 40(5):541-543. doi:10.1016/j.clindermatol.2021.07.006. 22. Morelli M, Galluzzo M, Scarponi C, Madonna S, Scaglione GL, Girolomoni G, Talamonti M, Bianchi L, Albanesi C. Allelic Variants of HLA-C Upstream Region, PSORS1C3, MICA, TNFA and Genes Involved in Epidermal Homeostasis and Barrier Function Influence the Clinical Response to Anti-IL-12/IL-23 Treatment of Patients with Psoriasis. Vaccines (Basel). 2022 Nov 21;10(11):1977. doi: 10.3390/vaccines10111977. 23. Neri B, Mossa M, Salvatori S, Appolloni V, Pensa C, Lambiase S, Lolli E, Calabrese E, Monteleone G, Bianchi L, Campione E, Biancone L. Hidradenitis suppurativa and inflammatory bowel disease in a nested case-control study. Dig Liver Dis. 2022 Nov 9:S1590-8658(22)00749-6. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2022.10.016. 24. Cutone A, Rosa L, Bonaccorsi di Patti MC, Iacovelli F, Conte MP, Ianiro G, Romeo A, Campione E, Bianchi L, Valenti P, Falconi M, Musci G. Lactoferrin Binding to SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein Blocks Pseudoviral Entry and Relieves Iron Protein Dysregulation in Several In Vitro Models. Pharmaceutics. 2022 Oct 3;14(10):2111. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics14102111. 25. Burlando M, Fabbrocini G, Marasca C, Dapavo P, Chiricozzi A, Malvaso D, Dini V, Campanati A, Offidani A, Dattola A, Caro RDC, Bianchi L, Venturini M, Gisondi P, Guarneri C, Malara G, Trifirò C, Malagoli P, Fargnoli MC, Piaserico S, Carmisciano L, Castelli R, Parodi A. Adalimumab Originator vs. Biosimilar in Hidradenitis Suppurativa: A Multicentric Retrospective Study. Biomedicines. 2022 Oct 9;10(10):2522. doi: 10.3390/biomedicines10102522. 26. Campione E, Di Prete M, Di Raimondo C, Costanza G, Palumbo V, Garofalo V, Mazzilli S, Franceschini C, Dika E, Bianchi L, Orlandi A. Topical Treatment of Actinic Keratosis and Metalloproteinase Expression: A Clinico-Pathological Retrospective Study. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Sep 26;23(19):11351. doi: 10.3390/ijms231911351. 27. Stingeni L, Bianchi L, Antonelli E, Caroppo ES, Ferrucci SM, Gurioli C, Ortoncelli M, Fabbrocini G, Nettis E, Schena D, Napolitano M, Gola M, Bonzano L, Rossi M, Belloni Fortina A, Balato A, Peris K, Foti C, Guarneri F, Romanelli M, Patruno C, Savoia P, Esposito M, Russo F, Errichetti E, Bianchelli T, Bianchi L, Pellacani G, Feliciani C, Offidani A, Corazza M, Micali G, Milanesi N, Malara G, Chiricozzi A, Tramontana M, Hansel K; DADA - Dupilumab for Atopic Dermatitis of the Adolescence study group. A 52-week update of a multicentre Italian real-world experience on effectiveness and safety of dupilumab in adolescents with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2022 Oct 12. doi: 10.1111/jdv.18648. 28. Lanna C, Lambiase S, Gaeta Shumak R, Borselli C, Cosio T, Dattola A, Bianchi L, Campione E. Why targeted therapeutics have provided benefit in psoriasis: looking at IL-17 biology. Expert Rev Clin Pharmacol. 2022 Oct;15(10):1209-1224. doi: 10.1080/17512433.2022.2130758. 29. Napolitano M, Fabbrocini G, Neri I, Stingeni L, Boccaletti V, Piccolo V, Amoruso GF, Malara G, De Pasquale R, Di Brizzi EV, Diluvio L, Bianchi L, Chiricozzi A, Di Guida A, Del Duca E, Moschese V, Di Lernia V, Dragoni F, Gruber M, Hansel K, Licari A, Manti S, Leonardi S, Mastorino L, Ortoncelli M, Provenzano E, Palermo A, Patella V, Peduto T, Pezzolo E, Piras V, Potestio L, Battista T, Satta R, Termine S, Palma P, Zangari P, Patruno C. Dupilumab Treatment in Children Aged 6-11 Years With Atopic Dermatitis: A Multicentre, Real-Life Study. Paediatr Drugs. 2022 Nov;24(6):671-678. doi: 10.1007/s40272-022-00531-0. Epub 2022 Aug 27. 30. Rosa L, Cutone A, Conte MP, Campione E, Bianchi L, Valenti P. An overview on in vitro and in vivo antiviral activity of lactoferrin: its efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 infection. Biometals. 2022 Aug 3:1–20. doi:10.1007/s10534-022-00427-z. 31. Fania L, Giovanardi G, Samela T, Caposiena D, Chiricozzi A, Antonelli F, Saraceni P, Elia F, Garcovich S, Ciccone D, Cannizzaro MV, Miraglia E, Iacovino C, Giustini S, Skroza N, Mambrin A, Potenza C, Bianchi L, Peris K, Abeni D. Similar Levels of Efficacy of Two Different Maintenance Doses of Adalimumab on Clinical Severity and Quality of Life of Patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa. J Clin Med. 2022 Jul 12;11(14):4037. doi: 10.3390/jcm11144037. 32. Peris K, Fortina AB, Bianchi L, Fabbrocini G, Gisondi P, Balato A, Bardazzi F, Bernardini N, Bonamonte D, Bongiorno MR, Buligan C, Cusano F, Del Giudice MBF, El Hachem M, Fargnoli MC, Gualdi G, Guarneri C, Hansel K, Malara G, Mazzatenta C, Micali G, Narcisi A, Neri I, Oranges T, Panzone M, Parodi A, Restano L, Simonetti O, Venturini M, Di Lernia V. Update on the Management of Pediatric Psoriasis: An Italian Consensus. Dermatol Ther (Heidelb). 2022 Aug;12(8):1753-1775. doi:10.1007/s13555-022-00758-2. 33. Galluzzo M, Talamonti M, Bernardini N, Chiricozzi A, De Simone C, Bonifati C, Bruni P, Diotallevi F, Esposito M, Graceffa D, Hansel K, Loconsole F, Moretta G, Mugheddu C, Papini M, Richetta A, Skroza N, Atzori L, Fargnoli MC, Persechino S, Offidani A, Stingeni L, Peris K, Potenza C, Bianchi L. Real-world outcomes in patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis treated with guselkumab for up to 1 year. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2022 Dec;22(12):1585-1592. doi:10.1080/14712598.2022.2090835. 34. Tropea S, Del Fiore P, Maurichi A, Patuzzo R, Santinami M, Ribero S, Quaglino P, Caliendo V, Borgognoni L, Sestini S, Giudice G, Nacchiero E, Caracò C, Cordova A, Solari N, Piazzalunga D, Tauceri F, Carcoforo P, Lombardo M, Cavallari S, Mocellin S; Italian Melanoma Intergroup (IMI). The role of sentinel node tumor burden in modeling the prognosis of melanoma patients with positive sentinel node biopsy: an Italian melanoma intergroup study (N = 2,086). BMC Cancer. 2022 Jun 3;22(1):610. doi: 10.1186/s12885-022-09705-y. 35. Colombo D, Bianchi L, Fabbrocini G, Corrao S, Offidani A, Stingeni L, Costanzo A, Pellacani G, Peris K, Bardazzi F, Argenziano G, Ruffolo S, Dapavo P, Carrera C, Fargnoli MC, Parodi A, Romanelli M, Malagoli P, Zullo A, Ferri F, Fiocchi M, Zagni E. The CANOVA Study Real-World Evidence of Biologic Treatments in Moderate-Severe Psoriasis in Italy: A Gender Perspective. Womens Health Rep (New Rochelle). 2022 May 2;3(1):450-457. doi: 10.1089/whr.2021.0124. 36. Galluzzo M, Talamonti M, Cioni A, Maffei V, Shumak RG, Tofani L, Bianchi L, Campione E. Efficacy of Tildrakizumab for the Treatment of Difficult-to-Treat Areas: Scalp, Nail, Palmoplantar and Genital Psoriasis. J Clin Med. 2022 May 7;11(9):2631. doi: 10.3390/jcm11092631. 37. Iacovelli F, Costanza G, Romeo A, Cosio T, Lanna C, Bagnulo A, Di Maio U, Sbardella A, Gaziano R, Grelli S, Squillaci E, Miani A, Piscitelli P, Bianchi L, Falconi M, Campione E. Interaction of Pelargonium sidoides Compounds with Lactoferrin and SARS-CoV-2: Insights from Molecular Simulations. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Apr 26; 19(9):5254. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19095254. 38. Fernandez AP, Dauden E, Gerdes S, Lebwohl MG, Menter MA, Leonardi CL, Gooderham M, Gebauer K, Tada Y, Lacour JP, Bianchi L, Egeberg A, Pau-Charles I, Mendelsohn AM, Rozzo SJ, Mehta NN. Tildrakizumab efficacy and safety in patients with psoriasis and concomitant metabolic syndrome: post hoc analysis of 5-year data from reSURFACE 1 and reSURFACE 2. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2022 Oct;36(10):1774-1783. doi: 10.1111/jdv.18167. 39. Garofalo V, Geraci F, Di Prete M, Lanna C, Lozzi F, Cosio T, Lambiase S, Gaeta Shumak R, Di Raimondo C, Diluvio L, Bianchi L, Campione E. Early clinical response to 5-fluorouracil 0.5% and salicylic acid 10% topical solution in the treatment of actinic keratoses of the head: an observational study. J Dermatolog Treat. 2022 Aug; 33(5):2664-2669. doi:10.1080/09546634.2022.2067817. 40. Stingeni L, Bianchi L, Antonelli E, Caroppo ES, Ferrucci SM, Ortoncelli M, Fabbrocini G, Nettis E, Schena D, Napolitano M, Gola M, Bonzano L, Rossi M, Belloni Fortina A, Balato A, Peris K, Foti C, Guarneri F, Romanelli M, Patruno C, Savoia P, Fargnoli MC, Russo F, Errichetti E, Bianchelli T, Bianchi L, Pellacani G, Feliciani C, Offidani A, Corazza M, Micali G, Milanesi N, Malara G, Chiricozzi A, Tramontana M, Hansel K; DADA - Dupilumab for Atopic Dermatitis of the Adolescence Study Group. Moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis in adolescents treated with dupilumab: A multicentre Italian real-world experience. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2022 Aug;36(8):1292-1299. doi: 10.1111/jdv.18141. 41. Caldarola G, Zangrilli A, Bernardini N, Bavetta M, De Simone C, Graceffa D, Bonifati C, Faleri S, Giordano D, Mariani M, Micheli A, Moretta G, Pagnanelli G, Panasiti V, Provini A, Richetta A, Peris K, Bianchi L. Risankizumab for the treatment of moderate-to-severe psoriasis: A multicenter, retrospective, 1 year real-life study. Dermatol Ther. 2022 Jun;35(6):e15489. doi: 10.1111/dth.15489. 42. Di Raimondo C, Vaccarini S, Nunzi A, Rapisarda V, Zizzari A, Meconi F, Monopoli A, Narducci MG, Scala E, Bianchi L, Tesei C, Cantonetti M. Continuous low-dose gemcitabine in primary cutaneous T cell lymphoma: A retrospective study. Dermatol Ther. 202 Jun;35(6):e15482. doi: 10.1111/dth.15482. 43. 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Pampena, Riccardo, Manfreda, Valeria, Kyrgidis, Athanassios, Lai, Michela, Borsari, Stefania, Benati, Elisa, Lombardi, Mara, Bianchi, Luca, Zalaudek, Iris, Moscarella, Elvira, Lallas, Aimilios, Argenziano, Giuseppe, Pellacani, Giovanni, Longo, Caterina (2020). Digital dermoscopic changes during follow-up of de-novo and nevus-associated melanoma: a cohort study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, vol. 59, p. 813-821, ISSN: 0011-9059, doi: 10.1111/ijd.14918 230. Mazzilli, Sara, Cosio, Terenzio, Botti, Elisabetta, Petruzzellis, Alessandra, Lanna, Caterina, Diluvio, Laura, Bianchi, Luca, Campione, Elena (2020). Dimethylfumarate efficacy and safety in palmoplantar psoriasis patient affected by hepatitis b and depression: A case report. DERMATOLOGIC THERAPY, vol. 33, ISSN: 1396-0296, doi: 10.1111/dth.13659 231. 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JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY, vol. 56 , p. AB133, ISSN: 0190-9622 455. Esposito M, Mazzotta A, Saraceno R, Schipani C, Bianchi L, Chimenti S (2007). Influence and variation of the body mass index in patients treated with etancercept for psoriasis. JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY, vol. 21, p. 27-28, ISSN: 0926-9959 456. Esposito M, Bianchi L, Mazzotta A, Chimenti S (2007). Influence of etanercept on serum liver related tests and viral load values in patients with psoriasis and hepatitis C infection . JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY, vol. 56 , p. AB174, ISSN: 0190-9622 457. Rapanotti MC, Ricozzi I, Bernardini S, Bianchi L (2007). Molecular detection of melanoma-associated markers in blood: MUC-18 is associated with high grade malignancy and poor prognosis . JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN ACADEMY OF DERMATOLOGY, vol. 56, p. AB143-AB143 , ISSN: 0190-9622 458. Bianchi L (2007). 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S43, ISSN: 0022-202X 467. Bianchi L, Papoutsaki M, Giunta A, Talamonti M, Calcaterra R, Ricozzi I, Chimenti S (2006). Infliximab therapy in plaque-type and arthopathic psoriasis: a long-term observation. BRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY, vol. 154, ISSN: 0007-0963 468. Bianchi L (2006). Interleukin-2 based adjuvant immuno-therapy for melanoma patients. JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS, vol. 126, p. 9, ISSN: 1087-0024 469. Bianchi L (2006). Interleukin-2 based adjuvant immuno-therapy for melanoma patients . JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY, vol. 126, p. s9-S9, ISSN: 0022-202X 470. Teoli M, Papoutsaki M, Giunta A, Botti E, Schipani C, Montaldo M, Bianchi L, Livin A, Chimenti S (2006). Methyl Aminolevulinate Photodinamic Thearpy (MAL-PDT) for the treatment of early stage mycosis fungoides. JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY, vol. 126, ISSN: 0022-202X 471. Rapanotti C, Ricozzi I, federici S, Bianchi L, Chimenti S, Bernadini S (2006). 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Iraci, S., Bianchi, L., Innocenzi, D., Tomassoli, M., Nini, G. Pachydermodactyly: A Case of an Unusual Type of Reactive Digital Fibromatosis (1993) Archives of Dermatology, 129 (2), pp. 247-248. Clin Exp Dermatol. 1993 Sep; 18(5):478-80. 548. Iraci S, Bianchi L, Gatti S, Carrozzo AM, Bettini D, Nini G.Pachyonychia congenita with late onset of nail dystrophy--a new clinical entity? Clin Exp Dermatol. 1993 Sep; 18(5):478-80. 549. Nini, G., Iraci, S., Bianchi, L., Marinaro, C., Angelini, E. Tuberous sclerosis with specific renal involvement [SCLEROSI TUBEROSA CON COINVOLGIMENTO RENALE SPECIFICO] (1993) Annali Italiani di Dermatologia Clinica e Sperimentale, 47 (2), pp. 165-168. 550. Angelini, E., Marinaro, C., Carrozzo, A.M., Bianchi, L., Delogu, A., Giannello, G., Nini, G. Allergic contact dermatitis of the lip margins from para-tertiary-butylphenol in a lip liner (1993) Contact Dermatitis, 28 (3), pp. 146-148. 551. Nini, G., Spera, G., Lubrano, C., Tomassoli, M., Bianchi, L., Carrozzo, A.M., Marinaro, C., Iraci, S. Acanthosis nigricans. An endocrine-metabolic study and etiopathogenetic approach [ACANTHOSIS NIGRICANS. STUDIO ENDOCRINO METABOLICO E PROSPETTIVE EZIOPATOGENETICHE](1993) Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia, 128 (4), pp. 151-158. 552. Bianchi, L., Iraci, S., Tomassoli, M., Carrozzo, A.M., Nini, G. Coexistence of apparent transverse leukonychia (Muehrcke’s lines type) and longitudinal melanonychia after 5-fluorouracil/adriamycin/ cyclophosphamide chemotherapy (1992) Dermatology, 185 (3), pp. 216-217. 553. Bianchi, L., Gatti, S., Nini, G., Hisler, B.M., Hashimoto, K. Bullous pemphigoid and severe erythrodermic psoriasis: Combined low-dose treatment with cyclosporine and systemic steroids [6] (1992) Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 27 (2 I), p. 278. 554. Bianchi, L., Gatti, S., Iraci, S., Marinaro, C., Angelini, E., Tomassoli, M., Nini, G. Coexisting psoriasis and bullous pemphigoid: A therapeutical question [ASSOCIAZIONE PSORIASI-PEMFIGOIDE BOLLOSO: UN PROBLEMA TERAPEUTICO] (1992) Dermatologia Clinica, 12 (1), pp. 57-62. 555. Gatti S, Bianchi L, Carrozzo AM, Tomassoli M, Nini G (1992). Pachydermoperiostosis: a pathogenetic approach. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RHEUMATOLOGY, vol. 10, ISSN: 0392-856X 556. Gatti, S., Marinaro, C., Bianchi, L., Nini, G. Treatment of kerion with fluconazole (1991) The Lancet, 338 (8775), p. 1156. 557. Bianchi, L., Gatti, S., Carrozzo, A.M., Marinaro, C., Iraci, S., Luzi, F., Nini, G. Lyell's syndrome and lymphoma [SINDROME DI LYELL E LINFOMA] (1990) Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia, 125 (6), pp. 255-258. 558. Bianchi, L., Gatti, S., Carrozzo, A.M., Iraci, S., Marinaro, C., Giustini, S., Calvieri, S., Nini, G. Clinical variants of pachydermoperiostosis: complete, incomplete and 'forme fruste' [LA PACHIDERMOPERIOSTOSI NELLE SUE VARIETA CLINICHE: FORMA COMPLETA, INCOMPLETA E FRUSTA] (1989) Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia, 124 (10), pp. 441-446. 559. Hashimoto, K., Nakayama, H., Chimenti, S., Carlesimo, O.A., Calvieri, S., Iacobelli, D., Bianchi, L.Juvenile colloid milium. Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural studies (1989) Journal of Cutaneous Pathology, 16 (3), pp. 164-174. 560. Nini, G., Bianchi, L., Iraci, S., Camplone, G., Spagnuolo, A., Adorno, D., Papola, F. HLA antigens and infantile psoriasis (1989) Acta Dermato-Venereologica, Supplement, 69 (146), pp. 59-62. 561. Nini, G., Marinaro, C., Carrozzo, A.M., Bianchi, L., Zampetti, M., Giustini, S., Calvieri, S. A hair cast case: Chemical and structural study (1988) Annali Italiani di Dermatologia Clinica e Sperimentale, 42 (4), pp. 363-369. 562. Nini G, Bianchi L, Ferretti G (1988). Non-erosive lichen planus and chronic active hepatitis: case report. . ITALIAN GENERAL REVIEW OF DERMATOLOGY, vol. 25, p. 118-122, ISSN: 0021-292X 563. Nini, G, Calvieri, S, Gatti, S, Lupini, S, BIANCHI, LUCA, Di Carlo, A, CARROZZO, ANNA MARIA, Iraci, S, Marinaro, C. (1988). Pachydermoperiostosis: ultrastructural and vascular observations. GIORNALE ITALIANO DI DERMATOLOGIA E VENEREOLOGIA, vol. 123, p. 481-487, ISSN: 0392-0488 564. Nini, G, Papa, G, Gatti, S, BIANCHI, LUCA, CARROZZO, ANNA MARIA, Iraci, S, Marinaro, C, CATALANO, GIANFRANCO, VENDITTI, ADRIANO (1988). Sarcoma di Kaposi e neoplasie linfoproliferative. GIORNALE ITALIANO DI DERMATOLOGIA E VENEREOLOGIA, vol. 123, p. 425-429, ISSN: 0392-0488 565. Nini G, Marinaro C, Carrozzo AM, Bianchi L, Zampetti M, Giustini S, Calvieri S (1988). Su di un caso di Hair Cast: studio chimico e strutturale. ANNALI ITALIANI DI DERMATOLOGIA CLINICA E SPERIMENTALE, vol. 42, p. 363-369, ISSN: 0365-169X 566. Innocenzi D, Bianchi L, Barduagni O, Carlesimo OA (1988). Telangiectatic carcinoma of the Parkes-Weber type. Clinical, histologic an immunohistochemical study of a case . GIORNALE ITALIANO DI DERMATOLOGIA E VENEREOLOGIA, vol. 123, p. 19-24, ISSN: 0392-0488 567. Nini, G., Calvieri, S., Gatti, S., Lupini, S., Bianchi, L., Di Carlo, A., Carrozzo, A.M., Iraci, S., Marinaro, C. Pachydermoperiostosis. Ultrastructural and vascular observations (1988) Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia, 123 (10), pp. 481-487. 568. Nini, G., Papa, G., Gatti, S., Bianchi, L., Carrozzo, A.M., Iraci, S., Marinaro, C., Catalano, G., Venditti, A. Kaposi's sarcoma and lymphoproliferative neoplasms (1988) Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia, 123 (9), pp. 425-429. 569. Nini, G., Bianchi, L., Gatti, S., Iraci, S., Carrozzo, A.M., Marinaro, C., Lupini, S., Secondari, C., Abbariello, A. Acute facial gangrene in a diabetic (1988) Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia, 123 (7-8), pp. 359-361. 570. Innocenzi, D., Bianchi, L., Sparano, E., Curatolo, P., Clerico, R., Panasiti, G. Bifonazole in superficial cutaneous mycoses [Il bifonazolo nelle micosi cutanee superficiali.] (1988) Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia, 123 (4) 571. Innocenzi, D., Bianchi, L., Barduagni, O., Carlesimo, O.A. Parkes-Weber teleangectatic carcinoma: Clinical, histological and immunohistochemical study (1988) Giornale Italiano di Dermatologia e Venereologia, 123 (1-2), pp. 19-24. 572. Innocenzi, D., Bianchi, L., Camplone, G., Carlesimo, M. Coexistence of follicular mucinosis and cutaneous lymphomas: Three case reports (1988) Annali Italiani di Dermatologia Clinica e Sperimentale, 42 (1), pp. 39-49. 573. Carlesimo, O.A., Bottoni, U., Bianchi, L. Hailey-Hailey's disease succesfully treated with calcitriol or 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol [ATTIVITA TERAPEUTICA DEL CALCITRIOLO NEL MORBO DI HAILEY-HAILEY] (1985) Dermatologia Clinica, 5 (4), pp. 255-263. 574. Carlesimo OA, Innocenzi D, Bianchi L (1987). Vitamine idrosolubili e patologia cutanea . VITAMINOLOGIA, vol. 3, p. 15-32 575. Ribuffo A, Calvieri S, Bianchi L, Innocenzi D (1986). Paget extramammario: istogenesi, autonomia nosologica e rapporti con il Paget mammario. DERMATOLOGIA CLINICA, vol. VI, p. 271-293, ISSN: 0392-1395 576. Carlesimo OA, Bottoni U, Bianchi L, Innocenzi D, Pala S, Ribuffo D (1985). Attività terapeutica del calcitriolo nel morbo di Hailey-Hailey. DERMATOLOGIA CLINICA, vol. 4, p. 255-263, ISSN: 0392-1395 577. Bianchi L, Innocenzi D, Clerico R, Cantoresi F, Ribuffo M, Bianchini D (1985). L'impiego della lectina Dolichos biflorus agglutinina (DBA) nello studio del morbo di Paget. DERMATOLOGIA CLINICA, vol. 5, p. 289-296, ISSN: 0392-1395 578. Innocenzi D, Bianchi L, Panasiti G, Ribuffo D, Carlesimo OA (1985). La proteina S 100: indagini su alcuni quadri cutanei. DERMATOLOGIA CLINICA, vol. 5, p. 279-288, ISSN: 0392-1395 579. Clerico R, Bianchi L, Cantoresi F, Bianchini D, Ribuffo M, Barillà F (1985). Sindrome da iper IgE. DERMATOLOGIA CLINICA, vol. 5, p. 269-272, ISSN: 0392-1395 580. Bianchini D, Bianchi L, Clerico R, Ribuffo D, Cantoresi F (1985). Su un caso di amiloidosi cutanea primitiva organo-dipendente. DERMATOLOGIA CLINICA, vol. 5, p. 264-268, ISSN: 0392-1395 581. Calvieri S, Chimenti S, Bianchi L, Alessandro L (1984). Ultrastructural findings of cylindroma. JOURNAL OF CUTANEOUS PATHOLOGY, vol. 11, ISSN: 0303-6987 582. Chimenti S, Calvieri S, Nini G, Bianchi L, Cantoresi F, Clerico R, Faina P, Ribuffo M, Pala S, Panasiti G, Camplone G (1983). Espressioni cutanee dalla linfoadenopatia angioimmunoblastica . DERMATOLOGIA CLINICA, vol. III, p. 170-178, ISSN: 0392-1395 583. Chimenti S, Calvieri S, Faina P, Pala S, Clerico R, Cantoresi F, Panasiti G, Bianchi L, Camplone G, Beltrani G (1983). In tema di epidermolisi bollosa ereditaria recessiva: studio e terapia di un caso. DERMATOLOGIA CLINICA, vol. III, p. 204-210, ISSN: 0392-1395 584. Chimenti S, Calvieri S, Clerico R, Bianchi L, Cantoresi F, Ribuffo M, Faina P, Pala S, Panasiti G, Camplone G (1983). L'istiocitosi X cutanea: rilievi d'ordine immunologico, istologico ed ultrastrutturale. DERMATOLOGIA CLINICA, vol. III, p. 191-200, ISSN: 0392-1395 585. Bianchi L, Clerico R, Chimenti S, Calvieri S, Ribuffo M, Cantoresi F, Panasiti G, Macrì A (1983). Linfoma immunoblastico cutaneo di tipo B. DERMATOLOGIA CLINICA, vol. III, p. 75-81, ISSN: 0392-1395 586. Calvieri S, Chimenti S, Nini G, Clerico R, Cantoresi F, Bianchi L, Ribuffo M, Faina P, Pala S, Trimarco G, Panasiti G, Fattorossi A, Camplone G (1983). Studi clinico, istologico ed immunologico di un caso di morbo di Kaposi con successiva localizzazione in sede oro-faringea. DERMATOLOGIA CLINICA, vol. III, p. 239-242, ISSN: 0392-1395 587. Chimenti S, Calvieri S, Cantoresi F, Bianchi L, Clerico R, Ribuffo M, Faina P, Panasiti G, Pala S, Camplone G, Beltrani G (1983). Studio immunologico ed ultrastrutturale di due casi di amiloidosi cutanea primitiva localizzata. DERMATOLOGIA CLINICA, vol. III, p. 213-223, ISSN: 0392-1395 588. Bianchi, L., Chimenti, S., Calvieri, S. Immunoblastic T-cell lymphoma raised from Baccaredda-Sezary syndrome [SU DI UN CASO DI IMMUNOBLASTOMA A CELLULE T INSORTO SU DI UNA SINDROME DI BACCAREDDA-SEZARY] (1982) Dermatologia Clinica, 2 (4), pp. 219-225. 589. Clerico, R., Faina, P., Bianchi, L. Skin carcinomas in a patient with psoriasis [CARCINOMI CUTANEI IN PAZIENTE AFFETTO DA PSORIASI] (1981) Dermatologia Clinica, 1 (3), pp. 187-191. Sommario della Produzione Scientifica Prodotti Numeri Anni Articoli 589 1981-2024 Reviews 6 1981-2024 Abstracts 50 1981-2024 Capitoli 48 1981-2024 Monografie 3 1981-2024 Totale Citationi 6173 Scopus Hirsch (H) Index 37 Scopus I dati personali saranno trattati in ottemperanza a quanto richiesto dal Dgs 196/2003 e Regolamento Europeo 679/2016. Si attesta inoltre la consapevolezza del rispetto alle responsabilità connesse a dichiarazioni mendaci (DPR 445/2000 ar. 76) Roma, 5 marzo 2024 Prof. Luca Bianchi

.Part I – General Information

Full Name Luca Bianchi Date of birth 24/07/1958 Place of birth Rome, Italy Citizen Italian Permanent address Piazza del Gesù 47, 00186, Roma, Italia Mobile phone number +39-335 53 87 881 E-mail PEC Foreign languages (spoken, written) english (C1), french (B2)

Part II – Professional education

Type Year Institution Note

University graduation Degree in Medicine (110/110 cum laude) Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” Degree in Medicine (110/110 cum laude) Post-graduate studies 1984-1985 Wayne State University, Department of Dermatology, Detroit, Michigan, USA Research Fellowship Medical Licence 1983 Albo Provinciale dei Medici Chirurghi di ROMA (Ordine della Provincia di ROMA) n. 0000032590 Specialty 1985 Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza” Dermatology and Venereology (70/70 cum laude) Post-graduate training 1988 American Health Foundation, Valhalla, New York, USA Visiting Scientist Post-graduate training 2010 Charité Hospital, Dermatology Clinic, Berlin, Germany Visiting Professor



Part III Appointments

IIIA. Academic Appointments

Start End Institution Position

1987 2004 Tor Vergata, University of Rome, Italy Researcher in Dermatology and Venereology (MED/35) 2005 present Tor Vergata, University of Rome, Italy Associate Professor in Dermatology and Venereology (MED/35–SSD 06/04) 2008 present Tor Vergata, University of Rome, Italy Director of the School of Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology 2013 present Master (second level): Pediatric Dermatology Tor Vergata, University of Rome, Italy Director 2013 2022 Master (second level): Lasers and other light sources: diagnostic applications and therapeutic in Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine. Tor Vergata, University of Rome, Italy Director 2017 present CINECA MIUR National scientific qualification (ASN) as Full Professor in Dermatology and Venereology (SSD MED35, SC 06/D4) 2017 present Doctoral Degree in Biochemical and Molecular Biology Tor Vergata University of Rome Basic Core Faculty 2018 present Journal of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Editorial Board Member 2020 present Global Journal of Dermatology & Venereology Editorial Board Member 1987 present Speakers and Scientific Faculty Member National and International Dermatological Congresses 2016 present Fondazione Policlinico di Tor Vergata, Roma, Italia Principal Investigator in Phase II, III, IV RCTs 2021 present Tor Vergata, University of Rome, Italy Full Professor in Dermatology and Venereology (SSD MED35-SC 06/D4)

IIIB. Other Appointments

Start End Institution Position

1987 2002 Ospedale S.Eugenio, ASL RMC, Rome, Italy Full time AIUTO OSPEDALIERO (divisione di Dermatologia dell'Ospedale S.Eugenio di Roma, Azienda U.S.L. RM C, ai sensi dell'art. 102 V comma del D.P.R. 382/80, a seguito della convenzione stipulata tra l'Università di Roma Tor Vergata e la ex U.S.L.RM7, a decorrere dal 24/11/1987 al 30/09/1998 e dall’11/01/1999 al 15/09/2002). 1995 present Policlinico di Tor Vergata Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy DIRIGENTE MEDICO DI I LIVELLO, CCNL dell’Area della Dirigenza medica del SSN (1994/1997) 2008 2016 Policlinico di Tor Vergata Tor Vergata University of Rome, Italy Titolare del Programma ad elevata valenza scientifico-professionale dal titolo “Diagnosi, terapia follow-up della psoriasi” ex art.5 del D.Lgs n517 del 1999, presso la UOC di Dermatologia afferente al Dipartimento di Medicina del PTV

2016 2018 Fondazione Policlinico di Tor Vergata , Rome, Italy Chairman – Dermatology Unit (UOC) 2018 present Fondazione Policlinico di Tor Vergata , Rome, Italy Chairman – Dermatology Unit (UOSD)


Part IV – Teaching experience

Years Course Education

1998/1999 School of Specialty in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery Dermato-oncology, Cutaneous and Venereal diseases, Cutaneous and Venereal diseases (I, II e III years) 1999/2000 School of Specialty in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery School of Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology Oncology Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases 2000/2001 School of Specialty in Allergology and Clinical Immunology School of Specialty in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery Dermato-allergology Oncology

2000/2001 School of Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology School of Specialty in Internal Medicine Professional and allergological dermatology Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases 2001/2002 School of Specialty in Allergology and Clinical Immunology School of Specialty in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery School of Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology School of Specialty in Allergology and Clinical Immunology School of Specialty in Internal Medicine Dermato-allergology Oncology Professional and allergological dermatology Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases 2002/2003 School of Specialty in Allergology and Clinical Immunology School of Specialty in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery School of Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology School of Specialty in Internal Medicine Dermato-allergology Oncology Professional and allergological dermatology Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases 2003/2004 School of Specialty in Allergology and Clinical Immunology School of Specialty in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery School of Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology School of Specialty in Internal Medicine Dermato-allergology Oncology Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases 2004/2005 School of Specialty in Allergology and Clinical Immunology School of Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology School of Specialty in Internal Medicine Dermatologia allergologica Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases 2005/2006 School of Specialty in Allergology and Clinical Immunology School of Specialty in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery School of Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology School of Specialty in Internal Medicine Dermato-allergology Oncology Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases 2006/2007 School of Specialty in Allergology and Clinical Immunology School of Specialty in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery School of Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology School of Specialty in Internal Medicine Dermato-allergology Oncology Cutaneous and Venereal diseases 2008/2009 Course in Dentistry School of Specialty in Allergology and Clinical Immunology School of Specialty in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery School of Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology School of Specialty in Internal Medicine Dermatology Dermatology and allergology Dermatology Cutaneous and Venereal diseases 2009/2010 Course in Dentistry School of Specialty in Allergology and Clinical Immunology School of Specialty in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery School of Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology School of Specialty in Internal Medicine School of Specialty in Infectious Disease Dermatology Dermatology and allergology Dermatology Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases 2010/2011 Course in Dentistry Course in Medicine and Surgery School of Specialty in Plastic and Reconstructive surgery School of Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology School of Specialty in Internal Medicine Dermatology Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases 2011-present Course in Dentistry Course in Medicine and Surgery School of Specialty in Dermatology and Venereology School of Specialty in Internal Medicine Dermatology Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases Cutaneous and Venereal diseases 2000-present Nostra Signora del Buon Consiglio University, School of Dentistry, Tirana, Albania Dermatology Cutaneous and Venereal diseases 2017-present Doctoral Degree program in “Biology and Physiopathology of Epithelia” Tor Vergata University, Rome Cutaneous diseases 2017-present Doctoral Degree program in “Biochemical and Molecular Biology” Tor Vergata University, Rome Basic Core Faculty


Part V - Societies, Awards

Year Degree 1985 Member of Società Italiana di Dermatologia Medica, Chirurgica, Estetica e delle Malattie Sessualmente Trasmesse (SIDEMAST) 1985 Member of Associazione di Dermatopatologia (AIDEPAT) 1987 Member of Associazione Italiana di Dermatologia Pediatrica (GIDEP) 2000 Member of the Society of Cutaneous Ultrastructural Research (SCUR) 2010 Member of the International Society of Plastic Dermatology (ISPLAD) 2017 Member of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV) 1983 Winner of Scholarship of Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione per la frequenza alla Scuola di Specializzazione in Dermatologia e Venereologia 1984 Winner of Scholarship Farmitalia-Carlo Erba for cutaneous electromicroscopy research 1985 Winner of Voluntary Service Award at the Veterans Administration Hospital, Allen Park, Michigan USA 1988 Winner 1° prize for best Poster: Pachydermoperiostosis: a disease with different faces. I° EADV Meeting, Florence Italy

2016 JAK-STAT signaling inhibition on autoantigen driven psoriastic inflammation. Europe Aspire 2016 Inflammation Research Award




Part VI – Research activities

Key words Brief description

Clinical traslational Reasearch in inflammatory dermatology Prof. Bianchi has partecipated to define the clinical use of biological agents as Principal Investigator and Co-investigator in several phase II-III-IV clinical trials Clinical traslational Reasearch in dermato-oncology Prof. Bianchi has partecipated to evaluate protocols on the use of anti-neoplastic agents on NMSC and to define peripheral and tissutal markers for melanoma Research on dermatopathology and immuno-dermatology Prof. Bianchi has partecipated to the morphological, immunophenotical and ultrastructural description of rare inflammatory and neoplastic dermatoses



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