2001- : Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”. Professore Aggregato. Titolare dei corsi: International Relations - Global Governance. Founding Director del Centro di Eccellenza Jean Monnet. Organizzazione di seminari, conferenze, field trips etc. Strategic advising per il Rettore. Creato e diretto gruppi di ricerca e di multinazionali e policy groups tra i quali: The EU Foreign Policy (2007-presente); The Future of Global Governance (2008-2010); Frontiers of Europe (2008-2010); SENT (European Studies Network, 2008-2010); Future of European Energy Policy (2007- 2008); POLIS-EPISTEME (Enhancing Political Science Teaching Quality and Mobility in Europe (2004-2005). Founding director degli Jean Monnet Rome International Summer Seminars “Integrating Europe in a Changing World” and “EU Decision Making, Negotiations and Lobbying” (2004-presente) e della II European Convention of Students (2003) (
Institute for Women’s Policy Research, Washington DC 2015-2023
Senior Fellow e Direttore del Foreign Policy Program
2010-2018 : Center for Transatlantic Relations at SAIS John Hopkins, Washington DC: Senior Fellow (non-resident dal marzo 2012)
2008-2010: The Brookings Institution, Center for the United States and Europe, Washington DC: Visiting Fellow. Pubblicati 30 articoli, 3 libri e organizzato eventi su UE, Relazioni Transatlantiche, Politica e Politica estera italiana, Global Governance; Afghanistan; Nuclear Proliferation (
2001-2002: Institut d’Études Politiques (Sc.Po.), Centre d’Études Européens, Paris: Visiting researcher. 1998-2000: University of Lisbon, Instituto Ciências Sócias, Lisbon: Visiting researcher. 1995-1998: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Institut d’Études Européens, Bruxelles: Visiting researcher. 1993-1997: European University Institute, Firenze: Ph.D. Researcher.
1991-1993: Norsk Utenrikspolitisk Institute (Norwegian Institute for International Affairs, NUPI), Oslo: Junior Researcher.
Adjunct / Visiting Professor: 2008: George Washington University, Washington DC: Adjunct Professor, corso di Master: European Politics.
2007: Sc.Po. Lille, Francia: Visiting Professor, corso: The Treaty of Rome 50 years on: history, prospects and challenges for European integration.
2005: John Cabbot University, Roma, Adjunct Professor per il corso: European Union. 1999-2004: Università di Firenze, Facoltà di Ingegneria: “Professore Incaricato” in Organizzazione Politica Europea Facoltà di
Scienze Politiche “Master Europeo in Politiche del Lavoro”: “Professore Incaricato” in Organizzazione Politica Europea (2002)
2004-2005: American University of Rome, Adj. Professor (International Relations, The US & the EU since 1945).
2002, 2004: California State University, Florence campus: Adj. Professor (Introduction to Contemporary Europe).
1996-2003: Fashion Institute of Technology, New York State University, Florence Campus: Adj. Professor (International Politics e Contemporary Europe). Valutazioni sull’insegnamento nella fascia massima di SUNY-FIT.
2002: Università di Pisa, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche: supplenza per il corso di Relazioni Internazionali.
1996-2003: Institute of Italian Studies - Fairfield Study Abroad program - “Lorenzo de’ Medici”, Firenze: Adj. Professor (Relazioni Internazionali, Relazioni Transatlantiche, Unione Europea (livelli I e II), Teorie dell’integrazione Europea, Introduzione al Diritto Comunitario, Politica Comparata Europea, Italia e Unione Europea).
1998: New York University, Florence campus, Adj. Professor (Lord Acton’s Seminar: The EU and Southern Europe)
PUBBLICA AMMINISTRAZIONE NAZIONALE ED INTERNAZIONALE 2012 (marzo) – presente: Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bruxelles: Direttore per Chiara Fama.
2012: US Senate, Foreign Relations Committee, Washington, DC: Fellow. Policy advice, redazione memo, contributi a discorsi del Presidente SFRC. Aree di expertize: relazioni US-EU; Relazioni Transatlantiche, Unione Europea; Educazione Internationale.
2010-2012: Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione (SSPA), Roma: ff Direttore Relazioni Internazionali, poi Responsabile Formazione Internazionale e Docente Incaricato per i moduli Unione Europea e per il corso diplomatici afghani. Tra le attività conseguite: Set up dell’ufficio internazionale e creazion di un network internazionale; negoziati accordi di
Prof. Federiga Bindi, Ph.D. – CV - P. 1
cooperazione con partner stranieri; set up e coordinamento corsi per diplomatici e civil servants afghani per Ministero Affari Esteri; Set up e coordinamento training courses sull’Unione Europea e sull’Italia e l’Unione Europea per la Commissione UE. Insegnamento politiche europee.
2008-2011 Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Roma: Consigliere dell’On. Ministro Franco Frattini per le Relazioni Transatlantiche e la Governance Globale: Tra le attività: strategic advising su relazioni transatlantiche e global governance; organizzazione gruppi di riflessione di alto livello per la Presidenza G8 sia in Italia che a Washington DC (es. su futuro Global Governance, Afghanistan, proliferazione nucleare). Creato e organizzato per la cooperazione allo sviluppo i corsi per funzionari pubblici e diplomatici afghani, strategic advising e support per l’Università di Herat.
2000: Segretario Particolare del Sottosegretario di Stato agli Affari Esteri, Ministero Affari Esteri, Roma. Temi di lavoro: negoziati per il Trattato di Nizza, relazioni con la stampa, ghost writer, membro della delegazione italiana negli incontri bilaterali con le controparti europee, rappresentanza del Segretario di Stato laddove egli non potesse andare. Condotto la Conferenza per la restituzione dei pagamenti di guerra ai Dalmati italiani.
2000: Consigliere per le Relazioni Internazionali del Sottosegretario di Stato al Commercio Estero, Ministero Attività Produttive, Roma: pianificazione e partecipazione delle visite di Stato, in collaborazione con il Capo di Gabinetto ed il Consigliere Diplomatico. Mantenute relazioni con le industrie partecipanti alle visite di Stato e con le Comunità di italiani all’Estero.
1999-2000: Consigliere Esterno all’Ambasciata di Italia a Lisbona. 1995-99: Comune di Firenze / Quartiere Centro Storico: Consigliere (eletta con il maggior numero di preferenze dell’intero
Q1). Membro Commissione Cultura
1997: Intern, Segretariato Generale del Consiglio dei Ministri dell’Unione, DG J, Bruxelles. Scritto rapporti, partecipato ai gruppi di lavoro, al COREPER ed ai Consigli dei Ministri.
1994: Consiglio d’Europa, Strasburgo: Esperto per le politiche europee di gioventù e per la formazione. NGO (NAZIONALI / INTERNAZIONALI)
1998-2004: ACLI (Associazione Cattolica Lavoratori Italiani): membro del Consiglio Provinciale ACLI di Firenze (1998- 2002), membro Consiglio Nazionale Donne ACLI, Roma (2000-2004) e del Consiglio d’Amministrazione ENAIP Firenze (Ente ACLI Istruzione Professionale) (1998-2000).
2000: UDEUR Responsabile Esteri: responsabile per la politica estera del partito. Negoziata adesione UDEUR nel Partito Popolare Europeo (PPE).
1993-2000: Movimento Giovanile della Democrazia Cristiana (MGDC) poi Giovani Popolari, Roma: Delegato Esteri / Responsabile Esteri. Responsabile per la conduzione della politica estera del movimento giovanile, rappresentante del movimento giovanile nella federazione Europea (European Young Christian Democrats – EYCD). Organizzazione di eventi internazionali, selezione dei partecipanti italiani, partecipazione a incontri, congressi, seminari europei etc. Segretario Giovani Popolari di Firenze (1994-1995).
1993-95: Consiglio Italiano Giovanile per le Relazioni Internazionali (CIGRI): Vice Presidente con delega alle Relazioni Internazionali.
1993-95: Council of European National Youth Councils (CENYC), Bruxelles: Rappresentante italiano. Eletta membro del Financial & Administrative Control Committee del CENYC.
1989-92: Young European Federalists, Bruxelles: Giovani Federalisti Europei, Roma: Membro della Direzione Nazionale, responsabile per l’Ufficio Europeo (1989-91).
CONSULENZE / SETTORE PRIVATO 2011: Riello: Consigliere sull’internazionalizzazione 2000- 2001: Fiera di Verona: Consigliere del Direttore per l’Internazionalizzazione. 1986-93: ENIC Italia, Firenze: Hostess congressuale, poi Capo Hostess.
1993- presente: Giornalista Pubblicista (Licenza Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti N. 070613 del 11.3.1993) 2000- presente: (Fondazione Achille Grandi per il Bene Comune - ACLI): membro del comitato editoriale 1994- 2000: Il Popolo, Roma: contributi sulle politiche europee 1993-95: Il Giornale del Popolo, Lugano: contributi sulle politiche europee ed italiana 1993-94: Research Review, EUI, Firenze, Membro del Comitato di Redazione
Prof. Federiga Bindi, Ph.D. – CV - P. 2
1990-91: Scheda Punto, Firenze: Membro del Comitato di Redazione, responsabile pagine europee ed internazionali 1991-92: CentoCittà, Firenze: Membro del Comitato di Redazione, responsabile pagine europee ed internazionali 1991-92: The New Federalist, Bruxelles, Co-Direttore 1990-92: The New Federalist, Bruxelles, Membro del Comitato di Redazione
1985-87. Nevesport, Milano. Contributi sulla Coppa del Mondo di Sci Alpino EDUCAZIONE & TRAINING PROFESSIONALE AVANZATO
Ph.D. in Politica Comparata, Istituto Universitario Europeo, Firenze. Titolo Tesi: l’elaborazione delle politiche comunitarie negli Stati membri. Un’analisi comparata di Italia e Portogallo (2004).
Leadership Seminar, Aspen Institute, Way River, MD (August 2012)
Certificate in Public Leadership, Brookings Executive Education (2009-present).
Maestrado (Master, classi), Universidade Católica de Portugal: Portugal e a União Europeia, Lisbon. Portugal (1998).
Summer Academy of European Law and Human Rights Law, European University Institute, Firenze (1994).
Dottore in Scienze Politiche, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche "Cesare Alfieri", Dottore in Scienze Politiche; voto: 110, Lode e Auspici di Pubblicazione (L'organizzazione degli interessi nella Comunità Europea) (1993).
Hovefag (Master): Theories of European Integration, Statsvitenskap Fakulted, Universitet i Oslo, Norway (1991). Cycle d’Études Internationales “3ème année”, Institut d’Études Politiques (IEP), Paris, France. Mention d’honneur (1990).
LINGUE CONOSCIUTE Inglese: ottimo parlato e scritto Portoghese, francese: ottimi parlati e buoni scritti Spagnolo: buono Norvegese: discreto
FELLOWSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS E PREMI 2012: Aspen Institute, CO: Scholarship per la frequenza dell’Aspen Leadership Seminar
2008-2010: Brookings Institution, Center for the United State and Europe, Washington DC: Fellowship del Council for the Relations between Italy and the US.
2007-09: CEPC (Centro de Estudos Politicos y Constitucionales), Madrid: Fellowship (rinunciato)
2001-2006: Università di Roma Tor Vergata: assegno post-doc
2003: VOLVIS program to the US (Dipartimento di Stato Americano)
2001-2002: Centre d’Études Européens, Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sc.Po.), Parigi. Research fellowship della Commissione europea (TMR, Training and Mobility of Researchers).
1998-2000: Università di Lisbona – Instituto Ciências Sócias, Lisbona: senior research fellowships da: NATO; Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Ministero Affari Esteri, Istituto Camois.
1994-99: Université Libre de Bruxelles - Institut d'Etudes Européens (ULB-IEE), Bruxelles: research fellowship da: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Università di Firenze, Conseil National pour la Recherche Scientifique Belge (CNRS), Ministero Affari Esteri
1993-97: European University Institute, Firenze: PhD grants da: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Ministero Affari Esteri, European University Institute;
1991-93: NUPI (Norwegian Institute for International Affairs), Oslo, Norway: junior research fellowship del Norwegian Council for Science and Research (NAVF) - Ministero Affari Esteri e del Norwegian Institute for International Affairs (NUPI- stipend).
1991: Premio nazionale “La Numero Uno”, Università Bocconi Milan, Italy: finalista nazionale 1989-90: Institut d’Etudes Politiques (Sc.Po): Parigi Borse di studio della Commissione Europea (ERASMUS Freemover) e
della Fondazione RUI 1984: Lesmurdie Senior High School, Perth, Western Australia, Australia: A.F.S.-Intercultura exchange student
Prof. Federiga Bindi, Ph.D. – CV - P. 3
European Poli-Science Association (EPSNet), membro dal 2001 al 2007, dal 2002 eletta membro del Comitato Esecutivo. Dal 2003 al 2006: Direttore dei programmi e delle attività europee.
European Union Studies Association (EUSA), US (dal 1999). Membro dello Steering Committee dell’Interest Section on EC Law. Chair del panel: “NGOs: the other Actors”, VI ECSA Biennial Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 2-5/6/1999. Chair del panel C1 “National e domestic politics” alla VII ECSA Biennial Conference, Pittsburgh, USA, 30/5-2/6/2001. Convenor del Panel “Does the Domestic Contex Matter? Domestic Constrains and Opportunies in Adapting to EU” at VIII EUSA Conference, Nashville, 2003.
International Science Association (ISA): membro dal 1997. Panel Convenor alla 3rd PanEuropean International Relations Conference and Joint Meeting with the International Studies Association, Vienna 16-19.9.1998. Panel N. 53 A: EU-Eastern Enlargement: Past and Present Problems and Challenges.
European Consortium for Political Research (E.C.P.R): Membro dal 1994 dello Standing Group on European Level Interest Representation (dal 1994)
Associação Portuguesa Ciência Politica: membro dal 1998 Asociation Espanola de Ciencia Politica y Administrativa (AECPA): membro dal 1997
Società Italiana di Scienza Politica (SISP) membro dal 1994. Panel convenor Congresso SISP Siena 2001. Membro dello Standing Group on European Integration.
International Political Science Association (IPSA): Membro dal 1993. Membro del Research Committee on European Integration (dal 1993)
Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Membro advisory commission sugli affari europei (dal 1994) PUBBLICAZIONI
(with I. Angelescu): The Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, 2nd rev ed., 2012 (
(with K. Eliassen): Analyzing European Union Politics, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012
Italy and the EU, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, 2011. Reviewed by “Charlemagne” on The Economist, 31.7.2010
The Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC, 2010
(with I. Angelescu): The Frontiers of Europe. A Transatlantic Problem?, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, 2011 (
(with I. Angelescu): Conflict or Convergence? The Challenges of Foreign Policy in a Globalized World, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, forthcoming 2013
Why the US works and the EU doesn’t: explaining EU institutions and governance in a comparative way, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, forthcoming 2014
(with G. Guzzetta): Lo Stato dell’Unione: L’Europa di inizio millennio tra allargamento e costituzionalizzazione, Giappichelli, Torino, 2009
Il Futuro dell’Europa, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005 L'influenza degli stati membri nei processi decisionali dell'Unione Europea: analisi comparata di Italia e Portogallo, EUI
Ph.D Thesis, European University Institute, Florence, 2004 L'organizzazione degli interessi nella Comunità europea, Firenze: Università degli studi di Firenze, 1993
Italy and the Lisbon Treaty in Laursen, F. (ed.): The Making of the Lisbon Treaty. The Role of the Member States. Peter Lang AG (2012)
One year on: Assessing the European Foreign Policy and the European External Service (EEAS), Brown Journal of World Affairs, Spring/Summer 2011
Italy and the Treaty establishing a European Constitution: the Decline of a middle size power? In Laursen, F. (ed.): Negotiating the Constitutional Treaty, Nijhoff/Brill in Leiden, 2008
Prof. Federiga Bindi, Ph.D. – CV - P. 4
La negoziazione delle decisioni governative a livello Europeo: il caso italiano, in Baroncelli (a cura di): Il ruolo del governo nella formazione e applicazione del diritto dell’Unione Europea. Le peculiarità del sistema costituzionale multilivello, Giappichelli, Torino, 2008 (with Grassi, S.): The Italian Parliament: from benevolent observer to active player, in Maurer, A. / Wessels W. (eds): National Parliaments on their ways to Europe: losers or latecomers?, Schriften des Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung (ZEI), NOMOS Verlagsgesellschaft, 2nd ed., 2007
Italy: When individual Actors make the Difference, in F. Laursen (ed.), 2006: The Treaty of Nice. Actor Preferences, Bargaining and Institutional Choice, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden – Boston
(with Cisci, M.): Italy, Spain and the EU: A Tale of Contrasting Effectiveness in the EU, in Bulmer S. and Lequesne C. (eds.), 2005, Member States and the European Union, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Politica europeias do Estado: analise comparada de Itália e Portugal, in Analise Social, 2002, Lisbon Os grupos de pressão na União Europea, in Analise Social, 2002, Lisboa
Executivos nacionais e assuntos Europeus: uma análise comparada entre Itália e Portugal, in A Reforma do Estado em Portugal. Problemas e Perspectivas. Actas do Encontro Nacional de Ciências Politica, Bisancio, Lisbona, 2002
L’Unione Europea tra riforme ed allargamento: un bilancio dell’anno 2001, La Società, Verona, 1/2002, anno XII
(with Grassi, S.): The Italian Parliament: from benevolent observer to active player, in Maurer, A. / Wessels W. (eds): National Parliaments on their ways to Europe: losers or latecomers?, Schriften des Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung (ZEI), NOMOS Verlagsgesellschaft, 2001
L’Italia e l’Unione Europea: la riforma incompleta, La Società, Verona, n. 5/2001, anno XI Le Riforme: quelle attuate e quelle rinviate; L’Italia e l’attuazione delle politiche europee, I Consigli Europei nel 2000 in
Cacace, P., Mammarella, G., (ed): L’Unione Europea nel 2000, Le Lettere, Firenze, 2001 (with Vicentini, D.): L’Unione Europea nell’anno 2000, La Società, Verona, n. 1/2001, anno XI
Il Coreg e il Ces. Due tipi di influenza posti a paragone, in Varsori, A. (a cura di): Il Comitato Economico e Sociale nella Costruzione Europea, Marsilio, Venezia, 2000
Entries on Italian politics (Prodi, “Olive Tree”, Buttiglione, Gava, Mancini, Dini, etc.) in Europe since 1945: An Encyclopedia, Garland, New York: USA, 2001
A influência de Portugal nos processos de decisão da união europeia, in Analise Social, n. 154/155, Lisboa L'influenza italiana nei processi decisionali UE, in Europa-Europe, Anno VIII, N. 3, Roma
Non European MNC influencing the EU. An analysis of Possibilities, Procedures and Methods in Australasian Journal of European Integration, Vol. I, 1998/1999
L'influenza italiana nei processi decisionali UE, in Affari Internazionali, Aprile 1999, Milano The Committee of the Regions in Van Schendelen, R. & Pedler, R. (eds.): Do Committees in Pillar I Have Influence on the EU
Decisions and Policy Formation?, Dortmouth, London, 1998
The cost of staying out of the EU: Third States and Foreign Multinational lobbying the EU legislative process in Peters, P. & Cafruny A., (eds.): The Union and the World: the international political economy of a Common European Foreign Policy, Kluwer Law, London, 1998.
Italy, in Andersen S. and Eliassen K. (eds.) The European Union: How democratic is it?, Sage, London, 1995 The Eurogroups, the European Union and the EU Legislative Process, NUPI-Report N. 201, 3.1996, Oslo Italy and the EC, Handelshøyskolen BI Arbeidsnotat 1994-4, Sandvika ETFA and Norway: EC lobbyists, too, NUPI-Notat N. 500, October 1993, Oslo
Eurogroups and the EC decision-making process Handelshøyskolen BI Arbeidsnotat N.1993-35, Sandvika, 1993 (con L.Bardi) Italy: the Dominance of Domestic Politics, in R.Van Schendelen: National Public and Private EC Lobbying,
Dartmouth, 1993 L'atteggiamento degli italiani verso l'Unione europea: Europeismo all'italiana, EuropaForum, Anno V, N.8 Ottobre 1992 Lobbying in the EC, NUPI-Notat, Nr.454, Oslo, 1992 I Gruppi di Pressione e la CE, VIEWS, 3-1992, Rome, 1992 Co-operation to development: the Norwegian case as an example to Europe?, CeSPI, Rome, 1991
ALTRI ARTICOLI & OP-EDS USA: sbornia post-elettorale, 7.11.2012 The Russian Elections, Bad News for the EU, CBN, 6.3.2012
Prof. Federiga Bindi, Ph.D. – CV - P. 5
Se un Monti non fa primavera, 17.2.2012
The Quest for National Interests (which?), 14.4.2011
Berlusconi to Negotiate Libya deal?
Around the Halls: 20 Years After the Berlin Wall Fell,
Bruxelles: è il momento di fare in fretta, Aspeniaonline, 23.10.2009
La politica estera italiana tra sostanza e apparenza, Affari Internazionali, 13.10.2009
The European Union, Lisbon and the Office Hunt, Brookings, 12.10.2009,
L'Europa alla prova anche in Afghanistan, 18 May2009, Europe Problematic Contribution to Police Training in Afghanistan,, May 2009, What the G-20 Wants: London Summit: Italy, 1 April 2009: Italy – Us Relations In The Obama Era: For A New Start?,
Frattini vuole convincere la clinton che e’ un alleato indispensabile, L’, ( e+.0067049)
Europa-USA: il momento della verità, Aspeniaonline, January 2009, Sarkozy's Europe is Good for Obama, International Herald Tribune, 14 January 2009,
Obama: la storia passa da qui,, 22.1.2009 ( and
How to Improve U.S.-Italy Relations and Why They Matter, in L’, 26 February 2009 ( e+.0067049)
What the G-20 Wants: London Summit: Italy, Obama: ora è tempo di raccogliere le nuove sfide,, 7 November 2008,
1 a 1 palla al centro. Palin, quintessenza dell'essere americano,, 8 September 2008,
Il peso della storia nella crisi georgiana,, August 2008 (
L’Italia, attore centrale nei negoziati con l’Iran?, August 2008
Finding ways to live happily after Irish ‘No', The European Voice, 26.06.2008,
Ireland’s rejection of the Lisbon Treaty, Affari Internazionali, 16 June 2008,
Italian Elections and Silvio Berlusconi, The Brookings Institution, U.S.-Europe Analysis Series, Spring 2008,
Obama, è arrivata la vittoria,, 5.6.2008, Elezioni USA: la partita è ancora aperta,,
27.5.2008, La campagna dei Democrats va avanti... e la palla può essere nelle mani di McCain...,, 6.3.2008, Il voto sullo Zimbabwe e la Partita a Scacchi tra Usa e Russia, Affari Internazionali, July 2008,
G8: The Run-up to L'Aquila; Brookings, 7.7.2009: Guardando oltre L’Aquila, Affari Internazionali, 7.7.2009, The G8: From Trieste to L’Aquila, Brookings, 3.7.2009
L’Italia: Attore centrale nei negoziati con l’Iran?, July 2008,
Aspettavano Prodi, se ne sono scordati, Il Riformista, 31.1.2008,
Le primarie USA: un meccanismo complesso in un paese frammentato, February 2008, in,
Lo stato della Nazione: l’addio piatto di Bush, 30.1.2008,,
Il lungo addio di G.W: Bush,, in Il Riformista, 28.1.2008,
Lobbying the EC, The New Federalist, Brussels, 1/93 A step by step membership in the E.C., The New Federalist, Brussels N. 9/1991 (Very) Little steps towards Political Union, The New Federalist, Brussels, N. 1/1991 An European welfare state...or an E.C. bill of rights? The New Federalist, Brussels N. 12/1991 and in Eureka, Oslo, N. 10/1991 Non-papers lussemburghesi: un'analisi, Incontro Europa, N. 5/1991 Italy: "EuroCouncil is the engine", The New Federalist, Brussels, N. 4/1991 I "non-papers" della presidenza lussemburghese, Il Dibattito Federalista, N. 4-6.1991 The European Community is still a positive model, The New Federalist, Brussels, N. 1/1991
Jean Monnet International Summer Seminars: Integrating Europe in a Changing World, 2011 (4 minutes):
Contributing to the Afghan Civil Reconstruction: Training Young Afghan Civil Servants, 2011 (13 minutes)
Intensive Training Course for Young Afghan Diplomats, 2011 6 minutes and 14 minutes: Cyj5; and
Fluent: English, Italian, French, Portuguese, Spanish. Good: Norwegian. Elementary: German, Ladin
2021 Certificate in Leverage Diversity & Inclusion for Organizational Excellence, Stanford University
2015 Institute for Management and Leadership in Education, Harvard University, Graduate School of Education
2015 Certificate in Public Leadership, Washington University in St. Louis / Brookings Executive Education
2012 Aspen Leadership Seminar, Aspen Institute
2004 Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences, European University Institute, Department of Political Science
1998 Maestrado (M.A.) classes in Portugal & the EU, Universidade Católica Portuguesa
1994 Summer Academy of EU Law and Human Rights Law, European University Institute, Department of Law
1993 Laurea (M.A.) in Comparative Politics, (Magna cum Laude), University of Florence
1991 Hovefag (M.A.) classes in International Relations, University of Oslo
1990 Cycle d’Études Internationales (with Honors), Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (Sc.Po.)
1984 A.F.S.-Intercultura Exchange Student, Lesmurdie Senior High School, Perth, Western Australia
University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy 2001–present
Professor of Political Science (2006-present) and Jean Monnet Chair (2004-present)
Founding Director, European Union Center of Excellence (2003-2012)
Advisor the Rector on Internationalization (2001-2009)
- Created and led the Centre of Excellence (including planning; budgeting and fundraising; communication and marketing; human resources management; external relations).
- Research on European affairs and policies, resulting in 10 volumes and hundres of articles
- Teaching at BA, MA, PhD levels (Political Science, Global Governance; International Relations, European Politics). Theses supervision and mentoring. Board member of BA and Ph.D. programs.
- Fundraised and successfully applied for grants for over $5 million
- Project management: successfully led 15 international research networks, 10 outreach projects, 20 students’ mobility grants, bringing together over 100 partners globally (conception and initiation, planning, execution, performance/monitoring, project close and reporting)
- Internationalization: Negotiated international MOUs, strategic partnerships, agreements, international exchange programs, and visiting scholars’ programs. Created and led study abroad programs.
- Students’ recruitment (definition of the academic requirements, planning, marketing & communication; screening & selection of applicants; enrolment; immigration compliance; post-acceptance management; follow up)
- Events organization: planned and led international conferences, seminars, summer schools, peace building exercises, simulations with prominent international speakers, including several Nobel Prize Laureates
- International recognition with the awarding and financing of “Jean Monnet Chair” and “EU Centre of Excellence”.
University of Colorado at Boulder 2021–present
Affiliate Researcher, IBS and Lecturer, Department of Political Science
Institute for Women’s Policy Research, Washington DC 2015-2023
Senior Fellow and Director of the Foreign Policy Program
- Created and led the Foreign Policy Program and the International Higher Education Initiative (including planning; budgeting; communication & marketing; staff; external relations)
- Grants: Successfully applied for grants ranging between $70,000 and $500,000
- Project management: successfully led four international research networks (conception and initiation, planning, execution, performance/monitoring, project close and reporting)
- Created strategic partnerships with domestic and foreign institutions
- Events organization: planned and led numerous conferences and seminars with prominent domestic and international speakers
Russell Sage College, Troy, NY 2021- 2022
Inaugural Scholar, Women’s Institute and Advisor to the President and to the Director of the Women’s Institute
- Events organization: planned and led international conference on women leadership
- Speaker at academic and outreach event events
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington DC 2018-2020
Senior Non-Resident Fellow
- Project management: Successfully applied and managed grant on the EU Foreign Policy and Transatlantic Relations (conception and initiation, planning, execution, performance/monitoring, project close and reporting)
- Research on foreign policy, leading to one book and several articles
- Events organization: planned and led conferences and seminars with prominent domestic and international speakers
- Speaker at academic and outreach event events; frequent media commentator
SAIS-Johns Hopkins University, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Washington DC 2010–2018
Senior Fellow
- Research on foreign policy, leading to several books and articles
- Speaker at academic and outreach event events; frequent media commentator
- Events organization: planned and led conferences and seminars with prominent domestic and international speakers, including G8 High Level Preparatory Meeting with the Italian Foreign Ministry.
Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 2016-2018
Dan German Distinguished Visiting Chair
- Teaching (Graduate and Honors classes: Contemporary Europe, Women Leadership, IR & Diplomacy)
- Designed and led Study Abroad to the EU and NATO (including curriculum development, program information, communication, marketing; recruitment; pre-departure orientation; risk mitigation)
- Events organization: planned and led conferences, seminars, experiential learning and training opportunities with prominent domestic and international speakers
- Successfully applied for grants supporting diversity and inclusion in students’ activities
- Won Best Delegation Award at an International G20 Simulation at American University
Italian Cultural Institute Brussels (BE) 2012–2014
Director of the Culture Institute and Head of the School of Italian as Second Language
- Human resources supervision (including recruiting; talent management, compensation & benefits; training & development; HR compliance; workplace safety; handle disciplinary actions)
- Oversaw budget, fundraising, successfully applied for grants, reduced costs, and quadrupled revenues
- Project management: Designed and led professional development programs, including Women Leaders in IR, first training for young women in international-related jobs (conception and initiation, planning, execution, performance/monitoring, project close and reporting)
- Led rebranding, communication, and marketing strategies; created social media presence (40,000 followers and an active mailing list of over 20,000 contacts)
- Relaunched the School of Italian Language and Culture (definition of the academic requirements, curriculum revision, planning, marketing & communication; enrolment and management of applications), resulting in a 50% increase in enrolment and a 98% students’ approval rate
- Negotiated strategic local, national, and international strategic partnerships
- Modernized, reorganized, and upgraded the Institute’s spaces, infrastructures, and facilities
- Events organization: planned and led 304 events and programs in two years with over 65,000 attendees, featuring prominent international speakers on arts, culture, politics, science, music, food, etc
National School of Public Administration, Rome (IT) 2010–2012
Head of International Relations
- Human resources supervision (including recruiting; talent management, compensation & benefits; training & development; HR compliance; workplace safety; handle disciplinary actions)
- Oversaw budget, fundraised, successfully negotiated grants and programs with Aid Agency
- Internationalization: Negotiated international MOUs, strategic partnerships, agreements, international exchange programs with academic institutions, agencies, and governments. Created visiting scholars’ programs; designed and led study abroad programs.
- Students’ recruitment: definition of the academic requirements, planning, marketing & communication; screening and selection of applicants; enrolment; visa and immigration compliance; post-acceptance management; risk mitigation; follow up.
- Project management: Created and managed new international educational programs for young diplomats and public officials from post-conflict and developing countries (Asia, Africa, Middle East), as well as innovative trainings for young women leaders (conception and initiation, planning, execution, performance/monitoring, project close and reporting)
- Redefined and led rebranding, communication, and marketing strategies.
- Events organization: planned & led conferences and seminars with prominent domestic and international speakers.
Brookings Institution, Center for the United States and Europe, Washington DC 2008–2010
Visiting Fellow
- Awarded Fellowship by the “Council for the United States and Italy”.
- Research on foreign policy leading to several books and articles.
- Speaker at academic and outreach event events; frequent media commentator
- Events organization: planned and led conferences and seminars with prominent domestic and international speakers, includingthe G8 2009 Presidency High Level meeting and the 2010 NPT Review Conference in cooperation with the Italian Foreign Ministry.
American University, School of International Service, Washington DC 2015-2021
Professorial Lecturer and External Affiliate
George Washington University, Elliott School Sc.Po. Lille 2008
Adjunct Professor: Taught classe on Europe and Eurasia
Sc.Po. Lille 2007
Visiting Professor: Taught classes on EU Integration Theory and European History
University of Florence 1998-2006
- Taught classes on European Politics (School of Engineering and School of Arts and Science)
- Designed and led study abroad (including curriculum development, recruitment, predeparture orientation).
American University of Rome 2004–2005
Adjunct Professor: Taught classes on European Politics, International Relations; Transatlantic Relations
California State University, Study Abroad Campus in Florence, Italy 2002–2004
Adjunct Professor: Taught classes on Contemporary Europe
Lorenzo de Medici Institute & Florence University of the Arts 1996–2004
Adjunct Professor
- Taught classes on European Union, International Relations, Contemporary European History
- Designed and led study abroad (including curriculum development, information, recruitment, predeparture orientation, risk mitigation).
Fashion Institute of Technology (SUNY-FIT) Study Abroad Campus in Florence, Italy 1996–2003
Adjunct Professor
- Taught classes on Contemporary Europe and International Politics
- Organized experiential learning activities and shows on “Fashion promoting Human Rights”;
Institut d’Études Politiques, Centre d’Études Européennes, Paris, (FR) 2001–2002
Visiting Researcher: Researched and published articles on European Union Decision-making; French politics
University of Lisbon, Instituto Ciências Sócias (PT) 1998–2001
Visiting Researcher: Researched and published on EU Decision-making; Portugal and the EU;
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Institut d'Études Européennes (BE) 1995–1999
Visiting Researcher: Researched and published on EU Decision-making; Italy, Portuguese politics
European University Institute, Fiesole 1993-1999
Ph.D. Researcher
- Researched and published on EU Decision-making; EU Lobbying; member states’ influence in the EU
- Co-editor, EUI Research Review
Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, Oslo (NOR) 1991–1993
Junior Researcher
- Researched and published on EC Decision-Making; Lobbying the EC/ EU; Norwegian politics
- Advised government on Norwegian negotiations for EU membership and predicted the negative outcome of the referendum.
New York University, Villa La Pietra, Florence, Italy 1998
Adjunct Professor: Taught class on Southern European Politics
United States Senate, Foreign Relations Committee (SFRC), Washington DC 2012
- Advised SFRC’s leadership on issues related to Transatlantic Relations, EU policies and International Education
Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Ministry for International Trade, Rome (IT) 1999-2011
Senior Advisor to the Foreign Minister (2008-2011)
Personal Secretary and Advisor to the Deputy Foreign Minister and the Deputy Minister for International Trades (2000)
Advisor to the Ambassador to Portugal (1999)
- Oversaw Deputy Foreign Minister’s staff, private office, and agenda.
- Advised on US Foreign Policy, European politics, Transatlantic Relations, Global Governance, Institution Building, Nuclear Proliferation, Energy Policies, Women Leadership, International Education, AF-PAK.
- Served as Minister’s personal envoy and as member of National Delegations to bilateral negotiations, UNGA and G8 meetings, NPT and Afghanistan conferences.
- Organized and led Business and Trade delegations to Latin America and Asia
- Designed and led training programs for post-conflict and developing countries (Asia, Africa, Middle East)
- Created and led the High-Level International Advisory Group that shaped the Italian G8 Presidency on issues such as Global Governance, Nuclear Proliferation, Renewable Energy, Terrorism and Cyber Terrorism
Council of Ministers of the European Union, Brussels (BE) 1998
Ph.D. Fellow
- Attended Council Meetings; assisted National Delegations, drafted reports, helped shaping EU legislation
American Friends Service Committee 2023-present
Eu Liaison
- Establishing AFSC’ presence and network in the European Capital
Alta Badia Ski Academy, La Villa, Bolzano (IT) 2017- present
Co-founder and Director
- Created and led the Academy (including planning; budgeting; communication and marketing; human resources management; external relations)
- Project management: successfully applied and managed three grants on innovation in Alpine Skiing for over $1,000,000 (conception and initiation, planning, execution, performance/monitoring, project close and reporting)
- International student-athletes recruitment and management (including students support; documents and visa processing; etc.)
- Events organization: planned and managed international sports conferences and seminars.
Boulder Valley School District 2022- 2023
- Member, Title IX Council
Alice Deal Middle School, Washington DC 2018-2020
Vice President for Marketing and Fundraising
- Organized fundraising events, including International Night; Found donors and institutional sponsorships
Alumni Association, European University Institute 2017-2019
- Changed the legal status of the association into non-profit
- Negotiated and increased AA’s benefits
- Redesigned communications and marketing strategies;
- Led external relations, organized events and programs
European Integration Studies Journal, Member of the Scientific Board 2018-
Jean Monnet Paper Series, University of Miami: member of the International Board 2010-
Osservatorio Politica Internazionale: Member of the Scientific Board 2011-
Italian Institute of International Affairs (IAI): Member of the Advisory Board on EU affairs 2004-
The Pontignano Conference, Annual Italo-British Colloquium: Member of the Board 2010-2014
European Studies Network (SENT): Member of the Board 2007-2012
European Political-Science Network (EPSNet – SENT): Member of the Board 2002-2007
Association of Christian Workers - Women National Association: Member of the Board 1997-2001
Union of Democrats for Europe: International Secretary 2000
ENAIP (Professional and Vocational Training Agency): Member of the Governing Board 1998-2000
Association of Christian Workers – Florence: Member of the Board 1996-2000
City of Florence. Councilor, Member of the Culture, Sports; Youth and Women Issues Committees 1995–1999
EuroForum: Founding member and member of the Board 1995-1997
European National Youth Councils (CENYC): Member of the Financial & Administrative Control Board 1993-1995
Youth of the Italian Popular Party: International Secretary 1993-2000
Italian National Youth Council: Vice President for International Relations 1993-1996
Young European Federalists International Secretary 1990-1992
- EU Delegation in Washington DC: Advisor on Policy elaboration 2024
- European Commission: Advisor on International Education and grants evaluator 2006-present
- World Trade Centre, Verona, Italy: Strategic Advisor for Internationalization 2000-present
- Informal advising to senior Government officials and political leaders 1998-present
- Tufts University / College of Europe: “critical friend” (MATA evaluator) 2020
- Advisor on Transatlantic Trade Relations to Hon. Alessia Mosca, European Parliament 2015
- Riello USA: Strategic Advisor for Business Internationalization 2011-2012
- Advisor to the Italian Ambassador to Portugal 1999
- Advisor, Council of Europe, DG Education, Culture, Youth, Sport, Media 1994–1995
- ENIC Italia: Event organizer 1986-1993
Professional Journalist, member of the Italian Order of Journalists 1993-
Contributor: Il Popolo, Il Giornale del Popolo, NeveSport, L’Unità, La Voce, HuffingtonPost. E!Sharp, 1985-
Women Leadership in International Relations (12,000+ followers) 2013-
Member of Editorial Board:, La Società, EUI Research Review, CentoCittà, 1992-2014
Member of the Editorial Board, then Co-editor, The New Federalist 1990-1993
(In alphabetical order)
Appalachian State University:
2016 (International student activities)
2017 (Students Experiential Learning)
Belgian National Foundation for Scientific Research:
1996: EU lobbying
1997: EU decision making
Council for the United States and Italy:
2008-2010: Transatlantic Relations, Foreign Policy
European Commission:
2022-2025: EWAS (Empowering Women in Alpine Skiing)
2022-2025: Jean Monnet Chair, University of Wyoming
2020-2021: Comparing Internationalization Strategies in Higher Education in Europe and the US
2020-2022: Promoting Education, Skills Development & Dual Careers in Alpine Skiing (ESKI)
2019-2022: The State of Women
2018-2019: Transatlantic Relations
2018-2019: Women Leaders in Foreign Policy
2017-2019: Dual Careers in Alpine Skiing (DC4SKI)
2015-2017: Women Leaders in Foreign Policy
2012-2013: Women Leaders in International Relations
2010-2011: Foreign Policy
2008-2010: Transatlantic Relations
2007-2011: EU Studies Global Mapping
2007-2011: EU Center of Excellence
2007-2010: EU History
2007-2009: EU Foreign Policy
2007-2008: Global Energy
2006-2007: EU decision-making
2004-2008: Jean Monnet Chair
2004-2005: Teaching Quality & Professional Development
2004: European History
2004-2005: EU Decision-making Training Programs
2003: EU Students Convention
2001-2002: France and the EU
1993-1995: Youth Political Engagement
Istituto Camoes, Lisbon:
1998 (Portugal and the EU)
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome:
1993 (Lobbying in the EU)
1994-1996 (Italy and the EU)
Italian National Research Council, Rome:
1995: EU decision-making
1996: EU decision-making
1997: EU decision-making
1998: EU decision-making
1999: EU decision-making
2003 EU decision-making
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO):
1999: Transatlantic Relations
2000: Transatlantic Relations
2001: Transatlantic Relations
Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Oslo
1991: Norway and the EU
Norwegian Research Council, Oslo:
1992-1993: Norway and the EU
US Embassy in Rome
2010: Transatlantic Relations
2009: Transatlantic Relations
Woman of Outstanding Leadership, The International Women’s Leadership Association 2014
Named among Ten Most Influential Italians in Brussels by 2013
Named to the Spinelli Group by the Italian President of the Republic G. Napolitano 2014
Named Chiara Fama Director of the Institute of Italian Culture in Brussels 2012
Invited to join and awarded Fellowship to attend Aspen Leadership Seminar, Aspen Institute 2012
Invited to join the Italian Society for International Organizations (SIOI) 2012
Awarded Fellowship by the Council for the United States and Italy 2008
Awarded European Center of Excellence by the European Commission 2007
Selected as Young Italian Leader by Council for the United States and Italy 2006
Awarded Jean Monnet Chair by the European Commission 2004
Awarded Encomium by the Italian President Carlo Azelio Ciampi for Ph.D. Thesis 2004
Selected for the International Leaders Visitors Program, US Department of State 2003
Finalist of the National University Prize “La Numero Uno”, Università Bocconi 1991
SafeSport (Emotional & Physical Misconduct; Sexual Misconduct Awareness) Yearly since 2016
Fundraising Essentials for Non-Profits & Marketing Essentials for Non Profits 2021
International Ski Instructor Association (ISIA) Level I Ski Instructor 2017
USSA (United States Ski Association) 100 Level Alpine Ski Coach 2016
CPR & AED Certification, US Red Cross 2016
The Foreign Policy of the EU: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, Brookings Press, Washington DC, 3ed., 2022
Comparing Higher Education Internationalization in the EU and the US, Lynne Rienner, Boulder (CO), forthcoming 2024
Women Leaders: Comparing the EU and the US, Lynne Rienner, Boulder (CO), forthcoming 2024
Innovating in Alpine Skiing, 2023
Europe and America: The End of Transatlantic Relations? Brookings Press, Washington DC, 2019
The Foreign Policy of the EU: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, Brookings Press, 2ed., Washington DC, 2012 (w/ I. Angelescu)
Analyzing European Union Politics, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2012 (w/ Kjell Eliassen)
Italy and the EU, Brookings Institution Press, DC, 2011. (Reviewed, by “Charlemagne” on The Economist, 31.7.2010)
The Frontiers of Europe. A Transatlantic Problem? Brookings Institution Press, Washington DC, 2011 (w/ I. Angelescu)
The Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World, Brookings Press, Washington DC, 2010;
Lo Stato dell’Unione: L’Europa di inizio millennio, Giappichelli, Torino, 2009 (w/ G. Guzzetta)
Il Futuro dell’Europa, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2005
Articles Published in Refereed Journals & Chapters of Edited Volumes
A stronger European Union? The unexpected security consequences of Brexit in Greer S. and Jaible J.: Brexit and the European Union, Manchester University Press, 2020
Italy and the EU, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics, Oxford University Press, 2020
(with M. Giamanco): Missing in Action: The Absense of Women Scholars in Foreign Policy Panels, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Spring 2019
Cracks in the IR Glass: The Evolving Relationship Between International Relations & Gender Equality, Seaton Hall Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Spring/Summer 2017
Italy: the country where men die, but bureaucracy remains in Zeff E. & Pirro. E. The European Union and the Member States, 3rd ed, Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, 2015
Transatlantic Foreign Policy in the Obama Years in Bonanno L. (ed.): The Transatlantic Agenda: Public Administration and Policy Prospective, Routledge, NY, 2015
(with Angelescu, I.): The Geopolitical Implications of Future EU Enlargements, in Laursen. F. (ed.): EU Enlargement: Current Challenges and Strategic Choices, P.I.E. Peter Lang, Brussels, 2013, pp.75-83
Italy and the Lisbon Treaty in Laursen, F.: The Making of the Lisbon Treaty. Peter Lang 2012
One year on: Assessing the European Foreign Policy and the European External Service (EEAS), “Brown Journal of World Affairs”, Spring/Summer 2011
Italy and the Treaty establishing a European Constitution: the Decline of a middle size power? In Laursen, F. (ed.): Negotiating the Constitutional Treaty, Nijhoff/Brill in Leiden, 2008
La negoziazione delle decisioni governative a livello Europeo: il caso italiano, in Baroncelli (a cura di): Il ruolo del governo nella formazione e applicazione del diritto dell’Unione Europea. Le peculiarità del sistema costituzionale multilivello, Giappichelli, Torino, 2008
(with Grassi, S.): The Italian Parliament: from benevolent observer to active player, in Maurer, A. / Wessels W. (eds): National Parliaments on their ways to Europe: losers or latecomers?, Schriften des Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung (ZEI), NOMOS Verlagsgesellschaft, 2nd ed., 2007
Italy: When individual Actors make the Difference, in F. Laursen (ed.), 2006: The Treaty of Nice. Actor Preferences, Bargaining and Institutional Choice, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden – Boston
(with Cisci, M.): Italy, Spain and the EU: A Tale of Contrasting Effectiveness in the EU, in Bulmer S. and Lequesne C. (eds.), 2005, Member States and the European Union, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
La bozza di Trattato Costituzionale Europeo e la Costituzione Americana a confronto: origini ed elementi fondanti, in “La Società”, Fondazione Toniolo, Verona, n. 53, 1/2003, anno XIII, pp. 103-107
Politica europeias do Estado: analise comparada de Itália e Portugal, Analise Social, 2002, Lisbon
Os grupos de pressão na União Europea, Analise Social, 2002, Lisboa
Executivos nacionais e assuntos Europeus: uma análise comparada entre Itália e Portugal, in A Reforma do Estado em Portugal. Problemas e Perspectivas. Actas do Encontro Nacional de Ciências Politica, Bisancio, Lisbona, 2002
L’Unione Europea tra riforme ed allargamento: un bilancio dell’anno 2001, La Società, Verona, 1/2002, anno XII
(with Grassi, S.): The Italian Parliament: from benevolent observer to active player, in Maurer, A. / Wessels W. (eds): National Parliaments on their ways to Europe: losers or latecomers?, Schriften des Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung (ZEI), NOMOS Verlagsgesellschaft, 2001
L’Italia e l’Unione Europea: la riforma incompleta, La Società, Verona, n. 5/2001, anno XI
Le Riforme: quelle attuate e quelle rinviate and L’Italia e l’attuazione delle politiche europee in Cacace, P., Mammarella, G., (ed): L’Unione Europea nel 2000, Le Lettere, Firenze, 2001
I Consigli Europei nel 2000 in Cacace, P., Mammarella, G.,: L’Unione Europea nel 2000, Le Lettere, Firenze, 2001
(with Vicentini, D.): L’Unione Europea nell’anno 2000, La Società, Verona, n. 1/2001, anno XI
Entries on Italian politics (Prodi, “Olive Tree”, Buttiglione, Gava, Mancini, Dini, etc.) in Europe since 1945: An Encyclopedia, Garland, New York: USA, 2001
Il Coreg e il Ces. Due tipi di influenza posti a paragone, in Varsori, A. (a cura di): Il Comitato Economico e Sociale nella Costruzione Europea, Marsilio, Venezia, 2000
A influência de Portugal nos processos de decisão da união europeia, “Analise Social”, n. 154/155, Lisboa, 2000
L'influenza italiana nei processi decisionali UE, “Europa-Europe”, Anno VIII, N. 3, 1999
L'influenza italiana nei processi decisionali UE, “Affari Internazionali”, Aprile 1999, Milano
Non-European MNC influencing the EU. An analysis of Possibilities, Procedures and Methods in “Australasian Journal of European Integration”, Vol. I, 1998/1999
The Committee of the Regions in Van Schendelen, R. & Pedler, R. (eds.): Do Committees in Pillar I Have Influence on the EU Decisions and Policy Formation?, Dartmouth, London, 1998
The cost of staying out of the EU: Third States and Foreign Multinationals lobbying the EU legislative process in Peters, P. & Cafruny A., (eds.): The Union and the World: the international political economy of a Common European Foreign Policy, Kluwer Law, London, 1998.
Italy, in Andersen S. & Eliassen K. (eds.) The European Union: How democratic is it?, Sage, London, 1995
The Eurogroups, the European Union and the EU Legislative Process, NUPI-Report N. 201, 3.1996, Oslo
ETFA and Norway: EC lobbyists, too, NUPI-Notat N. 500, October 1993, Oslo Eurogroups and the EC decision-making processHandelshøyskolen BI Arbeidsnotat N.1993-35, Sandvika
(with L.Bardi) Italy: the Dominance of Domestic Politics, in R.Van Schendelen: National Public and Private EC Lobbying, Dartmouth, 1993