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Incarichi attuali: Professore Ordinario di Ematologia, Responsabile del Laboratorio Integrato di Diagnostica Oncoematologica presso il Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione della Università Tor Vergata, Responsabile del Laboratorio di Neuro-Oncoematologia presso la Fondazione Santa Lucia, Roma.
Formazione: Laurea in Medicina, Università di Pisa (1981); Specializzazione in Ematologia Clinica e di Laboratorio (1985) presso l'Università La Sapienza (Roma, direttore prof. F. Mandelli). Dal 1992 al 1994, visiting researcher presso il Dipartimento di Genetica della Columbia University (New York) diretto da R. Dalla-Favera, dove ha lavorato sulla patogenesi molecolare del linfomi.
Principali aree di interesse scientifico: caratterizzazione genetica, terapia e monitoraggio dei tumori ematologici, con particolare riguardo alla leucemia mieloide acuta e la leucemia promielocitica.
Produzione scientifica: Oltre 300 lavori "peer reviewed" ; I.F. >2300; H-index = 74 (google scholar)
Altri incarichi ed attività: E' stato Presidente della Società Italiana di Ematologia Sperimentale; membro del CTS della FIRB-AIRC; membro della Commissione Ricerca del Ministero della Salute.
E' attualmente chairman dell' Education Committee della European Hematology Association e membro dell'Editorial Board delle riviste Haematologica, Leukemia e Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Full Professor of Hematology and Head of the Laboratory of Integrated Diagnosis of Oncohematologic Diseases at the Department of Biopathology of the University Tor Vergata of Roma. Head of the laboratory of Neuro-Oncohematology at the Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome. He obtained his MD degree from the University of Pisa in 1981 and his specialization in Clinical and Laboratory Hematology from the University La Sapienza of Rome in 1985. From 1992 to 1994 he has trained on molecular pathogenesis of lymphoma with R. Dalla Favera at Columbia University, New York. His main scientific interest and research activities include genetic characterization, monitoring and treatment of hematologic tumors, particularly acute myeloid leukemia and acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL). He has published over 300 internationally peer-reviewed articles, mainly focused on molecular diagnosis and follow up of leukemia and lymphoma as well as on treatment of APL. Total I.F. of his scientific production is >2300 and H-Index = 74 (google scholar). He served as President of the Italian Society of Experimental Hematology (SIE), board member of the Italian Foundation for Cancer Research (AIRC) and member of the Committe on Health Research of the Italian Ministry of Health. He is presently chairman of the APL and AML biology subcommittes of the Italian National Cooperative Group GIMEMA,chairman of the Education Committee of the European Hematology Association (EHA), and member of the Editorial Board of the journals Leukemia, Journal of Clinical Oncology and Haematologica.