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Curriculum Vitae

Barbara Martini

  Biographical data


Birth place and date:

Rome, October 7th, 1968



Office address:

Department of Enterprise Engineering University of RomeTor Vergata,

Via del Politecnico,1 - 00133 Rome, Italy

Phone numbers

+39 3933068697



Current Position

SinceMarch 2001 Researcher of Policy Economics, University of Rome Tor Vergata- Italy.  


Previous Position

Co-Coordinator Master in Big Data & Business University of Rome Tor Vergata- Italy(from March 2014 to June 2017).

Research fellowat University of Rome Tor Vergata (1999-2001).

Short Term Consultantat the Rural Development Department of the World Bank, Washington DC, USA (Program Reference: 682-89) (1999).

Stage at Study Center Confindustria -General Confederation of Italian Industry-. (1994).



Ph. D. (Dottorato di Ricerca) University of Rome Tor Vergata- Italy. (1999)

Post graduate Erasmus programin Econometrics and Dynamic Optimization University of Groningen, Netherlands (1992-1993). Economics, (Laurea in Economia e Commercio) summa cum laude, University of Rome Tor Vergata - Italy (1992).


Research Interests

Regional economics; Spatial econometrics; Social ecological resilience; Sustainability.


Selected publication



Martini B., (2020), Resilience and Economic Structure. Are they related?, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (2020) Vol.54, pp.62-91, doi:


Giannini M, Martini B., (2020) Regional Wage and Productivity in Italy: A spatio-temporal analysis. Spatial Economic Analysis.


Martini B., (2020) La resilienza delle regioni italiane. Una analisi con panel spazio-temporali Scienze Regionali. Vol. 20 (1) pp.35-54. Doi:10.14650/95927


Martini B. (2020) Una stima della perdita di valore aggiunto provinciale dovuta al Covid-19: un’analisi spazio-temporale. Eyesreg, Vol. 10 n.3.  ISSN 2239-3110


Martini B. (2020) Resilience, resistance and recoverability, regional economic structure and human capital in Italy. Are they related?Applied Econometrics and International Development. AEIDVol 20 (1) pg.47-62. ISSN 1578-4487


Martini B., Platania M., (2019) Analysing resilience in Local Labour Market Areas: A spatial analysis. The case of Italy. Applied Economics QuarterlyVol 65 (3), pp.187-206.


Martini B. Platania M., (2019) Spatio-temporal analysis of the resilience in Italy during the great recession Romanian Journal of Regional Science Vol. 13 (1) pg.1-14. ISSN 18423-8520


Martini B., (2016) Big Data e Scienze Regionali: Una relazione ancora inesplorata. Eyesreg, Vol 6 n.6 ISSN 2239-3110.


Martini B., (2016) The Data Revolution. Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures and Their Consequences. Regional Studies, Vol. 50, 2, pp.553-54. DOI 10.1080/00343404.2015.1107987


Martini B., (2015) Exogenous shocks, territorial resilience and social resilience. Some Thoughts about impact on territories. TRIA, Vol. 15 n.2 ISSN  2281-4574 DOI 10.6092/2281-4574/3734


Martini, B., (2015) Resilienza economica e resilienza sociale. Esiste una relazione? Eyesreg, Vol. 5 n.1. ISSN 2239-3110



Martini B, Platania M., (2020) The resilience of tourist destination.  Seismic risk perception by tourism operators in Volcano Etna (Italy) In  Tourism and Earthquakes Edited by: C. Michael Hall, Girish Prayag


Martini B., (2018) Resilience, reorientation and variety. An analysis of Italian provinces after 2007 economic shock in Resilience, Crisis and Innovation Dynamics, T., Baycan and H., Pinto eds. Edward Elgar 2018. ISBN 9781786432186


Martini, B., (2014) Una analisi degli elementi di resilienza economica e sociale delle regioni italiane dopo la crisi del 2007. Memorie Geografiche, Vol. 12, pp. 161-167. ISBN 97889089291


1.3 Completed Papers


Giannini M, Martini B., (2019) Labour Market Resilience and Union Behaviour. Submitted



Professional activities: referee activity

Rivista Geografica Italiana; Economic Modelling.


Teaching Activities


Undergraduate courses


Autumn 2019;  Spring 2018-2019

International Economics; Temple University Rome


Referee for Economics for the Biotechnology Degree of the Biology Dept. – University of Rome Tor Vergata.


University of Rome Tor Vergata





Economia Finanza e Territorio(Economics, Finance and Territories) -9 CFU- LM, University of Rome Tor Vergata


Post Graduate Courses



Geography of Tourism(6 CFU) Fondazione per le Tecnologie Innovative per i Beni e le Attività Culturali-Turismo


Local Development Systems and Regional Touristic Development Systems-Master MEMATIC- University of Rome Tor Vergata.


Policy economy. Problems and prospective  -Master Nuval- University of  Rome Tor Vergata.


Real Options: Theory and Application-Business School of Ernest & Young-  Naples and Rome.


Real Options: Theory and Application to the New Economy. SSPAL (Scuola Superiore di Pubblica Amministrazione Locale).


Cost and Benefit Analysis: new development-Master in Economics  and  Health- University of Rome Tor Vergata.




Research Projects


C4C Conect 4 Children (Collaborative Network for European Clinical Trials for Children); H2020. Member


OLTRE (Oltre l’orizzonte – Contro-narrazioni dai margini al centro); Commissione Europea sul Fondo per la Sicurezza Interna. Member


INDRIX (Inclusive Disaster Resilience Index); European Project. Member.


CaDEC(Capitalization and Dissemination on Espon Concept); Coordinator. Italian Referee for the operational and scientific coordination of the CaDEC project for the Priority IV of the ESPON (European Observation Network, Territorial Development and Cohesion) project.

ESPON Contact Point Italia; Responsible for the relationship with the Regions; responsible for communications, dissemination and newsletter; supervisor and referee for the EDORA and ATRS projects.


OCI(Osservatorio Crisi di Impresa); Member.

Studies on the economic features of bankrupted companies. The study was conducted both at national and regional levels. The results are quoted in the volume: “The pre-bankruptcy investigation: proceeding for the declaration of bankruptcy. A juridical-business investigation into the praxis of the Italian Court”. Wolters Kluwer Milano Italia, ISBN: 9788821732300.


INVITALIA: Study on: “reclaiming UNESCO sites in Campania”.

INVITALIA:Guidelines for the Development Project for Alternative Tourism in Campania, Context, benchmarking, governance and SWOT analysis.

Agei“Competitiveness in Italian Regions and Provinces”; Member.


Ricerca “Italia- Cina pericoli od opportunità?”; Member.


Conferences and Seminars


Webinars: Covid19 e l’Economia:It is not only the market. How Covid shock is going to have an impact on gender gap? 16 Luglio


Invited speaker: JRC-Ispra- Resilience, resistance and recoverability, regional economic structure and human capital in Italy (July); University of Pisa -Resilience, specialization, human capital and spatial analysis. An unexplored relationship (October). Workshop on “Space and Growth: Theoretical and Empirical Models” Pisa 13-14 December;  AISRe- Oltre le crisi: Rinnovamento, Ricostruzione e Sviluppo dei Territori-16-18 settembre, L’Aquila, Italy. Resilience, specialization, human capital and spatial analysis. An unexplored relationship, (With Massimo Giannini)  Resilience and economic structure. Are they related?.

ERSA- Cities, regions and digital transformations: opportunities, risks and challenges- 27-30 August 2019, Lyon, France; Resilience, specialization, human capital and spatial analysis. An unexplored relationship; How Does Internet Access Affect Regional TFP? With Massimo Giannini.

RSA-Pushing Regions beyond their Borders- 4-7 June 2019 Santiago de Compostela, Spain;How Does Internet Access Affect Regional TFP?.

    2018 ERSA-Places for People: Innovative, Inclusive and liveable Regions”28- 31 August 2018, Cork, Ireland; Regional wage and unemployment in Italy: A spatio-temporal analysis. AISRe Le regioni d’Europa tra identità locali, nuove comunità e disparità territoriali, Bolzano 17-19 settembre.Regional wage and unemployment in Italy: A spatio-temporal analysis; La resilienza nelle regioni italiane: una analisi con panel spazio-temporali; Resilienza e rischio sismico in una destinazione turistica. Percezione e comportamento degli operatori turistici della zona etnea.


SISTUR- Turismo: Economia, Sostenibilità, Territori e Cultura. In cammino verso le Smart Destinations –Piacenza 16-17 November; Turismo e rischio sismico. Percezione e resilienza degli operatori turistici etnei.

ERSA-  Social Progress for Resilient Regions- 29 August-1 September 2017, Groningen, The Netherland;Resilience, resistance and recoverability, regional economic structure and human capital in Italy.  Are they related?; AISRe – Innovazione, sistemi urbani e crescita regionale. Nuovi percorsi di sviluppo oltre la crisi, Cagliari 20 -22September, Analysing resilience in the Local Labour Market Areas (LLMAs): the case of Italy.


ERSA -Vienna 24-27 Agosto-  “Resilience recovery and regional specialization: the case of Italy”; AISRe       XXXVII -Ancona 20-22 settembre-  “Big data e scienze regionali: una relazione ancora inesplorata” & “Resilience, regional industrial specialization and variety”


Marzo: Giornata di studio sulla resilienza organizzata da Barbara Martini e patrocinata dall’Associazione Italiane di Scienze Regionali (AISRe); RSA 2015 -Piacenza, 24-27 maggio- “Social and Economic Resilience”; ERSA Lisbona 25-28 Agosto- “Economic Resilience: Italian Provinces”; AISRe XXXVI -Arcavacata di Rende 14-16 settembre-  “Diversità regionale e resilienza economica: una analisi delle provincie italiane”.


ERSA 2014 Regional Development & Globalization: Best Pactices 54th European Congress of the Regional Science Association International, St. Petersburg 25 -29 August 2014,  “Economic social and environmental resilience: an analysis for the Italians Regions after 2007”; AISRE XXXV Conference Uscire dalla crisi. Città, Comunità e Specializzazioni Intelligenti, Padova 11-13 September  2014,  “Resilienza economica e resilienza sociale: una analisi delle regioni italiane dopo la crisi del 2007”.

Società degli Studi Geografici Terza giornata di studio in geografia economico-politica “oltre la globalizzazione”, Firenze 6 dicembre 2013, “Una analisi degli elementi di resilienza delle regioni italiane dopo la crisi del 2007”;Workshop on “il Mediterraneo: luoghi e paesaggi tra identità locale ed incertezza globale” University of Rome Tor Vergata (Italy);  IV EUGEOCongress Europe, what’s next? Changing geographies and geographies of change, “Social Cohesion, Social Capital  and Regional Disparities: How the Crises Influence the Social Cohesion and the Regional Disparities?” Rome, September 2013.


Organizza, insieme al prof. Di Renzo, e partecipa al convegno interdisciplinare dal titolo: “il ruolo della biodiversità, dell’ambiente e della cultura nello sviluppo sostenibile delle aree rurali” svoltosi presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata intervenendo sul tema: Il concetto di sostenibilità e il turismo sostenibile; Responsabile della sub- truck di EURAM  2012 Territorial Governance.Truck principale: Governance of public and non profit organizations.         


Percorsi creativi di turismo urbano Catania, 22-24 settembre 2011“I tavoli di Governance e la Governance territoriale dei Grandi Attrattori Culturali: il caso della Campania”;  European Academy of Management (EURAM) Annual Conference, Tallin 1-4 giugno 2011 “Governance of Large Cultural Attractions: the Case of Campania”;  ERSA New Challenges for European Regions and Urban Areas in a Globalize World, 51th European Congress of the Regional Science Association International, Barcellona 30 August 3 September 2011 “Cultural Heritage and the governance of the UNESCO sites of Campania”;  XV giornate della Geografia – Geografie d’Italia e d’Europa- 28-30 May 2011, Università di Roma Tor Vergata “Disparità regionali e territorial governance: un nuovo modo di pensare; kich-off meeteng CaDEC (Capitalization and Dissemination on Espon Concepts) Espon Project.


UNICA –Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe-; II giornata della Ricerca Scientifica di Ateneo;


ERSA Territorial Cohesion of Europe & Integrative Planning 49th European Congress of the Regional Science Association International - 25th to 29th of August 2009 - Lodz, Poland, “Sustainable Economic Growth, Development and Social Cohesion: The Lazio Case Study. An Application of STeMA Methodology”; Workshop on: La dimensione economica dell’impresa che fallisce: profili aziendali, giuridici e territoriali”; ESPON meeting: “The Global Economic Crisis, European Regions and Cities”,


XIX  CEA (UK) Annual Conference: China's Three Decades of Economic Reform (1978-2008), Cambridge, April  2008 “China and Italy: is China an opportunity to avoid Italian decline?”;ERSA 2008: Culture, Cohesion and Competitiveness: Regional Perspectives, Liverpool, agosto 2008;


Partecipa al convegno “L’Italia nella competizione tecnologica internazionale” –Roma 16 marzo-   “Risorse interne, risorse esterne e diffusione della conoscenza: un’analisi del settore manifatturiero italiano”


Partecipa al quarto European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics – Utrecht 3-5 giugno -.


Partecipa alla decima International Schumpeter Society Conference sul tema Innovation, Industrial Dynamics and Structural Transformation: Schumpeterian Legacies, -Milano 10-12 giugno-. 



Other academic activities




Roma, July, 2020

Barbara Martini






Insert here the curriculum

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