array(1) { [0]=> object(Apache_Solr_Document)#24 (3) { ["_documentBoost":protected]=> bool(false) ["_fields":protected]=> array(6) { ["content_id"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(14) "DIRECTORY_4662" } ["content_title"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(17) "ANDREA NOVELLETTO" } ["description"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(27218) "



Nato a Roma il 29.7.1957


Laureato in Scienze biologiche (1980) e specializzato in Genetica Medica (1983) con il massimo dei voti.


Dal 1984 al 1998 ricercatore presso l'Università di Roma, «Tor Vergata», SSD E11A, c/o Dipartimento di Biologia.


Dal 1988 professore di II fascia presso l’Universita’ della Calabria, SSD E11A, c/o Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare.


Dal 2001 professore di I fascia presso l’Universita’ della Calabria, SSD BIO/18, c/o Dipartimento di Biologia Cellulare.


Dal 2005 trasferito presso l'Università di Roma, «Tor Vergata», c/o Dipartimento di Biologia.


Ha collaborato a ricerche di:

-Mutagenesi ambientale (1977-79): borsista non laureato presso il Laboratorio di Tossicologia, Istituto Superiore di Sanita';

-Epidemiologia (1981) borsista laureato presso il Laboratorio di Epidemiologia, Istituto Superiore di Sanita';

-Genetica biochimica (1983): studente specializzando;

-Genetica della Conservazione e di specie d'allevamento (2011-presente);

-Genetica dei parassiti eucariotici umani (2017-presente);

-Genetica forense (2015-presente);

-Genetica molecolare umana (1984-presente): in quest’ultimo settore ha sviluppato le seguenti linee di ricerca:


a. Difetti molecolari dei geni globinici, con lavori sulle mutazioni responsabili di alfa- e beta-talassemia nelle popolazioni italiana ed egiziana, svolte presso l'Istituto di Biologia Cellulare del CNR (supervisore prof. L. Felicetti);

b. Identificazione e caratterizzazione di geni responsabili di malattie del S.N.C., con lavori di mappatura genetica della malattia di Huntington e della Atassia Spinocerebellare, caratterizzazione delle mutazioni nei relativi geni, e correlazioni genotipo/fenotipo;

c. Genetica evoluzionistica del cromosoma Y umano e di geni possibilmente soggetti a selezione naturale, con lavori di ricerca di marcatori genetici, filogeografia, e datazione molecolare delle diverse linee evolutive. 


Ha svolto lavoro sul campo di raccolta di campioni e dati epidemiologici per lo svolgimento delle suddette ricerche.


Esperienze all’estero


1987-1996  Massachussetts General Hospital, Neurogenetics Unit, Boston, USA (dir. J.F. Gusella) - visiting researcher;

1990-1991  Al Wasl Pediatric Hospital, Dubai, UAE - allestimento di un laboratorio e trasferimento delle tecnologie per l'utilizzo del DNA in malattie mendeliane dell'eta' pediatrica.

1986-1992  Pediatric Genetic Unit, Mansoura, Egitto - proponente e partecipante di un programma di cooperazione del Ministero Affari Esteri per la diagnosi e prevenzione delle anemie ereditarie.


Partecipazione a programmi di ricerca


2000-2001   Coordinatore di programma nazionale nell'ambito dei progammi CNR -Agenzia 2000


1999-2001   Responsabile del Collaborative Linkage Grant NATO LST.CLG975057 "A population genetic survey in Southern Caucasus"


2002-2004   Responsabile di Unita' operativa Programmi MURST-PRIN 2002


2003-2005   Responsabile di Unita' operativa Programmi MURST-PRIN 2003


2002-2004   Partecipante al programma di cooperazione scientifico-tecnologico Italia- Russia "Una banca del DNA rappresentativa della biodiversita’ genetica umana nella popolazione russa"


2004-2008   Responsabile del Collaborative Linkage Grant NATO PDD(CP)(LST.CLG 980469) "Changes in the nutritional pattern in populations of Eastern Siberia"


2005-2007   Responsabile di Unita' operativa Programmi MURST-PRIN 2005


2007-2009   Responsabile di Unita' operativa Programmi MURST-PRIN 2007


2009-2012   Responsabile di Unita' operativa Programmi MURST-PRIN 2009


2013-       Responsabile di Unita' operativa Programmi MURST-PRIN 2012



Revisore scientifico per le seguenti riviste internazionali:


American Journal of Human Genetics

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

Animal: An International Journal of Animal Bioscience

Annals of Human Biology

Annals of Human Genetics

DNA and Cell Biology

European Journal of Human Genetics

FEBS letters

Forensic Science International

Genome Biology and Evolution

Human Biology

Journal of Neurology


Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

PLoS Genetics


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA

Proc. Roy. Soc. B

Scientific Reports

Theoretical Population Biology


Affiliazioni a Societa' Scientifiche:


Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution


Membro di Collegio dei docenti:


Fino al 2005:

Dottorato in Biopatologia Molecolare, UNICAL

Master di II livello in Biotecnologie, UNICAL

Master di II livello in Museologia naturalistica, UNICAL


Dal 2005:

Dottorato in Biologia evoluzionistica ed Ecologia, Universita' "Tor Vergata"


Membro delle commissioni di esame di Dottorato:


D.Ph, University of Oxford, U.K., 2002

Dottorato in Neuroscienze, U.C.S.C., Roma, 2004

Dottorato in Genetica e Biologia Molecolare, La Sapienza Universita' di Roma, 2013


Membro della commissione ASN2016 SSD BIO/18


Produzione bibliografica al 31.1.2017:


ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1146-7680

Pubblicazioni in Scopus: 138

Totale citazioni: 5700

h-index: 38


Capitoli di libri: 12


Traduzioni e/o revisioni di volumi: 5


Luria, Gould, Singer: Una visione della vita. Zanichelli ed., Bologna

Hartl: Genetica umana. Zanichelli ed., Bologna

Weatherall: La genetica nella pratica clinica. Zanichelli ed., Bologna

Eisenck, Kamin: Intelligenza: la battaglia per la mente. Laterza ed., Bari

Frankham, Ballou, Briscoe: A primer of conservation genetics. Cambridge University press


Comunicazioni a congressi: 162


Attivita' di divulgazione


Fino al 2005:

Promotore e reponsabile dell'UNICAL OPENLAB "Un laboratorio interattivo per lo studio della storia e della realta’ calabrese mediante il DNA", istituito nell'ambito della legge 6/2000 sulla divulgazione scientifica.

Sito web:


Dal 2006 al 2012:

Direttore del Master in Comunicazione della Scienza e della Tecnologia, Universita' "Tor Vergata".


Iniziative finanziate ex l. 6/2000 sulla divulgazione scientifica


2008        Diffusione della biologia della conservazione: un rendiconto scientifico destinato al grande pubblico sul monitoraggio, la genetica e la conservazione delle tartarughe marine


2009        Riduzione della biodiversita' e degli habitat: conseguenze per le specie alimentari, per l'ambiente e per l'uomo




Born Jul. 29, 1957




ORCID Id: 0000-0002-1146-7680



2005-   Full Professor of Genetics (BIO/18), Department of Biology, University "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy


2019-   Coordinator, PhD Program in Evolutionary Biology and Ecology (EBE), University "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy



1983    Ph.D. (cum laude), Medical Genetics, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy

1980    Master degree in Biological Sciences with honors, University “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy



2023    Final evaluator: Ph.D. in Sustainable aquaculture and marine ecosystems, University LasPalmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

2013    Final evaluator: Ph.D. in Genetics and Molecular Biology, University "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy

2007-2010   Director, Master in Science and Technology Dissemination, University "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy

2004    Final evaluator: Ph.D. in Neurosciences, "Sacro Cuore" Catholic University, Rome, Italy

2002    Final evaluator: D.Ph., University of Oxford, U.K.

2005-   Member of the board, Ph.D. program in Molecular Bio-pathology (MBP), University of Calabria

2001-2005   Full Professor of Genetics, Department of Cell Biology, University of Calabria, Italy

1998-2005   Promoter and curator, OPENLAB, University of Calabria, Italy

1998-2001   Associate Professor of Genetics, Department of Cell Biology, University of Calabria, Italy

1987-1996   Visiting researcher, Massachusetts General Hosp., Boston, U.S.A., Molecular genetics of neurodegenerative disorders.

1989-1990   Visiting researcher, Al Wasl Pediatric Hosp., Dubai, U.A.E., Field research on the hemoglobinopathies.

1986-1993   Visiting researcher, Genetics Unit, Mansoura University (Egypt), Field research on the hemoglobinopathies

1984-1998   Ricercatore (Assistant Professor), Department of Biology, University "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy

1983-1984   Research fellow, Inst. Cell Biology of the National Research Council, training in molecular genetics

1982    Military service

1981    Research fellow, Italian Public Health Institute (ISS), training in epidemiology and biostatistics

1977-1979   Research fellow, Italian Public Health Institute (ISS), training in mutagenesis



1977-79MUTAGENESIS. As an undergraduate, AN was junior member of the Environmental Mutagenesis group at the Italian National Inst. of Health (head Prof. Angelo Carere). Aims and Methods: detection of the mutagenic activity and mechanisms of chemicals for weed control, by means of prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems.

1981    EPIDEMIOLOGY. As a graduate, AN was junior member of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology group at the Italian National Inst. of Health (head Prof. Alessandro Menotti). Aims and Methods: evaluation of risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

1982-1993   MOLECULAR GENETICS OF HEMOGLOBIN DISORDERS. As a post-graduate, AN joined the Human Genetics group in the Institute of Cell Biology, CNR (head Prof. L. Felicetti). This line pioneered the use of DNA technologies for investigating the population genetics of hemoglobin disorders in Italy. As a PI in University Tor Vergata, AN was the proponent of International cooperation projects for the implementation of DNA-based diagnostic labs in countries with high prevalence of these disorders. This entailed frequent exchanges with Egypt (Mansoura University) and the UAE (Al Wasl Pediatric Hospital, Dubai), where AN acted as planner of the labs and instructor for the personnel to commence such activities.

1990-2004   MOLECULAR GENETICS OF HUMAN CNS DISORDERS. AN initiated an Italian center for the analysis of genetic linkage between 4p DNA markers and Huntington disease. He then joined the Neurogenetics Unit, MGH, Boston USA (head Prof. JF Gusella) as part of a multicenter collaboration for the mapping of the gene responsible of the disease, understanding of genotype/phenotype correlations and development of DNA-based pre-symptomatic testing.

2011-   EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS OF DOMESTICATED SPECIES: MITOCHONDRIAL DNA DIVERSITY IN GOAT BREEDS AND ITS FUNCTIONAL SIGNIFICANCE. As a PI, AN initiated this line, considering the goat (the first domesticated dairy species) as a reporter of human movements across the Mediterranean, and aimed at searching for the genetic legacy of ancient breeds brought by ancient migrants to Mediterranean Islands, in collaboration with the Institute of Population Genetics, CNR, Italy (head Dr. Mario Pirastu).

2005-   EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS OF ENDANGERED SPECIES: MITOCHONDRIAL DNA DIVERSITY IN MARINE TURTLES AND ITS ADAPTIVE SIGNIFICANCE, PHYLOGEOGRAPHY. As a PI in the Genetics Laboratory, University of Calabria, AN was the proponent of the genetic characterization of the sole breeding colony of loggerhead turtles in Italy, discovered by colleagues (Prof. Toni Mingozzi) on the Calabrian beaches. This line later evolved in the investigation of patterns of migration throughout the Mediterranean by genetic means.

2012- EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS OF PROTOZOAN PATHOGENS: DIVERSITY AND PHYLOGENY OF POTENTIALLY PATHOGENIC WATER- AND FOOD-BORNE PROTOZOANS. Use of genetic markers for environmental monitoring and to track the dispersal routes.  

1984-   HUMAN EVOLUTIONARY GENETICS: POPULATION GENETICS, PHYLOGEOGRAPHY, MOLECULAR EVOLUTION OF UNIPARENTAL PORTIONS OF THE GENOME, GENETIC DATING, GENOMIC DETERMINANTS OF MUTATIONAL PATTERN. Human population genetics has been the focal scientific interest of AN. This line grew from the first identification of polymorphic Y-chromosome DNA markers to the pioneering application of methods to apportion genetic diversity and the introduction of geo-spatial methods. With the advent of methods for DNA-sequence data, this line shifted from a frequentist to a molecular phylogeny approach. Ad-hoc investigations were devoted to markers associated with relevant phenotypes and of forensic use. Assembling the materials from relevant populations was accomplished by extensive collaboration and travels to foreign countries (Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Egypt,  Greece, Romania, Russia, Slovak Rep., Spain, Turkey, U.K.).



140 documents in Scopus

Total cites: 5900 (Scopus)

H-index: 38 (Scopus)

Book Chapters: 14

Contributions to Congresses: 162



2017    P.I., Local coordinator, Italian Zoo-Prophylaxis Institutes project IZS LT 02/17 RC "Genotyping Blastocystis sp. isolates from wild and domestic swine to understand zoonotic transmission"

2018 P.I., CINECA-ISCRA project HP10CT6QNT for supercomputing time-machine: " Genotyping of Blastocystis sp. isolates from domestic and wild swine and their relation with the microbiome".

2016    P.I., CINECA-ISCRA project HP10CRKBBV for supercomputing time-machine: " Assaying the robustness of variant calling in phylogenies assembled from different resequencing studies: the case of human HgJ".

2015    P.I., CINECA-ISCRA project HP10C4FDZJ for supercomputing time-machine: " Timing and modes of geographic and demographic expansions by using highly resolved (calibrated) molecular phylogenies".

2012-2016   P.I., Local coordinator, MURST-PRIN Programme 2012: " Human genetic prehistory: times and modes of geographic and demographic expansions by using highly resolved (calibrated) molecular phylogenies".

2009-2010   P.I., Local coordinator, MURST-PRIN Programme 2009: " The impact of glacial refugia in the (re)peopling of Europe: clues from human Y chromosome haplogroups R1a1 and I".

2009    P.I., Dissemination grant on “Reduction of biodiversity: consequences for food resources, the environment and the human species”. Ital. Ministry of Public Education

2008    P.I., Dissemination grant on “Disseminating conservation biology: a scientific account for the public on the monitoring, genetics and conservation of marine turtles”. Ital. Ministry of Public Education

2007    Director of Master Program, COTEC Foundation ad-hoc grant

2007-2009   P.I., Local coordinator, MURST-PRIN Programme 2007: " The peopling of the European continent as revealed by Y chromosome variation: inputs from Northern Asia and the Caucasus".

2005-2007   P.I., Local coordinator, MURST-PRIN Programme 2005: " Refinement the Y-chromosome phylogeny as an improved tool for disease association studies: molecular dissection of haplogroups G-J".

2004    P.I., Dissemination grant: “Crosstalk between the scientific community and higher schools: e-learning from the OPENLAB for students and teachers of higher schools”. Ital. Ministry of Public Education

2003    Dissemination grant: “An interactive laboratory (OPENLAB) for the study of Calabrian history and society through DNA analysis”. Ital. Ministry of Public Education

2003-2005   P.I., Local coordinator, MURST-PRIN Programme 2003: "The genetic roots of modern Italy: history and geography of Y chromosomal haplogroup I".

2002-2004   P.I., Local coordinator, MURST-PRIN Programme 2002: "Origin and dispersal of Y chromosomal haplogroup R1".

2002-2004   Participant, Italian-Russian Inter-governmental technology agreement "A DNA bank representative of human genetic biodiversity in the Russian population"

2004-2005   P.I., NATO country Coordinator, Linkage Grant NATO PDD(CP)(LST.CLG 980469) "Changes in the nutritional pattern in populations of Eastern Siberia"

2000-2001   P.I., Italian National Coordinator, CNR programme -Agenzia 2000: "Multiplicity of Mediterranean inputs in the formation of Italian regional gene pools".

1999-2001   P.I., NATO country Coordinator, Collaborative Linkage Grant NATO LST.CLG975057 "A population genetic survey in Southern Caucasus"



AN conceptualized, designed and realized a Center for allowing laboratory experience to upper-school students (OPENLAB-UNICAL). During one-day full immersion visits, the students were given classes on the theoretical grounds and the access to practical experiments that  produced data on the composition of the Calabrian population in terms of genetic heritage. The initiative received granting from both local (University and Regione Calabria) and national (MIUR) institutions, received much attention in the local media and enthusiastic attendance by school managers, teachers and students. The initiative was an important training ground for undergrads and PhD students.

AN designed and organized the didactic plan of the Master in Science and Technology Dissemination. This involved the coordination of three components in the teaching staff, i.e. University Faculty members in Maths, Physics, Chemistry and LS, researchers and managers in the public and private research community and high-innovation-content industry, and journalist, reporters and film-makers. This represented a unique opportunity for a truly interdisciplinary exchange of information, approaches, opinions and points of view. 100% of the students found employment after the Master. The initiative was granted by the COTEC Foundation ( and Regione Lazio.




Czech Science Foundation

Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain

The Israel Science Foundation, Israel

The Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO), Belgium

The Royal Society, U.K.



American Journal of Human Genetics

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

Animal: An International Journal of Animal Bioscience

Annals of Human Biology

Annals of Human Genetics

DNA and Cell Biology

European Journal of Human Genetics

FEBS letters

Forensic Science International

Genome Biology and Evolution

Human Biology

Journal of Neurology

Microbial Pathogenesis


Molecular Biology Reports

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution


Proc Natl Acad Sci USA

Proc Roy Soc B

Scientific Reports

Theoretical Population Biology



Andrea Finocchio: Ph.D. program in EBE, 2017. The genetic legacy of ancient migrants to Southern Italy as revealed by high-throughput sequencing of the Y chromosome and genotyping

Giovanna Bellucci: Ph.D. program in EBE, 2012. Gene flow in human North-East European populations: the Y chromosome perspective

Luisa Garofalo: Ph.D. program in EBE, 2010. The genetics of the loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) in Italy: from scientific data to public knowledge

Tamara Benincasa: Ph.D. program in MBP, 2008. Population genetics of the AKR7A2 gene in humans

Ofelia Leone: Ph.D. program in MBP, 2007. Analysis of C538T polymorphism of the SSADH gene in humans: functional and evolutionary aspects

Fabio Di Giacomo: Ph.D. program in EBE, 2005 Analysis of two Y-chromosome evolutionary lineages in Western Eurasia

Francesca Luca: Ph.D. program in MBP, 2005. Population genomics for describing recent evolution in humans: inferences based on NAT2 gene and Y chromosome variation



Frankham, Ballou, Briscoe: A primer of conservation genetics. Zanichelli ed., Bologna

Luria, Gould, Singer: A view of life. Zanichelli ed., Bologna

Hartl: Human genetics. Zanichelli ed., Bologna

Weatherall: The new genetics and clinical practice. Zanichelli ed., Bologna

Eisenck, Kamin: Intelligence: a battle for the mind. Laterza ed., Bari



2016-2018   Member of the National Board for Professorship Authorization (ASN) in Genetics

2010-2013   Italian Ministry of Justice Head Consultant for the implementation of the National DNA bank

2014  Invited Speaker - 30th Meeting of the W. Hennig Soc.

2011  Invited Speaker - Institute of Population Genetics, CNR, Sassari, Italy

2010  Invited Teacher - Rome Zoo Course on inbreeding

2009  Invited Teacher - Higher course on Museology and Science Dissemination, Cagliari, Italy

2009  Invited Speaker - University of Rome "La Sapienza" - 150th Anniversary of the "Origin of the Species"

2009  Invited Speaker - 51st Symp. Society for the Study of Human Biology

2008  Invited Speaker - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

2008  Invited Speaker - University of Ljubljana, Slovenja

2007  Invited Speaker - University of Viterbo

2007  Invited Speaker - University of Padua

2007  Invited Speaker - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei

2006  Invited Speaker - SBME Congress, Tempe, Arizona, USA

2006  Invited Speaker - Natl. Inst. of Health, Italy

2005  Invited Speaker - Natl. Inst. of Health, Italy

2005  Invited Speaker - 14th SEAF Congress, Murcia, Spain

2003  Invited Speaker - Natl. Soc. Infant and Adolescent Neuropsychiatry

2003  Invited Speaker - University of Genoa

2003  Invited Speaker - University of Bucharest, Romania



Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution

Italian Society for Evolutionary Biology

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