array(1) { [0]=> object(Apache_Solr_Document)#24 (3) { ["_documentBoost":protected]=> bool(false) ["_fields":protected]=> array(6) { ["content_id"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(14) "DIRECTORY_5691" } ["content_title"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(19) "ALESSIO CECCHERELLI" } ["description"]=> array(1) { [0]=> string(65417) "


Sono ricercatore in Sociologia dei processi culturali e comunicativi all’Università di Roma Tor Vergata, dove insegno Sociologia dell’educazione e Il digitale nella comunicazione del patrimonio culturale italiano. Mi occupo di media, narrazioni e immaginario, con una particolare attenzione ai modi in cui l’immaginario assorbe, rielabora e restituisce le informazioni che provengono dalla continua trasformazione sociale.

Predispongo e gestisco ambienti di apprendimento online nell’ambito della formazione universitaria e professionale (scuole, Pubblica Amministrazione, associazioni e terzo settore), dalla progettazione del percorso di apprendimento, alla consulenza sugli approcci metodologici, alla gestione dell'intero processo formativo. 







Master in E-Learning Management. Gestione dell'apprendimento in rete per l'educazione, l'e-government imprese e le professioni.

Livello 7 QEQ

Università “Carlo Bo”, Urbino (Italia) 

Gestione dei processi relativi all’e-learning, amministrazione di una piattaforma didattica Voto: 110 su 110



Dottorato di ricerca in Sociologia della comunicazione e Scienze dello spettacolo (XVIII ciclo)

Livello 8 QEQ

Università degli studi "Carlo Bo", Urbino (Italia) 



Laurea in Lettere

Livello 7 QEQ

Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Roma (Italia) 

Voto: 110 /110 con lode



Lingue straniere

inglese B2

francese C1

Livelli: A1 e A2: Utente base - B1 e B2: Utente autonomo - C1 e C2: Utente avanzato

Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento delle Lingue


Competenze comunicative

Ottime competenze comunicative acquisite durante gli anni di insegnamento universitario, di partecipazione a congressi e conferenze, e nelle partnership di progetto.


Competenze organizzative e gestionali


Competenze professionali

Nella collaborazione con colleghi universitari, nella partecipazione a progetti di ricerca italiani ed europei, e nelle attività professionali di consulenza, ho sviluppato competenze di team working, di problem solving, di flessibilità, resistenza allo stress, capacità organizzativa e comunicativa. 








Saggi e articoli in volume


Saggi e articoli in rivista




Appartenenza a gruppi / associazioni

Sono socio fondatore della Società Cooperativa SocialHub, che si occupa di Ricerca, Formazione, Valutazione e Comunicazione. Partecipo in qualità di formatore e consulente. La gestione digitale (website e piattaforma didattica) è a mio carico.

Collaboro o ho collaborato con altri soggetti svolgendo la funzione di consulente, formatore e/o gestore dell’ambiente online: Associazione Oasi Sociale di Roma, Fondazione di Vittorio di Roma, Centro Italiano Opere Femminili Salesiane Formazione Professionale (CIOFS-FP) di Roma, Centro Servizi del Volontariato della Toscana, Forum Terzo Settore, Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla (AISM), Associazione Volontari Italiani Sangue (AVIS) Toscana.

Faccio parte dei seguenti comitati editoriali:

Sono reviewer per la rivista Jelk-s. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society

Dal 2009 sono Committee member della International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies (GET)


Progetti di innovazione, ricerca e formazione


I am a researcher in Sociology of Cultural and Communicative Processes at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, where I teach Sociology of Education and The Digital in the Communication of Italian Cultural Heritage. I deal with media, narratives and the imaginary, with a particular focus on the ways in which the imaginary absorbs, re-elaborates and returns the information that comes from continuous social transformation. I design and manage online learning environments in the field of university and professional training (schools, public administration, associations and the third sector), from designing the learning path, to consulting on methodological approaches, to managing the entire training process. 




Research fellow

University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy) 

The grant funded a research project entitled: Active teaching in school classes. Survey on the integration of interactive whiteboard and online tools among teachers and students of the School of Distance Education (IaD School) of the University of Rome Tor Vergata



Temporary researcher

University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy) 

Teaching and research activities. Participation in national and international projects. Management and coordination of educational platforms used at the IaD School.



Research fellow

University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy) 

The grant funded a research project entitled: Didactics and ICT.




Organisational support and tutoring

Sudgest SCaRL (Gruppo Formez), Rome (Italy) 

Assignment for the "AGEA Training System Project", addressed to the employees of the Agency for Agricultural Supplies. Activities carried out:

? Organizational support for tutoring activities in presence and online

? Support for training delivery actions




Lecturer of Educational Technologies and Teamwork methodologies

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Post-diploma course Professional socio-pedagogic educator



Lecturer of Educational Technologies

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Post-graduate course for teaching 



Lecturer of Digital storytelling, Transmedia and play game for social communication, Media education

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

1-year Master course in Social communication



Lecturer of Storytelling theory and technics

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

1-year Master course in Social farming



Lecturer of General Didactics

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Bachelor of Science in Education and Training Sciences



Lecturer of Technologies, and Online learning environments

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

1-year Master course in Educational Sciences and Technologies



Lecturer of Edutainment, Serious Games and Teachware: new educational scenarios

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

1-year Master course in Italian language and culture for foreigners



Lecturer of Experimental Pedagogy

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Master's degree course in Sciences of Health Professions Diagnostic Techniques



Lecturer of Training methodologies and technologies: School theory and experimentation

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Active Internship for Teachers



Lecturer of Training methods and technologies and educational technology laboratory

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Special Enabling Course for Teachers



Lecturer of Training methodologies and technologies: Theoretical research and school experimentation

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Active Internship for Teachers



Lecturer of Didactics and special pedagogy

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Bachelor of Science in Motor Sciences



Lecturer of Pedagogical principles of Technology Enhanced Learning

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Master's degree course in Theory and design of new media



Tutor and collaboration in teaching within the teaching of Sociology of cultural and communicative processes

University of Cagliari 

Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences

ssd SPS/08



Lecturer of Online trainer

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Master of Science in Pedagogical Sciences



Lecturer of Fundamentals of e-learning in the humanistic area

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Master of Science in Textbook Sciences



Lecturer of Sociology of cultural and communicative processes

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Bachelor of Science in Vocational Education



Lecturer of Publishing

University of Rome Tor Vergata 

Master's degree in Publishing and Journalism






Master in E-Learning Management. Networked learning management for education, e-government enterprises and professions.

EQF level 7

University “Carlo Bo”, Urbino (Italy) 

Management of e-learning processes, administration of an educational platform. Rating: 110 out of 110



PhD in Sociology of Communication and Performing Arts (18th cycle)

EQF level 8

University "Carlo Bo", Urbino (Italy) 



Bachelor of Science in Literature

EQF level 7

University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy) 

Rating: 110 /110 cum laude



English B2

French C1


Communication skills

Excellent communication skills acquired during the years of university teaching, participation in conferences and congresses, and in project partnerships.


Organisational / managerial skills


Job-related skills

Over the years of working with university colleagues and in professional consulting activities, I have developed team working skills, problem solving, flexibility, resistance to stress, organizational and communication skills.










Essays and articles in volume


Essays and articles in Journals





I am a founding member of the SocialHub Cooperative, which deals with Research, Training, Evaluation and Communication. I participate as a trainer and consultant. The digital management (website and educational platform) is my responsibility.

I collaborate or have collaborated with other subjects carrying out the function of consultant, trainer and/or manager of the online environment: Associazione Oasi Sociale di Roma, Fondazione di Vittorio di Roma, Centro Italiano Opere Femminili Salesiane Formazione Professionale (CIOFS-FP) di Roma, Centro Servizi del Volontariato della Toscana, Forum Terzo Settore, Associazione Italiana Sclerosi Multipla (AISM), Associazione Volontari Italiani Sangue (AVIS) Toscana.

I am a member of the following editorial committees:

Collana Media Heritage per Aracne Editrice

Scuola IaD. Modelli, Politiche R&T Magazine

I'm a reviewer for Jelk-s magazine. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society

Since 2009 I have been a Committee member of the International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies (GET).


Innovation, research and training projects


Mother tongue(s): Italian

Foreign language(s): English, French 

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