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Roberto Verzicco e' professore ordinario in Fluidodinamica presso l'Università di Roma `Tor Vergata' nel Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale. Ha svolto ricerche sia nella fluidodinamica numerica che in quella sperimentale pubblicando dal 1993 ad oggi oltre 70 lavori su riviste internazionali di cui 3 articoli di review scritti su invito in aggiunta ad oltre 70 tra riviste nazionali, proceedings e review di libri. La sua atività di ricerca si è concentrata maggiormente sulla simulazione diretta di flussi turbolenti, turbolenza convettiva, flussi geofisici e biofluidodinamica. Ha lavorato anche nella simulazione numerica di flussi industriali con tecniche di Large-Eddy-Simulation collaborando con varie industrie americane ed italiane.

Roberto Verzicco is full professor in Fluid dynamics at the University of Roma `Tor Vergata' in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. He is doing research in the fields of experimental and numerical fluid dynamics and from 1993 he has published more than 70 papers in international journals 3 of which are review solicited papers in addition to more than 70 papers in national journals, proceedings and book reviews. He his involved, in particular, in the direct simulation of turbulent flows, convective turbulence, geophysical flows and bio-fluid mechanics. He has investigated also complex three-dimensional flows of industrial interest using the Large-Eddy-Simulation technique and he has collaborated with american and italian industries. He is presently collaborating with the Eindhoven Technical University (Prof. G.J.F. vanHeijst), Politechnic of Zurich ETHZ (Prof. P. Komoutsakos), Politechnic University of Madrid (Prof. J. Jimenez) and the Center for Turbulence Research (Prof. P. Moin) and International Centre of Theoretical Physics (Prof. K.R. Sreenivasan).

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